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‘No need to be nasty’ Merkel wants clear-headed Brexit talks


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‘No need to be nasty’ Merkel wants clear-headed Brexit talks

By Chris Cummins | With AGENCIES


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has tried to calm the waters following the British vote to leave the European Union.

She called for clear-headed negotiations with the UK without the need for haste.

This contradicted the tone set by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier who said talks should begin as “soon as possible.”

“I have the feeling that we shouldn’t try to frighten anyone in the separation negotiations. We are sad that the way the vote turned out, but that is no reason to be especially nasty in the negotiations, they must be held in a businesslike manner,” said the chancellor.

In Berlin the foreign ministers of the six founding members of the European Community Germany,France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands met to discuss the implications of the Brexit vote.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-26

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I posted this yesterday.

Merkel will tell the headless EU chickens exactly what is going to happen.

And that will NOT involve scuppering Germany's massive amount of exports to the EU.

Some people need to sit back and relax and have a:


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Junker and Tusk are fine examples of why most of the UK public voted to leave the EU, power hungry abusive big mouthed nasty POS both of them, the Bristish public have give you both a very clear to see middle finger....good ridence

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Just let UK leave EU, then let Northern Ireland and Scotland have a decision if they want to stay in the UK. BREXIT wasn't even heard about during the Scottish referendum so I guess that they would like to remake that decision...

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I posted this yesterday.

Merkel will tell the headless EU chickens exactly what is going to happen.

And that will NOT involve scuppering Germany's massive amount of exports to the EU.

Some people need to sit back and relax and have a:


Where did you get the 'Murphys' Sarge?

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At least Merkel is being sensible unlike the others. As read in another post, the likes of the other leaders really is the problem. Try naming some of the leaders which make our laws. I couldn't. Everyone, relax and wait for the waves to settle. Everything will sort itself out for the best.

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I regret joining the gym recently.

Leaving the EU was a more effective way to lose pounds............................coffee1.gif

The EU has now 1 GB of free space.

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I posted this yesterday.

Merkel will tell the headless EU chickens exactly what is going to happen.

And that will NOT involve scuppering Germany's massive amount of exports to the EU.

Some people need to sit back and relax and have a:


Where did you get the 'Murphys' Sarge?

Sarge? Sarge? You mean Flight Sergeant!

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Junker and Tusk are fine examples of why most of the UK public voted to leave the EU, power hungry abusive big mouthed nasty POS both of them, the Bristish public have give you both a very clear to see middle finger....good ridence

I agree...

Anglia Merkel has never been nasty towards Britain ...just honest, forthright and never afraid to speak her mind.

Edited by Basil B
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I posted this yesterday.

Merkel will tell the headless EU chickens exactly what is going to happen.

And that will NOT involve scuppering Germany's massive amount of exports to the EU.

Some people need to sit back and relax and have a:


Where did you get the 'Murphys' Sarge?

Sarge? Sarge? You mean Flight Sergeant!


My ribs are aching.

Keep your day job, you will never make it as a comedian thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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I posted this yesterday.

Merkel will tell the headless EU chickens exactly what is going to happen.

And that will NOT involve scuppering Germany's massive amount of exports to the EU.

Some people need to sit back and relax and have a:


Where did you get the 'Murphys' Sarge?

Sadly that was in Hong Kong not Thailand.

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Junker and Tusk are fine examples of why most of the UK public voted to leave the EU, power hungry abusive big mouthed nasty POS both of them, the Bristish public have give you both a very clear to see middle finger....good ridence

I agree...

Anglia Merkel has never been nasty towards Britain ...just honest, forthright and never afraid to speak her mind.

The referendum was not really a legal move just a gauge of peoples feelings. Angela is a wily old bird and I think she realizes a lot of this "Brexit" has been brought on by the indifference shown member countries by Brussels. Junker and Tusk's horses A statements back that up. She might yet put a "Sweetheart" don't leave package together one so sweet the UK may do a U turn and after all the politicians must invoke article 50 of the Masterrich treaty. Politics is a game a cruel wicked dirty game played by people with no scruples. Its not over till the Fat Lady Sings right Angela??

Edited by elgordo38
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She is a special kind of leader. If the USA is so determined to have a woman President. Maybe they could draft Merkel. Former Sec of State, former Senator, former 'bullet dodging', lying Clinton won't be able to hold a candle to this type leadership and statesmanship.

Good job Anglia Merkel.

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Just let UK leave EU, then let Northern Ireland and Scotland have a decision if they want to stay in the UK. BREXIT wasn't even heard about during the Scottish referendum so I guess that they would like to remake that decision...

"David Cameron has said the British people must "have their say" on Europe as he pledged an in/out referendum if the Conservatives win the election."

"In his long-awaited speech, welcomed by many Conservative MPs, Mr Cameron pledged to hold a referendum during the early part of the next parliament"

"It is time for the British people to have their say," he said. "It is time to settle this European question in British politics. I say to the British people: this will be your decision."

All of the above statements were made by David Cameron on January the 23rd, 2013.

The Scots held their referendum vote on the 18th of September, 2014, over a year and a half later but according to you, the possibility of voting to leave the EU had never been heard about.

