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Trump suggests general election could be 'rigged' 


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trump ... just plain crazy?

Yes. Absolutely.

Americans may be slow ... but they've had lots of time to digest this. I can't see them electing a wildly INSANE man to the most powerful office on the planet. Or  maybe they will ... national death wish or something. We've seen other nations going down that hole. 




Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?

During the primary season, as Donald Trump’s bizarre outbursts helped him crush the competition, I thought he was being crazy like a fox. Now I am increasingly convinced that he’s just plain crazy.

I’m serious about that. Leave aside for the moment Trump’s policies, which in my opinion range from the unconstitutional to the un-American to the potentially catastrophic. At this point, it would be irresponsible to ignore the fact that Trump’s grasp on reality appears to be tenuous at best.






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33 minutes ago, Alive said:

The electoral college is the rigged part in my view. They can do anything they want no matter what the masses say through their voting. If it were possible for Trump to win a majority of the votes, the electoral college could still choose Hillary as president. That's just wrong. All of these primary and electoral college delegates just show that individuals' votes mean nothing. 

I didn't hear any Republicans complaining about this when Bush beat Gore.

However, you're right, they're sure to say it's an outrage if it happens the other way round.

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45 minutes ago, MZurf said:

"Laying ground to avoid making an ar$e of himself no doubt."

That will, thankfully, be impossible for him.

He wouldn't be the first president to skip debates.

Reagan did it, and Bush Sr. tried to until a man in a chicken suit started hitting the press.



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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

The Infowars tin-heads will gobble this one down..."No one knows the system better than me..."

That's one of the few truthful things to come out of his pie-hole.  He's scammed the system for 40 years.  He's gotten tax-breaks he doesn't deserve, hand-outs from NYC he lied to get, and lots more. He's cheated workers and cheated investors.  He cheered when America's real estate market tanked in 2007 (no matter that millions of families got shafted).

3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

After the proof came out about the conspiracy against Bernie, this would seem to be a legitimate worry. After all, many Democrats AND Republicans will do ANYTHING to stop this guy.

Both parties are vying to win.   Trump is such an immature player that you know, if he loses (which he will), he will be crying angrily like a baby who's teddy bear got run over by the family car.   All character traits that I dislike about flawed people are embodied in Trump:  cheater, poor loser, vindictive, attack-the-messenger, blamer, liar, .....the list goes on.   He deserves to not only lose the election big time, but to also have what's left of his businesses (and renting out his name) torn asunder.  That will partially compensate (karmically, not literally) for the tens of thousands of people he's ripped off.

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41 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump ... just plain crazy?

Yes. Absolutely.

Americans may be slow ... but they've had lots of time to digest this. I can't see them electing a wildly INSANE man to the most powerful office on the planet. Or  maybe they will ... national death wish or something. We've seen other nations going down that hole. 






Yes, he behaves like a madman, end of story.  

Surely even if he did some how win, they wouldn't give this moron keys to nuclear weapons would they?


the mind boggles .

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And what about the so-called 'down-ballot' candidates?  

Trump is like the 600 lb gorilla at the picnic who either gobbles up all the food, or tosses it over himself, rubbing it into his fur.  He's grabbing all the headlines.  

There are hundreds of other candidates (vying to get elected on Nov. 8th) who are trying to get their messages out - hopefully to improve the US and its people (and its natural environment?).  They're not being heard, and it's clear why not.



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5 hours ago, Berkshire said:

In Trump's world, if he wins, the elections are fair.  If he loses, the elections are rigged.  Yeap, a whining little bitch.  I'd say his supporters are the same. 

Seeing as Hilary is the corrupt one, I'd say your comments were irrelevant.

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1 hour ago, LawrenceChee said:

Guy is an absolute idiot...if he wins by a freak result like Brexit....China will have fun with this idiot ...he almost makes foreign diplomacy a joke !

Why was Brexit a freak result? The people beat a corrupt establishment. It was a victory for common sense and democracy.

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2 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Trump controls the narrative once again. He prefers to bring it down to the level of 7-year-olds, always avoiding any policy discussions.

He resembles a talking Orang Utan.



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I'm not sure America will ever be able to rebuild its image after this damn fool. There are theories articulated in the Washington Post today that he may indeed be mentally unbalanced (as in crazy).

How in the world can a freak like this be so close to being the leader of the free world? We have to ensure it never happens again. 

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" "I'm afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest," " I have to be honest"? That would be amazing if it were true. I had a good book about picking out deceit and lies, and one part stuck: when people say "to be honest" or some variation, they are usually lying.

 Regarding perception that somehow Demo or Republican procedures are somehow tied to Constitution: they are not. Parties are not mentioned in Constitution. Parties can use whatever method they wish. If Bernie and supporters had wanted to change the rules, they could have done so at the 2012 convention. Simple as that. However, as Bernie became demo in name only in order to run, perhaps can understand why party might think superdelegates a good brake against those who might come and try to take control of the party without heavy lifting. Demos showed restraint in not telling him to sod off and start his own party if he wanted to run, being an independent and all. If I crash a party at a country club and then protest tie rule in dining room, do I have grounds? No, I haven't paid my dues.

