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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


That is why he has made billions of dollars and lived like a king most of his life. :rolleyes:


Every businessman who's ever accomplished great things has also had big failures in his business career. But I particularly love this quote from Clinton today as the GOP further distances itself from this albatross:



"Here is my question: What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton asked.





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Trump backers realize they’ve been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise


"For weeks, backers of Republican nominee Donald Trump hyped the tantalizing possibility that the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks was on the verge of publishing a set of documents that would doom Hillary Clinton’s chances in November."

“@HillaryClinton is done,” longtime Trump associate Roger Stone tweeted Saturday. “#Wikileaks.”

"The much-vaunted news conference, as it turned out, was little more than an extended infomercial for WikiLeaks on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding."  :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:



The Lemmings were led around by the nose. (Much as they are by the Bloviator) :thumbsup:

Waiting for their big " historic" "bombshell".

While grasping at straws.


They got nothin'. :clap2:

The Bloviator's Deplorable Comic Theater. Truly funny as hell.




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16 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I wish Biden had actually taken the time to watch Trump make these statements rather than simply quoting an interviewer. I also hope you might have time to provide the clip where Trump himself said these things so we can see the context.


Since this is a very serious topic it should be presented seriously and that means providing actual video and not "He said that he said this or that". 


Trump says very stupid things. I agree with very little of what Trump says but I give no value to hearsay. Especially about a topic so serious.


Thanks for this though.

I think in the amount of time it took you to scribe your post you could have gone to youtube and put in 'Trump PTSD', and boom! you get video. I put up two videos, do i just fill the page with them or assume that anyone with an interest to learn or further their background knowledge would simply go to the tube and 'Trump PTSD'.


Yes it is very serious, been there seen it done it, picked up the pieces of a close friend and put them all in a clear plastic bag because we didn't have a body bag. At the Ramstein airshow disaster I was helping take out living badly burned children hanging in rolled up balls of barbed wire, and cradling a 12 year old girl in my arms whose back had been ripped off, stroking her hair as she said 'am i ok i am not going to die am i' - then she did. Stress is a strange thing. My generation of military were never told how to deal with it, it was simply 'man up', so what we did was put those experiences behind brick walls in our head, but I promise you at some time those brick walls come crashing down and then there is a consequence. PTSD is NOTHING to do with strong or weak it is preparation before, during and after to allow you to deal with situations as they occur, if you do not deal with them they will come back and bite your ass off when you least suspect it. Many stop the walls crashing down in their head with Jack Daniels, that leads to alcoholism, health issues, relationship issues and then a rope can seem to be the most appealing way out.


Only until 15 years ago if I saw on TV a video of the Rammstein air crash I would instantly burst into tears. Even in a shopping mall, it made no sense and was totally uncontrollable. I was strong, I was tough but being made to look back inside the wall was clearly too much. Only one night at 1am talking over a beer with an expert Police Officer who was a senior councillor for traumatic incidents did that man identify the issue and in 3 hours he cured me and relieved me of my burden. Before then I could not even have made it through typing this post.


The Sons and Daughters in our military who do not get that help WILL suffer. You can hide it for a while but it is a demon waiting to consume you like cancer. For them to sit there and have a potential Commander in Chief imply they are 'not strong', they are 'weak', could be the final straw that breaks the camels back. Donald Trump chose his words carelessly because he has NO IDEA what the Military go through. I am not saying he said it in any malicious way, but again it was an indication of his refusal to prepare! - No your audience!  Who knows if those words he said had unseen consequences that night. There are more than the external physical injuries deserve the purple heart, the injury inside the head can be just as debilitating, sometimes more so.


As Biden said in his finest words, 'There is a sacred duty' to offer care for our warriors, and next time Trump needs to spend time learning about the background to what he is supposed to say in a speech.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

I think in the amount of time it took you to scribe your post you could have gone to youtube and put in 'Trump PTSD', and boom! you get video. I put up two videos, do i just fill the page with them or assume that anyone with an interest to learn or further their background knowledge would simply go to the tube and 'Trump PTSD'.


Yes it is very serious, been there seen it done it, picked up the pieces of a close friend and put them all in a clear plastic bag because we didn't have a body bag. At the Ramstein airshow disaster I was helping take out living badly burned children hanging in rolled up balls of barbed wire, and cradling a 12 year old girl in my arms whose back had been ripped off, stroking her hair as she said 'am i ok i am not going to die am i' - then she did. Stress is a strange thing. My generation of military were never told how to deal with it, it was simply 'man up', so what we did was put those experiences behind brick walls in our head, but I promise you at some time those brick walls come crashing down and then there is a consequence. PTSD is NOTHING to do with strong or weak it is preparation before, during and after to allow you to deal with situations as they occur, if you do not deal with them they will come back and bite your ass off when you least suspect it. Many stop the walls crashing down in their head with Jack Daniels, that leads to alcoholism, health issues, relationship issues and then a rope can seem to be the most appealing way out.


