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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK votes to leave


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Here's a brief summary of what happened in the immediate aftermath of the EU Referendum result:

? Stock markets crashed causing the UK economy to lose approximately £255 billion, equivalent to 40 years of EU contributions. £122 billion was wiped off the FTSE 100 within minutes and the FTSE 250 dropped a record 11.4%, which is even worse than the Black Monday crash of 1987. Some countries, such as Japan, suspended trading temporarily. Most of these markets are already recovering but irreversible damage has been done.

? Pound sterling fell a record 10% versus the dollar to its lowest level in more than 30 years, before US markets had even opened for trading. The UK is officially no longer the world's fifth largest economy, after being overtaken by France. Experts are predicting we'll lose our triple A credit rating, the one we supposedly endured years of government austerity cuts to keep. British tourists abroad are already having trouble exchanging money.

? David Cameron resigned and confirmed a new leader would negotiate the UK's exit from the EU. The next Prime Minister will be chosen by a vote of 150,000 Conservative Party members in October, meaning the person responsible for governing the country and dealing with its exit from the EU will not have been elected by the British public. Nigel Farage is already backtracking on the Vote Leave campaign's promise to fund £350m into the NHS.

?? Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced plans for a second independence referendum and Sinn Fein called for a referendum on a united Ireland after both countries voted to remain members of the EU, which could result in a permanent dismantling of the United Kingdom. Spain is also proposing shared sovereignty over Gibraltar so that it too can remain a member of the EU.

All of this and Article 50 still hasn't been triggered yet.

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Why is that people cannot accept that the people have spoken. When was the last time in a general election that any party got more than 50% of the vote ?

The PM said that a majority is a majority, can we just move on things are not going to change, the majority of the people want to leave the EU that was what the vote was about.

What happens now is decide on our plans and new direction, then everyone needs to get behind the country, get the markets and the £ back.

I have never known so many bad losers and people clutching at straws.

At the last UK general election in 2015 the conservatives got a maximum of 36.9% of the vote and the Labour party who came second got 30.4% a difference of some 6.5%.

People accepted that as OK.


Yet when the Brexit voters gained an overall majority (51.8%) many posters said that was not good enough and another referendum should be taken.

The Brexit voters gained an OVERALL majority but some posters are still whining about losing and try to put a spin on it by saying that if you ignore the Scottish vote it would be different. So what?

51.8% of the vote IS a democratic majority.

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Even as the result of the referendum has had an impact as if already a fait accompli it is the signal for a devolution in global assignations politically and economically.

It is now that despite decades of artificially propping up economic systems that the Corporates will stumble as increasingly the assumed international stability will fractionated by resumption of independance.

But even before that evenuates it will precipitate reaction of catastrophic accelerative consequense.

Tighten your belts!

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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

When was the last time Britain was great? The Empire? Faintly remember Rhodesia being handed over. The past is long gone for "Great" Britain.

And now it's time for Australia to get Britain out of its flag and Britain's monarch off its coins.

But the majority of us want to keep the Queen & the Union Jack on our flag as past referenda have shown.

Do you want force the majority to your will?

Wouldn't you call that undemocratic?

The majority of who? British or Australian? Most Australians want a flag change, providing it's a dynamic universally popular flag (example: Canada's iconic 'maple leaf' flag) and not some tired colonial relic, and at a rough estimate the queen of England will pass on sometime in the next 5-15 years, you reckon modern Australians will want Prince Charlie as Australian head of state after his mum dies? Australians are slow but even slow eventually gets to the finish line.

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This is a victory for ignorance and stupidity on a scale rarely seen. It will take decades to recover from the economic damage. The young people of Britain, who voted overwhelmingly to remain, will be paying for this for most of their working lives.

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Here's a brief summary of what happened in the immediate aftermath of the EU Referendum result:

? Stock markets crashed causing the UK economy to lose approximately £255 billion, equivalent to 40 years of EU contributions. £122 billion was wiped off the FTSE 100 within minutes and the FTSE 250 dropped a record 11.4%, which is even worse than the Black Monday crash of 1987. Some countries, such as Japan, suspended trading temporarily. Most of these markets are already recovering but irreversible damage has been done.

? Pound sterling fell a record 10% versus the dollar to its lowest level in more than 30 years, before US markets had even opened for trading. The UK is officially no longer the world's fifth largest economy, after being overtaken by France. Experts are predicting we'll lose our triple A credit rating, the one we supposedly endured years of government austerity cuts to keep. British tourists abroad are already having trouble exchanging money.

