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Activist monk urges monks and Buddhists to stand up against “threats” against Buddhism


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They even stole Buddhism, from India.!


Thai Buddhists don't like to hear it but Buddhism has a long history outside of Thailand and India.

In countries like China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, even such places as Pakistan and even Afghanistan.

And yes the beginnings of Buddhism go though many countries in Southeast Asia, as well as other areas.

In the same way, in Europe, just being a Catholic monk didn't suddenly make you Holy, being a Buddhist Monk doesn't make you a good person.

Religion has caused more wars and killing in history.

And even today in Burma it still is.

In my personal opinion, any religion that becomes an organized religion soon bcomes corrupt.

That is why I may call myself a Buddhist but I am not a Thai Buddhist.

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Thai monks are the biggest threat to Buddhism.

That's about the stupidest thing I've read here.

Unfortunately, it's also the truth.

But keep reading if THAT is the stupidest thing you've read here.

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They even stole Buddhism, from India.!


Thai Buddhists don't like to hear it but Buddhism has a long history outside of Thailand and India.

In countries like China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, even such places as Pakistan and even Afghanistan.

And yes the beginnings of Buddhism go though many countries in Southeast Asia, as well as other areas.

In the same way, in Europe, just being a Catholic monk didn't suddenly make you Holy, being a Buddhist Monk doesn't make you a good person.

Religion has caused more wars and killing in history.

And even today in Burma it still is.

In my personal opinion, any religion that becomes an organized religion soon bcomes corrupt.

That is why I may call myself a Buddhist but I am not a Thai Buddhist.

There isn't such a thing as Thai Buddhism. There is Theravada mixed with Animism, Hinduism and Fetishism.

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They even stole Buddhism, from India.!

Stealing, generally involves the willful and unlawful taking of the property of another. It seems one cannot steal (stole) a philosophy, belief, superstition, religion or the like.

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The threat seems to be in its very organization and the corruption of the inner circle. Then again, I only see it from a safe distance. Their problem, not mine.

Edited by Benmart
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They even stole Buddhism, from India.!


Thai Buddhists don't like to hear it but Buddhism has a long history outside of Thailand and India.

In countries like China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, even such places as Pakistan and even Afghanistan.

And yes the beginnings of Buddhism go though many countries in Southeast Asia, as well as other areas.

In the same way, in Europe, just being a Catholic monk didn't suddenly make you Holy, being a Buddhist Monk doesn't make you a good person.

Religion has caused more wars and killing in history.

And even today in Burma it still is.

In my personal opinion, any religion that becomes an organized religion soon bcomes corrupt.

That is why I may call myself a Buddhist but I am not a Thai Buddhist.

There isn't such a thing as Thai Buddhism. There is Theravada mixed with Animism, Hinduism and Fetishism.

So true. One only has to visit certain temples or shrines to see the numerous idols, the myriad festooned trees and curious collectibles left by believers.

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They even stole Buddhism, from India.!


Thai Buddhists don't like to hear it but Buddhism has a long history outside of Thailand and India.

In countries like China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, even such places as Pakistan and even Afghanistan.

And yes the beginnings of Buddhism go though many countries in Southeast Asia, as well as other areas.

In the same way, in Europe, just being a Catholic monk didn't suddenly make you Holy, being a Buddhist Monk doesn't make you a good person.

Religion has caused more wars and killing in history.

And even today in Burma it still is.

In my personal opinion, any religion that becomes an organized religion soon bcomes corrupt.

That is why I may call myself a Buddhist but I am not a Thai Buddhist.


Buddhist and Thai Buddhist is like chalk and cheese.

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They even stole Buddhism, from India.!


Thai Buddhists don't like to hear it but Buddhism has a long history outside of Thailand and India.

In countries like China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, even such places as Pakistan and even Afghanistan.

And yes the beginnings of Buddhism go though many countries in Southeast Asia, as well as other areas.

In the same way, in Europe, just being a Catholic monk didn't suddenly make you Holy, being a Buddhist Monk doesn't make you a good person.

Religion has caused more wars and killing in history.

And even today in Burma it still is.

In my personal opinion, any religion that becomes an organized religion soon bcomes corrupt.

That is why I may call myself a Buddhist but I am not a Thai Buddhist.

There isn't such a thing as Thai Buddhism. There is Theravada mixed with Animism, Hinduism and Fetishism.
So what would you call Theravada Buddhism mixed with Animism, Hinduism, and Fetishism as practiced by many people in Thailand, if not for the want of a better description, Thai Buddhism? Edited by Artisi
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in other words they are sh*tting themselves because they can see their corrupt practices coming to an end and all that money etc disappearing if the law is able to arrest and jail them. These people are a joke and have nothing to do with religion, it is simply an easy ride to line their pockets, the real monks have no problems with what is happening at all because it doesnt effect them in any way what so ever as they have nothing to hide, it only effects the ones that are corrupt

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They even stole Buddhism, from India.!


