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Trump to Russia: Uncover, release deleted Clinton emails


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Khun Jing<

I do no such thing. - you do.

He's a strong man totally corrupt dictator - strong dicatator but not corrupt,

His regime murders lots of political opponents and press in Russia. - BS

He controls the media there and also western propaganda organs like Russia Today. - Yes, and what is wrong about it? Nobody wants to listen to western propganda.

He's very intelligent, much more so than trump, not even close. - he does. but Trump would have a team.

It's well documented Putin is massively corrupt and does murder his political opponents. Sadly, you'll find no evidence in the propaganda you read as you prefer to ignore all Western media. Putin controls all media in Russia. Just like the ruling party in China. Zero freedom of speech.

What's wrong with controlling the media is the people are not allowed to see different sides of a story. Only the one told by the governing party.

But yes, Putin is very intelligent. And still a corrupt dictator. If he wasn't, then why not have freedom of speech and free and fair elections?

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He's a strong man totally corrupt dictator - strong dicatator but not corrupt,



He is so rich he makes Trump look like a beggar. Many estimate place him as the richest man in the world with estimates from $70 billion to $200 billion. Not sure how you become the richest man in the world as a civil servant KGB man?

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I doubt Trump has any business interests in Russia, he is brilliant self made man

Self made? You're joking right? He was born into money. Of course he has business interests in Russia but that doesn't mean he's owned by Russia either.

Okay, Trump was born into money, but he didn't waste his inherited money but invested his money in business, was working hard, bulit his own empire. He knows how to manage huge enterprises so he will be smart in economics which is more important than foreign deals. First of all the president has to care for its own population, provide jobs, food and shelter to own people. Foreign policy is secondary.

That's exactly why Putin the dictator loves Trump. Trump is totally clueless on foreign policy. Perfect for Putin the dictator.

BTW, what country are you from?

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He's a strong man totally corrupt dictator - strong dicatator but not corrupt,



He is so rich he makes Trump look like a beggar. Many estimate place him as the richest man in the world with estimates from $70 billion to $200 billion. Not sure how you become the richest man in the world as a civil servant KGB man?

I'd ask Boris Yeltsin.


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Meanwhile, good to see The Donald keeping his word to bring back jobs to America.


posted on Jul. 28, 2016, at 3:25 a.m.

Donald Trump has made restoring American jobs a centerpiece of his campaign, a pledge he reiterated last week when he accepted the Republican nomination for president: “I’m going to bring our jobs back to Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York and Michigan and all of America,” he said.

This month, Trump is bringing jobs to Florida, as he looks to hire 78 servers, housekeepers, and cooks at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach and the nearby Trump National Golf Club, Jupiter.

But instead of making sure those jobs go to Americans, he is seeking to import foreign workers for the positions, which pay $10.17 an hour for housekeepers, $11.13 an hour for servers, and $12.74 for cooks. He filed applications this month claiming he couldn’t find enough Americans to do that work, and is seeking temporary visas to bring in 65 workers at Mar-a-Lago along with another seven waiters and six cooks at the golf club.

Trump is the inveterate Liar.

Edited by Chicog
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@Post 117


Eat it up.

The Bloviator says it, so you believe it. laugh.png facepalm.gif

While in standard Trumpeteer form, deflecting and completely ignoring the primary subject of the post.

"I have nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do, I never met Putin, I have nothing to do with Russia whatsoever"

"I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes , we were stablemates, said Trump"

(While he was in his Ivory Tower in NY and Putin was in Moscow)

Never met him, yet:

"I was shocked to hear him mention the N-word."

Was that on 60 Minutes? cheesy.gif

The Boviator is delusional.

And B.S. is his DNA.

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Russia thanks God does not have these weird politcal correctness symptoms, caused by Europes atavistcolonial history. Conquestadors and Brtis when conquering Americas killed hundred of millions of local population. Russia finds itselif in a very conntrary situation, Russians does not have to apologize between the whole world for something created in sick someones sick minds. Only spitting in the face they get. THe western society is very rude, hypocritical, aggressive and unfair.

Your posts reflect a line that has been pushed by the Kremlin Kleptocracy ever since Putin was elevated by Yeltsin. Democracy does not work in Russia. The Russian culture mandates a strong man government.

