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Are the European Teachers like the Filipinos were 10 years ago?

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I was in a fairly obscure area of Bangkok recently. I asked a farang lady, who was leaving a school in work attire, where to catch the bus. She responded in a thick, European accent and basically didn't understand what I was asking. The next time around; she got it, but didn't know. It just made me wonder.....is this the new face of TEFL Teachers in Thailand? Many from Eastern Europe willing to work for less. She was not anywhere close to being NES. How much credit does this group get for driving down wages? Are they taking jobs from the Filipinos with their white faces? What is their position on the totem pole, as far as school admins are concerned?

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Only female's are "liked". It fills the void created due to lack of native English speaking females. They are taking the positions normally filled by Filipinos but with that said, most of the "jobs" are now being filled with Filipinos. The "farang" is being phased out. He's not worth all the complaints he makes and aggravation the VISA etc. creates. A subservient Filipino is worth more than two complaining farangs.

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Only female's are "liked". It fills the void created due to lack of native English speaking females. They are taking the positions normally filled by Filipinos but with that said, most of the "jobs" are now being filled with Filipinos. The "farang" is being phased out. He's not worth all the complaints he makes and aggravation the VISA etc. creates. A subservient Filipino is worth more than two complaining farangs.

It's time that somebody's telling you how wrong you are with both, the Filipinos and the white faced guys.

I'm trying to read between the lines and it seems that you're from the Philippines, but you're acting as you'd come from a NES country. But having read some posts of yours, that's almost impossible.

To be so naive and throw all the Ex- iron curtain communist ones, with their still very bad educational systems in the same pot with some well educated guys from the first world, only shoes that your geographic skills are in no way better than all the other Asians' in general.

The" farang is being phrased out", omg, do you really know what you're talking about and where you pull such stuff out? I have my own guess....

"Only females are liked?" Does that mean that a well educated Dutch, Swiss, German, or Swedish guy wouldn't have a chance to find a much better paid and honored position than a Russian, or Bulgarian female who can barely stick a sentence together?

May I ask you where you're coming from, where you're currently residing and if you're employed as a teacher?

Almost all schools I've recently visited do not really like to employ Filipinos anymore and the bigger schools take agencies, where also plenty of these "not liked Europeans" you were gossiping about, are employed.

I spoke to four school principles who told me that they'll never ever employ Filipinos again, because all they made was bad experiences.

I know some great Filipino teachers, but they came to Thailand with a license from their country, not the ones who've got a degree in education, but "can't go to TCT" to apply for the real license for known reasons.

OP, 12 years ago, there weren't a lot of Filipinos employed and they were actually the reason why plenty of schools started to pay a lower salary to NES and NNES teachers, because Filipinos worked ( and still do) for 12 K a month.

OP, how were the European teachers 10 years ago in your eyes? There weren't too many around and the Filipinos just started to teach English about 14 years ago. Of course are there exceptions.

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My estimate would be that 10 years ago; 10% of foreign teachers were Filipino, and that number was growing rapidly. Today, it may be off its peak of about 15%, but that may be because of Hansel and Gretel, who now make up 10-15%. So the question is: will these two groups cannibalize each other, or continue to drive down salaries for NES? Who are the Europeans making more expendable, the Filipinos or the NES?

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Only female's are "liked". It fills the void created due to lack of native English speaking females. They are taking the positions normally filled by Filipinos but with that said, most of the "jobs" are now being filled with Filipinos. The "farang" is being phased out. He's not worth all the complaints he makes and aggravation the VISA etc. creates. A subservient Filipino is worth more than two complaining farangs.

Females are less likely to be drunken sexpats--less likely--and Filipinos or Filipinas are less likely to be seen as drunken sexpats, whether they are or not. We farangs have a certain reputation in LOS, whether we fit it or not; don't ya see.

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Maybe she was a rep for a Russian photo copy company and can speak fluent Thai. Or maybe she was a science teacher who could also speak fluent Thai.. or maybe it was the principals party and she was the exotic European stripper (who could speak fluent Thai)

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Hmmm, someone is trying to find a job, make a living, take care of their needs....and you feel the need to backhand the effort...

Typical WMS..

and what if it somebody using as fake degree or has a criminal record? After all, they are just trying to earn a living.

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Personally I prefer the Filipinos... They may have accents but they do know the language.

To anyone who says they prefer an unqualified NES to a qualified Filipino I have to wonder. Yes, they may have an accent; yes, their English may not be text-book; and yes, they may not understand some of the NES speakers. Please, how many accents do you hear in NES speakers, how many NES speak text-book English, and how many NES do you have trouble understanding? Quite frankly, I have difficulty understanding many of the NES, especially some of those from the UK.