? David Cameron resigned and confirmed a new leader would negotiate the UK's exit from the EU. The next Prime Minister will be chosen by a vote of 150,000 Conservative Party members in October, meaning the person responsible for governing the country and dealing with its exit from the EU will not have been elected by the British public. Nigel Farage is already backtracking on the Vote Leave campaign's promise to fund £350m into the NHS.

?? Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced plans for a second independence referendum and Sinn Fein called for a referendum on a united Ireland after both countries voted to remain members of the EU, which could result in a permanent dismantling of the United Kingdom. Spain is also proposing shared sovereignty over Gibraltar so that it too can remain a member of the EU.

All of this and Article 50 still hasn't been triggered yet.

One thing I saw this afternoon Thailand, morning UK, was that the new conservative leader would only be elected by mp's. this was an interview with a few mp's outside Westminster. The NI thing is very dangerous, a possible return to sectarian violence. I'm Welsh, British, and grew up seeing some of our sons dying trying to keep the peace between the factions in NI and I don't want it to go back to that. The royalists won't allow any discussions of re-unification so for me the only alternative is for NI to become a totally independent country as if Scotland left the union.
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Pound down 7.39%

FTSE down 3.1%

UK 10 year bonds 1.08%

World share markets crashing and you all think this is good?

Not good for ex pats living in LOS...................Oh yes but it's good for Britain.

The markets are hardly crashing, the took a bit of a dive which was to be expected on this result

Seems the sky is falling, scaremongering "remainers" will not give up will they?

Edited by Bunnychow
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Pound down 7.39%

FTSE down 3.1%

UK 10 year bonds 1.08%

World share markets crashing and you all think this is good?

Not good for ex pats living in LOS...................Oh yes but it's good for Britain.

The markets are hardly crashing, the took a bit of a dive which was to be expected on this result

Storm in a teacup, considering.

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Pound down 7.39%

FTSE down 3.1%

UK 10 year bonds 1.08%

World share markets crashing and you all think this is good?

Not good for ex pats living in LOS...................Oh yes but it's good for Britain.

The markets are hardly crashing, the took a bit of a dive which was to be expected on this result

Storm in a teacup, considering.

Agreed.. i have been quite suprised, the markets didnt dip as much as i thought they would...

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Pound down 7.39%

FTSE down 3.1%

UK 10 year bonds 1.08%

World share markets crashing and you all think this is good?

Not good for ex pats living in LOS...................Oh yes but it's good for Britain.

The markets are hardly crashing, the took a bit of a dive which was to be expected on this result

Storm in a teacup, considering.

Reminds me of being in infants school and the story of Chicken Licken and she thought the sky had fallen when an acorn fell on her head ...........
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Germany become a leader in EU and her diktat to push suicide for EU member states with this uncontrolled immigration is a criminal act. Islamisation is dangerous to all Greco-Roman cultural tradition. Many countries suffers this influx of terrorism and the promise of Sharia law. Berlin and Bruxcel is indifferent to logic and pushing this multicultural leftist agenda. They even have a law of invading by armies countries which do not agree with EU diktat. This so called democracy is just a demagogue dictatorship under the leadership of Germany. If this continue, EU members countries become Muslim. What then? You shoot those responsible? Too late. All not Muslim will be killed. End of story. There is a shortage of labor in EU? Bring Christians from all over the world. They will assimilate.

This Brexit was just as much political as economic vote. More countries could go for it in the future, if forced to accept German diktat on their knees. Germany is building strength without war and this is why they push this crazy ideas, which heart them as well. Angela Merkel was a communist and work for them as a youth leader. The leftists are always pushing these sociopathological ideas with no respect of population. This dictatorship will and in UK now.


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This statementis false

The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete."

What happens now is at the UK's own pace. Firstly article 50 of the EU treaty had to be enacted by the UK this can be done whenever the UK decides to do so this then gives a 24 month (2 years) process to disentangle all UK dealings with EU.

I suspect it will be up to 6 months before article 50 is enacted as a lot of back room negotiates will now start with UK and other EU Goverments. Regarding trade ect ect. As usual press jump to wrong conclusions and try to panic people. As for the £drop in value was to be expected don't panic it will return.

Bet you didn't know that EU exit now gives Scotland the right to a second referendum which they have stated that they intend to have and will almost certainly want to break away from the uk "land of hope and glory" it all bloody well gone wake up idiots it's now a 3rd world country we aint got no empire it's over capish

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This statementis false

The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete."

