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Thunderous boos for Cruz for refusing to endorse Trump


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I am no fan of Ted Cruz, but I applaud him for this. Anything or anyone that makes Disgusting Donald look bad, is good in my eyes! So far, the entire convention has been hijacked by one mistake, after another. I am loving it. Talk about great drama.

Tiny Ted and his Tiny brain.

He blew any chance for Republican Support in his "now uncertain" political career.

Pettiness....and just bad manners.

Sore L.o.s.e.r.

Cruz is done as a presidential candidate, he will keep his senate seat and that is a good thing. Donald played Cruz like a fish on a string, he was there to fire up the crowd. Trump has more than replaced the few folks who will follow Cruz. Trump made a point, the party is behind Trump as they ran the sniveler out of the room. Party is more united and powerful than anytime since Reagan.

No. What obviously happened was that Cruz out-negotiated Trump. In returning for Cruz agreeing not to contest Trump's nomination on Tuesday, Cruz got to speak on Wednesday even though his speech, which was vetted by Trump's people in advance, contained no endorsement of Trump. In other words, Trump, the master negotiator, got played.

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Republican faithful are good at booing. They get a lot of practice. Negativity, blame, finding fault.

Heck, Newt even said today, "Americans should be terrified of Clinton presidency." ....seriously, that's a direct quote. The more terrified they can make the sheeple, the more votes Trump gets.

Cruz is setting up candidacy for prez in 2020. No matter who wins in Nov., Cruz will be in the running in four years, and he'll be just as Bible-Thumping, cold-hearted and anti-science as he is now. By not tying himself to Trump, Cruz can disassociate himself from the inevitable Trumpster fire.

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I'd boo Cruz just because he thinks planet earth is 6,000 years old & climate change is a hoax.

He wants to teach our children the creation story in science class!

This is preposterous but here he is, at the top of the republican food chain. Beam me up.

Doesn't the fact Trump is the presidential nominee for the Republican Party place him at the top of the food chain?

Cruz is just spewing sour grapes from the sideline.

i don't understand why Libersls hate Trump so much. He was the most moderate candidate the GOP offered up this season.

Edited by ClutchClark
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I can't stand Cruz. But in this case, gotta admit he's got more integrity than Ryan, Christie, Rubio, Walker, Gingrich, and all those other ass-kissers in the GOP.

Nonsense. They all pledged to support the Republican nominee and Cruz went back on his word. Even the far right despise him now. His political career is over.

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i don't understand why Libersls hate Trump so much.

They hate ANY Republican that dares to run for president. Mitt Romney was a moderate and a really good man. Look how they demonized him.

Mitt Romney was no moderate. At least not the Mitt Romney who ran for President in 2012. When he was governor of Massachusetts and instituted the country's first version of Obamacare, and who supported abortion rights, maybe. But he had to shift way to the right to track the Republican Party's shift. Remember this quote?

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them."

And here's factcheck.org's evaluation of that:

"Mitt Romney was wrong when he said the 47 percent of Americans who pay no federal income taxes are “dependent on the government.” Most of them are working people who simply do not earn very much money. Romney also assumed that all of those in the 47 percent who pay no federal income tax vote Democratic. "


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i don't understand why Libersls hate Trump so much.

They hate ANY Republican that dares to run for president. Mitt Romney was a moderate and a really good man. Look how they demonized him.

Mitt Romney was no moderate. At least not the Mitt Romney who ran for President in 2012. When he was governor of Massachusetts and instituted the country's first version of Obamacare, and who supported abortion rights, maybe. But he had to shift way to the right to track the Republican Party's shift. Remember this quote?

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them."

And here's factcheck.org's evaluation of that:

"Mitt Romney was wrong when he said the 47 percent of Americans who pay no federal income taxes are “dependent on the government.” Most of them are working people who simply do not earn very much money. Romney also assumed that all of those in the 47 percent who pay no federal income tax vote Democratic. "


Actually he had a valid point, but definitely a political gaffe to admit it out-loud. Another view on that:

In a secretly recorded video, Mitt Romney said “47 percent” of Americans don’t pay income tax, and those “dependent on government” probably won’t vote for him. Even if it’s a horrible political move, Mitt’s completely right, writes Alex Klein.


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I can't stand Cruz. But in this case, gotta admit he's got more integrity than Ryan, Christie, Rubio, Walker, Gingrich, and all those other ass-kissers in the GOP.

Nonsense. They all pledged to support the Republican nominee and Cruz went back on his word. Even the far right despise him now. His political career is over.

