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No charges recommended in Clinton email probe, FBI says


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"Transcript of FBI Interview of Hillary Rodham Clinton. FBI Headquarters....Saturday, July 2, 2016

FBI Agent: Mrs. Clinton, did you intend to violate national security laws by setting up a private server?


FBI Agent: Well, that clears up everything on our end. You're free to go."

System rigged you say? laugh.png

Really, really sorry this didn't work out for you guys. I know how much you were looking forward to seeing HRC perp walked into Leavenworth.

Hey, it's still early maybe you can make up another one before the election?

Tick tick tick cheesy.gif

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For the last week I somehow had the growing feeling that the fix was in - But I still had some hope left...

At least, now it's official: Welcome to


Fix is always in when you guys lose.

Hey, wait a second, do you guys ever win? That must mean the fix is always in!

Conspiracy nonsense. There was never ANYTHING there.

How sad. violin.gif

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Let me premise my comments by saying that I am not American (Australian), have had no interest in American politics until this election (because I believe it is important for future world peace and prosperity, and I worry for the future of my kids) and have no political leanings when it comes to the USA.

When I saw the news about Clinton 'bumping into' Lynch on the tarmac, and then her saying she would 'probably' take the FBI's recommendation, my first reaction was that this shows the reach of the Clinton's. I immediately believed that they had found a way to get to Coney, and Clinton was informing Lynch of the fact on her plane. Perfectly scripted. She then says that they spent 39 minutes talking about Grandchildren (so important that Clinton ignored advice and waited 30 minutes for her to arrive). They both know the fallout, but Clinton assures her she'll be protected and just to stick to the small chat story, and tells her that there will be no indictment recommendation. No reaction from Obama who should have fired her. She says she 'expects to' accept the FBI recommendation (wriggle room for it to all look credible and innocent), knowing that she's already off the hook. Coney was sweating when he made the announcement. When he read out what they had found, anybody could have been forgiven for fully expecting him to conclude with "and so we recommend prosecution', but it didn't come. Stunning. I wonder if he's trying to tell everybody she's guilty but that he cannot make the recommendation. The whole charade shows how rotten to the core US politics really is. The corruption in Thai politics is kindergarten stuff next to this. I just hope that enough of the American people are taking notice of this to make sure that this evil woman does not get into the Whitehouse. Trump is a poor choice but nowhere near as rotten as this reptile of a woman Hillary Clinton. Sadly, from what I have seen, the vast majority of voters are quite ignorant and she will probably get in just because she's a woman.

Just a bipartisan view from the outside.

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Let me premise my comments by saying that I am not American (Australian), have had no interest in American politics until this election (because I believe it is important for future world peace and prosperity, and I worry for the future of my kids) and have no political leanings when it comes to the USA.

When I saw the news about Clinton 'bumping into' Lynch on the tarmac, and then her saying she would 'probably' take the FBI's recommendation, my first reaction was that this shows the reach of the Clinton's. I immediately believed that they had found a way to get to Coney, and Clinton was informing Lynch of the fact on her plane. Perfectly scripted. She then says that they spent 39 minutes talking about Grandchildren (so important that Clinton ignored advice and waited 30 minutes for her to arrive). They both know the fallout, but Clinton assures her she'll be protected and just to stick to the small chat story, and tells her that there will be no indictment recommendation. No reaction from Obama who should have fired her. She says she 'expects to' accept the FBI recommendation (wriggle room for it to all look credible and innocent), knowing that she's already off the hook. Coney was sweating when he made the announcement. When he read out what they had found, anybody could have been forgiven for fully expecting him to conclude with "and so we recommend prosecution', but it didn't come. Stunning. I wonder if he's trying to tell everybody she's guilty but that he cannot make the recommendation. The whole charade shows how rotten to the core US politics really is. The corruption in Thai politics is kindergarten stuff next to this. I just hope that enough of the American people are taking notice of this to make sure that this evil woman does not get into the Whitehouse. Trump is a poor choice but nowhere near as rotten as this reptile of a woman Hillary Clinton. Sadly, from what I have seen, the vast majority of voters are quite ignorant and she will probably get in just because she's a woman.

Just a bipartisan view from the outside.

"Bipartisan view from the outside"...? Hilarious. You've been reading too many right-wing propaganda crappola. Because there is nothing in your comments that resemble a "bipartisan view."

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Yes, the FBI, that well known liberal bastion, has decided that it will protect the democratic presidential candidate, when it could have caused chaos there.

Makes sense.

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Here's an article by Martin Armstrong, someone who has first-hand experience with James Comey and his way of working.

Just for those people who think that there is a positive argument in that the FBI director is a Republican an thus non-partisan or at least not pro Clinton.

Comey Delivers Scathing Rebuke of Hillary But Says No Indictment


He had no problem keeping me in Federal Prison on contempt of court without any charges, indictment, or a civil complaint describing any crime whatsoever that they even admitted openly in court. There were never any charges or complaint filed, and they publicly stated, “[T]here is no description of criminal liability.”


Sorry, but Comey has a track record of defending the banks even when they stole $1 billion and pleaded criminally guilty before having to pay them back.


