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Landlord reported me to my employer

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Why would you tell your landlord where you work?

Loose lips sink ships!

Most of the landlords ask this question where you do work, just to have that safe feeling, that they will receive their rent in time and regularly. And I do not see aproblem with it, to give them an honest answer.

I'm a wealthy international jet setter, who would my landlord prefer, me or a poor TEFLer eking out a meager existence in Thailand?

I believe the landlord would prefer an honest working teacher, as an impostor would not live in and rent a 5000THB/month shed.

Edited by fxe1200
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Why would you tell your landlord where you work?

Loose lips sink ships!

Most of the landlords ask this question where you do work, just to have that safe feeling, that they will receive their rent in time and regularly. And I do not see aproblem with it, to give them an honest answer.

Er, who is using the family brain cell today? Of course it's a problem when you get idiotic landlords grassing you up to your employer when they have absolutely no right to. If I was his employer, I would have told this snake to get stuffed, as it is none of my business.

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this story reminds me of one my first encounters with the great natives of CR....the wifi kept going out and you know how sometimes when your are using windows to check connections and resolve problems, it tells you to do various things, one of them being unplugging the router for 10 seconds.

so, one day i unplugged the router outside my doorway for 10 seconds....the landlord saw me do it with her own eyes....said nothing to me at all. the next day at work, my supervisor calls me into his office and tells me that the landlord called and said i destroyed property and that i was never to touch the router again, etc...he really enjoyed saying all of that to me as well.....

complete BS in my opinion....

I presume you to your supervisor to mind her own business and if the landlord calls again to ignore it. Followed by TELLING the landlord to NEVER contact your place of work again?

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Why would you tell your landlord where you work?

Loose lips sink ships!

Most of the landlords ask this question where you do work, just to have that safe feeling, that they will receive their rent in time and regularly. And I do not see aproblem with it, to give them an honest answer.

I'm a wealthy international jet setter, who would my landlord prefer, me or a poor TEFLer eking out a meager existence in Thailand?

I believe the landlord would prefer an honest working teacher, as an impostor would not live in and rent a 5000THB/month shed.

I'm renting a 3,500bht/month 2 bedroom house, 2 shower rooms with a nice little garden, drive way to park 2 cars and a few mango trees.

In London I have a top floor bedsit flat one fifth the size that cost 350,000gbp. My housing here is way better than my housing there.

Edited by MissAndry
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Most of the landlords ask this question where you do work, just to have that safe feeling, that they will receive their rent in time and regularly. And I do not see aproblem with it, to give them an honest answer.

I'm a wealthy international jet setter, who would my landlord prefer, me or a poor TEFLer eking out a meager existence in Thailand?

I believe the landlord would prefer an honest working teacher, as an impostor would not live in and rent a 5000THB/month shed.

I'm renting a 3,500bht/month 2 bedroom house, 2 shower rooms with a nice little garden, drive way to park 2 cars and a few mango trees.

In London I have a top floor bedsit flat one fifth the size that cost 350,000gbp. My housing here is way better than my housing there.

So you are not an impostor but a braggart. I should have known.

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Why would you tell your landlord where you work?

Loose lips sink ships!

Most of the landlords ask this question where you do work, just to have that safe feeling, that they will receive their rent in time and regularly. And I do not see aproblem with it, to give them an honest answer.

I'm a wealthy international jet setter, who would my landlord prefer, me or a poor TEFLer eking out a meager existence in Thailand?

He wouldn't give a flying f...,money is money.Probably prefer the English teacher,at least he is in Thailand.

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What's it got to do with your employer, and I wonder if his report was defamatory?

If the landlord accidentally overlooked the payment, he/she could contact you and complain. But running to your employer and a c c u s i n g you of not paying the rent is defamatory and absolutely out of place.

Do you understand now?

The landlord can also be charged for making false statements..........if you don't intend to stay there, file charges against him first, you have a legal right to do this, he would if the shoe was on the other foot - its time to turn the tables on these idiots.

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