There is a latin term in law - cue bono? which means Who Benefits. It can also be translated as 'Follow the Money'. I am intrigued by those who push this myth about Russia and Russian culture and the roots of such chauvinism. In any case, the specific posting that discussed the idea of Russian un-Democracy has fled with the fairies so I do not want to risk being ruled off topic.

Your political and historical perspective is interesting as a manifestation of the Kremlin myth. You claim no Russian imperialism, yet your own history acknowledges Tsars as Emperors. Wikipedia has an extensive article on Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and Political Repression in the Soviet Union https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_repression_in_the_Soviet_Union#Genocide.2C_ethnic_cleansing_and_population_transfers

In response to the whole 'western ideas' don't grow in Russia let me reference this:

"And today, in Putin’s Russia, totally thuggish, senseless, malicious, and uneducated people are coming to the fore. This is the law of natural selection in degenerating systems. Soon it will turn out that even these people are too intellectual, and they will be replaced by absolute madmen. This is all related to the machinery of power, and specifically to Putin and his inner circle, because Putin’s power is absolute and is objectively comparable to that which Stalin had." Garry Kasparov 2015


Since you are clearly aligned to Putin's Russia in some way, there may be some aspects of American culture of which you are unaware. Please refer to this book by the TV personality Judge Judy "Don't Pee on my Leg and Tell me it's Raining" https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Pee-Leg-Tell-Raining/dp/0060927941 This is what the Putinistas are doing in defense of a repressive, corrupt and anti-democratic system.

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Russia thanks God does not have these weird politcal correctness symptoms, caused by Europes atavistcolonial history. Conquestadors and Brtis when conquering Americas killed hundred of millions of local population. Russia finds itselif in a very conntrary situation, Russians does not have to apologize between the whole world for something created in sick someones sick minds. Only spitting in the face they get. THe western society is very rude, hypocritical, aggressive and unfair.

Your posts reflect a line that has been pushed by the Kremlin Kleptocracy ever since Putin was elevated by Yeltsin. Democracy does not work in Russia. The Russian culture mandates a strong man government.

There is a latin term in law - cue bono? which means Who Benefits. It can also be translated as 'Follow the Money'. I am intrigued by those who push this myth about Russia and Russian culture and the roots of such chauvinism. In any case, the specific posting that discussed the idea of Russian un-Democracy has fled with the fairies so I do not want to risk being ruled off topic.

Your political and historical perspective is interesting as a manifestation of the Kremlin myth. You claim no Russian imperialism, yet your own history acknowledges Tsars as Emperors. Wikipedia has an extensive article on Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and Political Repression in the Soviet Union https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_repression_in_the_Soviet_Union#Genocide.2C_ethnic_cleansing_and_population_transfers

In response to the whole 'western ideas' don't grow in Russia let me reference this:

"And today, in Putin’s Russia, totally thuggish, senseless, malicious, and uneducated people are coming to the fore. This is the law of natural selection in degenerating systems. Soon it will turn out that even these people are too intellectual, and they will be replaced by absolute madmen. This is all related to the machinery of power, and specifically to Putin and his inner circle, because Putin’s power is absolute and is objectively comparable to that which Stalin had." Garry Kasparov 2015


Since you are clearly aligned to Putin's Russia in some way, there may be some aspects of American culture of which you are unaware. Please refer to this book by the TV personality Judge Judy "Don't Pee on my Leg and Tell me it's Raining" https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Pee-Leg-Tell-Raining/dp/0060927941 This is what the Putinistas are doing in defense of a repressive, corrupt and anti-democratic system.

Superb post. One would think the US would have learned this by the time the Iraq war was bungled. We in the US have a tendency to require other cultures to be like Western culture. On the other hand, it is often if not always just an excuse to go to war. It's funny how we never go to war where there isn't oil, poppy fields or some other riches to influence control over.

Obama and Hillary's war for oil in Libya is a perfect example of this thinking. It has to stop. The US needs to start minding our own business and use our military only when we are attacked. In these cases, we should act boldly, quickly, kill enough people and break enough things to make everyone in the area pee their pants and be scared at the prospect of messing with us. And then we should get out. Fast.

Sadly, it's been over seven and a half years, and the Obama cartel has not ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan he ran on ending.