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Ok Berkshire - and you're impartial?

Actually, I am. I was objective from the beginning. I remember having a debate with someone here (chuckd I think) and I told him that Hillary would not be indicted because there was never any "intent" to compromise classified material. At most, mishandling, which is not a criminal offense. This is based purely on the evidence. It's not the same as what David Petraeus did, which was his argument (as was Trump).

As for Trump, again I was objective from the beginning. But he has proven himself to be a conman, racist, bigot, misogynist, pathological liar, bully, thin-skinned, hypocrite, and an incredibly dishonest businessman. On top of all that, he's got tiny hands!

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I never said Trump is a good choice, but I see that Hillary has nearly all of the same traits that you described for Trump. On top of that I believe she's arrogant, narcissistic and a war monger. I cannot believe that anybody that describes other countries as pawns in a game of chess is being considered for such a position. I am just hopeful that the other part of the investigation (into the Clinton Foundation) will result in something more substantial.

By the way, I am not sure that under rule of law, intent is all that matters. A mother that did not intend to leave her child in a car to die from heat exhaustion will nevertheless be charged. It's called negligence. I think Coney described her as reckless. Is that a good trait for the Commander in Chief? I respect your opinions but you've said nothing that changes mine.

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By the way, I am not sure that under rule of law, intent is all that matters. A mother that did not intend to leave her child in a car to die from heat exhaustion will nevertheless be charged. It's called negligence. I think Coney described her as reckless. Is that a good trait for the Commander in Chief? I respect your opinions but you've said nothing that changes mine.

What you're talking about is gross negligence and the FBI did not find this to be the case. If they did, the outcome would have been different.

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It was obvious HRC wasn't going to be indicted but it appears now it came really close. Of course, that would have likely been the end of her career and what happened doesn't end it. But it's politically very damaging and the republicans have a legitimate issue to attack her on this. In a normal election, she would be toast, but considering who's she's running against, she remains the favorite to win. Yes, it's an extreme case of picking the least horrible choice. Many will say HRC more horrible than trump. I think many more will say trump is more horrible than HRC. Yes, depressing as it sounds, that's the deal. Let the games (conventions) begin.

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By the way, I am not sure that under rule of law, intent is all that matters. A mother that did not intend to leave her child in a car to die from heat exhaustion will nevertheless be charged. It's called negligence. I think Coney described her as reckless. Is that a good trait for the Commander in Chief? I respect your opinions but you've said nothing that changes mine.

What you're talking about is gross negligence and the FBI did not find this to be the case. If they did, the outcome would have been different.

While it is true the following appears in Comey's statement: "Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way,..." [emphasis added]. And, as we know, the conclusion was against recommending prosecution.

Later on in the same statement, Comey says, "...there is evidence that they [Clinton and her colleagues] were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." [emphasis added]

I thus think the concern here is how does someone become grossly negligent if being "extremely careless" does not meet that standard? Do you have to be extremely, extremely careless? That is very strong language coming from the FBI Director.

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I suppose it's a great day when the FBI comes out and says they won't criminally indict the likely next President. Wonderful time for the country.

Enjoy the election!

It was predictable.

This evil bitch is as guilty as hell, a grubby evil individual yet somehow the Americans are going to vote her in.

This makes a mockery of the American justice system.

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Her husband gets jobs in the Oval office while guys like me were in a combat status and now, his wife can't be bother with national security and people want her in the White House, makes me feel safe.

Wait until she's in power. These clintons would have to be some of the biggest low life to walk this planet.

I do look forward to the laughs when she gets some young intern to perform cunnilingus on her in the Oval Office.

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By the way, I am not sure that under rule of law, intent is all that matters. A mother that did not intend to leave her child in a car to die from heat exhaustion will nevertheless be charged. It's called negligence. I think Coney described her as reckless. Is that a good trait for the Commander in Chief? I respect your opinions but you've said nothing that changes mine.

What you're talking about is gross negligence and the FBI did not find this to be the case. If they did, the outcome would have been different.

Though Comey did not say gross negligence; he did say "extremely careless, "very reckless" and further commented on the "carefree attitude" at State during the time. Which just about covers the legal definition of gross negligence. He based his opinion on the difficulty in prosecuting the case not on no wrong/harm was done.

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Honestly, as a democrat, if there was a practical way to replace HRC with a Biden-Warren ticket, I would be more enthusiastic about our ticket. In a positive way rather than trump must be stopped at any cost way. But that's not realistic and of course Sanders supporters would freak out. Sanders supporters will disagree but I still think that the ticket we'll have, Hillary Clinton and perhaps someone like Sherrod Brown will be stronger against trump than Sanders would have been.

I think Sanders made a political mistake not pushing on the email issue from the start. He could have been nominated. But I still think he would have been weaker than Hillary Clinton against trump, so I'm happy he didn't do that.

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Another smear campaign by the Republicans done and dusted along with Benghazi. Nice try but didn't work.

Looks like the first Woman President of the USA is going to be elected.

President H Clinton

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I suppose it's a great day when the FBI comes out and says they won't criminally indict the likely next President. Wonderful time for the country.

