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Trump suggests general election could be 'rigged' 


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3 hours ago, pegman said:

I was talking to a couple Americans who live in Jontien awhile ago and they both said they know no other Americans in Pattaya who were not voting for Trump. So what does that say?

       It says their friends are probably right wing.  Most retirees are getting pensions.  To get a pension, you've most likely worked within the system at, what some would call, a 'straight job.'  People who work straight jobs/careers are probably more likely to be conservative, stay-with-the-program sort of people, as opposed to creative thinkers.   

      Having said that, one of my good buddies here in northern Thailand, a retired American with a good pension, is a Trump supporter.  He's also an a Buddhist scholar, so it doesn't quite fit the mold I described in the paragraph above.  You would think a devout Buddhist would lean to helping the downtrodden and may even take a vow of poverty (or at least not accumulating hordes of expensive things).  Anyway, regardless of typecasting (on the mark, or not), one thing is certain: Trump is very divisive.  That's why I keep calling him 'THE DIVIDER.'   Every utterance of his is aimed at and/or causes divisions.  One need look no further than the thousands of posts, just here on ThaiVisa, re; deep divisions caused by Trump.

      Even if Trump had none of the dozens of other faults we've been discussing, I would still be against him on the divisiveness issue alone.  I'm in favor of uniting.  It's not coincidence that the country he's aiming to head is called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.   It's not the FRACTURED or DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA .....though Trump is pulling mightily in that direction.

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4 hours ago, pegman said:

I was talking to a couple Americans who live in Jontien awhile ago and they both said they know no other Americans in Pattaya who were not voting for Trump. So what does that say?

And what demographic is most strongly in favor of Trump?  Elderly white people.  I doubt your friends have much contact with young Americans.

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4 hours ago, pegman said:

I was talking to a couple Americans who live in Jontien awhile ago and they both said they know no other Americans in Pattaya who were not voting for Trump. So what does that say?

It says that they only know old, uneducated, racist Americans. 

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Extraordinary claim? Really?  Anyone with half a brain knows the entire US election system is broken.  We hear about rampant fraud time and time again, but nothing is done. 

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6 minutes ago, connda said:

Extraordinary claim? Really?  Anyone with half a brain knows the entire US election system is broken.  We hear about rampant fraud time and time again, but nothing is done. 

You may hear about rampant fraud all the time but the question is, where do you hear about it?  Did you know that 3 Republican run states, Ohio, Kansas, and Iowa, conducted investigations of voter fraud and found virtually nothing.  Richard Posner, the eminent conservative jurist, said that had he known the facts about voter fraud, he never would have found strict voter qualification laws constitutional.  

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There's a lot of political satire/humor on Youtube.  Trump is talk show hosts' manna from heaven, because he's such a giant buffoonic target. 

Here's a particularly witty characterization.  It had me chuckling out loud.  Give it a look. . . . . . 




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20 minutes ago, connda said:

Extraordinary claim? Really?  Anyone with half a brain knows the entire US election system is broken.  We hear about rampant fraud time and time again, but nothing is done. 

You hear about it all the time because that's the narrative Fox and the GOP want you to hear when they are trying to bring in Jim Crow laws.

In reality there is no "rampant" voter fraud, and virtually none of it would be stopped by these Voter ID laws, or stopping early voting.

As the recent ruling stated quite clearly (as did the evidence), the laws in the three states recently overturned were targeted (according to the judges, "with surgical precision") at stopping African Americans voting because they almost certainly vote Democrat.



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It's actually a lot like an ex-wife of mine.  When she succeeds it is because she alone is brilliant, skillful, (add more self-congratulatory plaudits here),  and when she doesn't it is because insiders were plotting against her, a rigged system, someone she delegated to didn't do their job, etc.  Accepting defeat with humility is a sign of strength, something weaklings like these will never understand. 

So here's DT getting out in front of a possible loss in November, already crying unfairness.  Jeez, three more months of this; he's either braying of his greatness or crying like a baby about unfairness.  Why do we (relatively) sane people keep watching?  Because we know at some point he's going to fall down on his face, and land where the horse was standing.



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The extraordinary thing about Trump's baseless claim is that it shows that he realizes he's going to lose.  So, he's setting up excuses months in advance.  For a guy who's fond of accusing others of being "losers" it sounds pretty much like a loser move to me.  Other candidates who never had a chance, like Romney or McCain, were at least willing to put up a fight and not demoralizes their campaign staff.


