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Republicans dare to hope with Trump


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Republicans dare to hope with Trump


CLEVELAND: -- With Donald Trump just hours away from formally accepting the challenge of being the Republican Party’s hope for the White House, convention delegates in Cleveland are daring to think he could go all the way.

Euronews asked few of them what they thought:

“We are gotta get back to ‘tell-it-like-it-is’, common-sense issues. You know, we got bureaucrats that are running this country and are running it in the ground,”

“I am 100% confident, because I think people are fed up with Hillary Clinton and establishment politics. Here are the silent majorities that have come out before. I think he is going to take our country back.”

“Seniors, people of higher income, lower income, a lot of them are not saying it, but they are voting for Donald Trump.”

Despite lingering doubts among party elders, opinion polls claim Trump is narrowing the gap between himself and the Democrats. But even though Trump is still facing a big challenge Euronews correspondent Stefan Grobe thinks there is one major factor which will bring out Republican support:

“Donald Trump is facing enormous obstacles. He is behind in the polls, he lacks money, infrastructure and a ground game, and he presides over a fractured party. But if there is one thing that energises Republicans more than anything, it is the overriding desire to beat Hillary Clinton,” – Stefan Grobe for euronews.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-21

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I think people are tired of politicians like Clinton and the establishment and I think a straight talking maverick would be a breath of fresh air. But if the American people think that a racist, homophobic hypocritical liar like Trump is that maverick then god help you all. You are better than this America, you just need to find the right man or woman for the job

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From what i have seen on the news, it wont just be god save America but god save the world if Trump gets in as USA president, many of his policy statements seem similar to those supported by the Nazi party in Germany before world war 11 and their treatment of peoples they could blame for Germany's economic woes, and Trump is using similar tactics with Americans of Hispanic origin

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I think people are tired of politicians like Clinton and the establishment and I think a straight talking maverick would be a breath of fresh air. But if the American people think that a racist, homophobic hypocritical liar like Trump is that maverick then god help you all. You are better than this America, you just need to find the right man or woman for the job

All those meatheads that are hooked up with Trump are establishment people. Gingrich, Mike Pence has a direct line to the Koch Bros. as does Cruz who does not wish to associate with Trump. Christie the lot of them are establishment connected. What a pile of BS
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The Donald may be a self promoting egomaniac with questionable business practices

but he is no racist. Just because he makes outrageous statements does not make

him a racist. Of course the business practices he uses including bankruptcy have been

used to benefit himself and while unethical as far as most are concerned they seem

to have fallen well short of criminal. He may be uninformed in the politics of the world

but he has been a successful businessman. That said I doubt he is worth 8 billion.

Smoke and mirrors and branding as far as I am concerned. He seems to have good

relationships with the ex-wives and great relationships with his kids who seem well

adjusted and successful. Support him or don't but I am tired of people calling him a

racist when the track record of his behaviour does not support this. Cruz needs the

Donald to fail so he can launch a 2020 campaign. That is his angle. Cruz knows that

after 8 years of Democrats in the White House the natural ebb and flow is for a Republican

to win and if Republicans were to unite they would have an excellent chance even

with Trump as the nominee. That is the last thing Cruz wants. I look forward to the next

4 months. Great entertainment. thumbsup.gif

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Good points but I don't think it will be god save the world. The USA is a major power, especially when it comes to weaponry. If Trump decided to follow his ludicrous plans then the rest of the world would simply condemn it and he would find himself isolated. The combination of that much hatred combined with that much hardware is certainly frightening but who would side with such a maniac?

I truly believe that common sense will win in the end even though it means holding the nose and voting for Clinton. The alternative is too unthinkable

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I suppose it's just a huge co-incidence that Trump happens to support the policies what Kreml wants.

I suppose it's just a huge co-incidence that Trump's speeches are aimed to break the western unity apart. I suppose it's just a huge co-incidence.

The old saying is: Follow the money. In this case people should really follow the money.