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Russia thanks God does not have these weird politcal correctness symptoms, caused by Europes atavistcolonial history. Conquestadors and Brtis when conquering Americas killed hundred of millions of local population. Russia finds itselif in a very conntrary situation, Russians does not have to apologize between the whole world for something created in sick someones sick minds. Only spitting in the face they get. THe western society is very rude, hypocritical, aggressive and unfair.

Your posts reflect a line that has been pushed by the Kremlin Kleptocracy ever since Putin was elevated by Yeltsin. Democracy does not work in Russia. The Russian culture mandates a strong man government.

There is a latin term in law - cue bono? which means Who Benefits. It can also be translated as 'Follow the Money'. I am intrigued by those who push this myth about Russia and Russian culture and the roots of such chauvinism. In any case, the specific posting that discussed the idea of Russian un-Democracy has fled with the fairies so I do not want to risk being ruled off topic.

Your political and historical perspective is interesting as a manifestation of the Kremlin myth. You claim no Russian imperialism, yet your own history acknowledges Tsars as Emperors. Wikipedia has an extensive article on Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and Political Repression in the Soviet Union https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_repression_in_the_Soviet_Union#Genocide.2C_ethnic_cleansing_and_population_transfers

In response to the whole 'western ideas' don't grow in Russia let me reference this:

"And today, in Putin’s Russia, totally thuggish, senseless, malicious, and uneducated people are coming to the fore. This is the law of natural selection in degenerating systems. Soon it will turn out that even these people are too intellectual, and they will be replaced by absolute madmen. This is all related to the machinery of power, and specifically to Putin and his inner circle, because Putin’s power is absolute and is objectively comparable to that which Stalin had." Garry Kasparov 2015


Since you are clearly aligned to Putin's Russia in some way, there may be some aspects of American culture of which you are unaware. Please refer to this book by the TV personality Judge Judy "Don't Pee on my Leg and Tell me it's Raining" https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Pee-Leg-Tell-Raining/dp/0060927941 This is what the Putinistas are doing in defense of a repressive, corrupt and anti-democratic system.

Superb post. One would think the US would have learned this by the time the Iraq war was bungled. We in the US have a tendency to require other cultures to be like Western culture. On the other hand, it is often if not always just an excuse to go to war. It's funny how we never go to war where there isn't oil, poppy fields or some other riches to influence control over.

Obama and Hillary's war for oil in Libya is a perfect example of this thinking. It has to stop. The US needs to start minding our own business and use our military only when we are attacked. In these cases, we should act boldly, quickly, kill enough people and break enough things to make everyone in the area pee their pants and be scared at the prospect of messing with us. And then we should get out. Fast.

Sadly, it's been over seven and a half years, and the Obama cartel has not ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan he ran on ending.

Yes, cleaning up the mess others made is not easy.

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More about the trump- Russia/Putin connection.

Also American voters should really, really be wondering about why it's clear now trump will NEVER release his taxes. It's expected they will show he pays almost no taxes and gives almost nothing to charity ... the key here is the RUSSIAN connection. There are indications because he's well known as con man scam artist by U.S. banks that he's become dependent on FUNDING for his exaggerated business empire from the Russian OLIGARCHS. So if elected, GOD FORBID, that would mean he owes Putin big time. Funny the deflection game trump plays rudely calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked" Hillary ...

Applebaum: Yes. I meant not ideological in the sense that Russia will back the far right in some countries, it’ll back the far left in other countries, and clearly in the United States Russia is backing Donald Trump. It’s hard for me to tell you what he is exactly, but he doesn’t fall into any classic political categories. But they are certainly backing him because he aligns with their interests, and he does that in a number of ways. No. 1 is that he, as you say, has been very skeptical of NATO and actually of other U.S. alliances all around the world. No. 2 is that he has deep business connections to Russia, and the Russians like having relationships with people who they have some money linked to. They like knowing stuff about people, they like having what they would call kompromat, or details, about people. And I’m not saying they have anything specific on Trump, but they know a lot about him because he’s been operating there as a business man.

