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Cameron to quit Wednesday; Theresa May to be new British PM


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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

At least she is standing up and being counted. The weasels are the ones that ran away.

I don't think Farage or Borris ever had the opportunity to run with the barrage of abuse that they faced by remain voters (48% of voters). Brexit has shown a clear division in our society. Theresa May now has to find the best deal for our entire population, which should include the interests of the 48% who wanted to remain. It will never be possible to please the far left and the far right at the same time but hopefully she can reunite the rest of us who have less extremist views.

Well said, I am sure she will go someway to doing exactly that. Also, the people want to see it so support will be forthcoming I think.

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

Farage as PM?! Are you serious?

Did you see his party members being filmed making racist comments? one was filmed saying "the one people I don't like is negros, I don't know why I just don't like them", and Farage himself defending his corner saying that it's ok to say "I'm off to the Chinky" when going to a Chinese restaurant.

For politics, for good leaders you need people who are impartial, tough and able to think things through for the benefit of all the people. Farage as PM would be frankly, dangerous.

Anway, Farage ran away like a chicken so that alone should tell you he was not right for the job.

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

At least she is standing up and being counted. The weasels are the ones that ran away.

I don't think Farage or Borris ever had the opportunity to run with the barrage of abuse that they faced by remain voters (48% of voters). Brexit has shown a true division in our society. Theresa May now has to find the best deal for our entire population, which should include the interests of the 48% who wanted top remain. It will never be possible to please the far left and the far right at the same time but hopefully she can reunite the rest of us who have less extremist views.

Surely an accomplished politician can handle some abuse? Goes with the job. Running away because things get iffy tells me about their lack of conviction.

I agree that they should be able to handle some abuse but these two characters will never be accepted by remain voters or other MP's. I do feel that at least one of them should still have ran for the position but since the leadership race is effectively a popularity contest and due to their lack of diplomacy, they were never going to be elected by other MP's.

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.
At least she is standing up and being counted. The weasels are the ones that ran away.

I don't think Farage or Borris ever had the opportunity to run with the barrage of abuse that they faced by remain voters (48% of voters). Brexit has shown a true division in our society. Theresa May now has to find the best deal for our entire population, which should include the interests of the 48% who wanted top remain. It will never be possible to please the far left and the far right at the same time but hopefully she can reunite the rest of us who have less extremist views.

Surely an accomplished politician can handle some abuse? Goes with the job. Running away because things get iffy tells me about their lack of conviction.

I agree that they should be able to handle some abuse but these two characters will never be accepted by remain voters or other MP's. I do feel that at least one of them should still have ran for the position but since the leadership race is effectively a popularity contest and due to their lack of diplomacy, they were never going to be elected by other MP's.

Gove did run, after some back stabbing. Still moaning about remain voters?
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BREXIT will now be non reversible as Theresa May stted that when she becomes the PM there will be no new referendums on reversing the exit. Tata motors (Jaguar and Range Rover owners) stated that this the exit will cost them a loss 1 billion pounds.Now what else will it cost The UK..

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Gove did run, after some back stabbing. Still moaning about remain voters?

Remain voters have the right to stand up for what they believe in. I would be more disappointed in society if they didn't.

Agree. The Leave voters have lost the moan about the EU. In their search for something else to moan about their attention has turned to remain voters.

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Gove did run, after some back stabbing. Still moaning about remain voters?

Remain voters have the right to stand up for what they believe in. I would be more disappointed in society if they didn't.

Maybe if they had stood up for what they believe in and voted they would have won, instead of being lazy and thinking it was a forgone conclusion cheesy.gif. No point in shutting the stable door now the horse has ran off, way too late for that!

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Theresa May seems to be the wise and lucid person who perfectly suits the situation.
The pound should go up ... a little.

The woman whose resignation was called for over the clusterf*ck that was the passport renewals being moved to the UK ending in months of backlog you mean? huh.png

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BREXIT will now be non reversible as Theresa May stted that when she becomes the PM there will be no new referendums on reversing the exit. Tata motors (Jaguar and Range Rover owners) stated that this the exit will cost them a loss 1 billion pounds.Now what else will it cost The UK..

