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Six of the best? No,boy gets forty whacks from Thai teacher


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I dont understand why would the parents just make a complaint? I would beat the crap out of him if it was my child. There would be no complaint lodged just him and me in an empty classroom. What is wrong with these parents to stand by and make just a complaint. They are responsible for protecting their children not standing by and whimpering.

Because we ditched the eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth approach for the legal system. We have created said system to have an authority punish according to the rules we gave it in the name of the people (or so it's been said at least) and thus vigilante actions should therefore be left to said authority we created. Sure it's not flawless and there are plenty of people abusing it flat out but it's still better than having everyone be a judge and execute punishment on their own. While we can sympathize of wanting to crack skulls, taking this example, it would in the end make you the same as that teacher, a violent brute acting on feelings of rage.

Then again, if we were to take out that entire legal stuff and enforcement completely out, you ought to see a very sudden shift in societies...which would be interesting in and by itself.

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If I was a parent with a child enrolled in a public school in Thailand...I would be very apprehensive...teachers laying hands or other objects on children should be outlawed...one central authority to mete out discipline in each school...a female who is not into whacks...or wacko...

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As a teacher who has worked in a Thai school for more than 16 years, I know that there can be moments of frustration, but that is all part of the job and requires a calm head and reasonable and responsible reactions to indiscipline of any kind.

If you cannot control a classroom of children without resorting to violence, then you should not be working in the field of education. School owners and directors have a responsibility to protect children whether they are considered 'students' or 'customers' by the school.

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It's amazing what you can find on YouTube if you search in Thai. My wife is Thai and brought up dozens of videos of teachers hitting students on Youtube when I said I didn't believe this was common place. It's Thai culture, I don't see why some cases become a big deal while there are hundred of videos online already.

i'm rather old, so teachers used to regularly hit students...sometimes with paddles, but mostly with a cuff to the head...even through high school...left bruises occasionally, but nothing like that photo...i cannot help but think i would beat the shit out of a teacher who hit my kid so severely that he/she left a huge bruise/scar like the one this kid had...

it's very difficult to have respect for any thai, given the way they behave...bullies and cowards...even to children...

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Kid needs to harden up.

I got 50 for taking a sh1t in the classroom.

Kids don't need hardening up.

They need to learn how to make informed choices.

They need teachers who can help them learn right from wrong.

They don't need beating when they make a mistake or do something wrong.

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Another week, another story to shock us all here in this lawless state..so teachers are now in the same league here as monks, Hi-So's, Benz-drivers, RTP, Jet-ski operators, speed-boat captains, coach-drivers, & army officers..all who can commit crime & providing they have a pitiful excuse are certain to carry on as normal without any conviction.

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My teacher from back in the 70's used to whack the shit out of me nearly everyday.i was called in to the headmasters office and had to show my arse wounds to him and the matron.in the years that followed he went on to abuse boys,run off to India for more abuse and one day returned to the uk where he was finally uncovered and got 21 years.punishment should never be physical.

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A teacher who appears to enjoy hitting small boys on the bottom?


On another point, the picture used in this story is somewhat unnecessary.

You worry me sometimes with your comments, why would the photo of the buttocks be "unneccessary" PC taken to an extreme?? sad.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

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A teacher who appears to enjoy hitting small boys on the bottom?


On another point, the picture used in this story is somewhat unnecessary.

Have to disagree with you about the picture.

If this story came out without the picture people would have just laughed it off and said the kids deserved it.

Seeing the picture shows just how badly beaten they were.

I think this teacher deserves a jail term for GBH.

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A teacher who appears to enjoy hitting small boys on the bottom?


On another point, the picture used in this story is somewhat unnecessary.

You worry me sometimes with your comments, why would the photo of the buttocks be "unneccessary" PC taken to an extreme?? sad.pngwhistling.gifwai.gif

You considering someone objecting to the use of pictures of semi naked boys in order to further sensationalise a story to be PC worries me a great deal more.

Edited by Bluespunk
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A teacher who appears to enjoy hitting small boys on the bottom?


On another point, the picture used in this story is somewhat unnecessary.

Have to disagree with you about the picture.

If this story came out without the picture people would have just laughed it off and said the kids deserved it.

Seeing the picture shows just how badly beaten they were.

I think this teacher deserves a jail term for GBH.

Don't need the pictures to know that striking a child 40 times is going to leave scars myself.

Don't need pictures to know it is abuse.

Don't see how anyone would laugh off a report of a child being struck 40 times.

Don't see how any child could deserve to be struck in this manner.

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When I took my child to school the first time, I went into the classroom,

looked the teacher in the eye, and told her that my child was not to be

hit under any circumstances. A sad commentary on Thai teachers,

as I did not bother doing that when she started attending school in

America........ Internet tough guy stuff aside, if my child came home

from school looking like that, the next day things would go well for

the teacher that did that. This incident is pure sadism given the number

of whacks.

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Kids should be whacked for fighting, bullying etc, but for forgetting to sweep the class or other triviality? Thai teachers seem to get off on inflicting pain on their students. He should be fined, struck off and banged up.

Yes beating them so they learn not to beat on people is great thinking.

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Kid needs to harden up.

I got 50 for taking a sh1t in the classroom.

I wouldn't have given you 50,you would have got down an licked it up -doubt if you would have repeated it a second time.

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