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Military families to Trump: Apologize for comments to Khans


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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:

What a ridiculous argument you have offered.

Debate what I have said or get lost.

and if you are going to debate what I have said then read what I have said and argume what I have said and not what I have never said.



I am laughing at your pitiful response. You make absolutely no sense.

Let’s recap what has been said:

You said, “ . . . parents like Hillary will most certsinly (sic) pull strings to get their children a safe assignment away from harms (sic) way.” 

To which I asked, “ . . . you think parents like Trump or Bush would not pull strings?”

Instead of answering the question, you said, “I actually said exactly the opposite of what you accuse me of . . .”

To which I responded, “I have not accused you of anything; I asked you a question. Your statement that you, " . . . said exactly the opposite . . ." is patently incorrect . . .”

Then, you offer only this pitiful response, ““What a ridiculous argument you have offered. Debate what I have said or get lost . . . ”

My poor misguided soul, you are the one to make false accusations, to refuse to answer questions, and to fail to respond directly to what has been said—you know, like in a debate.

No wonder you support Trump, you sound just like him.

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Donald rump is showing exactly why he should never be elected for anything. He could have defused the situation by simply not replying or offering condolences for the loss of the Captain without any further comment. All of this is a diversion from the real issue of who is qualified to lead America for the next 4 years. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, i read Trump as someone who is without any credibility or substance. He is concentrating on people's fears and bias in an attempt to capture the presidency. You don't fight a war by making your allies angry and place yourself in a position where you may have to go it alone. His plan to exclude people based on religion is unworkable and will never be implemented. He should have never mentioned such a ridiculous exercise.  If I am from Syria and a Christian should I be let in but if I am a Muslim excluded?  I want people from all countries vetted before they come into America except those countries the US has a working Visa exemption such as the UK, Japan, EU etc. He wants to build a wall between the US and Mexico. What a waste of money. Instead he needs to have a plan for immigration reform to include amnesty and a special working visa for Mexico. Instead, he plays to people who hate Muslims and Hispanics.

Now contrast this with Hillary Clinton. Whether one likes her personality or not- she has a complete set of plans for all aspects of foreign and domestic policy. She does not denigrate people; she does not play any type of race card and she is able to answer complicated policy questions. She has made her peace with Bernie Sanders and has incorporated some of his progressive agenda. While she has issues regarding her emails; decisions she has made as Secretary of State- and her general foreign policy she is acceptable as a President to both the domestic and foreign audience.

Donald Trump if elected- would find that he will be ostracised by half of the country who do not share his vision nor do they share is temperament. He will cause nothing but strife in America and send the military off to fight another war causing huge wastes of life and money. He will not reign in money politics or the wealthy because he is beholden to both. He has no idea how the middle class and poor have suffered and no plan for them.

Americans are mad as hell at the way America has evolved and mad at the political stagnation that has crippled action. Donald Trump is not the answer and Hillary Clinton is only a partial answer.  America will go with Hillary because a partial answer is better than no answer.


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The truth is that, as usual, the Presidential election is a great distraction from the fact that the Senate and Congress have been hijacked and they are the ones with the power to change things.

People need to look closely at who they are electing to the House because THAT'S where effective change to the country is to be had.



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Well Trump did say that the gloves are off.  Not sure if he was expecting the Khan backlash but hey! Getting those pictures of Melania naked out there at least gives his supporters something to drool over.  It's just the cut and thrust of election time in the USA!  More popcorn over here please!

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A panel member from SharkTank who knows Trump said the other day that Trump has no desire to be POTUS, he just wants to elevate his name status....and this guy thought Trump would increase his wealth over all this nonsense by 10 to 20 percent. If you look at the ridiculous things Trump has said, they all seemed aimed at alienating most of the population who are listening. I expect in the debates he will  make some seriously stupid comments that will pretty much destroy any chance of him winning.....because he doesn't want to really win. Many think he is stupid, but if this is his plan, he is very clever and will come out of the other side of this whole thing as the gallant loser with his head held high. As a smart man he knows he is miserably qualified to be President.....only the other day in an interview he didn't seem to know that Putin had already invaded Ukraine. He is playing us all, and I wonder if his nearest and dearest are in on the BIG joke?