They also like him because he has, working for him directly, somebody who they know very well. His campaign manager is Paul Manafort, who was for many years working in Ukraine on behalf of Viktor Yanukovych, who was the pro-Russian president of Ukraine who escaped Ukraine after the Maidan revolution in 2014. And Manafort knows very well all these tactics. He used them in Ukraine. This is very much Ukrainian-style politics: nasty leaks, Twitter trolls, the use of thugs at meetings, this is all very East European. And of course Manafort himself has deep links to Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, and therefore via them to the Kremlin. So the idea that they would want Donald Trump as president is not remotely surprising. It’s not even secret. You didn’t need to be conspiratorial-minded to see it. He’s got these connections, he’s got these political views that they like, and he’s surrounded by people they know.


Edited by Jingthing
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More about the trump- Russia/Putin connection.

Also American voters should really, really be wondering about why it's clear now trump will NEVER release his taxes. It's expected they will show he pays almost no taxes and gives almost nothing to charity ... the key here is the RUSSIAN connection. There are indications because he's well known as con man scam artist by U.S. banks that he's become dependent on FUNDING for his exaggerated business empire from the Russian OLIGARCHS. So if elected, GOD FORBID, that would mean he owes Putin big time. Funny the deflection game trump plays rudely calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked" Hillary ...

Applebaum: Yes. I meant not ideological in the sense that Russia will back the far right in some countries, it’ll back the far left in other countries, and clearly in the United States Russia is backing Donald Trump. It’s hard for me to tell you what he is exactly, but he doesn’t fall into any classic political categories. But they are certainly backing him because he aligns with their interests, and he does that in a number of ways. No. 1 is that he, as you say, has been very skeptical of NATO and actually of other U.S. alliances all around the world. No. 2 is that he has deep business connections to Russia, and the Russians like having relationships with people who they have some money linked to. They like knowing stuff about people, they like having what they would call kompromat, or details, about people. And I’m not saying they have anything specific on Trump, but they know a lot about him because he’s been operating there as a business man.

They also like him because he has, working for him directly, somebody who they know very well. His campaign manager is Paul Manafort, who was for many years working in Ukraine on behalf of Viktor Yanukovych, who was the pro-Russian president of Ukraine who escaped Ukraine after the Maidan revolution in 2014. And Manafort knows very well all these tactics. He used them in Ukraine. This is very much Ukrainian-style politics: nasty leaks, Twitter trolls, the use of thugs at meetings, this is all very East European. And of course Manafort himself has deep links to Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, and therefore via them to the Kremlin. So the idea that they would want Donald Trump as president is not remotely surprising. It’s not even secret. You didn’t need to be conspiratorial-minded to see it. He’s got these connections, he’s got these political views that they like, and he’s surrounded by people they know.


Objection your honor, only assumptions and false accusations in this post.

Paul Manafort most probably was chosen a campaign leader, not because of his Russian connections, but because he was an advisor to most of the previous Republican presidents or does the poster suggest that Putin had them all in his pocket>


Manafort was an adviser to the presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, and John McCain,

Edited by Berty100
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The American people DESERVE to know the details of trump's FINANCIAL connections to the corrupt Russian oligarchy well before election day. If he doesn't release his tax returns, it's fair to assume that may be what he's hiding. Especially with all the hard evidence of his BIZARRE bias toward Putin in public statements.

This horrible dangerous DEMAGOGUE trump has no political record to defend. He's a cipher. But he has his BUSINESS history. The trail of people he has stiffed and scammed. So now that it's out of the closet ... about potential close ties to corrupt Russian oligarchs ... that's an important part of his actual RECORD the American people will need to vote intelligently. Now that the republicans have done the totally insane and dangerous thing of nominating him.

Trump’s relationship with Putin and his warm views toward Russia, which began in the 1980s when the country was still part of the Soviet Union, have emerged as one of the more curious aspects of his presidential campaign.

The overwhelming consensus among American political and national security leaders has held that Putin is a pariah who disregards human rights and has violated international norms in seeking to regain influence and territory in the former Soviet bloc. In 2012, one year before Trump brought his beauty pageant to Moscow, then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney called Russia the United States’ top geopolitical threat — an assessment that has only gained currency since then.


Edited by Jingthing
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Russia thanks God does not have these weird politcal correctness symptoms, caused by Europes atavistcolonial history. Conquestadors and Brtis when conquering Americas killed hundred of millions of local population. Russia finds itselif in a very conntrary situation, Russians does not have to apologize between the whole world for something created in sick someones sick minds. Only spitting in the face they get. THe western society is very rude, hypocritical, aggressive and unfair.

