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ISIL says its ‘soldiers’ murdered elderly priest in French church attack


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ISIL says its ‘soldiers’ murdered elderly priest in French church attack


PARIS: -- The group calling itself Islamic State (ISIL) says two of its “soldiers” carried out a church attack in the French region of Normandy in which a priest was murdered and worshippers taken hostage. The claim came via ISIL’s news agency Amaq.

The assailants, armed with knives, stormed the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, taking several people hostage and slitting the throat of an 86-year-old priest, who has been named as Jacques Hamel. Another hostage, one of four who were held, was seriously wounded.

A specialist police unit arrived quickly from the nearby town of Rouen. Officers surrounded the church and shot dead the attackers. The other hostages were rescued.

French President Francois Hollande said France should use all its means in its war against the militant group.

Hollande was joined by the local mayor and the country’s interior minister.

“We are facing a challenge, and yet another one, because the threat level is very high and it remains very high after all that we’ve been through in the past few days, years even,” said Hollande. “We are dealing with Daesh (ISIL), which has declared war on us. We must lead this war with all means necessary, respecting the law, which is what makes us a democracy.”

At least one of the attack suspects was known to police and reportedly wore an electronic monitoring tag as part of his bail conditions. French media reports say the electronic tag corresponds to that of a man who was convicted after trying to join extremists in Syria and being sent back to France by Turkey. He was reportedly freed last March.

Tuesday’s (July 26) attack is the latest in a string of deadly assaults in Europe, including a massacre in the southern French city of Nice on Bastille Day, and five incidents in Germany.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-27
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They would say it. I don't believe that every attack is down to ISIL. They are jumping on the bandwagon off everything. Whilst I would like to see this organisation wiped off the map, I believe it is a cultural problem and religion problem, for some off the recent attacks and no credit should be given, to this vile excuse for an organization.

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I think there's little doubt this was a Da'esh inspired attack, like the mad axeman on the train, and the backpack bomber. Da'esh, by the way, is considered a pejorative term, which is why I use it. The phrase "Islamic State" and the acronym "ISIL" give an undeserved air of legitimacy. The media should stop using them.

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What is the logic of stopping radical muslims going to join ISIL? Does it make more sense to let them go, and have a legitimate reason to kill them, or to let their hate fester in your own country, where you have to watch them constantly until they explode?

Ever hear of a war where enemy spies were encouraged to stay in country, given medical, lodgings and unemployment benefits?

Edited by halloween
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If we cannot execute them due to our 'fluffiness', then round up all known ISIS members and sympathisers and give them a land of their own. There will be plenty of volunteers to donate 1 euro each to get them some preformed cement blocks to build shelters (no wood of course) and some fishing rods, oh and leave them with plenty of sharp knives and axes. and inhumane to leave them without a sustainable food source so some pig pens and breeding stock will do. Job done. We just need a little negotiation with the Norwegians but they have always been such helpful folks. If they continue to service the weather station they can have an airdrop of potatoes and pork sausage every two months.

Bouvet Island (Norwegian: Bouvetøya,[1] previously spelled Bouvet-øya[2]) is an uninhabited subantarctic high island and dependency of Norway located in the South Atlantic Ocean at 54°25.8′S 3°22.8′E

Coordinates: 17px-WMA_button2b.png54°25.8′S 3°22.8′E. It lies at the southern end of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and is the most remote island in the world, approximately 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) south-southwest of the coast of South Africa and approximately 1,700 kilometres (1,100 mi) north of the Princess Astrid Coast of Queen Maud Land, Antarctica.

The island has an area of 49 square kilometres (19 sq mi), of which 93 percent is covered by a glacier. The centre of the island is an ice-filled crater of an inactive volcano. Some skerries and one smaller island, Larsøya, lie along the coast. Nyrøysa, created by a rock slide in the late 1950s, is the only easy place to land and is the location of a weather station.


Edited by Andaman Al
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What kind of young, western-born ISIS-wannabe watches the news of them taking credit for cutting the throat (some reports say beheading) of an 86-yr old man and think to themselves,"Yeah, I want to join these guys!"?

As a society, we really need to quickly identify these individuals and remove them from the gene pool.

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I know it's not politically correct to blanket all muslims with the backlash for these shitty attacks but, seriously, when not "bravely" slitting the throat of an octogenarian priest, these guys are, presumably, living in a muslim community somewhere and there is no way that other "non-radical" muslims don't know who they are and what they did or are doing.bah.gif

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The politically correct policing policies of the French and other countries of Europe will never rid them of these soldiers of the Caliphate. The Germans had this enemy combatant under arrest a couple years ago but released him to the custody of his Islamic parents; later the Swiss had this soldier under arrest for attempting to join the Islamic forces arrayed against the West in Syria and again released him. Finally, the French had him in custody and then released him back into their society to finally carry out his mission to kill the Infidel.

