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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The ones Trump mentioned by name were Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Japan.  Of course if Saudi Arabia (source of 15 of the 9-11 hijackers and a major funding source for terrorist groups) acquires nuclear weapons, we can expect other countries in the region to do the same, and they will spread from there.


To be fair, Trump said it then tried to unsay it. http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/03/29/trump-i-hate-proliferation-but-it-would-be-better-if-japan-saudi-arabia-and-south-korea-had-nuclear-weapons/    He does that a lot, and seems to be doing more of it now that he's President-elect.


BTW, I used the Breitbart link because I assume the Trump supporters won't dismiss it as crooked, fixed and lamestream.

Well gee, Hillary didn't seem to have any reservations about taking Saudi money. She must have thought they were alright.

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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The ones Trump mentioned by name were Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Japan.  Of course if Saudi Arabia (source of 15 of the 9-11 hijackers and a major funding source for terrorist groups) acquires nuclear weapons, we can expect other countries in the region to do the same, and they will spread from there.


To be fair, Trump said it then tried to unsay it. http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/03/29/trump-i-hate-proliferation-but-it-would-be-better-if-japan-saudi-arabia-and-south-korea-had-nuclear-weapons/    He does that a lot, and seems to be doing more of it now that he's President-elect.


BTW, I used the Breitbart link because I assume the Trump supporters won't dismiss it as crooked, fixed and lamestream.


1 minute ago, beechguy said:

Well gee, Hillary didn't seem to have any reservations about taking Saudi money. She must have thought they were alright.


Taking Saudi money is equivalent to giving them a green light to acquire nuclear weapons?


What does it mean when a President holds hands with a Saudi prince and kisses him? https://www.google.com/search?q=President+bush+saudi+arabia+prince+hold+hands&biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&imgil=RVyGucf5417mQM%3A%3BuZ_BPjxSBONBEM%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.pinterest.com%252Fpin%252F322711129521719059%252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=RVyGucf5417mQM%3A%2CuZ_BPjxSBONBEM%2C_&usg=__L2XruSDezeebbzeO_IlsFCiR4qg%3D&ved=0ahUKEwjg4vqxw6bQAhULuo8KHb0xAPEQyjcIKA&ei=-8YoWKD5LIv0vgS944CIDw#imgrc=RVyGucf5417mQM%3A  



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31 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

While I think there's less than a 5% chance of Trump having the brains, political acumen or the will to pull it off, I live in hope that this guy may be more right than wrong:




I feel the same way, but after this win, I give him more than 5%. He keeps surpassing expectations.

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45 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


Hmmm, 24/7 wait 24/365, no partying, no off to Marealago,, no going to the John on my gold toilet, no going to any country I want to when I want, no more 'Apprentice', no 'special friends', no more Trump Aircraft, no more scratching my ass without the press photographing it. No more going through my final years in relaxed unadulterated luxury, this is too much like working for a living- why start now!  "Wait a minute this is a punishment , how the hell do I get Clinton back in here, I wanna be fired!"

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Hmmm, 24/7 wait 24/365, no partying, no off to Marealago,, no going to the John on my gold toilet, no going to any country I want to when I want, no more 'Apprentice', no 'special friends', no more Trump Aircraft, no more scratching my ass without the press photographing it. No more going through my final years in relaxed unadulterated luxury, this is too much like working for a living- why start now!  "Wait a minute this is a punishment , how the hell do I get Clinton back in here, I wanna be fired!"


I think even Madame Tussauds might be able to come up with something more lifelike than that photo.

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I was fortunate to have learned a good well paying trade. I was able to get a job nearly anyplace I wanted. I worked for a number of different companies during my working days. The best managers in those companies were those who hired the best people for the job. The worst managers hired YES people who knew nothing and who would never question the boss. Trump was successful in business because he hired astute people run his businesses. I think he will also do that when selecting his cabinet and advisors. I might add that those companies that had bad managers no longer exist.

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1 hour ago, Gary A said:

I was fortunate to have learned a good well paying trade. I was able to get a job nearly anyplace I wanted. I worked for a number of different companies during my working days. The best managers in those companies were those who hired the best people for the job. The worst managers hired YES people who knew nothing and who would never question the boss. Trump was successful in business because he hired astute people run his businesses. I think he will also do that when selecting his cabinet and advisors. I might add that those companies that had bad managers no longer exist.