Your posts reflect a line that has been pushed by the Kremlin Kleptocracy ever since Putin was elevated by Yeltsin. Democracy does not work in Russia. The Russian culture mandates a strong man government.

There is a latin term in law - cue bono? which means Who Benefits. It can also be translated as 'Follow the Money'. I am intrigued by those who push this myth about Russia and Russian culture and the roots of such chauvinism. In any case, the specific posting that discussed the idea of Russian un-Democracy has fled with the fairies so I do not want to risk being ruled off topic.

Your political and historical perspective is interesting as a manifestation of the Kremlin myth. You claim no Russian imperialism, yet your own history acknowledges Tsars as Emperors. Wikipedia has an extensive article on Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and Political Repression in the Soviet Union https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_repression_in_the_Soviet_Union#Genocide.2C_ethnic_cleansing_and_population_transfers

In response to the whole 'western ideas' don't grow in Russia let me reference this:

"And today, in Putin’s Russia, totally thuggish, senseless, malicious, and uneducated people are coming to the fore. This is the law of natural selection in degenerating systems. Soon it will turn out that even these people are too intellectual, and they will be replaced by absolute madmen. This is all related to the machinery of power, and specifically to Putin and his inner circle, because Putin’s power is absolute and is objectively comparable to that which Stalin had." Garry Kasparov 2015


Since you are clearly aligned to Putin's Russia in some way, there may be some aspects of American culture of which you are unaware. Please refer to this book by the TV personality Judge Judy "Don't Pee on my Leg and Tell me it's Raining" https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Pee-Leg-Tell-Raining/dp/0060927941 This is what the Putinistas are doing in defense of a repressive, corrupt and anti-democratic system.

Superb post. One would think the US would have learned this by the time the Iraq war was bungled. We in the US have a tendency to require other cultures to be like Western culture. On the other hand, it is often if not always just an excuse to go to war. It's funny how we never go to war where there isn't oil, poppy fields or some other riches to influence control over.

Obama and Hillary's war for oil in Libya is a perfect example of this thinking. It has to stop. The US needs to start minding our own business and use our military only when we are attacked. In these cases, we should act boldly, quickly, kill enough people and break enough things to make everyone in the area pee their pants and be scared at the prospect of messing with us. And then we should get out. Fast.

Sadly, it's been over seven and a half years, and the Obama cartel has not ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan he ran on ending.

In 2006, the Democrats swept into congressional power by promising to end the Iraq war. After the elections, they voted to approve every war funding bill that hit their desks. They all work for the same paymasters

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The American people DESERVE to know the details of trump's FINANCIAL connections to the corrupt Russian oligarchy well before election day. If he doesn't release his tax returns, it's fair to assume that may be what he's hiding. Especially with all the hard evidence of his BIZARRE bias toward Putin in public statements.

This horrible dangerous DEMAGOGUE trump has no political record to defend. He's a cipher. But he has his BUSINESS history. The trail of people he has stiffed and scammed. So now that it's out of the closet ... about potential close ties to corrupt Russian oligarchs ... that's an important part of his actual RECORD the American people will need to vote intelligently. Now that the republicans have done the totally insane and dangerous thing of nominating him.

Trump’s relationship with Putin and his warm views toward Russia, which began in the 1980s when the country was still part of the Soviet Union, have emerged as one of the more curious aspects of his presidential campaign.

The overwhelming consensus among American political and national security leaders has held that Putin is a pariah who disregards human rights and has violated international norms in seeking to regain influence and territory in the former Soviet bloc. In 2012, one year before Trump brought his beauty pageant to Moscow, then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney called Russia the United States’ top geopolitical threat — an assessment that has only gained currency since then.


I start to get it now. For you a strong presidency is all about hostility, rather than collaboration with, against other super powers in the world.

You're obviously a real Democrat in heart.

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Haha laugh.png What a lunatic. Now he says he was "just kidding...." about calling on Russia to uncover the emails. OMG, what a wild ride it will be with this school-yard prankster as President.


You don't do irony, I can tell.

Trump was being ironic???


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I see Trump is now claiming that he is no longer going to be the "Nice Guy".

I'm just wondering at what point he ever considered himself a "nice guy"?

Was it when he was shipping all those jobs overseas to make his crap ties and shirts?

