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How do they know.... ?


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Yes, at one time these brooms probably were identical, but she decided one was for indoor use and the other was for outdoors and yes, it's because she doesn't want the outdoor stuff all over the indoors. These brooms are no longer identical because of their use history. I can guarantee you the "outdoors" broom is dirtier than the indoor broom.

How can she tell the difference? She probably stores them in different places when not in use. Haven't you ever noticed?

And don't use this as an excuse to never help again by saying "last time I ever try to help". That's a standard male cop-out for what is called "selective incompetence". Instead become more observant about the procedures used to run the household and ask questions before you dive in. Respect her way of doing things and learn from her instead of belittling her when she gets angry because you screw up and create more work for her.

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Yes, at one time these brooms probably were identical, but she decided one was for indoor use and the other was for outdoors and yes, it's because she doesn't want the outdoor stuff all over the indoors. These brooms are no longer identical because of their use history. I can guarantee you the "outdoors" broom is dirtier than the indoor broom.

How can she tell the difference? She probably stores them in different places when not in use. Haven't you ever noticed?

And don't use this as an excuse to never help again by saying "last time I ever try to help". That's a standard male cop-out for what is called "selective incompetence". Instead become more observant about the procedures used to run the household and ask questions before you dive in. Respect her way of doing things and learn from her instead of belittling her when she gets angry because you screw up and create more work for her.

Belittling ?

Trust you to write an essay.

I was taking the p&%4..

Just a bit of Sunday "humour"

They look the same though and are never kept in the same place twice :)

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Yes, at one time these brooms probably were identical, but she decided one was for indoor use and the other was for outdoors and yes, it's because she doesn't want the outdoor stuff all over the indoors. These brooms are no longer identical because of their use history. I can guarantee you the "outdoors" broom is dirtier than the indoor broom.

How can she tell the difference? She probably stores them in different places when not in use. Haven't you ever noticed?

And don't use this as an excuse to never help again by saying "last time I ever try to help". That's a standard male cop-out for what is called "selective incompetence". Instead become more observant about the procedures used to run the household and ask questions before you dive in. Respect her way of doing things and learn from her instead of belittling her when she gets angry because you screw up and create more work for her.

Now tell us how you feel - how your really; really feel. biggrin.png

Remember selective incompetence can work both ways - it is not always a male thing. How many times have we hard headed males had to be the one to read the instruction sheet to get something working? whistling.gif

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How old is she?

Sounds like my ex Thai girlfriend when she reached her 60's.

All human beings are subject to illusions and delusions..... it is what they want to believe.

When I worked on the island of Crete ALL the fuel (petrol) came via ship to exactly three petrol storage tanks.

ALL the petrol from the mainland refineries was brought by ship and stored in one of those three storage tanks.

Hence all the petrol was mixed together in storage.

Then petrol tank trucks would unload petrol from those 3 storage tanks....and take it to a petrol station where it would be sold under its own brand name.

There was a lot of advertising about petrol from XXXX company being superior to petrol from YYYY company.

But all the petrol was from the 3 same storage tanks....and mixed together in storage....and therefore ALL petrol you purchased in the stations was a mixture of ALL brands from different refineries and was mixed together in storage no matter what the brand name was on the petrol station.

But there were drivers who only bought petroll from XXXX company because it was better than the pettrol from YYYY company.

That's what humans like to believe....illusions and delusions.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Yes, at one time these brooms probably were identical, but she decided one was for indoor use and the other was for outdoors and yes, it's because she doesn't want the outdoor stuff all over the indoors. These brooms are no longer identical because of their use history. I can guarantee you the "outdoors" broom is dirtier than the indoor broom.

How can she tell the difference? She probably stores them in different places when not in use. Haven't you ever noticed?

And don't use this as an excuse to never help again by saying "last time I ever try to help". That's a standard male cop-out for what is called "selective incompetence". Instead become more observant about the procedures used to run the household and ask questions before you dive in. Respect her way of doing things and learn from her instead of belittling her when she gets angry because you screw up and create more work for her.

Selective incompetence; I like that. I cannot remember which liquids go where in our washing machine, even though there are only two liquids (detergent and conditioner) and two compartments for those liquids. My partner has told me a dozen times but it never sinks in. Now I have a name for my condition, if not an excuse!

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I'd be ashamed if I didn't know how to sweep a floor, wash my own clothes, or cook myself a meal. It's like never learning to dress yourself or tie your own shoes.