He's also setting up to refuse to show up for the 3 scheduled debates with HRC.  Good plan.  Hillary is much smarter, has vastly more knowledge, and is tough.  She would shred him.


It's amazing to me how much slack Trump's devotees are willing to cut him.  But then the right-wing has always shown a strong need to believe what they wish in the teeth of reality.



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52 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Do not count your chickens about that. He has exceeded expectations over and over again.


If you only read the media commentators you might have been surprised by Trump's getting the nomination.  The poll aggregator site that I follow called it to be HRC vs DT in January, before any primaries, but not before polls.  That same site currently estimates the electoral vote count as HRC 324 DT 214.  That's about how it will play out.  DT's post-convention bounce is over now just like McCain's shortly after his convention ending the brief time in the lead for both candidates.




Trump is going to lose and he knows it.  In June he had a pretty good month for fundraising:  $51 million vs $69 million for HRC.  However, in July he raised only $36 million.  Should be going up now, not down.  The rats (with the money) are leaving the ship.  HRC raised $90 million in July. 



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22 hours ago, Chicog said:

Your teacher wasn't very bright.



In fact the teacher was completely correct. Most of us form our view of reality from the media, and all they do is put forward an opinion on events. Why would their opinion be likely to reflect actuality. Two people rarely interpret the same incident the same way, we interpret not only based on our senses but also on our our preformed ideas. The media used to have multiple owners so at least we had a variety of interpretations to digest, these days the media is homogeneous as run by just a few corporations. But believe if you wish.


After observing how Hilary had the Democrat nomination rigged I just can't imagine how he could possibly think such a thing. Anyone recall the Bush victory? Wasn't it said to the effect that if elections could actually decide anything they'd be banned? The big money pours into elections as fortunes can be made on the outcome of the "right" person winning, why would that be left to mere chance?

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44 minutes ago, Rancid said:

In fact the teacher was completely correct. Most of us form our view of reality from the media, and all they do is put forward an opinion on events. Why would their opinion be likely to reflect actuality. Two people rarely interpret the same incident the same way, we interpret not only based on our senses but also on our our preformed ideas. The media used to have multiple owners so at least we had a variety of interpretations to digest, these days the media is homogeneous as run by just a few corporations. But believe if you wish.


After observing how Hilary had the Democrat nomination rigged I just can't imagine how he could possibly think such a thing. Anyone recall the Bush victory? Wasn't it said to the effect that if elections could actually decide anything they'd be banned? The big money pours into elections as fortunes can be made on the outcome of the "right" person winning, why would that be left to mere chance?

So, can you give us some details on how the Democratic nomination was rigged. I hear lots of assertions but no citations of facts.  But I'm guessing that since you don't rely on the media for your information, you personally dug up the facts yourself.

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23 hours ago, Chicog said:

Your teacher wasn't very bright.




:lol: No, please, wait! You (and your 'likers) believe what corporate owned press forces down your silly throats? Seriously? 'Never under estimate the stupidity of people in large groups' - George Carlin

"My dear, it's not the politicians who run the world, it's we, the press' - Major Barbara, George Bernard Shaw 1907 :w00t:

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trump and his bizarro "alt right" backers are playing with fire.

Yes, if he wins, a disaster.

If he loses which the polls clearly say he will ... his massive ego could be setting us up for a kind of civil war.

Stone, trump's long time cheerleader for power threatens a BLOODBATH of civil disobedience.

That's the sick perverted double speak of these extremists. BLOODBATH of civil disobedience doesn't exist. He's threatening massive violence with a thinly veiled cover of plausible deniability. 



What happens if Trump loses the election, and he claims fraud? What happens when hundreds of thousands of his most loyal followers—fed on a diet of anger and rage—convince themselves that the race was stolen from their tribune? The simple truth of American politics—and of democratic life at large—is that our institutions are only as strong as the norms around them. Those norms are the superstructure of democracy; they help us navigate conflict and mediate change. When they’re violated, either by unaccountable elites or by reckless politicians, we suffer. And right now, one of those elites is undermining them for the sake of his own ego, stoking fear and distrust just so he can lose the election without losing face.




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18 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

.... many rational people will say that he is absolutely right.....