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The Donald may be a self promoting egomaniac with questionable business practices

but he is no racist. Just because he makes outrageous statements does not make

him a racist. Of course the business practices he uses including bankruptcy have been

used to benefit himself and while unethical as far as most are concerned they seem

to have fallen well short of criminal. He may be uninformed in the politics of the world

but he has been a successful businessman. That said I doubt he is worth 8 billion.

Smoke and mirrors and branding as far as I am concerned. He seems to have good

relationships with the ex-wives and great relationships with his kids who seem well

adjusted and successful. Support him or don't but I am tired of people calling him a

racist when the track record of his behaviour does not support this. Cruz needs the

Donald to fail so he can launch a 2020 campaign. That is his angle. Cruz knows that

after 8 years of Democrats in the White House the natural ebb and flow is for a Republican

to win and if Republicans were to unite they would have an excellent chance even

with Trump as the nominee. That is the last thing Cruz wants. I look forward to the next

4 months. Great entertainment. thumbsup.gif

Don't be sure about trump not being a racist, dude. Perhaps you are just misinformed.thumbsup.gif


In his 1991 book Trumped!, the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, John R. O’Donnell, recalled Trump declaring that “laziness is a trait in blacks,” and exclaiming: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” Trump acknowledged in a Playboy interview (5/97; citedHuffington Post, 4/29/11), “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”
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The Donald may be a self promoting egomaniac with questionable business practices

but he is no racist. Just because he makes outrageous statements does not make

him a racist. Of course the business practices he uses including bankruptcy have been

used to benefit himself and while unethical as far as most are concerned they seem

to have fallen well short of criminal. He may be uninformed in the politics of the world

but he has been a successful businessman. That said I doubt he is worth 8 billion.

Smoke and mirrors and branding as far as I am concerned. He seems to have good

relationships with the ex-wives and great relationships with his kids who seem well

adjusted and successful. Support him or don't but I am tired of people calling him a

racist when the track record of his behaviour does not support this. Cruz needs the

Donald to fail so he can launch a 2020 campaign. That is his angle. Cruz knows that

after 8 years of Democrats in the White House the natural ebb and flow is for a Republican

to win and if Republicans were to unite they would have an excellent chance even

with Trump as the nominee. That is the last thing Cruz wants. I look forward to the next

4 months. Great entertainment.

Great post. Most likely, I will not vote for either candidate. I don't trust Trump and - IMO - Hillary is a habitual liar and criminal who got away with it because of political considerations. However, Trump is no racist or anti-Semite. Those are blatant lies, aimed at discrediting him with the electorate.

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The Donald may be a self promoting egomaniac with questionable business practices

but he is no racist. Just because he makes outrageous statements does not make

him a racist. Of course the business practices he uses including bankruptcy have been

used to benefit himself and while unethical as far as most are concerned they seem

to have fallen well short of criminal. He may be uninformed in the politics of the world

but he has been a successful businessman. That said I doubt he is worth 8 billion.

Smoke and mirrors and branding as far as I am concerned. He seems to have good

relationships with the ex-wives and great relationships with his kids who seem well

adjusted and successful. Support him or don't but I am tired of people calling him a

racist when the track record of his behaviour does not support this. Cruz needs the

Donald to fail so he can launch a 2020 campaign. That is his angle. Cruz knows that

after 8 years of Democrats in the White House the natural ebb and flow is for a Republican

to win and if Republicans were to unite they would have an excellent chance even

with Trump as the nominee. That is the last thing Cruz wants. I look forward to the next

4 months. Great entertainment.

Great post. Most likely, I will not vote for either candidate. I don't trust Trump and - IMO - Hillary is a habitual liar and criminal who got away with it because of political considerations. However, Trump is no racist or anti-Semite. Those are blatant lies, aimed at discrediting him with the electorate.

Regardless of what is in trump's sociopathic heart, nobody can deny that the trump movement has attracted an AWFUL lot of racists to support him. In addition, even when asked to condemn such supporters and dissociate himself from them ... he NEVER does that. That's disgusting. He's disgusting. The Make America HATE again movement he's spawned is disgusting.