Actually Trump is not as successful as he claims:  http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21693230-enigma-presidential-candidates-business-affairs-tower-white 


Some telling quotes from the reference:


" The flip side of Mr Trump’s personality is volatility, with explosive outbursts and unpredictable behaviour. “He’s not stable. He has a nuclear temper,” says the same source, who recalls spittle flying and desks being swept empty. Throughout his life Mr Trump has pursued energy-sapping feuds."


" He thus has a healthy dislike of bureaucracy but no real experience of a big, complex organisation... He is a veteran of publicity but not of scrutiny. He was in charge of a publicly listed company in 1995-2004. It defaulted."


BTW, the wealth estimates in the reference are out of date.  His estimated wealth (not to be confused with his boasted wealth) has fallen $800 million to $3.7 billion.  http://www.forbes.com/sites/jenniferwang/2016/09/28/the-definitive-look-at-donald-trumps-wealth-new/#67638c167e2d  He'd be much better off if he'd put his inherited wealth into an S&P 500 index fund and left it there.

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4 hours ago, Gary A said:

I was fortunate to have learned a good well paying trade. I was able to get a job nearly anyplace I wanted. I worked for a number of different companies during my working days. The best managers in those companies were those who hired the best people for the job. The worst managers hired YES people who knew nothing and who would never question the boss. Trump was successful in business because he hired astute people run his businesses. I think he will also do that when selecting his cabinet and advisors. I might add that those companies that had bad managers no longer exist.


A tradesperson traditionally apprentices to a Master and once can demonstrate the acquisition of a set of skills satisfying to the Master, became a Journeyman plying the trade until reaching Mastership that would be recognized by some Guild. Even though that was the 'olden' days, there still exists a distinction between trade skills and non trade skills.


Management skills are not trade skills. Your assessment of effective management as including delegation to competent subordinates is correct. Trump may well have had the resources and ability to secure effective employees however there are many reasons why running a government has no comparison to the corporate world.


In any case, Trump became wealthy by using his father's money and network. He is a textbook example of the Establishment. He also has significant personality traits that are anathema to people who believe in traditional liberal principles which includes free markets.


Trump's Cabinet will be a cess pit of intrigue and political jockeying. His 'hands off' attitude and preference for the spotlight and hearing himself talk are not attributes that lead me to believe he will be in control of these factions.

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Republicans Realize They’ve Been Had As Trump Breaks Promise To Lock Up Hillary Clinton.



Has any president elect in history admit his entire campaign was a massive lying con baiting sales job just a few days after being elected like trump has?

The man baby sure doesn't respect the people or even his supporters. Everyone that isn't him or his family or crony circle is a loser in his eyes.

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Has any president elect in history admit his entire campaign was a massive lying con baiting sales job just a few days after being elected like trump has?

The man baby sure doesn't respect the people or even his supporters. Everyone that isn't him or his family or crony circle is a loser in his eyes.


Man baby is funny coming from you!

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6 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Republicans Realize They’ve Been Had As Trump Breaks Promise To Lock Up Hillary Clinton.




Are clinton supporters really that desperate that they always have to resort to LIES by twisting Trumps words, even when they are so stupid to post the real text at the same time.


Please tell us which part of the highlighted text you have issues with to understand.


Trump said that he would think about it. He listed all of the other things he wanted to and said, “I don’t want to hurt them. I don’t want to hurt them. They’re good people, and I’m going to give you a good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 Minutes together.”

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21 minutes ago, SimpleChap said:


Are clinton supporters really that desperate that they always have to resort to LIES by twisting Trumps words, even when they are so stupid to post the real text at the same time.


Please tell us which part of the highlighted text you have issues with to understand.


Trump said that he would think about it. He listed all of the other things he wanted to and said, “I don’t want to hurt them. I don’t want to hurt them. They’re good people, and I’m going to give you a good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 Minutes together.”


Trump was quite clear....


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1 minute ago, onthesoi said:
16 minutes ago, SimpleChap said:


Are clinton supporters really that desperate that they always have to resort to LIES by twisting Trumps words, even when they are so stupid to post the real text at the same time.


Please tell us which part of the highlighted text you have issues with to understand.