Employing illegal foreign workers to build Trump Tower (and then trying to get out of paying them)?

Shortchanging all those mom and pop business that did work on his properties?

Banking all those Vet donations he wouldn't release until he was outed in the press?


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George Will on the trump-putin nexus.

To those who might not know who George Will is, he is no liberal. He is a solidly CONSERVATIVE political commentator.

Imagine if you will if Hillary Clinton went on t.v. and said multiple times (with no sarcastic tone of voice whatsoever) that she invites the horrific Putin regime to hack into trump's TAX RETURNS and share them with the U.S. media.

Be honest, people.

You know, 100 percent you know, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign would be totally over.

Yet the bombastic orange demagogue trump does the exact same equivalent thing ... and similar things quite frequently, and still remains competitive to be elected president.

Double standard. Double standard. Double standard.


How entangled with Russia is Trump?

It is unclear whether any political idea leavens the avarice of Trump and some of his accomplices regarding today’s tormented and dangerous Russia. Speculation about the nature and scale of Trump’s financial entanglements with Putin and his associates is justified by Trump’s refusal to release his personal and business tax information. Obviously he is hiding something, and probably more than merely embarrassing evidence that he has vastly exaggerated his net worth and charitableness.


Trump Sr. can end the speculation by providing information. If, however, he continues his tax information stonewall, it will be clear that he finds the speculation less damaging than the truth would be, which itself is important information.

Edited by Jingthing
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Looking forward to Trump having a Field Day with the emails his 'good buddy' Vlad will be revealing. smile.png

Imagine how right wingers would be screaming bloody murder and bloody TREASON if it was democrat asking a hostile foreign dictator to mess with U.S. elections just to help their political oppenent. The level of hypocrisy is APPALLING.

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I see Trump is now claiming that he is no longer going to be the "Nice Guy".

I'm just wondering at what point he ever considered himself a "nice guy"?

Was it when he was shipping all those jobs overseas to make his crap ties and shirts?

Employing illegal foreign workers to build Trump Tower (and then trying to get out of paying them)?

Shortchanging all those mom and pop business that did work on his properties?

Banking all those Vet donations he wouldn't release until he was outed in the press?


I guess it means that Trump is now going down hard. It also means that Trump is going to take down others who have been with him.

Typical sociopathic behaviour.

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A post which violates Fair Use Policy has been removed.   Even though it is satirical, you can only quote the first 3 sentences and then a link to the remainder of the article. 

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On 7/28/2016 at 2:29 PM, Pakboong said:

To me, the greater issue is information security. We have information that we can't seem to get to our Mainstream Media press corps but Assange, Putin, and who ever wants to put forth a little effort can get it. So we hide it from the American public by classifying it at some level of security. It has been a while since I was in the business but when I retired, we had more classified data than the rest of the world. That is information that we Americans would never be allowed to see.

Anybody who really believes the US has press freedom is dreaming. We have less press freedom than pretty much anybody. We censor everything by classifying it. The folks that sit in the morning press conference and ride with the POTUS on air force one are the most controlled folks on the planet. They release nothing without White House approval. Helen Thomas a few years back lost her spot at the table after some 40 years of press corps service because she suggested that Jews should have returned to the countries from which they came when WWII was over. That is some serious press freedom.

The hundreds of thousands of classified documents that Assange and crew release are just the tip of the iceberg.

We on TVF can argue passionately one way or another, but where do we get our info from?

The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public. The government can make it's own news.

Congress also allowed the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in broadcasting. They no longer require the mainstream media to tell the truth.



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On 30 กรกฎาคม 2559 at 2:32 PM, Jingthing said:

George Will on the trump-putin nexus.

To those who might not know who George Will is, he is no liberal. He is a solidly CONSERVATIVE political commentator.

Imagine if you will if Hillary Clinton went on t.v. and said multiple times (with no sarcastic tone of voice whatsoever) that she invites the horrific Putin regime to hack into trump's TAX RETURNS and share them with the U.S. media.

Be honest, people.

You know, 100 percent you know, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign would be totally over.

Yet the bombastic orange demagogue trump does the exact same equivalent thing ... and similar things quite frequently, and still remains competitive to be elected president.

Double standard. Double standard. Double standard.


and still remains competitive to be elected president.

Be afraid, be very afraid 55555555555555555555

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