Big woop. A second referendum would by out of the question anyway, no matter what the Bremaining moaning press and faux petitions posted by 4chan (laugh.png ) would have you believe as it's completely anti democratic.

Anyway, s'all good. This move absolutely ensures the tories and their 'austerity' programs will be shown the door come the general election. Good.

Edited by dageurreotype
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BREXIT will now be non reversible as Theresa May stted that when she becomes the PM there will be no new referendums on reversing the exit. Tata motors (Jaguar and Range Rover owners) stated that this the exit will cost them a loss 1 billion pounds.Now what else will it cost The UK..

Big woop. A second referendum would by out of the question anyway, no matter what the Bremaining moaning press and faux petitions posted by 4chan (laugh.png ) would have you believe as it's completely anti democratic.

Anyway, s'all good. This move absolutely ensures the tories and their 'austerity' programs will be shown the door come the general election. Good.

I suspect the next general election is a few years away.

How brexit is handled, is probably the key to the next general election result.

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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Personally i dont.think they will trigger art. 50 any time soon.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law


Edited by PattayaBoy
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Remain voters have the right to stand up for what they believe in. I would be more disappointed in society if they didn't.

Maybe if they had stood up for what they believe in and voted they would have won, instead of being lazy and thinking it was a forgone conclusion cheesy.gif. No point in shutting the stable door now the horse has ran off, way too late for that!

If the younger generation had voted in greater numbers I doubt we would be having these conversations now. But either way, a lot of people did vote to remain and they are unhappy. Just because they lost the referendum doesn't mean that their opinions and feelings just disappear or are no longer valid.

Good luck to Theresa May anyway. Let's steady the ship and see what she can do. Nothing will change for the better overnight but I have confidence that the UK will bounce back.

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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law


Forgive me if I NEVER read anything written by the Express....

Many years ago on entering a 'plane I was offered a copy of the Express. I politely asked if there was a choice of newspaper, and the stewardess said 'No, and I agree with you. I wouldn't read the Express either'!

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Many ppl voted out cuz they immigration.

They shoot thmself in foot i guess

Donald Tusk: Freedom of movement is non-negotiable if Britain wants access to single market


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

Brexit hasn't yet been ratified by parliament, hopefully it wont be.

Considering that you've said yourself that you've not visited in the last 30 years, have no dealings of any sort, financial or otherwise and the only connection you still have with the UK is the passport, I can't understand why you are so vocal about the UK leaving the EU. It would restrict your own right of movement to reside within the EU?

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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law


Forgive me if I NEVER read anything written by the Express....

Many years ago on entering a 'plane I was offered a copy of the Express. I politely asked if there was a choice of newspaper, and the stewardess said 'No, and I agree with you. I wouldn't read the Express either'!



Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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Remain voters have the right to stand up for what they believe in. I would be more disappointed in society if they didn't.

Maybe if they had stood up for what they believe in and voted they would have won, instead of being lazy and thinking it was a forgone conclusion cheesy.gif. No point in shutting the stable door now the horse has ran off, way too late for that!

If the younger generation had voted in greater numbers I doubt we would be having these conversations now. But either way, a lot of people did vote to remain and they are unhappy. Just because they lost the referendum doesn't mean that their opinions and feelings just disappear or are no longer valid.

Good luck to Theresa May anyway. Let's steady the ship and see what she can do. Nothing will change for the better overnight but I have confidence that the UK will bounce back.

Times have obviously changed. I couldn't wait to vote when I was first old enough!

Perhaps the young nowadays realise (far earlier than I did) that politics is just a game that only benefits the politicians and v wealthy?

Edited by dick dasterdly
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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law


Forgive me if I NEVER read anything written by the Express....

Many years ago on entering a 'plane I was offered a copy of the Express. I politely asked if there was a choice of newspaper, and the stewardess said 'No, and I agree with you. I wouldn't read the Express either'!



Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Fair enough. V worrying sad.png .

