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Thai pediatrician raises concerns over early puberty


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Pediatrician raises concerns over early puberty


BANGKOK, 1 August 2016 (NNT) - A pediatrician has warned that children aged 8 - 9 years have the risk of developing precocious puberty and suggested that parents keep a close eye on their child to see if he/she shows signs of the condition. 

M.D. Piyarat Lertbannaphong, a pediatrician at Samitivej Hospital on Sunday spoke about precocious puberty, saying that it could affect children physically, psychologically and mentally. Precocious puberty increases the risk to sexual assault, teenage pregnancy or cancer caused by sex hormones. There are many factors for precocious puberty including genetic causes, food, hormones from food products; drugs and cosmetics as well as some diseases such as brain or ovarian tumors. In some cases, no abnormal signs are detected. 

M.D. Piyarat added that parents could determine if their 8 - 9 years old child was developing early puberty by seeing if he/she showed signs such as breast development, rapid height growth, mature body odor, facial hair development and voice deepening. She therefore suggested that parents with a precocious child seek advice from a pediatrician to find treatment. 
-- NNT 2016-08-01
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Is it any wonder that precocious puberty is rearing its ugly head, given the sexualisation of children in the media and the preponderance of

artificial hormones in the food chain. Protect our precious children at all costs.

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I might be wrong here, but they should state which sort of hormones, male or female? I would say, it's probably a 99% chance it's about estrogenic overload, it's something going on all over the world, and scientist are worried about the feminisation of animal and humans - and girls getting their first periods when they are still children.

It's not only about hormones in foods, but also even more about chemicals that act like an oestrogen.

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I would be looking at the link between oestrogen and progesterone contained in soya bean and the high rate of consumption of such products amongst Thai kids, especially soy milk. This link was initially discovered by an Australian nutritionist who changed the diet of his pet parrots to soy beans and noticed that not only did they mature earlier, they also tended to die prematurely and was curious as to the reason why. Thai kids drink soy milk like there's no tomorrow.:whistling:

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I read somewhere that the consumption of soyabeans/milk is the main reason why many boys/men look more feminine in SE Asia compared with the rest of the world. 


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The most likely cause of early puberty is obesity, with environmental pollution and hormones added to food also having an effect, but as these chemicals are stored in fat cells obesity is a magnifier for environmental factors. Sensible balance in exercise and diet is the best way of countering the trend towards early puberty.

The jury is still out on soya products but they are not thought to have a large effect, if any, and are still recommended by nutritionists in moderation for babies and children.


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