Let's face facts, the overall English-speaking ability of the average Thai is less than minimal. Any qualified teacher no matter their English-speaking ability could improve the Thai English skills—even unqualified English teachers, NES or not, have made a difference. It seems to me, a qualified NES English teacher is really needed only for the more advanced student and may be overkill for the vast majority of Thais beginning to learn. Consequently, unqualified NES and qualified or unqualified Filipino, Eastern European, or anyone from Timbuktu who can speak English would be able to increase the English language competency of Thais. Of course, decent language program standards need to be nationally enforced; therein may lie the real problem.

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Why assume that this was a TEFL teacher, and not a teacher of some other subject, someone visiting the school on business, or merely a parent who happened to need to visit the school on a work day?

Why assume she was even a teacher? The OP said, "I asked a farang lady, who was leaving a school in work attire, where to catch the bus." So farang lady in work attire leaving a school. As you say, she could have been a parent, or had business at the school. She also could have been the wife, gf. gik of a teacher or parent, or she may not have understood the OPs English accent.

Edited by smotherb
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My daughter was working at a government school with three other foreign English language teachers. One of the foreign teachers was east-European, the other two were Canadian. The east-European convinced the other two foreigners that the school didn't respect their abilities and were ripping them off. His solution was that they should refuse to sign their new contracts at year end. My daughter didn't want anything to do with it and told them so. When it came time to sign the new contracts, the other two foreigners refused and the east-European signed his, told the school the other two were trouble-makers and he could provide replacements, one of which was his girlfriend.

A few months later, my daughter was working for a private language school and up pops the east-European, within a couple of weeks my daughter was called into the owners office and asked why she wasn't happy at the school and why she wanted to leave. My daughter said she had no idea what they were talking about and they told her the east-European guy had said she wanted to leave. There are some absolute snakes out there in the English language teaching profession.

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Personally I prefer the Filipinos... They may have accents but they do know the language.

Consequently, unqualified NES and qualified or unqualified Filipino, Eastern European, or anyone from Timbuktu who can speak English would be able to increase the English language competency of Thais.

Even those that can't even understand or tell you where the bus is?

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I spoke to four school principles who told me that they'll never ever employ Filipinos again, because all they made was bad experiences.

I believe a lot of Filipinos have an inferiority complex whereby they are very friendly to caucasians but look down on other SE Asians.

This could be due to Spanish colonization where they were treated very poorly and likely brain-washed into believing Anglo/Euro exceptionalism.

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My daughter was working at a government school with three other foreign English language teachers. One of the foreign teachers was east-European, the other two were Canadian. The east-European convinced the other two foreigners that the school didn't respect their abilities and were ripping them off. His solution was that they should refuse to sign their new contracts at year end. My daughter didn't want anything to do with it and told them so. When it came time to sign the new contracts, the other two foreigners refused and the east-European signed his, told the school the other two were trouble-makers and he could provide replacements, one of which was his girlfriend.

A few months later, my daughter was working for a private language school and up pops the east-European, within a couple of weeks my daughter was called into the owners office and asked why she wasn't happy at the school and why she wanted to leave. My daughter said she had no idea what they were talking about and they told her the east-European guy had said she wanted to leave. There are some absolute snakes out there in the English language teaching profession.

The east-European convinced the other two foreigners that the school didn't respect their abilities and were ripping them off.

How could an East European fellow convince me that the school doesn't respect my abilities? And in what way was the school ripping them off?

An adult should understand if he/she's liked, or not. Who's telling you those stories? What had your daughter to do with it?

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I spoke to four school principles who told me that they'll never ever employ Filipinos again, because all they made was bad experiences.

I believe a lot of Filipinos have an inferiority complex whereby they are very friendly to caucasians but look down on other SE Asians.

This could be due to Spanish colonization where they were treated very poorly and likely brain-washed into believing Anglo/Euro exceptionalism.

No, they are generally speaking not friendly to Caucasians. They're only friendly to them when they know that they might need them and to cover up some bad language skills they might have.

They look down to Africans, even when it's a colored native American. I had to interview a female Filipino with a BA in Spanish. Happy to try my Spanish skills, I told her a short sentence and waited for her smile.

"Buenos Dias. Uno grande cerveza per favore, Senorita." Unfortunately, she didn't understand a word. A great university., or a not real degree?

But my Spanish is understood in Spain and in Mexico. Your last sentence doesn't make sense at all.

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I spoke to four school principles who told me that they'll never ever employ Filipinos again, because all they made was bad experiences.

I believe a lot of Filipinos have an inferiority complex whereby they are very friendly to caucasians but look down on other SE Asians.

This could be due to Spanish colonization where they were treated very poorly and likely brain-washed into believing Anglo/Euro exceptionalism.