Thai Buddhists don't like to hear it but Buddhism has a long history outside of Thailand and India.

In countries like China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, even such places as Pakistan and even Afghanistan.

And yes the beginnings of Buddhism go though many countries in Southeast Asia, as well as other areas.

In the same way, in Europe, just being a Catholic monk didn't suddenly make you Holy, being a Buddhist Monk doesn't make you a good person.

Religion has caused more wars and killing in history.

And even today in Burma it still is.

In my personal opinion, any religion that becomes an organized religion soon bcomes corrupt.

That is why I may call myself a Buddhist but I am not a Thai Buddhist.

There isn't such a thing as Thai Buddhism. There is Theravada mixed with Animism, Hinduism and Fetishism.So what would you call Theravada Buddhism mixed with Animism, Hinduism, and Fetishism as practiced by many people in Thailand, if not for the want of a better description, Thai Buddhism?

Good question.

I wouldn't call it Thai Buddhism as there are some Thai Buddhists that practice the real deal, namely the forest monks who wear the dark brown robes. There are also the Thai "Social Worker" Monks - a world of a difference.

I went on a retreat in the 90s at Suan Mokh, which is a famous forest temple of the late higly revered Aj Buddadassa Bikkhu. I've nothing but high respect and admiration for the monks there.

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Thai monks are the biggest threat to Buddhism.

Don't worry, just standby for the apologists to claim they're not ' real ' monks.

They may be up to all sorts of things that are against the principles of Buddhism etc but if they'e been ordained they're still monks until defrocked .

actually it would seem some of them are more interested in lots of money and worldly luxuries and also feel they are above the law - a very common affliction in Thailand

This is the biggest threat to Thailands stability that I have seen for years, mark my words - very dangerous direction

I wonder how many start off with the highest of ideals and then become corrupted by what's going on and how many get in with ulterior motives from the start ?

I'd say that in my experience, most come out the monkhood better people(more honest) than they were when they went in.

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So what would you call Theravada Buddhism mixed with Animism, Hinduism, and Fetishism as practiced by many people in Thailand, if not for the want of a better description, Thai Buddhism?

Good question.

I wouldn't call it Thai Buddhism as there are some Thai Buddhists that practice the real deal, namely the forest monks who wear the dark brown robes. There are also the Thai "Social Worker" Monks - a world of a difference.

I went on a retreat in the 90s at Suan Mokh, which is a famous forest temple of the late higly revered Aj Buddadassa Bikkhu. I've nothing but high respect and admiration for the monks there.

I've nothing but high respect and admiration for the monks there.

The same applies for Wat Rampoeng in Chiang Mai where I stayed for a retreat some years ago

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Taking Thais to task on Buddhists teaching as revealed by Lord Buddha himself is one of the Great transgressions a westerner can under take.

Numerous Times I have had to do so regards the connection of modern day Temples with money gifts from devotees .

I have also questioned the practice of them giving their family money on their own birthday ( not the family member) usually parents.

Gold is also heavily seen to be connected with the Thai Buddhist faith.

Donations of , or purchase of a Buddha set in gold, and it's significant lucky charms.

Then we have Monks who fly business and first class to Sydney and eat oysters and lobster tails and wash it down with a glass of Margaret River vintage 1996 red.

Two were seated next to me once ( on a rare occasion I flew that way.)

Most Thais will not know the history of Buddha it's origins , how he died or what he actually taught exactly.

Yet they will detest you if you mention The Lord Buddhas aversion to money and gold and acquiring things outside of his sphere of spiritual realm.

The path to enlightenment has been a sort of stair way to heaven in recent times.

Making merit takes on significance and money giving undertones.

Wealth is accumulated .

More sought.

What to make of it all?

The attachment of the senses to gain of worldly things Buddha taught is to be avoided.

Charity is one thing .

Alms another.

But handing over envelopes with 1000 baht in it to cop a few sprinkles of water and a ritual blessing isn't as much a religious avenue to higher planes .

As it is to footing their travel bills to exotic locations.

Sure some monks even most might be virtuous .

But some are clearly in this world of Material gain also.

Buddha died after eating a bad meal of pork.

Isn't it ironic that others have grand stage exits and this spiritual guy gets no darkened skies and weeping mothers and heavenly historical accounts.

With deep words like ""forgive them they no not what they do?""

Nope Pork.

There is a deep lesson in there somewhere .

Edited by Plutojames88
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Thai monks are the biggest threat to Buddhism.