What happens now is at the UK's own pace. Firstly article 50 of the EU treaty had to be enacted by the UK this can be done whenever the UK decides to do so this then gives a 24 month (2 years) process to disentangle all UK dealings with EU.

I suspect it will be up to 6 months before article 50 is enacted as a lot of back room negotiates will now start with UK and other EU Goverments. Regarding trade ect ect. As usual press jump to wrong conclusions and try to panic people. As for the £drop in value was to be expected don't panic it will return.

Bet you didn't know that EU exit now gives Scotland the right to a second referendum which they have stated that they intend to have and will almost certainly want to break away from the uk "land of hope and glory" it all bloody well gone wake up idiots it's now a 3rd world country we aint got no empire it's over capish

no I watched the interview with the Scottish 1st minister and it's not a given, she's requesting it. also if you watched the news there were so many people in Scotland who are fed up with the push for independence and they might lose again.

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Does this mean all you grumpy brit expats will go home now? No more russians, eu leachera etc. Yay for gb now leave here this evil bad country you despise and go home!

No. it means all those grumpy Brits will go up to far cheaper Nong Khai and join the other grumpy Brits there..twenty grumpy Brits in a Nong Khai bar asking for the music to be turned down (and classic Brit acts like the Smiths. Beatles, Clash, Bowie etc. no less), what a sight that should be.

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Pound down 7.39%

FTSE down 3.1%

UK 10 year bonds 1.08%

World share markets crashing and you all think this is good?

Not good for ex pats living in LOS...................Oh yes but it's good for Britain.

The markets are hardly crashing, the took a bit of a dive which was to be expected on this result

Storm in a teacup, considering.

Reminds me of being in infants school and the story of Chicken Licken and she thought the sky had fallen when an acorn fell on her head ...........


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This statementis false

The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete."

What happens now is at the UK's own pace. Firstly article 50 of the EU treaty had to be enacted by the UK this can be done whenever the UK decides to do so this then gives a 24 month (2 years) process to disentangle all UK dealings with EU.

I suspect it will be up to 6 months before article 50 is enacted as a lot of back room negotiates will now start with UK and other EU Goverments. Regarding trade ect ect. As usual press jump to wrong conclusions and try to panic people. As for the £drop in value was to be expected don't panic it will return.

Bet you didn't know that EU exit now gives Scotland the right to a second referendum which they have stated that they intend to have and will almost certainly want to break away from the uk "land of hope and glory" it all bloody well gone wake up idiots it's now a 3rd world country we aint got no empire it's over capish

no I watched the interview with the Scottish 1st minister and it's not a given, she's requesting it. also if you watched the news there were so many people in Scotland who are fed up with the push for independence and they might lose again.

There is truth in this. After all, there was a referendum barely a year ago. They knew an EU referendum was coming up, it was up to Scottish voters to factor that in.

I would also say that all the UK has to have a say. My guess is that over half of rest of UK would now be glad to see the back of them. In order to avoid the fiasco that we've had with this EU referendum, I would say it is reasonable to stipulate that 60% must be in agreement. 52/48 is no result at all for something so important.

Edited by mommysboy
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No surprise...both the vote and it's approval here on TV. Always considered the British to be the EU's version of America's Deep South. Obviously, the vote was driven by the "Rule Britannia" crowd who still believe their BS about their heroic, isolated, defiant stand against the evil Hun....failing to recognize it was American money and international lives (mostly Russian) that kept them from capitulating to the Nazis.

Call me an idealist, but the only hope we have to finally end the human race's disgusting 10,000 year-history of hatred, war, murder, intolerance, bigotry, xenophobia, genocide and tribal barbaric nationalism, is to move away from division, competition and isolation toward amalgamation, cooperation, and mutual understanding.

To hell with the flag-waving, chest thumping tribal retrogrades here who will ensure that our kids of the future will either melt in nuclear exchanges, or again be fodder to sooth future hatreds in future wars.

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This statementis false

The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete."

What happens now is at the UK's own pace. Firstly article 50 of the EU treaty had to be enacted by the UK this can be done whenever the UK decides to do so this then gives a 24 month (2 years) process to disentangle all UK dealings with EU.

I suspect it will be up to 6 months before article 50 is enacted as a lot of back room negotiates will now start with UK and other EU Goverments. Regarding trade ect ect. As usual press jump to wrong conclusions and try to panic people. As for the £drop in value was to be expected don't panic it will return.