In America we handle the situation differently...at the first hint of any Islamic terrorist or Caliphate sympathies, these soldiers get tossed into Gitmo, never to be heard from again; or into a Super-max Federal prison to rot away their lives.

All the sortied details of the European coddling of this Islamic State soldier are nicely set for forth here...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtHpJdiFo9A

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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ISIL is a terrorist organisation which inevitably attracts all the easily influenced mentally unstable individuals just like most cults do but with a deadly twist. In the west where there is unlimited access by IS through the internet these loners are easily targeted.

So do we simply send all the Muslims back to the countries they came from? Well as we have seen in Europe many of the offenders were born in those countries where the attacks took place, Maybe we should go back a generation or two and send them back to the countries of their fathers or grandfathers? Or maybe we should just round them all up and exterminate them, a bit like Hitler planned with the Jews.

OK so that is maybe a bit extreme and as we know it is not just Muslims who are terrorists and murderers. So why not just send everyone back to their countries of birth therefore making crime a national and not an international problem. After all if you take Thailand as an example, there are plenty of foreigners committing the most awful crimes there. British and American paedophiles Russian mafia, Spanish murderers, Korean assassins etc etc. Perhaps that is the solution, make the world much more insulated, that idea certainly appeals to the Trump supporters.

That would certainly help the environment. No need for planes, less use of trains and ships and reducing everyone's carbon footprint. I think I may be onto something here guys!

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These cowardly animals are by no stretch of anyone's imagination 'Soldiers', though the left-wing media seem to like using this term.

Soldiers are brave, trained men offering their lives for a cause.

These animals are nothing but snivelling cowards attacking the innocent and defenceless try8ing to force their flawed doctrine on those who couldn't care less about the lies their fake, lying 'prophet' spread in his hateful, nasty, unholy book (cartoon version coming soon).

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ISIL is a terrorist organisation which inevitably attracts all the easily influenced mentally unstable individuals just like most cults do but with a deadly twist. In the west where there is unlimited access by IS through the internet these loners are easily targeted.

So do we simply send all the Muslims back to the countries they came from? Well as we have seen in Europe many of the offenders were born in those countries where the attacks took place, Maybe we should go back a generation or two and send them back to the countries of their fathers or grandfathers? Or maybe we should just round them all up and exterminate them, a bit like Hitler planned with the Jews.

OK so that is maybe a bit extreme and as we know it is not just Muslims who are terrorists and murderers. So why not just send everyone back to their countries of birth therefore making crime a national and not an international problem. After all if you take Thailand as an example, there are plenty of foreigners committing the most awful crimes there. British and American paedophiles Russian mafia, Spanish murderers, Korean assassins etc etc. Perhaps that is the solution, make the world much more insulated, that idea certainly appeals to the Trump supporters.

That would certainly help the environment. No need for planes, less use of trains and ships and reducing everyone's carbon footprint. I think I may be onto something here guys!

Why don't we make a deal with the Muslim community. They find a way to put an end to the attacks and to identify the trouble makers. And the government will agree not to send every recent immigrant back to wherever they came from.

Otherwise, everyone goes back.

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Very nice simple solution. I will put it to my Muslim neighbours that they have to track down the terrorists because we haven't got a clue how to do it. They are originally from Cheltenham so the threat of being sent back there should get them panicking. Maybe I should also threaten my Catholic neighbours that if they don't find all the paedophile priests in their churches then they will be sent back to Stourbridge.

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Very nice simple solution. I will put it to my Muslim neighbours that they have to track down the terrorists because we haven't got a clue how to do it. They are originally from Cheltenham so the threat of being sent back there should get them panicking. Maybe I should also threaten my Catholic neighbours that if they don't find all the paedophile priests in their churches then they will be sent back to Stourbridge.

You don't think that finding the pedo priests is a responsibility of the Catholics?

Also your immigrant friends all seem to come from places with stuffy English names, so I assume they are not actually immigrants and definitely not refugees. Which is a term I should have used for clarity.

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I think there's little doubt this was a Da'esh inspired attack, like the mad axeman on the train, and the backpack bomber. Da'esh, by the way, is considered a pejorative term, which is why I use it. The phrase "Islamic State" and the acronym "ISIL" give an undeserved air of legitimacy. The media should stop using them.

DAESH means exactly the same thing in Arabic as ISIS does in English.

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Those are super great fighters?
Killing a 84-year old man, helpless and unarmed

And that should find their God good?
That's real brain cancer.

I thought fighters have dignity.
But they do not have even this.

Scum of the earth.

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firstly I apologise for spelling your handle incorrectly. Secondly there is a lot of difference between recent immigrants and other Muslims who have lived in the European countries all their lives or since they were children. There is also a difference between a migrant and an immigrant. There is also the difference between an economic migrant and ones fleeing from a war zone where their lives are threatened. There is also the difference between a migrant and someone infiltrating a country with the intention of committing terrorist acts. If you look at the probable statistics then the latter is a minute percentage. However it is difficult to find them.