Don't worry, just standby for the apologists to claim they're not ' real ' monks.

They may be up to all sorts of things that are against the principles of Buddhism etc but if they'e been ordained they're still monks until defrocked .

actually it would seem some of them are more interested in lots of money and worldly luxuries and also feel they are above the law - a very common affliction in Thailand

This is the biggest threat to Thailands stability that I have seen for years, mark my words - very dangerous direction

I wonder how many start off with the highest of ideals and then become corrupted by what's going on and how many get in with ulterior motives from the start ?

You mean like police officers and politians throughout the world?

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  • They need to get their house in order instead of blaming outsiders. The whole edifice is corrupt. Stop fornictaing, drinking, extorting money, using drugs and all the other bad stuff you are upto and you may gain credibility again. As a friend says to me - 'never confuse monks and religion in Thailand!'

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Everyone is against us and we do nothing wrong. Really? Sounds to me that the claim of "privilege" is being claimed; it does not matter what is alleged or what evidence is presented, it is all lies and besides, even if it is true, we Buddhist monk and we are above the the law of the state.

That approach to Buddhism is the definition of the threat to Buddhism. Somewhere along the way, perhaps even before Theravada Buddhism reached Southeast Asia, it started to be a religion instead of a moral code and set of teachings about living a moral life. It become about the "I" versus the "we," and the theology increasingly took on a favor of a dualistic view of humans and something in the heaven. It seems that someone forgot that the Buddha told all of his followers that he was NOT a God.

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All organized religions end up corrupt and greedy.

Witness how many religions say "the more you give, the more certain you will be saved".

It was like that a thousand years ago and nothing has changed today.

Hopefully, in the next thousand years, mankind will consign all religions to the dustbin of history...........where they belong.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Honestly I've never understood Thai people and Buddhism. It's gotta be the biggest hustle going. They're told to accept their circumstances because it's some kind of karma from a past life, then they go and give donations to the temples while they spend their own time scratching around for a bowl of rice.

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Well,thats 'les Mageste' right there.A Monk should know better than to throw a picture of the king(blessings and peace be upon him)on the floor.he should have been set about and garroted by his bretherin immediately.

The Sangha are above the Monarchy.

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Taking Thais to task on Buddhists teaching as revealed by Lord Buddha himself is one of the Great transgressions a westerner can under take.

Numerous Times I have had to do so regards the connection of modern day Temples with money gifts from devotees .

I have also questioned the practice of them giving their family money on their own birthday ( not the family member) usually parents.

Gold is also heavily seen to be connected with the Thai Buddhist faith.

Donations of , or purchase of a Buddha set in gold, and it's significant lucky charms.

Then we have Monks who fly business and first class to Sydney and eat oysters and lobster tails and wash it down with a glass of Margaret River vintage 1996 red.

Two were seated next to me once ( on a rare occasion I flew that way.)

Most Thais will not know the history of Buddha it's origins , how he died or what he actually taught exactly.

Yet they will detest you if you mention The Lord Buddhas aversion to money and gold and acquiring things outside of his sphere of spiritual realm.

That's as stupid as a Thai person trying to teach an Ozzie, Brit or Yank what Jesus taught.

I don't believe you traveled first class with monks drinking alcohol next to you, sorry.

I can assure you that most Thais know the history of Buddha, as it's taught at school.

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In my personal opinion, any religion that becomes an organized religion soon bcomes corrupt.

That is why I may call myself a Buddhist but I am not a Thai Buddhist.

There isn't such a thing as Thai Buddhism. There is Theravada mixed with Animism, Hinduism and Fetishism.
So what would you call Theravada Buddhism mixed with Animism, Hinduism, and Fetishism as practiced by many people in Thailand, if not for the want of a better description, Thai Buddhism?

Good question.

I wouldn't call it Thai Buddhism as there are some Thai Buddhists that practice the real deal, namely the forest monks who wear the dark brown robes. There are also the Thai "Social Worker" Monks - a world of a difference.

I went on a retreat in the 90s at Suan Mokh, which is a famous forest temple of the late higly revered Aj Buddadassa Bikkhu. I've nothing but high respect and admiration for the monks there.

Agreed, there are many well intentioned followers of Lord Buddha including many monks and ordinary people, but these aren't the ones complaining about the threats against Buddhism. I'm sure if you asked them about the threat to Buddhism they would agree that the real threat is from within and would welcome the removal and neutralization of this problem.

Edited by Artisi
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Well, the first oxymoron is "activist" and "monk" used in the same sentence.

Second, if Thai "monks" would adhere to their 'vows' this wouldn't be a problem in the first place. That, imho, is the actual existential threat to "Buddhism." "Monks" gaming the system are the ones responsible for ripping the system down.

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