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Plagiarism charges mar Melania Trump's moment


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In summary,

Melania is mail order bride from a communist family that married a rich guy twice her age,

she plagiarized Michell Obama,

lied about her degree,

cheats on her Federal taxes claiming a $500,000 joint income to get a tax credit,

has sweat shops offshore making her fashions, 

irregularities in her immigration papers &

exposed in nude lesbian photos. 


The Immgartion vetting process needs work if this is the type of people they approve. 



Edited by Buzzz
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On 8/6/2016 at 0:09 AM, Opl said:

I keep wondering why DT did not check himself  his wife's speech. This was his duty to monitor his wife's preparation for the event.  

I imagined they would have together scrutiny each and every word , compared the draft to other speeches in similar circumstances.

She's not the one to blame because she's not the one running for presidency.

This shows how motivated for the job her husband really is.


DT is actually not a good manager.  He has a very short attention span.  He doesn't like hearing from experts because, as he says; "I have a really good brain" "I know a lot of words."  "I know more than the generals, believe me."     


Melania may have tried showing her speech draft to The Divider but he would just grin and say, "Melania darling, I'm sure you're speech is great.  You're the greatest.  Now go change into that pink negligee I got for you, and make yourself useful.  Earn your keep, you little Serbian tiger, you."

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4 hours ago, Buzzz said:

In summary,

Melania is mail order bride from a communist family that married a rich guy twice her age,

she plagiarized Michell Obama,

lied about her degree,

cheats on her Federal taxes claiming a $500,000 joint income to get a tax credit,

has sweat shops offshore making her fashions, 

irregularities in her immigration papers &

exposed in nude lesbian photos. 


The Immgartion vetting process needs work if this is the type of people they approve. 



Well,  I, for one, am sure glad she isn't running for President then.   


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4 hours ago, Buzzz said:

In summary,

Melania is mail order bride from a communist family that married a rich guy twice her age,

she plagiarized Michell Obama,

lied about her degree,

cheats on her Federal taxes claiming a $500,000 joint income to get a tax credit,

has sweat shops offshore making her fashions, 

irregularities in her immigration papers &

exposed in nude lesbian photos. 


The Immgartion vetting process needs work if this is the type of people they approve. 



At the time she was vetted for immigration, she was probably not running any sweat shops and she was probably not paying tax in the US.   I am pretty sure that nude lesbian photos are not an excludable offense like crimes against humanity are.  

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On 8/5/2016 at 4:46 PM, Boon Mee said:

The whole issue is politically driven.:thumbsup:

Democrats should be ashamed.

Especially now that Barry has reached his target of importing 10K Syrian migrants:



Ah, a speech at a political party''s convention is politically driven. Thanks for the news.

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I'm sure The Donald will release all the relevant paperwork, including Melania's "long-form" visa and green card applications.


After all, he was relentless demanding Mitt Romney release his taxes, and that President Obama release his birth certificate. 


The Donald imported so many immigrants that The Trump Organization employed their own in-house immigration attorney.



Anyway, I'm sure everything is above board, and will be sorted out.

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On August 5, 2016 at 7:04 AM, Jingthing said:

She's not first lady material for a modern president. But she's a good fit for trump who is so massively unqualified to be president. Just how stupid at
are Americans if they fall for his con man campaign?


You are more judgmental than those you condemn.  You speak from a place of fear and hate.  By all accounts, Melania is a good person who has treated others with respect and dignity.  That in my book qualifies her to be anything she wants to be.

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Would you rather align yourself with a person that could care nothing about you or not like you, but acts nice to your face to get what they need from you or the honest person that tells you exactly what they think and feel about you?  Trump may actually feel more positively about women and minirities than Clinton does but one would never know it because career politicians have a special way of controlling others' perceptions.

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So is this "Meridith McIver" 'person' who "took the fall' for the plagiarized speech a real person, or another fake persona Senor Donald loves to use?


Who’s Impersonating Melania Trump’s Plagiarist Meredith McIver?





Donald Trump masqueraded as publicist to brag about himself



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If he does get in, and later she does end up in some hot water over what she's accused of...



...she'll be a little older by then,





and it will be high-time he does a HenryVIII on her, and gets a newer model



is she related to Putin??


Edited by tifino
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She's gone into HIDING since the convention.

There is no way she is going to explain how she got her green card, etc. because it's pretty clear now there something ROTTEN (but very pretty if you like that sort of look) that came from the state of Slovenia.

Not very unusual, but considering her hubby is running on a xenophobic anti-immigrant agenda, it's no wonder she's hiding. 




Donald Trump has said his wife is “so documented.”

Sure thing. Believe him. The con man of trump fake "university", ghosted condo projects, unpaid contractors, and vulture like bankruptcy schemes. 





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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

She's gone into HIDING since the convention.

There is no way she is going to explain how she got her green card, etc. because it's pretty clear now there something ROTTEN (but very pretty if you like that sort of look) that came from the state of Slovenia.

Not very unusual, but considering her hubby is running on a xenophobic anti-immigrant agenda, it's no wonder she's hiding. 



Sure thing. Believe him. The con man of trump fake "university", ghosted condo projects, unpaid contractors, and vulture like bankruptcy schemes. 






I gives me pause to wonder what "so documented" actually could mean.

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