 That said, Hillary and all have adopted some of Bernie's ideas, so all is not lost.

 The 2000 election was rigged, look at improper voter purges from the voter list. http://www.gregpalast.com/floridas-flawed-voter-cleansing-program-saloncoms-politics-story-of-the-year/

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump ... just plain crazy?

Yes. Absolutely.

Americans may be slow ... but they've had lots of time to digest this. I can't see them electing a wildly INSANE man to the most powerful office on the planet. Or  maybe they will ... national death wish or something. We've seen other nations going down that hole. 






I was talking to a couple Americans who live in Jontien awhile ago and they both said they know no other Americans in Pattaya who were not voting for Trump. So what does that say?

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1 minute ago, pegman said:

I was talking to a couple Americans who live in Jontien awhile ago and they both said they know no other Americans in Pattaya who were not voting for Trump. So what does that say?

It says I don't know them, as I live there. Plus only 1 or 2 I know voting for Trump, but they are late stage alcoholics, so have an excuse

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28 minutes ago, pegman said:

I was talking to a couple Americans who live in Jontien awhile ago and they both said they know no other Americans in Pattaya who were not voting for Trump. So what does that say?

That that couple hangs out with reactionary racist Americans?

I've noticed the majority of Americans residing in the Pattaya area are on the right wing side. Most are older white men, which is the best group for trump's base.

I personally rarely see large groups of Americans here but went to an embassy consular visit and I'd guess the majority of the older white men I saw there (basically 99 percent of the people there) would be in the strong base demographic for trump.

I don't think it says much about the actual election. It's older white men. Also the Pattaya area attracts a lot of military veterans because of the Vietnam war legacy ... also tend to be more right wing.

Also keep in mind that lots of expats don't actually vote and even if they do, their votes is only consequential for the presidency if they happen to be one of few SWING STATES. So if the expat is voting in California, their vote for trump is meaningless. If their vote is a definite trump southern state, similarly meaningless ... trump would have won those states regardless.

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1 minute ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

Both parties have been proven to do it, so I guess it'll be a contest to see who rigs things better. Neither of them deserve anyone's vote.

One of them is going to be president. Deserving or not.

People who want a president that is not clearly and extremely INSANE will vote for Hillary Clinton. 

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4 hours ago, MZurf said:

"Laying ground to avoid making an ar$e of himself no doubt."

That will, thankfully, be impossible for him.

You would think so. But it unbelievable that he's got this far; and that is opponent has too, with all her baggage.

In a world that gives us Balmy Boris as UK FM after he was caught deliberately lying on TV, Mrs Merkel and her refusal to admit she's wrong, Putin whose opponents all seem to die mysteriously, Erdogan and his maybe rigged coup, Sturgeon lying regularly in the media, and a Malaysian leader whose just granted himself ultimate control over all and everything when caught up in a gigantic scandal, nothing surprises anymore.

Just imagine Putin, Trump, and Boris all sitting round a table and having a meaningful discussion!

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Trump has to have an excuse when he loses the general election.  The obvious call is to say it's rigged and he is just getting in early.  In reality if he has the support of the majority then he will win. If he doesn't then he will cry fowl. 

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14 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

You would think so. But it unbelievable that he's got this far; and that is opponent has too, with all her baggage.

In a world that gives us Balmy Boris as UK FM after he was caught deliberately lying on TV, Mrs Merkel and her refusal to admit she's wrong, Putin whose opponents all seem to die mysteriously, Erdogan and his maybe rigged coup, Sturgeon lying regularly in the media, and a Malaysian leader whose just granted himself ultimate control over all and everything when caught up in a gigantic scandal, nothing surprises anymore.

Just imagine Putin, Trump, and Boris all sitting round a table and having a meaningful discussion!

That is something I'd rather not imagine.

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"Could be rigged".

Operative three words of this election are they not?

Ever since Nixon was ripped off by Chicago Mayor Daley to give John F. Kennedy the election in 1960, the Democrats have been 'rigging' elections.

We'll just have to see if they can get away with it present day with all the Social Media present.;)

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1 hour ago, pegman said:

I was talking to a couple Americans who live in Jontien awhile ago and they both said they know no other Americans in Pattaya who were not voting for Trump. So what does that say?

It says there's a headline: Trump Gets Pattaya Vote - Erection a Flop

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6 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

Is he suffering from senile dementia 

Not exactly, but not far off it. People who know now say that he is suffering from the long term effects of untreated and apparently untreatable infection by Treponema Palidum. The outbursts and the rather strange physiological abnormalities increasingly asserting themselves  - abnormalities it should be noted not apparent in photographs of the early Trump - suggest that that this is hands down (excuse the pun) the best explanation for his increasingly erratic behavior and appearance. 

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