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

A referendum that didn't state an acceptable winning margin or minimum voter turnout. A result with a small differential action by a party with a leader who wasn't elected, even by themselves, and who governs with less than 40% of the population voting for them; 2 out of 4 nations of the union voting to remain in the EU; widespread condemning of the lies, misrepresentations and playing on fears by certain politicians who now, seemingly having gotten the result they want, have buggered off.

What could possibly go wrong?

All seems somewhat connived to get May, a less talented, less humanitarian. less able and more sneaky version of Thatcher in the job.

Now, what if, circumstances came about to force another general election before 2020? What if the labor, liberals, SNP, Plaid Cymru, and all the Ulster parties and others fought the election on a remain or return to Europe manifesto? What if they won a majority government and decided to remain or re-apply for membership? What is the EU said ok but UK must accept the Euro, Schengen, and move to closer political union and federalism as pre-requisites? What if a new government agreed? How do you like them apples?

One early test of May will be see how she controls the rabid Sturgeon and insists that the EU doesn't talk separately to regions within the UK, as they stated they wouldn't, doesn't offer Scotland a back door based on Scottish independence. and doesn't try and cherrypick parts of the UK. Sturgeon will do all she can to try and link staying in the EU as guaranteed by a successful new independence referendum, even though she knows this can't be automatic. She thinks if she can get independence she can promise to stay in. Even though the EU have made it clear that is not an option. May must silence this and stop the lies which will only confuse the negotiations and increase the mistrust and hostility in attitudes. Good luck with that one.

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

At least she is standing up and being counted. The weasels are the ones that ran away.

No - she kept a very low profile during the referendum campaigns. Ostensibly supporting the remain side so that she'd keep her job and in with Cameron if, as expected, he won. But low enough so she could switch and say she respects a leave vote.

Clever, sneaky, manipulative, ambitious and played a blinder. Standing up and being counted - not on your nellie, other than for herself.

Really do hope she proves me wrong, but I expect the country to be worse by this decision.

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

At least she is standing up and being counted. The weasels are the ones that ran away.

No - she kept a very low profile during the referendum campaigns. Ostensibly supporting the remain side so that she'd keep her job and in with Cameron if, as expected, he won. But low enough so she could switch and say she respects a leave vote.

Clever, sneaky, manipulative, ambitious and played a blinder. Standing up and being counted - not on your nellie, other than for herself.

Really do hope she proves me wrong, but I expect the country to be worse by this decision.

Can't argue with your take on her. Bit of a fence sitter. But she had the gonads to stay. Talkers and walkers.

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No - she kept a very low profile during the referendum campaigns. Ostensibly supporting the remain side so that she'd keep her job and in with Cameron if, as expected, he won. But low enough so she could switch and say she respects a leave vote.

Definitely wins the Machiavelli award.

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Theresa May to become UK prime minister on Wednesday


LONDON: -- David Cameron has said Theresa May will become the UK’s next Prime Minister after confirming he plans to resign on Wednesday.

The announcement comes after May’s only rival in the Conservative leadership race, Andrea Leadsom withdrew from the contest.

Cameron confirmed he would go to Buckingham Palace earlier than expected and hand in his resignation to the Queen following Prime Minister’s Questions in the UK parliament on Wednesday afternoon.

It means May, the current Home Secretary (interior minister), will become Britain’s second woman prime minister after Margaret Thatcher, who was in power from 1979 to 1990.


-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-12

That's the first time that I have seen a photo of Dave walking backwards out of his housesmile.png

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One early test of May will be see how she controls the rabid Sturgeon and insists that the EU doesn't talk separately to regions within the UK, as they stated they wouldn't, doesn't offer Scotland a back door based on Scottish independence. and doesn't try and cherrypick parts of the UK. Sturgeon will do all she can to try and link staying in the EU as guaranteed by a successful new independence referendum, even though she knows this can't be automatic. She thinks if she can get independence she can promise to stay in. Even though the EU have made it clear that is not an option. May must silence this and stop the lies which will only confuse the negotiations and increase the mistrust and hostility in attitudes. Good luck with that one.

Why on earth would either the EU or Sturgeon listen to a woman who has no mandate to be PM? Sturgeon is doing tremendous work securing a bright and prosperous future for Scotland. May has neither the power nor the mandate to get in her way.

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