Trump is not normal. He doesn't even want to do the job as president. Cruz is a creepy sleazeball but he has a point in not endorsing the freak fascist candidate trump. It's now been leaked that Kasich was approached to do the COMPLETE job as president because trump both knows he isn't qualified and doesn't even WANT to do it. That leads to the speculation that Pence was offered the same deal. When asked if trump doesn't actually intend to do the job of president what would trump's job duties be? The answer ... make America great again. If that garbage isn't unconstitutional it's just because the founding young men didn't have the imagination to consider somebody like trump ever having a chance to stop him. If Cruz has helped stop him ... good for Cruz.

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@Post 36

"i don't understand why Libersls [sic] hate Trump so much. He was the most moderate candidate the GOP offered up this season." blink.png

A Holy <deleted> statement if I ever heard one. cheesy.gif

P.S. The only people I have noticed on Trump threads that use the word Hate, are his fans. thumbsup.gif

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It's now been leaked that Kasich was approached to do the COMPLETE job as president because trump both knows he isn't qualified and doesn't even WANT to do it.

You constantly make this sort of loony accusation without any attempt to back it up. Please provide a link to a RELIABLE source.

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i don't understand why Libersls hate Trump so much.

They hate ANY Republican that dares to run for president. Mitt Romney was a moderate and a really good man. Look how they demonized him.

He was a tax-avoiding, nepotistic multimillionaire who had nothing of substance to offer the American people.

He didn't need demonizing.

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It's now been leaked that Kasich was approached to do the COMPLETE job as president because trump both knows he isn't qualified and doesn't even WANT to do it.

You constantly make this sort of loony accusation without any attempt to back it up. Please provide a link to a RELIABLE source.

Unfortunately, for you, any source to the left of foxnews.com will probably be regarded as unreliable.


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Yes, he did Chicog:

Defiant Ted Cruz stands by refusal to endorse Trump after being booed during convention speech

"Cleveland (CNN)Ted Cruz on Thursday strongly defended his refusal to endorse Donald Trump during his Republican National Convention speech,

saying he's not "in the habit" of backing politicians who attack his family."

"I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father,"
Cruz said at a morning meeting where he faced sharp questions from the Texas delegation in Cleveland."
"The Texas senator sensationally withheld an endorsement of Trump in his speech Wednesday,
earning a chorus of boos from the floor while getting upstaged in a power play by the GOP nominee himself"
The Bloviator tried to quell it, but the damage was done. thumbsup.gif
The Clown Train: Heading into the abyss...
Lovin' it.
Edited by iReason
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i don't understand why Libersls hate Trump so much.

They hate ANY Republican that dares to run for president. Mitt Romney was a moderate and a really good man. Look how they demonized him.

Mitt Romney was no moderate. At least not the Mitt Romney who ran for President in 2012. When he was governor of Massachusetts and instituted the country's first version of Obamacare, and who supported abortion rights, maybe. But he had to shift way to the right to track the Republican Party's shift. Remember this quote?

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them."

And here's factcheck.org's evaluation of that:

"Mitt Romney was wrong when he said the 47 percent of Americans who pay no federal income taxes are “dependent on the government.” Most of them are working people who simply do not earn very much money. Romney also assumed that all of those in the 47 percent who pay no federal income tax vote Democratic. "


Actually he had a valid point, but definitely a political gaffe to admit it out-loud. Another view on that:

In a secretly recorded video, Mitt Romney said “47 percent” of Americans don’t pay income tax, and those “dependent on government” probably won’t vote for him. Even if it’s a horrible political move, Mitt’s completely right, writes Alex Klein.


That link of yours danced around that 47% figure but never actually looked at polling. I wonder why? So let's take a look at the data about that 47% and whether or not they would ever vote for him:

According to the most recent Gallup polls of registered voters, 37 percent of those making less than $36,000 a year indicate they plan to vote for Romney. Moreover, as we noted earlier, a sizable chunk of 46.4 percenters are retirees, and among those 65 and older, Romney leads Obama by nine points, 52 percent to 43 percent. According to a Rasmussen Reports poll of likely voters between Sept. 10 and 16, 40 percent of those making less than $20,000 said they plan to vote for Romney; 50 percent of those making between $20,000 and $40,000 said they supported Romney. The Pew Research Center similarly found in its latest poll that 32 percent of those making less than $30,000 and 42 percent of those making between $30,000 and $50,000 support Romney — as do a plurality of seniors.


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You mean Romney's off-hand remark at a private fund-raiser was not 100% accurate? blink.png

It was not a statistics class, but he was still making a fairly valid point.

Wow. given the numbers Romney probably got over 40% of that vote. And yet, somehow, that becomes a "fairly valid point"? Really?