Has the internet arrived in Scotland yet?

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post-69580-0-47648400-1467001817_thumb.j what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

Edited by smedly
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I posted this yesterday.

Merkel will tell the headless EU chickens exactly what is going to happen.

And that will NOT involve scuppering Germany's massive amount of exports to the EU.

Some people need to sit back and relax and have a:


Where did you get the 'Murphys' Sarge?

Sarge? Sarge? You mean Flight Sergeant!

Nah. He was only a Staff Sergeant in the grunts.

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swiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

Exactly! And the UK is far better placed to plough it's own furrow than Swizerland or any other non-EU European country.

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swiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

Exactly! And the UK is far better placed to plough it's own furrow than Swizerland or any other non-EU European country.

Only in your mind....

As well as not being able to read a simple graph, you can't even spell Switzerland!

I rest my case.

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attachicon.gifswiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

The EU hierarchy have already told use we will not get the same deal, if they will not play ball you can not make them.

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Junker and Tusk are fine examples of why most of the UK public voted to leave the EU, power hungry abusive big mouthed nasty POS both of them, the Bristish public have give you both a very clear to see middle finger....good ridence

I agree...

Anglia Merkel has never been nasty towards Britain ...just honest, forthright and never afraid to speak her mind.

The referendum was not really a legal move just a gauge of peoples feelings. Angela is a wily old bird and I think she realizes a lot of this "Brexit" has been brought on by the indifference shown member countries by Brussels. Junker and Tusk's horses A statements back that up. She might yet put a "Sweetheart" don't leave package together one so sweet the UK may do a U turn and after all the politicians must invoke article 50 of the Masterrich treaty. Politics is a game a cruel wicked dirty game played by people with no scruples. Its not over till the Fat Lady Sings right Angela??

I agree with the emboldened part, and suspect Merkel is keen on coming up with something that Brit. politicians (who largely also want to stay in the EU) can put to the electorate for another referendum.

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attachicon.gifswiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

The EU hierarchy have already told use we will not get the same deal, if they will not play ball you can not make them.

and we are hearing that from mouth pieces like Tusk and Junker (couldn't be arsed looking for the correct spelling) and the other mouth piece is the German finance minister, I think you will find things might turn out somewhat different from what these bullies are spewing, they honestly need to shut the .........up, are they alone going to decide the outcome of UK EU negotiations ..............they seem to think so, even Merkel has told them to shut their big mouths

It is not Cameron and neither it is the British people that voted leave that are to blame for this debacle, it is these power hungry fascists who think they own the EU

Edited by smedly
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swiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

Exactly! And the UK is far better placed to plough it's own furrow than Swizerland or any other non-EU European country.

Only in your mind....

As well as not being able to read a simple graph, you can't even spell Switzerland!

I rest my case.

Oh dear! I'm being stalked across the threads discussing a European issue by an American! Have you learned how to interpret that graph that you posted yet mate?

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Smaller really can be better. I'm not exactly enamored of Britain, but they've helped themselves with this vote. Economically, diplomatically, and socially, they'll be able to move and adopt/adapt much faster to take advantage of shifts in global financial and cultural forces. It will also leave much more room for initiative and innovation, from the national to the local level--without interference from Euro commissions and Euro courts. Funny how everything with the prefix "Euro" somehow manages to transform into the grey, the bland, the monotonous, the dull, the overbearing, the overstuffed. Euromoney, Eurofood, Eurosex, Eurofashion, Euroculture, Euromusic, Eurofilm. Yum.

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attachicon.gifswiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

The EU hierarchy have already told use we will not get the same deal, if they will not play ball you can not make them.

Once they get over their initial ennui (and Germany put's it's dummy back in), they will play whichever ball game best suits their interests, the same as they do with all the other non-EU European countries.

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swiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

Exactly! And the UK is far better placed to plough it's own furrow than Swizerland or any other non-EU European country.

Only in your mind....

As well as not being able to read a simple graph, you can't even spell Switzerland!

I rest my case.

you made a very strong case ........................ right

I think I missed it

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and we are hearing that from mouth pieces like Tusk and Junker (couldn't be arsed looking for the correct spelling) and the other mouth piece is the German finance minister, I think you will find things might turn out somewhat different from what these bullies are spewing, they honestly need to shut the .........up, are they alone going to decide the outcome of UK EU negotiations ..............they seem to think so, even Merkel has told them to shut their big mouths

It is not Cameron and neither it is the British people that voted leave that are to blame for this debacle, it is these power hungry fascists who think they own the EU

"It is not Cameron and neither it is the British people that voted leave that are to blame for this debacle, it is these power hungry fascists who think they own the EU

And that is exactly the problem. These unelected, arrogant bureaucrats do actually own the EU. Ïndividual member states wield zero power / influence

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Junker and Tusk are fine examples of why most of the UK public voted to leave the EU, power hungry abusive big mouthed nasty POS both of them, the Bristish public have give you both a very clear to see middle finger....good ridence

You give the voters too much credit. I would venture that half of the voters have no clue who they are.

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