No, rational people know Trump to be a pathological liar.  What's amazing is how he gets away with it.  This explains a little bit how that happens.



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An interesting lesson from history, perhaps?

Another psychopathic hate-spewing anti-immigrant demagogue that was responsible for division and violence?

He ended up in a mental institution.

I trust trump, though not as rich as he brags about clearly, can at least buy himself out of that fate.




Trump is by no means the first candidate since Levin to ride a wave of angry anti-immigrant rage. In his 1960 essay, Forman compared Levin to Joseph McCarthy and even Adolf Hitler, arguing that, “Levin is typical of the frothing emotional psychopath in political life, one who tries to carry people along a path of hate until his star begins to fade and his ‘medicine’ fails.” While many local anti-immigrant ordinances were passed during his time period, when it came to the national level, none of Levin’s major anti-immigrant proposals ever came to fruition. For all the fear and loathing he inspired, in the end a majority of Americans were in fact content with the growing diversity that would reshape the nation, and continues to do so today. The America he so passionately pined for was already a thing of the past.



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5 hours ago, dageurreotype said:


:lol: No, please, wait! You (and your 'likers) believe what corporate owned press forces down your silly throats? Seriously? 'Never under estimate the stupidity of people in large groups' - George Carlin

"My dear, it's not the politicians who run the world, it's we, the press' - Major Barbara, George Bernard Shaw 1907 :w00t:

I would say ask Nixon what he thinks of the fourth estate, but he's dead.



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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Do not count your chickens about that. He has exceeded expectations over and over again.


Only amongst the lunatics of the right wing.

His negatives have not changed much at all, in fact they get worse.


8 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


If you only read the media commentators you might have been surprised by Trump's getting the nomination.  The poll aggregator site that I follow called it to be HRC vs DT in January, before any primaries, but not before polls.  That same site currently estimates the electoral vote count as HRC 324 DT 214.  That's about how it will play out.  DT's post-convention bounce is over now just like McCain's shortly after his convention ending the brief time in the lead for both candidates.




Trump is going to lose and he knows it.  In June he had a pretty good month for fundraising:  $51 million vs $69 million for HRC.  However, in July he raised only $36 million.  Should be going up now, not down.  The rats (with the money) are leaving the ship.  HRC raised $90 million in July. 




Without the Koch's blessing, he's screwed. And they are putting all of the considerable wealth they control into buying senators and congressmen (mostly , if not all Republican of course).



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Hillaries presidency was scheduled long ago,

wall st saw to that, so what else would you

like to know, stop watching ''we love hillary-

hate trump'' campaign on CNN and search

for the truth. And i'm not a Yankee.

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Dangerous if he wins.

Possibly MORE dangerous if he loses?

I'm glad people are realizing now just how totally INSANE this trump man is.

But I truly fear for my nation about what the reckless republican party has unleashed by nominating this HORROR CLOWN SHOW:



Donald Trump makes his most dangerous comments yet

Those comments set the stage for an explosive outcome the likes of which this country has never seen. It is not far-fetched to imagine Trump inciting his partisans against accepting the verdict of voters, further inflaming an already toxic political climate in Washington.




Republicans nominate dangerously insane person to lead America, then panic when he proves he’s dangerously insane

 Republicans have shifted into a much higher state of Red Alert because Trump’s erratic antics are revealing just how reckless their decision to nominate him really was, and how reckless their continued support for him really is. In other words, Trump is now threatening to damage the party in far worse ways than Republicans had bargained for, because he’s revealing in inescapably clear terms the real character and qualifications of the person they knowingly nominated to run the country and continue to support for the presidency.


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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


The headlines this morning are all about the nightmare scenario planning in the GOP now. What happens if he quits? He might very well do this if it is clear he will lose. He has no long-time loyalty to the GOP, he is not a true conservative, he's just an opportunist using the GOP as his vehicle to pull the most audacious scam on the US ever seen. I've been thinking that he is actually good for the country in that he has exposed just how many people can be suckered by a snake oil salesman like this. A very sad indictment of our country. Very sad indeed. Bernie exposed a similar discontent in the Dem side, but at least the dems are not as desperate at these disenfranchised extreme right wingers.  I wish I could see some reforms that are coming from this Greek tragedy once Clinton is elected, but I can't see any real ones.

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