Weird how some people seem to be proud of being helpless.

i would not even live if i could not look after myself. have done so for many, many years.

but: i would be a complete fool if i would assist my wife, who's entire existence (and that of her children and mother) depends on MY foreign earned income, in basic tasks such as cleaning and cooking. the most i do is lift my feet when she sweeps...

i make the money and she looks after me in return.

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What is this world coming too?

First indoor/outdoor brooms, now insulting a mans sweeping abilities!!!

Where are the Mods? this could deteriorate in to a brawl .tongue.png

Reading TVF,, the expression "organizing a cat parade" comes to mindlaugh.png

Edited by sirineou
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Helpless men-children with no idea how to look after themselves belittling those who care for them is not something I'd call 'humour'.

Another 1 with no understanding of sarcasm smile.png

It must be sad to live in such a serious world !!

Sadder to reach adulthood and still be clueless about a task as simple as sweeping a floor.

Oh dear, it was a joke...

Just saw the brush and took a photo, made the whole thing up..

You must be a domestic bundle of laughs to live with... !!

No doubt you lead a very exiting life coffee1.gif

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sirineou post # 37.

They have Bars here in Thailand, no need to give it uptongue.png

well in truth I haven't given up fully I still have space in a partnership in Lincoln Inns. The delights and the income from being a senior partner albeit retired are indeed supreme. Note my now part time head wear in the U.K.
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sirineou post # 37.

They have Bars here in Thailand, no need to give it uptongue.png

well in truth I haven't given up fully I still have space in a partnership in Lincoln Inns. The delights and the income from being a senior partner albeit retired are indeed supreme. Note my now part time head wear in the U.K.

I am not familiar with the bar at the Lincoln inn, but I am also of the notion of going to bars with partners, no fun doing it along , and a designated driver is always a good idea.tongue.png

Edited by sirineou
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Oh dear, it was a joke...

Just saw the brush and took a photo, made the whole thing up..

Congratulations, you have taken the whole thread from sad to pathetic. Edited by HooHaa
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Oh dear, it was a joke...

Just saw the brush and took a photo, made the whole thing up..

Congratulations, you have taken the whole thread from sad to pathetic.

The Thread might had being a jock, but it does raises a very important issue that is challenging today's society and requires further examination.

For too long people , with reckless disregard for civil society,we have being commingling exterior brooms with those used inside.IMO

it is anarchy that could lead to the breakdown of society as we know it. And what is one to make of those who use brooms outside but vacuum cleaners inside?

I know that humor has no part in the life of someone named HooHaa but one needs to make an attempt, if not for the sake of this forum, but for the sake of society.

And think of the children, will you, What about the children!!

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Any Thai wife worth her salt, would ensure her husband knew

which brush was to be used inside, by shoving the correct one

up his ar@e. He would then be able to choose the correct one, even in the dark, simply by the feel of the handle.

Edited by khundon
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sirineou post # 37.

They have Bars here in Thailand, no need to give it uptongue.png

well in truth I haven't given up fully I still have space in a partnership in Lincoln Inns. The delights and the income from being a senior partner albeit retired are indeed supreme. Note my now part time head wear in the U.K.

Yes, very nice. I worked in my youth for a firm of solicitors in Artillary Row, London SW1 and visited the Law Courts (Family Division) in The Strand and barristers' chambers at the Inns of Court on many occasions. I remember Lincoln's Inn and the other Inns but Lincoln Inns I don't recall.

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sirineou post # 37.

They have Bars here in Thailand, no need to give it uptongue.png

well in truth I haven't given up fully I still have space in a partnership in Lincoln Inns. The delights and the income from being a senior partner albeit retired are indeed supreme. Note my now part time head wear in the U.K.


Yes, very nice. I worked in my youth for a firm of solicitors in Artillary Row, London SW1 and visited the Law Courts (Family Division) in The Strand and barristers' chambers at the Inns of Court on many occasions. I remember Lincoln's Inn and the other Inns but Lincoln Inns I don't recall.
Here's a question for you then, what do you call a judge without any thumbs?
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piersbeckett post # 46..

Yes, very nice. I worked in my youth for a firm of solicitors in Artillary Row, London SW1 and visited the Law Courts (Family Division) in The Strand and barristers' chambers at the Inns of Court on many occasions. I remember Lincoln's Inn and the other Inns but Lincoln Inns I don't recall.

Indeed the delights of aging are infinite in their ways,
I put the ''s'' after Lincoln as opposed to after ' Inn.'' certainly a point to be seized upon in a vigorous cross examination of a witness.clap2.gif

Just to put the record straight this link may help you as well as me..wai2.gif


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