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I have heard similar stories about Trump because no-one believes he could be that stupid.  However when he does crash and burn he will be seen as such a moron who couldn't even beat the incredibly flawed Clinton woman.  So the result for him would be that he made money from all the suckers who supported him but lost all credibility as a human being.  With an ego the size of his I don't buy it.  Failed businesses are one thing but a failed candidate because of his own stupidity is something else altogether.

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On August 2, 2016 at 7:41 AM, Usernames said:




Now, let's see the story from the families of the killed on the other side.  Oops, there will not be one, because, as Wikileaks proved, there is a coordinated campaign and collusion between the mainstream press and the DNC and Clinton.


"The story of the families of those killed on the other side" presumably refers to the Iraqi families since the Khan's 'war' was the invasion of Iraq under G. W. Bush.


Something tells me that this is not what the poster meant. Can anything be more perverse than this? Even Trump's own campaign staff are trying to get the blowhard to shut up about this. Yet his fanboys keep on going sustained by fantasies inspired by Wikileaks and outright lies and slurs such as the falsehood that Khan is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Sadly, this putrid underbelly of the reactionary cadres is nothing new. This one, however, is more on the nose than before.

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30 minutes ago, PTC said:


"The story of the families of those killed on the other side" presumably refers to the Iraqi families since the Khan's 'war' was the invasion of Iraq under G. W. Bush.


Something tells me that this is not what the poster meant. Can anything be more perverse than this? Even Trump's own campaign staff are trying to get the blowhard to shut up about this. Yet his fanboys keep on going sustained by fantasies inspired by Wikileaks and outright lies and slurs such as the falsehood that Khan is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Sadly, this putrid underbelly of the reactionary cadres is nothing new. This one, however, is more on the nose than before.


You're kidding?

Khan is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood?



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2 hours ago, Linzz said:

An open letter to the Khans from a US Marine.



Either you're missing the point or you're attempting to create a distraction.  Trump could have replied with the points raised in that letter. But he chose not to. Instead, he first replied by insinuating that Mrs. Khan didn't speak because,as a Moslem woman, she wasn't allowed to. Then, to make matters worse, Trump claimed he had made sacrifices. What were those sacrifices? Building his business and getting rich.  Finally, he said the Khans had no right to challenge his familiarity with the Constitution. Maybe Trump is intimately familiar with the text of the original Constitution. If so, he apparently never made it to familiarizing himself with the First Amendment.

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On 2016-08-02 at 7:13 AM, ilostmypassword said:

I like the way you gratuitously dragged Hillary into this.  Can't you think of any actual examples closer to home? What about that son of a very wealthy developer from New York City  who was by all accounts an excellent athlete yet somehow managed to avoid the draft on account of bone spurs?  Any thoughts on that?

What about Trump´s children?

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10 minutes ago, Bernard Flint said:

Donald Trump, ????? He reminds me of someone that runs a South east Asian country, that was in the army


Yeah, me, too.  Reminds me of Ho Chi Minh who freed his country and people from a occupying armies and foreign interests.

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56 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


You're kidding?

Khan is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood?




To be expected from someone who constantly berates non-fringe posters for not arguing the issues. What's good for the goose and all that.

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25 minutes ago, zydeco said:


Yeah, me, too.  Reminds me of Ho Chi Minh who freed his country and people from a occupying armies and foreign interests.

5555555555! A prime example of the level of knowledge displayed by the average Trumpist!

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According to Zerohedge: "Khizr Khan's law firm, KM Khan Law Office, actually derives profit directly from Muslim immigration to the United States making him more than just an innocent conscientiousness objector to Trump's policy?"