Edited by Jingthing
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Don't be sure about trump not being a racist, dude. Perhaps you are just misinformed

Malarkey. Repeating a few racial stereotypes over the course of a lifetime does not make one a "racist". Otherwise, pretty much everyone would be one. There is no evidence that Trump believes in white supremacy or has any interest in harming other races.

1: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

2: the belief that some races of people are better than others

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Don't be sure about trump not being a racist, dude. Perhaps you are just misinformed

Malarkey. Repeating a few racial stereotypes over the course of a lifetime does not make one a "racist". Otherwise, pretty much everyone would be one. There is no evidence that Trump believes in white supremacy or has any interest in harming other races.

1: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

2: the belief that some races of people are better than others

Funny. Mexicans and blacks (zero percent support?) smell something ROTTEN in the trump movement. Again, what's in his heart is one thing. The hateful movement he's spawned which without any possible argument HAS attracted white supremacists, even Nazis, is another.

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The Make America HATE again movement he's spawned is disgusting.

Wasn't the "Make America Hate Again" Title already claimed by Obama and the Black Lives Matter movement?

The Trump campaign has already been guilty of plagiarism once in recent days..I certainly don't want Dems claiming he has also co-opted their particular penchant for stirring up Hate for political gain.

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Don't be sure about trump not being a racist, dude. Perhaps you are just misinformed

Malarkey. Repeating a few racial stereotypes over the course of a lifetime does not make one a "racist". Otherwise, pretty much everyone would be one. There is no evidence that Trump believes in white supremacy or has any interest in harming other races.

1: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race

2: the belief that some races of people are better than others

Funny. Mexicans and blacks (zero percent support?) smell something ROTTEN in the trump movement. Again, what's in his heart is one thing. The hateful movement he's spawned which without any possible argument HAS attracted white supremacists, even Nazis, is another.

Well this here is sure interesting. It looks like some are suggesting the Dems are actively seeking the votes of convicted felons.

Some neo-nazis might be attracted to Trump but is he actually going out and trying to lobby their vote like the Dems are doing? Just asking.


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nobody can deny that the trump movement has attracted an AWFUL lot of racists to support him. In addition, even when asked to condemn such supporters and dissociate himself from them ... he NEVER does that.

He has attracted a LOT MORE people who are NOT racists. He is not responsible for the ones who are. Also, he has denounced David Duke repeatedly.

"I don't want David Duke's endorsement:" http://www.politico.com/story/2015/08/donald-trump-doesnt-want-david-duke-endorsement-121784

Trump brushes off David Duke support: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/270931-trump-brushes-off-david-duke-support

Donald J. Trump on Twitter:

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The Donald may be a self promoting egomaniac with questionable business practices

but he is no racist. Just because he makes outrageous statements does not make

him a racist. Of course the business practices he uses including bankruptcy have been

used to benefit himself and while unethical as far as most are concerned they seem

to have fallen well short of criminal. He may be uninformed in the politics of the world

but he has been a successful businessman. That said I doubt he is worth 8 billion.

Smoke and mirrors and branding as far as I am concerned. He seems to have good

relationships with the ex-wives and great relationships with his kids who seem well

adjusted and successful. Support him or don't but I am tired of people calling him a

racist when the track record of his behaviour does not support this. Cruz needs the

Donald to fail so he can launch a 2020 campaign. That is his angle. Cruz knows that

after 8 years of Democrats in the White House the natural ebb and flow is for a Republican

to win and if Republicans were to unite they would have an excellent chance even

with Trump as the nominee. That is the last thing Cruz wants. I look forward to the next

4 months. Great entertainment. thumbsup.gif

Your right, Trump is no racist--he will rob, cheat, steal and lie to people of all colours.

I imagine the 1000s of tradesmen he didnt pay for a fair job done were migrants working for half the going rate.

he doesnt discriminate when getting his products made overseas either..

what a guy :0)

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