My point was that most migrants/immigrants won't know if the other people coming into a country with them is a terrorist or not, why should they? How can you make those people fleeing for their lives responsible for searching out the small number of possible terrorists with the threat that if they can't they will be sent back to die?

I do take your point and agree that more should be done by the various religious communities to help find these perpetrators. It affects them as much as it affects us and probably more. The Muslims I know are terrified of being tarred with the same brush

As for my catholic comments, of course Catholics have a duty to try to identify any possible paedophiles in their churches but if they cannot then should be punished? We all have a responsibility to try to identify and expose paedophiles or terrorists or murderers etc but not to the point of punishment if we can't.

By the way my neighbours are not immigrants, they were all born in the UK. However you clearly have never been to Stourbridge because nobody would describe that as "stuffy". Very much a working class town in the midlands.

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firstly I apologise for spelling your handle incorrectly. Secondly there is a lot of difference between recent immigrants and other Muslims who have lived in the European countries all their lives or since they were children. There is also a difference between a migrant and an immigrant. There is also the difference between an economic migrant and ones fleeing from a war zone where their lives are threatened. There is also the difference between a migrant and someone infiltrating a country with the intention of committing terrorist acts. If you look at the probable statistics then the latter is a minute percentage. However it is difficult to find them.

My point was that most migrants/immigrants won't know if the other people coming into a country with them is a terrorist or not, why should they? How can you make those people fleeing for their lives responsible for searching out the small number of possible terrorists with the threat that if they can't they will be sent back to die?

I do take your point and agree that more should be done by the various religious communities to help find these perpetrators. It affects them as much as it affects us and probably more. The Muslims I know are terrified of being tarred with the same brush

As for my catholic comments, of course Catholics have a duty to try to identify any possible paedophiles in their churches but if they cannot then should be punished? We all have a responsibility to try to identify and expose paedophiles or terrorists or murderers etc but not to the point of punishment if we can't.

By the way my neighbours are not immigrants, they were all born in the UK. However you clearly have never been to Stourbridge because nobody would describe that as "stuffy". Very much a working class town in the midlands.

Well if we weren't all so worried about being PC, there would be ways to narrow down and profile the majority of the bad guys. But maybe profiling is just so bad that it is better to just let citizens be slaughtered daily. This is currently the situation. Liberal angst makes all of Europe a deer in the headlights of Islam.

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Can't see how PC comes into it? Can't see how we are not after the same conclusion. The scum that commit these atrocities should be hunted down and killed. I think everyone is pretty much in agreement about that. I just can't see why innocent people should be witch hunted when they are nothing to do with it. .

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PC in that certain leaders will not even say the words Islamic terrorism. PC in refusing to use racial profiling to question certain races and nationalities that are more likely to be terrorists. No one wants to focus on them exclusively, but police/security should have the option to interrogate them more freely.

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I think that there is racial profiling and that certain groups are targeted by the police and special forces. It is naive to think anything else. I also think it is naive to expect the various governments to declare that. Nothing is what it seems. There are no SAS or special forces on the ground in Syria. Terrorists are not tortured when they are captured and at 5.00pm every afternoon there is a ceasefire for tea and biscuits.

There is nothing PC about it. Anyone really think that the 19 year old being held by French special forces at the moment is quietly sleeping in his cell? Of course not but to think that the governments in question are going to broadcast it then......time to get treal

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ISIS is not the problem. ISIS is a symptom. Invest efforts in defeating the branch and you leave the stem unchecked. Modern Man has such a short attention span. While the atrocities in the West recently reflect a change in quality it is not a change in quantity. These attacks and behaviors have been going on nonstop since the beginning of the "information age." Whether it was AQ, al Shabbab, another off shoot, here, there, this is not happening because of ISIS. IS is just another manifestation.

Destroy ISIS and you have applied a topical treatment to the patient. The patient is still very ill.

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Trump wants to prevent Muslims entering USA until "we know what the hell is going on".......were there any wiser words spoken?

So what do you do? How do you implement that? A Syrian arrives at the door "what religion are you"? says the Immigration folks "oh we are Christian" says the Syrian. 'Cool come on in'. Once in country , rag head back on and praying 5 times a day to the God of war.

Sadly, It is not feasible to police such a policy.

Easy...after their long flight, offer them a BLT sandwich and a beer. Those who whaff 'em down get in and those who don't get sent back.

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Religious leaders are calling for more protection......strange I didn't see any Imams among them?

Incorrect. Muslim leader at the meeting called for protection of all religious places of worship. He also denounced the murder of 86-year-old parish priest Jacques Hamel, which was claimed by the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group, as "blasphemous sacrilege."


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