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Is Taking a Nap during the Day Good or Bad for Your Health?

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We could all gain something from the Spanish approach to life over that of the German; having a mid-afternoon siesta is far more appealing than working rigid office hours, but perhaps Thailand is where we should be looking for inspiration. The art of napping is very much alive in the City of Angels, and what a welcome relief that is given the intense heat. I remember in the UK that naps were reserved primarily for children and old people. What do you think? Is napping during the afternoon good or bad for your health?

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The older you get, the less sleep you need.

Taking naps by people in their 60's and older, contributes to night time insomnia.

Having trouble sleeping at night? Cut out the naps (alcohol and caffeine as well).

Sources? A very minimal amount of Google searching of generally credible organizations (American Medical Assn., AARP, Mature magazine, etc.)

Edited by Fookhaht
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I have taken afternoon naps for over 40 years and feel they a very good thing. I cannot think of not having them.I laid down every day around 2 pm and rest for 1/2 hour to 1 hour.The days i would go sailing in the afternoon I would lay down at lunch time for 1/2 hour. i saw those who did not nap,most of them were over weight,tired,stressed,you name it. That naps does wonders.

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I've read that a 1 hour or so nap in the mid afternoon is good for your health if you have the time. If not, then a power nap for 10mins or around lunch time is also said to be advantageous.

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I'm going on 60 yo and have a nap after lunch since I was 45.

I sleep only 15-20 minutes but very deep. I wake up without alarm clock and I can move mountains after the nap. If I can't sleep after lunch, don't ask me to open a glass of jam, it's too much.

Nights I sleep very well. I used to sleep around 8 hours. Now I sleep only 6 hours but maybe because I move less than 15 years ago...

I don't drink alcohol at all and I drink only one cup of coffee in the morning (I used to drink 15/20 espresso/day).

I think that everyone should know by himself if a nap is good or not. But anyway it shouldn't be so long that the night sleep becomes shorter.

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Always have about 1 hours sleep in the early afternoon.

At home l generally get woken up by the neighbour's cat poking me in the face(to see if l'm alive, maybe?).

Here l have up to 2 hours sometimes, & feel much refreshed afterwards.

2 large cups of coffee in the morning, none after midday.

Tea or water the rest of the day.

l love Singha soda water, icy cold. So bitey & refreshing.

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I don't take afternoon naps - I go for a foot massage and the nap takes me...

I was waiting for this one..............I go to the same foot massager three four times a week.if I don't fall asleep, she gets upset thinking she didn't do a good job.

Edited by TunnelRat69
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I don't take afternoon naps - I go for a foot massage and the nap takes me...

I was waiting for this one..............I go to the same foot massager three four times a week.if I don't fall asleep, she gets upset thinking she didn't do a good job.

I also fall asleep with those foot massages---until she digs her nails into the sensitive middle of my sole about 80% through the massage--followed by nerve-wracking pulling and twisting of each toe until it "pops." Paradise Lost.

Thai massage: it's not a massage until you feel pain at least once.

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I don't take afternoon naps - I go for a foot massage and the nap takes me...

I was waiting for this one..............I go to the same foot massager three four times a week.if I don't fall asleep, she gets upset thinking she didn't do a good job.

I go about 3-4 times a week too... different places... lately I am not sure if they do the second foot or not - I read for ten minutes, then I am just gone... some of them are a bit chatty especially at the local temple massage, but it is only 100 baht an hour - what a retirement, what a life... to have someone rub my feet while i sleep...

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I don't take afternoon naps - I go for a foot massage and the nap takes me...

I was waiting for this one..............I go to the same foot massager three four times a week.if I don't fall asleep, she gets upset thinking she didn't do a good job.

I also fall asleep with those foot massages---until she digs her nails into the sensitive middle of my sole about 80% through the massage. Paradise Lost.

Thai massage: it's not a massage until you feel pain at least once.

Nope, I have them trained - - I am not into pain... just go easy and get the blood circulating... less work for them too. Give them a little guidance as to what you like.

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I don't take afternoon naps - I go for a foot massage and the nap takes me...

I was waiting for this one..............I go to the same foot massager three four times a week.if I don't fall asleep, she gets upset thinking she didn't do a good job.

I also fall asleep with those foot massages---until she digs her nails into the sensitive middle of my sole about 80% through the massage. Paradise Lost.

Thai massage: it's not a massage until you feel pain at least once.

Nope, I have them trained - - I am not into pain... just go easy and get the blood circulating... less work for them too. Give them a little guidance as to what you like.

You'd think the cessation of snoring and the howl of pain would relay the message. Maybe they're just trying to stop my snoring. (Is that why I always wake up with the shop emptied of customers?)

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I can easily nap in the afternoon, but always wake up after an hour with a headache and feeling hung-over. So, unfortunately, it does not work for me.

You're not doing it right. You just need to practice.

A 90 minute power nap is a must for me. Never have any trouble sleeping at night.

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sleep when you are dead!!!!

Sleeping 1 hour a day will mean you miss out on over 50-years of your life!!!

Sleeping 8 hours at night will mean you miss out on 80-years of your life!!!

well, if you live to be 3000.

anyhow, i sleep for 11 minutes a week....i cannot miss one TV post!!!!

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Thaivisa - the youthful, forward-looking forum for dynamic young expats.

Coming soon - 'are the policemen looking younger?', 'didn't it used to be all fields around here?' and 'has anyone seen my teeth?'.

Honestly mate your obviously very witty and most of your comments give me a good laugh but if you dislike TV and the people on it so much why do you keep coming back? Is it you get enjoyment out of ridiculing people or are you just one of those guys that loves a train wreck?

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what the hell is a "power nap" HaHabiggrin.pngbiggrin.pngclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It is a brief descent into rem sleep then back out, usually sub 30 minutes in duration.

Anybody who says that their power nap lasts 90 minutes is just plain sleeping.

Edited by HooHaa
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