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CDC’s Amorn: Some ill-intended people must be behind students’ letter opposing draft charter


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CDC’s Amorn: Some ill-intended people must be behind students’ letter opposing draft charter

BANGKOK, 19 July 2016 (NNT) - A spokesman for the Constitution Drafting Commission believes some ill-intentioned people must be behind a movement by students, who have sent out letters calling for a protest against the draft charter.

CDC spokesman Amorn Wanichwiwatana said today that the charter drafters have been working with the Election Commission and security agencies to follow up on efforts to distort the contents of the draft charter, including the sending out of pamphlets and letters to members of the public, which carry messages opposing the new Constitution.

Mr. Amorn said that the authorities have been able to intercept such letters at post offices, and intelligence reports suggest that they were originally sent from the Dusit area in Bangkok and intended for residents in the northern region.

He added that an investigation into the identities of those involved has been underway for some time, but it has not been established if any politicians are behind it.

However, he feels sure that someone influential must have instigated the movement because known opposition groups and students don't have the capability nor financial resources to launch such an action by themselves.

-- NNT 2016-07-19 footer_n.gif

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It defies belief that students could actually think for themselves........and use snail mail.........is there the wiff of a third hand here!!

Of course they can't think for themselves! The citizenry are, after all, just ignorant, backwards plebs.

As the PM said in his New Year speech in April:

Do gardeners working outside of the Parliament’s building or farmers know anything about democracy? Of course not…Don’t talk to me about citizenry. Those people only go to vote because they were paid.

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"Someone influential must have instigated the movement as known opposition groups and students don't have the capacity nor financial resources to launch such an action by themselves."

Ye'p a note book and a printer along with some paper and stamps, Yeah I see how there simply must be a master mind and money to send out a few hundred letters, I mean lets face it, political science students can't think for them selves, nor can opposition groups think of ways to get out information so there must be some big bad boogie man out there doing this. But ok the junta keeps arresting the students and opposition groups and gaoling them because they are a threat to peace and security in the country.

Oh yeah and it's ok everyone, the international community knows the situation in Thailand and the UN say's they have no concern about the freedoms in the country, despite what they write on the website, trust us we wouldn't lie, and stop asking about bloody elections, don't you know when your being oppressed.....

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A disgraceful CDC response.

It's ludicrous to state that anyone who has an opinion contra to those of junta-head and his pack of usurpers is "ill-intentioned".

If you want to see what really defines "ill-intentioned", look no further than Section 279 of the draft Constitution that Thai people will vote on during the referendum in August.

A "yes" vote gives the usurpers complete immunity from any future legal proceedings against them!

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Good way to rile up the students insinuating they are incapable of thinking for themselves. Can see the social media getting quite hot today.

The regime that must not be named COULD JUST SHUT DOWN the Internet, if they want to,............

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It defies belief that students could actually think for themselves........and use snail mail.........is there the wiff of a third hand here!!

They will think whatever thought 1000 baht tells them to think........money rules

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Ramping up the propaganda as the date gets closer.

We can look forward to many more of these gentle reminders over the next couple of weeks,

And what are the odds that there will necessarily have to be a "strict crackdown", sadly and unfortunately shortly before polling day?

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Any suggestion, even proof, that students did this on their own must send shudders down the corridors of power as it means the policy of rat shit education is failing and students are actually learning something !

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It defies belief that students could actually think for themselves........and use snail mail.........is there the wiff of a third hand here!!

They will think whatever thought 1000 baht tells them to think........money rules
I really think you ought not to judge people you don't know by your own standards, especially without a scrap of evidence.
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I guess Prayuth and his elite mates bypassed the education system, we're never students and purchased thier degrees. They were born into the privileged society with the ability to think and form opinions. Keep up the good work of reconciliation and mending the dived between the elite and poor.

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Any suggestion, even proof, that students did this on their own must send shudders down the corridors of power as it means the policy of rat shit education is failing and students are actually learning something !

The ptb may well resort to the suchinda act of 92'

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It defies belief that students could actually think for themselves........and use snail mail.........is there the wiff of a third hand here!!

They will think whatever thought 1000 baht tells them to think........money rules
I really think you ought not to judge people you don't know by your own standards, especially without a scrap of evidence.

My own standards lol

If half the people in Thailand had half the standards that I posess the country wouldn't be in the state it is in, unfortunately it has been proven time and time again that everything can be bought here, recognising that fact is key to understanding Thailands many issues which is very obviously beyond you

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It defies belief that students could actually think for themselves........and use snail mail.........is there the wiff of a third hand here!!

They will think whatever thought 1000 baht tells them to think........money rules
I really think you ought not to judge people you don't know by your own standards, especially without a scrap of evidence.

My own standards lol

If half the people in Thailand had half the standards that I posess the country wouldn't be in the state it is in, unfortunately it has been proven time and time again that everything can be bought here, recognising that fact is key to understanding Thailands many issues which is very obviously beyond you

As I said: Judging people you don't know without a scrap of evidence. If you did, you would be singing it from the rooftops instead of the usual "Four legs good, two legs bad..."
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One wonders just how Khun Amorn comes to the conclusion that students are being pushed by ill - intended people , please give the public your wisdom and tell us all By how or who , Students as you are well aware Khun Amorn are against anything you and your Un- elected Un- democratic administration are a part of, and you know and I know that many have been protesting for weeks , only this has been silenced by your totalitarian rules , the students Sir can see through your thinly veiled transparency , indeed it is so transparent that they can see through your intentions , that is to control the government for years to come or until you are kicked into the gutter.........................................coffee1.gif

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Every night before going to bed does the PM and pals check under the bed in case there'a a bogeyman lurking ?

Oh don't forget the wardrobe too.

There's a student in there , There's a student out there , these bloody students are everywhere.

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It has been the students in many countries that have brought about change. Very rarely has it been the older members of the country.

Indeed, looking back at mass student protests and activism throughout the past 60 years with the benefit of hindsight, it would appear that they were right about pretty much everything.

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It defies belief that students could actually think for themselves........and use snail mail.........is there the wiff of a third hand here!!

They will think whatever thought 1000 baht tells them to think........money rules

Pass a word to the junta to pay them 2,000 B. Such brilliant understanding of local culture. The junta will pin a medal on you on your hind.

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Ill-intended =opposition. Lots of people do not like the army and its charter and those people are supposedly "ill-intended" because they have to resort to guerrilla tactics due to fear of arrest as the country lacks a little thing called freedom of speech.

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Excuse me, but the only ill-intended people I see is the CDC and the Junta. No real democrat would draft or support that piece of crap up for approval in a few weeks.

But rest assured the very same ill-intended people will ensure it will pass the referendum....

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It defies belief that students could actually think for themselves........and use snail mail.........is there the wiff of a third hand here!!

Of course they can't think for themselves! The citizenry are, after all, just ignorant, backwards plebs.

As the PM said in his New Year speech in April:

Do gardeners working outside of the Parliament’s building or farmers know anything about democracy? Of course not…Don’t talk to me about citizenry. Those people only go to vote because they were paid.

While he might be wrong talking for 100% of the gardeners and farmers and the majority of the Thai population - what he says is correct regarding the vast majority.

Face it - there has never been democracy in Thailand and the only group who has enough financial power to oppose the military government is far from intending democracy. They just want the pseudo democracy back with their greedy snouts deep in the trough again.

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