Enjoy the election!

It was predictable.

This evil bitch is as guilty as hell, a grubby evil individual yet somehow the Americans are going to vote her in.

This makes a mockery of the American justice system.

Look, a republican led witch hunt could not find her guilty of what she was accused of in Benghazi, and now an FBI investigation with a complete and full audit trail of investigation has said there is not enough evidence to press charges BUT it is up to the public prosecutor. Now lets see the investigation into Bush's five MILLION missing emails - an actual crime. No matter how much you hate the woman, no matter how much you want her to be guilty YOU have not gone through 150k documents and countless interviews. You sound like the remain voters in Brexit "oh we lost, so lets have another vote". "oh they said Clinton is innocent - but she must be guilty, I heard it on Fox and read it in the National Enquirer". Get over it and move on.

There is no mockery of the American justice system required, it has already mocked itself to death. When a 13 year old can be jailed for life without parole for being only present at the scene of a murder, mockery is rampant. There are more than two thousand children in the USA serving life without the possibility of parole - the ONLY country in the world that sentences children to LWOP! Yes justice is a mockery.

If Clinton and Trump are deemed unacceptable to the voter base then people need to stand up and say "nope, neither one of these candidates is fit to serve/head our great nation". Refuse to accept the trash handed to you by the super elite and make a stand. What were all those guns for in the second amendment again? Lets see 3 million march on Capitol Hill with automatic weapons and see the result.

Sadly for all those who cannot/do not want to accept it, Clinton is found not guilty. Stop moaning and change your strategy. There is still time to get them all out of the race for the Whitehouse, you just need someone to start the "well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

As regards Benghazi and emails, bring it on Brunnhilde!


Edited by Andaman Al
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USA has just dropped two notches down, as a potential world leader.

Obama/Hillary Administration never stops showing the world how corrupt our leaders certainly are.

Too bad Hillary supporters are just too dumb to realize the damage she is doing to our National Integrity.

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I suppose it's a great day when the FBI comes out and says they won't criminally indict the likely next President. Wonderful time for the country.

Enjoy the election!

It was predictable.

This evil bitch is as guilty as hell, a grubby evil individual yet somehow the Americans are going to vote her in.

This makes a mockery of the American justice system.

Look, a republican led witch hunt could not find her guilty of what she was accused of in Benghazi, and now an FBI investigation with a complete and full audit trail of investigation has said there is not enough evidence to press charges BUT it is up to the public prosecutor. Now lets see the investigation into Bush's five MILLION missing emails - an actual crime. No matter how much you hate the woman, no matter how much you want her to be guilty YOU have not gone through 150k documents and countless interviews. You sound like the remain voters in Brexit "oh we lost, so lets have another vote". "oh they said Clinton is innocent - but she must be guilty, I heard it on Fox and read it in the National Enquirer". Get over it and move on.

There is no mockery of the American justice system required, it has already mocked itself to death. When a 13 year old can be jailed for life without parole for being only present at the scene of a murder, mockery is rampant. There are more than two thousand children in the USA serving life without the possibility of parole - the ONLY country in the world that sentences children to LWOP! Yes justice is a mockery.

If Clinton and Trump are deemed unacceptable to the voter base then people need to stand up and say "nope, neither one of these candidates is fit to serve/head our great nation". Refuse to accept the trash handed to you by the super elite and make a stand. What were all those guns for in the second amendment again? Lets see 3 million march on Capitol Hill with automatic weapons and see the result.

Sadly for all those who cannot/do not want to accept it, Clinton is found not guilty. Stop moaning and change your strategy. There is still time to get them all out of the race for the Whitehouse, you just need someone to start the "well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

As regards Benghazi and emails, bring it on Brunnhilde!


She should be held to account, she's not going to be,end of story.

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Another smear campaign by the Republicans done and dusted along with Benghazi. Nice try but didn't work.

Looks like the first Woman President of the USA is going to be elected.

President H Clinton

Democrats are fools...to believe that the Nation, as a whole, will let Hillary get away with her corrupted empire.

This will turn badly...against her.

Zero credibility...for Hillary. Zero Tolerance.

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Another smear campaign by the Republicans done and dusted along with Benghazi. Nice try but didn't work.

Looks like the first Woman President of the USA is going to be elected.

President H Clinton

Democrats are fools...to believe that the Nation, as a whole, will let Hillary get away with her corrupted empire.

This will turn badly...against her.

Zero credibility...for Hillary. Zero Tolerance.

It's over Slippery you lost now lets move on to inaugurating Hillary as the next President of the US mate.

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Can you say president Trump?

I hate the guy , but can some one just answer this question? I have asked it several times, and no one has answered it yet.

I wonder why no one in the media is asking it either, But here it goes Why did she need a private sever?? ware they bored one night and did not know what to do and one of them said "hey let's build a private sever? What???

some one please answer this question and I will vote for the ..... word that rimes with witch but starts with a B

Simple answer is "follow the money". If she used the official e mail to carry on her foundation deals, it would have led to a real prison term. No doubt all the foundation related mails were among those deleted.

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