Bet you didn't know that EU exit now gives Scotland the right to a second referendum which they have stated that they intend to have and will almost certainly want to break away from the uk "land of hope and glory" it all bloody well gone wake up idiots it's now a 3rd world country we aint got no empire it's over capish

no I watched the interview with the Scottish 1st minister and it's not a given, she's requesting it. also if you watched the news there were so many people in Scotland who are fed up with the push for independence and they might lose again.

There is truth in this. After all, there was a referendum barely a year ago. They knew an EU referendum was coming up, it was up to Scottish voters to factor that in.

I would also say that all the UK has to have a say. My guess is that over half of rest of UK would now be glad to see the back of them. In order to avoid the fiasco that we've had with this EU referendum, I would say it is reasonable to stipulate that 60% must be in agreement. 52/48 is no result at all for something so important.

Agreed, if Scotland wants another referendum and they lose can the rest of the UK vote to kick them out of the union?. How are they be allowed to vote against the union when we (I can't non resident), be not allowed to vote about making them leave the union. You can't have it both ways.

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This statementis false

The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete."

What happens now is at the UK's own pace. Firstly article 50 of the EU treaty had to be enacted by the UK this can be done whenever the UK decides to do so this then gives a 24 month (2 years) process to disentangle all UK dealings with EU.

I suspect it will be up to 6 months before article 50 is enacted as a lot of back room negotiates will now start with UK and other EU Goverments. Regarding trade ect ect. As usual press jump to wrong conclusions and try to panic people. As for the £drop in value was to be expected don't panic it will return.

Bet you didn't know that EU exit now gives Scotland the right to a second referendum which they have stated that they intend to have and will almost certainly want to break away from the uk "land of hope and glory" it all bloody well gone wake up idiots it's now a 3rd world country we aint got no empire it's over capish

If Scotland wants another vote let them, if they vote out the UK let them go, an idependent Scotland will not survive without another nipple to suck on to provide the finances, thats why the vast majority voted remain, as without Brussels giving them cash, as opposed to the city London, Scottish independence will fail

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No surprise...both the vote and it's approval here on TV. Always considered the British to be the EU's version of America's Deep South. Obviously, the vote was driven by the "Rule Britannia" crowd who still believe their BS about their heroic, isolated, defiant stand against the evil Hun....failing to recognize it was American money and international lives (mostly Russian) that kept them from capitulating to the Nazis.

Call me an idealist, but the only hope we have to finally end the human race's disgusting 10,000 year-history of hatred, war, murder, intolerance, bigotry, xenophobia, genocide and tribal barbaric nationalism, is to move away from division, competition and isolation toward amalgamation, cooperation, and mutual understanding.

To hell with the flag-waving, chest thumping tribal retrogrades here who will ensure that our kids of the future will either melt in nuclear exchanges, or again be fodder to sooth future hatreds in future wars.

You have got this 100% wrong, the vote ended up being about supporting the wealthiest and keeping them rich instead of maybe becoming poor and looking after the poorest people in the UK. This is what people like you don't understand, the poor people had nothing to lose. Worse or even more worse.? There have been people mentioning WWII and everything but it's not about that, I'm listening to the news and still the rich, reporters are slagging off the ordinary people. These people won't be able to walk the streets soon, they lost shut up otherwise rich people in the UK are going to be attacked in the streets or is that what you reporters want to make good tv and keep you in you jobs?

Britain gave up it's empire for Europe to be free, British people died for Europe to be free. The truths are it wouldn't have been won without Russia helping and probably winning the war by their lives and also without the industrial help of the US but for denigrating what Britain did is disgusting. If Britain hadn't stood the US wouldn't have helped the war in Europe. FKN idiots like you need to read more history.

Edited by sandrabbit
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bye bye the pound

oh yeah, as if.

Exactly. Expect the Quid to be the plaything of choice for the forex speculators as it rides a roller coaster for the next few weeks, until they get bored of it and move on to another five minute wonder.

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This is a victory for ignorance and stupidity on a scale rarely seen. It will take decades to recover from the economic damage. The young people of Britain, who voted overwhelmingly to remain, will be paying for this for most of their working lives.

Spare a thought for the young people of Greece, Spain and Portugal. They are only the first victims of a bent and twisted Soviet EU system which has ruined their economic prospects and quality of life. France and Italy will be next, both formerly industrial behemoths reduced to almost failed states.

Older Brits, like their forefathers have in fact protected their youth from the misery of an antidemocratic soviet style bureaucracy. It's the older folks who know very well the effects of central planning, the enormous damage from unelected leaders and have in my opinion, sacrificed their own economic welfare for the sake of the next generation.

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