No, they are generally speaking not friendly to Caucasians. They're only friendly to them when they know that they might need them and to cover up some bad language skills they might have.

They look down to Africans, even when it's a colored native American. I had to interview a female Filipino with a BA in Spanish. Happy to try my Spanish skills, I told her a short sentence and waited for her smile.

"Buenos Dias. Uno grande cerveza per favore, Senorita." Unfortunately, she didn't understand a word. A great university., or a not real degree?

But my Spanish is understood in Spain and in Mexico. Your last sentence doesn't make sense at all.

I can kinda understand her being bewildered at being asked for a big bottle of beer in an interview.. unless of course it was for a bar!
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Personally I prefer the Filipinos... They may have accents but they do know the language.

Consequently, unqualified NES and qualified or unqualified Filipino, Eastern European, or anyone from Timbuktu who can speak English would be able to increase the English language competency of Thais.

Even those that can't even understand or tell you where the bus is?

I sat and listened to a Scotsman asking for the toilet; couldn't understand a damn thing he said until he grabbed his crotch and screamed "loo" So yes, even those who can't understand the heavy accent of many NES could be a good teacher.

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Personally if I were hiring I would hire only Filipino English teachers and avoid Farang, they are there to work and not party and they will work for far less and do a far better job. The only reason Farang teachers teach in Thailand is because they couldn't get a job teaching in their home country, I mean who in their right mind would choose to work for 40,000 baht or less a month, for a Farang that's crap money for a Filipina it's great money.

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I spoke to four school principles who told me that they'll never ever employ Filipinos again, because all they made was bad experiences.

I believe a lot of Filipinos have an inferiority complex whereby they are very friendly to caucasians but look down on other SE Asians.

This could be due to Spanish colonization where they were treated very poorly and likely brain-washed into believing Anglo/Euro exceptionalism.

No, they are generally speaking not friendly to Caucasians. They're only friendly to them when they know that they might need them and to cover up some bad language skills they might have.

They look down to Africans, even when it's a colored native American. I had to interview a female Filipino with a BA in Spanish. Happy to try my Spanish skills, I told her a short sentence and waited for her smile.

"Buenos Dias. Uno grande cerveza per favore, Senorita." Unfortunately, she didn't understand a word. A great university., or a not real degree?

But my Spanish is understood in Spain and in Mexico. Your last sentence doesn't make sense at all.

All native Americans are coloured.


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Personally if I were hiring I would hire only Filipino English teachers and avoid Farang, they are there to work and not party and they will work for far less and do a far better job. The only reason Farang teachers teach in Thailand is because they couldn't get a job teaching in their home country, I mean who in their right mind would choose to work for 40,000 baht or less a month, for a Farang that's crap money for a Filipina it's great money.

Possibly people who actually have a happier and better life here with their loving wives and family than back in their home country. Also it's not difficult supplementing your full time job with part time work!
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My daughter was working at a government school with three other foreign English language teachers. One of the foreign teachers was east-European, the other two were Canadian. The east-European convinced the other two foreigners that the school didn't respect their abilities and were ripping them off. His solution was that they should refuse to sign their new contracts at year end. My daughter didn't want anything to do with it and told them so. When it came time to sign the new contracts, the other two foreigners refused and the east-European signed his, told the school the other two were trouble-makers and he could provide replacements, one of which was his girlfriend.

A few months later, my daughter was working for a private language school and up pops the east-European, within a couple of weeks my daughter was called into the owners office and asked why she wasn't happy at the school and why she wanted to leave. My daughter said she had no idea what they were talking about and they told her the east-European guy had said she wanted to leave. There are some absolute snakes out there in the English language teaching profession.

The east-European convinced the other two foreigners that the school didn't respect their abilities and were ripping them off.

How could an East European fellow convince me that the school doesn't respect my abilities? And in what way was the school ripping them off?

An adult should understand if he/she's liked, or not. Who's telling you those stories? What had your daughter to do with it?

What had my daughter to do with it?

"His solution was that they should refuse to sign their new contracts at year end. My daughter didn't want anything to do with it and told them so"

He tried to involve her with his scheme to get them all to protest against the way the school treated them.

Did you read the post properly teacher?

Who's telling me these stories? My daughter of course and they are not "stories".

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Personally I prefer the Filipinos... They may have accents but they do know the language.

Consequently, unqualified NES and qualified or unqualified Filipino, Eastern European, or anyone from Timbuktu who can speak English would be able to increase the English language competency of Thais.

Even those that can't even understand or tell you where the bus is?

I sat and listened to a Scotsman asking for the toilet; couldn't understand a damn thing he said until he grabbed his crotch and screamed "loo" So yes, even those who can't understand the heavy accent of many NES could be a good teacher.

Will look forward to seeing how future generations of Thais ask me where the loo is.

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