Trump said that he would think about it. He listed all of the other things he wanted to and said, “I don’t want to hurt them. I don’t want to hurt them. They’re good people, and I’m going to give you a good and definitive answer the next time we do 60 Minutes together.”




So I take it you also understand the English you want to understand.




Is that the same as, I track back on my previous statements?


Desperate democrats, no doubt, but actually you should cherish some hope that there is a possibility that your crooked hero doesn't get locked up where she belongs.

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7 minutes ago, SimpleChap said:



So I take it you also understand the English you want to understand.




He did'nt say he would 'think about it' prior to winning the election,  as you can see from the video I posted he quite clearly said he would do so....


There is a world of difference between 'I will'  & 'I might'.

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Just now, onthesoi said:


He did'nt say he would 'think about it' prior to winning the election,  he quite clearly said he would do so....


There is a world of difference being 'I will'  & 'I might'.


And there is even a larger world of difference between " I will think about and give a definitive answer next time" and " I will not".

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Good Grief ... just elected President and not even taken office yet ... And the SAME people who were totally wrong about Trump's ability to get elected are not telling us what a bad person and incompetent President he will be ... TVF Fools abound .. whining and gnashing teeth about the legitimate Presidential Winner who has not made one policy decision yet...  

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8 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds.




Ohh I guess his redneck and hillbilly supporters will jump up and down in joy.

Have you seen the tax plan put before congress?  You do know that the President doesn't enact laws?  So listen up buster and listen up good.  Stop wishing for  bad luck and knocking on wood.




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1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:

Good Grief ... just elected President and not even taken office yet ... And the SAME people who were totally wrong about Trump's ability to get elected are not telling us what a bad person and incompetent President he will be ... TVF Fools abound .. whining and gnashing teeth about the legitimate Presidential Winner who has not made one policy decision yet...  


Only days after the election and 2 months before taking office and the fringe Right are panicking. You can smell the fear that the Alt Right moment of victory, the last hurrah of the angry old white man may be gone in a flash.


Respect the Office. Right? That's the orthodoxy. Run to the margins on the primaries, move to the centre for the general and call for unity as President Elect. We heard for months about how Trump will bring down the system. Congratulations. You, he and your fellow travelers drunk on BS fed to you by Bannon are doing this. The election of Trump has made divisions more pronounced. It has energized a complacent opposition. It has put the nasty, ugly mean spirited a-holes front and center.


Kudos to the protesters. Kudos to those providing the funds for the buses to take those protesters to the protest locations. Keep energizing the opposition to mount proactive resistance to this nightmare. The angry old men can whine about their social media antagonists while the opposition gets out and works to stop the Bannon/Pence agenda; to stop the roll back of women's rights; to stop the removal of hard won LGBT rights; and to stop the white supremacists from igniting the race war they have been itching for over decades since the Civil Rights Act. Keep ranting about TVF posters while the real work to oppose and stop the 'legitimately' elected President with fewer actual votes than the opponent from implementing anything.

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17 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Only days after the election and 2 months before taking office and the fringe Right are panicking. You can smell the fear that the Alt Right moment of victory, the last hurrah of the angry old white man may be gone in a flash.


Respect the Office. Right? That's the orthodoxy. Run to the margins on the primaries, move to the centre for the general and call for unity as President Elect. We heard for months about how Trump will bring down the system. Congratulations. You, he and your fellow travelers drunk on BS fed to you by Bannon are doing this. The election of Trump has made divisions more pronounced. It has energized a complacent opposition. It has put the nasty, ugly mean spirited a-holes front and center.


Kudos to the protesters. Kudos to those providing the funds for the buses to take those protesters to the protest locations. Keep energizing the opposition to mount proactive resistance to this nightmare. The angry old men can whine about their social media antagonists while the opposition gets out and works to stop the Bannon/Pence agenda; to stop the roll back of women's rights; to stop the removal of hard won LGBT rights; and to stop the white supremacists from igniting the race war they have been itching for over decades since the Civil Rights Act. Keep ranting about TVF posters while the real work to oppose and stop the 'legitimately' elected President with fewer actual votes than the opponent from implementing anything.


Hilarious. Who's angry? cheesy.gif  I'm laughing my socks off at the lefty liberal dems who can't accept the election result so encourage the  snowflakes to take to the streets.


Bring out the snow-ploughs, push 'em aside.


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