Dear oh dear, who would have thought things aren't as they seem reading the MSM. Also seems he had a sudden urge to quickly take down his website as well, unfortunately copies were made...

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6 hours ago, ClutchClark said:




5 hours ago, Rancid said:

According to Zerohedge: "Khizr Khan's law firm, KM Khan Law Office, actually derives profit directly from Muslim immigration to the United States making him more than just an innocent conscientiousness objector to Trump's policy?"


Dear oh dear, who would have thought things aren't as they seem reading the MSM. Also seems he had a sudden urge to quickly take down his website as well, unfortunately copies were made...

That might be a valid point of the only people who shared Khan's views were immigration lawyers and others who profited from immigration issues.  But since that is not the case, the point is ridiculous.

It's like saying doctors shouldn't advocate for health issues because they stand in a general way to profit from it. 

Or civil engineers shouldn't advocate for infrastructure improvement.

Or generals and admirals shouldn't advocate for bigger military budgets.

As for Khan taking down his site, given the amount of trolling and hacking attempts it was sure to draw, it was a prudent move.

Also, for what it's worth, immigration law was only one of 3 services he offered. And it was 3rd in a bulleted list.  The other 2 were the focus of the paragraph describing his services. They are 

1) Complex litigation electronic discovery.

2)HIPAA compliance and audit. Whatever that is.

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Whatever you think of Trump, he's certainly less racist and less of a xenophobe than what you get from leaders in most of Asia including here in LOS. Just remember that. It would be truly wonderful if the people in places were there is racism and xenophobia written into their laws and expressed everyday by their people and leaders took the time to attack their own societies, governments and leaders for their failures rather than spend their days complaining about Trump. Americans will take care of Trump but what are all these supposedly anti-racist, anti-xenophobes that we see posting on the net and in the media from other nations doing to end their racism and xenophobia. Trump is empowered by their nation's and people's very own racism and xenophobia.

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59 minutes ago, Alive said:

Whatever you think of Trump, he's certainly less racist and less of a xenophobe than what you get from leaders in most of Asia including here in LOS. Just remember that. It would be truly wonderful if the people in places were there is racism and xenophobia written into their laws and expressed everyday by their people and leaders took the time to attack their own societies, governments and leaders for their failures rather than spend their days complaining about Trump. Americans will take care of Trump but what are all these supposedly anti-racist, anti-xenophobes that we see posting on the net and in the media from other nations doing to end their racism and xenophobia. Trump is empowered by their nation's and people's very own racism and xenophobia.

So now you're comparing the us to developing countries, and conclude all is good because trump is less of a racist than some leaders of those developing countries.

Says a lot about your view of the US and your qualifications of Trump.

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17 hours ago, MZurf said:

 A prime example of the level of knowledge displayed by the average Trumpist!



That must be meant as a compliment.  For better or worse. Ho Chi Minh DID free his country and people from occupying armies and foreign interests.

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11 hours ago, stevenl said:

So now you're comparing the us to developing countries, and conclude all is good because trump is less of a racist than some leaders of those developing countries.

Says a lot about your view of the US and your qualifications of Trump.

Not at all. I am just saying that Trump isn't as much a a racist or hypocrite as the people running most of Asia. That's all. I find it surprising that Thais are whining about Trump online while their own leaders and laws are much more xenophobic and racist than Trump. That's all. Some here like to attack Trump while ignoring or even praisingThailand which has worse xenophobia and racism.

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12 minutes ago, Alive said:

Not at all. I am just saying that Trump isn't as much a a racist or hypocrite as the people running most of Asia. That's all. I find it surprising that Thais are whining about Trump online while their own leaders and laws are much more xenophobic and racist than Trump. That's all. Some here like to attack Trump while ignoring or even praisingThailand which has worse xenophobia and racism.

And now you're doing it again, while denying it.

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