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Geez, one more odious than the other. Painful for me to say this, but my sympathies are with Cruz on this one. He hustled a speaking slot at the convention, and if he reneged on the promis, awwww, poor poor little Donald. Hey DT, this is "Lyin' Ted," remember? That's what YOU dubbed him. If I was in Ted's position I wouldn't think I owed that clown anything after all those insults to me, my wife and my father.

But Cruz's real cleverness on Wednesday was that he was able to deliver the first campaign speech of the 2020 campaign. By not endorsing Don The Con he already is distancing himself from the disaster of a Trump presidency, should it come to that.

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i don't understand why Libersls hate Trump so much.

They hate ANY Republican that dares to run for president. Mitt Romney was a moderate and a really good man. Look how they demonized him.
The problem is the Republican candidate has to move to the far right during the primaries. The GOP is too spread out electorally these days. Time for 3 parties: right, establishment (dems and reps) and liberal.
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Perhaps this explains why Cruz seems to be a Democratic Party Operative

Ted Cruz flew with Obama to Dallas days before refusing to back Trump at RNC. Coincidence?


Sounds pretty fishy to this poster...blink.png

Lol, the person of which this would be most unbelievable. Edited by stevenl
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If people think Trump is creepy what the hell do they make of Cruz? Adds a whole new level to creepy IMHO; did he really have expectations of being nominated? President Cruz would be a lot more scary than Trump.

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It is amazing how the good old boys in the Republican party

still do not get that they lost and the Donald beat them.

I guess some of them do not know how to eat crow, and grow

up and support Mr. Trump. Ted Crus is showing just how good of

a good old boy he is. I hope that Donald Trump does beat out

Hillary Clinton, it may be a scary future, but what the heck.

Did any one think that Ronald Regan was going to be a

decent president when he first got elected?


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I'd boo Cruz just because he thinks planet earth is 6,000 years old & climate change is a hoax.

He wants to teach our children the creation story in science class!

This is preposterous but here he is, at the top of the republican food chain. Beam me up.

Doesn't the fact Trump is the presidential nominee for the Republican Party place him at the top of the food chain?

Cruz is just spewing sour grapes from the sideline.

i don't understand why Libersls hate Trump so much. He was the most moderate candidate the GOP offered up this season.

Is that a joke? Kasich was the most reasonable GOP candidate, and even he was stuck in 50's 'better dead than red' mentality. Actually, Trump wavers between conservative and out-to-lunch, because he's so wishy-washy. He's so busy tweeting attacks on HRC that he's forgotten to study anything in-depth on what's going on in the world. He thinks he knows better than Joint Chiefs of Staff. The ghost-writer of his book (who spent months with the Blovator) said Trump was never seen reading a book. His world view is like that of a 5-year-old brought up by a father like Joe McCarthy and a mother like J.Edgar Hoover.

Most Liberals, like myself, are glad Trump is the GOP candidate, because he's beatable by a comfortable margin.

Perhaps this explains why Cruz seems to be a Democratic Party Operative

Ted Cruz flew with Obama to Dallas days before refusing to back Trump at RNC. Coincidence?


Sounds pretty fishy to this poster...blink.png

Oh boy, the entertainment factor just went up. Conspiracy flakes mixed in with your Loony Toons Cheerios for this morning's breakfast cereal, perchance?

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I would have prefered Kasich myself but he lacks the personality even though he has the experience and expertise the Oval Office could have used.

But if you look at Trump's record prior to his running for office and making outlandish campaign promises, he has actuslly spent a lifetime as a Moderate.

I thought Dems would rather see Trump in office than Cruz but judging from your post and others, it appears I gave the Libersls too much credit.


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I would have prefered Kasich myself but he lacks the personality even though he has the experience and expertise the Oval Office could have used.

But if you look at Trump's record prior to his running for office and making outlandish campaign promises, he has actuslly spent a lifetime as a Moderate.

I thought Dems would rather see Trump in office than Cruz but judging from your post and others, it appears I gave the Libersls too much credit.


I didn't say whether Cruz would be better than Trump. They're both detestable, but for different reasons.

Trump could be seen as a moderate, but he's like a 'hall of mirrors'. He's all over the place. His positions (always vague) on important issues are wishy washy, uninformed. He can change his prissy fickle mind as easily as a little kid deciding whether she likes vanilla fudge or chocolate better for an ice cream flavor. Trump is to presidential what a hound dog is to a dumpster in back of a Denny's restaurant.

Newt Gingrich : "In this election there is only one candidate who will uphold the Constitution."

Did he say who it was?

It was obvious. No need to enunciate it ...thumbsup.gif

The Constitution outlines how, when there's a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the President is obligated to appoint a replacement and Congress is obligated to vote for that candidate. Trump gives the finger to the Constitution by advising; 'delay, delay, delay.'

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