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Oh! The joy. Another exceptional day of moral deliverance.


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6 am a family friend arrives with her 9 year old daughter. Today is an activity day at primary school. The prepubescent child has to be 'made-up' to look like a consensual adult.

So, I pose the question. Is it OK for an innocent child to look like a woman?

Bewildered, my wife and the family friend look at me as if I'am the one that's in the wrong.

9 pm - non- alcohol day. I wander off out to find a beer. Doesn't take long, they're all at it. Helmetless scooter riders, not a cop insight of course, drinking.

Imagine you had the power to correct wrongs. A priority, encourage children to look like <deleted>. Permit the future of the country to ride machines they have no training nor education to operate and wonder why they continue to be killed and maimed.

Turns out, I'm the douche for daring to question the insanity of it, when, those with overriding powers sleep soundly in their duck down duvets.

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Duck down duvets? Not likely.

Anyhow, you came here and found common sense to be completely absent. So did we. This is a fun topic for discussion but at the end of the day it will do you no good to be emotional about it. This is a different planet and you are not going to change it much.

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I hate to say it but to survive over there you need to become like George Costanza "My whole life is a sham" - You need to kind of like become one of them and believe it, returning to your sanity only when on your own for a few hours or outside the country.

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Emotion, different plant? When your kid misbehaves you come down hard on them because it's your responsibility to sets rules and boundaries. It protects them from themselves.

Fail to do so and suffer the consequences. 12,000 dead every year. Thousands maimed. 7 kids drown every day. Who's fault is that?

Do you think that Thais don't know that? They don't care. Their culture is to believe that anything bad that happens was meant to be. That way they are absolved from any responsibility for anything. They don't have to make any effort to raise a child with decent morals, learn to drive a bike or car, anything at all really. Clever, in'it. That's why they smile a lot, because they don't give a s***.

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If your cultute is to be ignorant, bully for you.

These people have been given it on a plate. They haven't done anything. Haven't contributed anything. Now they have a chance to make a difference and what do they do with it?

Line their own pockets.

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Emotion, different plant? When your kid misbehaves you come down hard on them because it's your responsibility to sets rules and boundaries. It protects them from themselves.

Fail to do so and suffer the consequences. 12,000 dead every year. Thousands maimed. 7 kids drown every day. Who's fault is that?

Thousands dress up as whores and sell themselves to pimps and drugs.

It's an easy fix. If only you had the authority.

How hard can it be?

very hard, i take my 8 year old son to school on a motorbike,i insist he wears a crash helmet. When we get to the school he see's all the other children not wearing a crash helmet,he see' the teachers on motorbikes not wearing a crash helmet and asks me why,what do i say, your teacher is an idiot ? No you cant say that you have to go with the flow, i tell him i love him and don't want him dead,what the others do is up to them but he must wear a helmet, end of story.

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It's been 13 days since I was in a country where peopke are polite, reasonable, you can do what you want, gamble, say whatever you like, have a sensible discussion about all number of things. You can drive a nice car on roads where other drivers are well trained, respectful and in no hurry to get where they are going.

No white knights thks. Heared it all before.

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