Only until 15 years ago if I saw on TV a video of the Rammstein air crash I would instantly burst into tears. Even in a shopping mall, it made no sense and was totally uncontrollable. I was strong, I was tough but being made to look back inside the wall was clearly too much. Only one night at 1am talking over a beer with an expert Police Officer who was a senior councillor for traumatic incidents did that man identify the issue and in 3 hours he cured me and relieved me of my burden. Before then I could not even have made it through typing this post.


The Sons and Daughters in our military who do not get that help WILL suffer. You can hide it for a while but it is a demon waiting to consume you like cancer. For them to sit there and have a potential Commander in Chief imply they are 'not strong', they are 'weak', could be the final straw that breaks the camels back. Donald Trump chose his words carelessly because he has NO IDEA what the Military go through. I am not saying he said it in any malicious way, but again it was an indication of his refusal to prepare! - No your audience!  Who knows if those words he said had unseen consequences that night. There are more than the external physical injuries deserve the purple heart, the injury inside the head can be just as debilitating, sometimes more so.


As Biden said in his finest words, 'There is a sacred duty' to offer care for our warriors, and next time Trump needs to spend time learning about the background to what he is supposed to say in a speech.


alright Amigo.


i will find the actual video clip of Trumps gaffe.

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Here's a cool web tool to say who would win the election and by how much RIGHT NOW, up through election day!


Updated constantly.







The state of play, right nowish

The map below uses current RealClearPolitics polling data. In states for which RCP has a current polling average, the map uses that data to identify a winner. Otherwise, the state's color is determined by applying the state's 2012 deviation from national result to the national RCP average. Last updated: 11:28 am

TRUMP: 215






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Trump's Foundation Wrote Many Checks On Path to Nomination

"In the years leading up to his presidential bid, Donald Trump's charitable foundation donated generously to several conservative nonprofits that would later help raise his stature within the movement."

"Together, the donations paint a picture of the wealthy businessman using charity-earmarked money to build relationships with conservative activists in early voting states."

"The donations are the latest window into a foundation that is already being investigated for possible wrongdoing: The New York Attorney general sent a cease-and-desist letter to the foundation last week, saying it didn't have the proper certification to solicit donations in the state."




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What We Know About the Trump Foundation Controversies

"Donald Trump's non-profit foundation has come under increasing scrutiny after a string of revelations that the GOP presidential contender may have misused money meant for charity."

"The foundation has received tens of millions of dollars in donations over the last decade, but Trump has personally contributed nothing to its coffers since 2008, records show."

"And documents reviewed by NBC News last month revealed that foundation money was used to settle legal disputes from Trump's business enterprises. This practice may violate federal tax law and charity experts described it as unethical."




No, say it ain't so... :whistling:

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1 hour ago, Opl said:


intellectual dishonesty, absence of deontology, callousness, define Trump as a brand.      


trump, the ignoramus.



So yes, Trump is crude, mean and prejudiced — but most notably he is the least-informed candidate to run for the presidency in modern times. He likes to consult with himself, he told us about foreign policy. Unfortunately, he does not have a “very good brain” — he has an empty one with zero intellectual curiosity or capacity for learning. That alone should disqualify him from office.


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Newsweek has just released a damning report on Trump's continual, early, and serial business failures dating back to the 70s, and not just the 90s billion dollar tax loss everyone is talking about. This report details how daddy kept bailing him out with huge loans, signing for loans, and all sorts of other stuff to save this twerp's ass.  He has been losing big for decades, all based on daddy's help, and it's astounding that any of his father's fortune is left standing, let alone a net worth in the billions, as he claims. I doubt we'll ever know the true extent of how leveraged his fortune is, but again, would not be surprised to find out it's less than could have been earned investing daddy's $250 million dollar inheritance and coupon clipping only.


Trump the player. Trump the dealmaker. Trump the fake.



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In only the 3rd time since its founding in 1857, the Atlantic Magazine (literary and cultural magazine with a moderate political view) has endorsed a Presidential Candidate. Strong language indeed:



In its founding statement, The Atlantic promised that it would be “the organ of no party or clique,” and our interest here is not to advance the prospects of the Democratic Party, nor to damage those of the Republican Party... But Trump is not a man of ideas. He is a demagogue, a xenophobe, a sexist, a know-nothing, and a liar. He is spectacularly unfit for office, and voters—the statesmen and thinkers of the ballot box—should act in defense of American democracy and elect his opponent.



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Mike Pence Pretends That Trump Never Happened

The vice-presidential nominee points to one path forward for Republicans in 2020—albeit one that seems unlikely to work.


"Governor Mike Pence appeared on the stage on Tuesday night as a candidate of strong defense, traditional alliances, social conservatism, lower taxes, and limited government—all things that have been a little out of style in the past 18 months.


"Pence, however, made the strategic decision that this message was a message Republican voters would now welcome—and judging by the first reaction among Republicans and Republican-leaners, Pence got that decision right."

"Pence chose not to play the part of Donald Trump’s defense attorney. He did not come to rebut, to mitigate, or to justify Trump’s words or actions. He evaded and parried almost every Trump-specific attack, in order to champion Republicanism as it existed pre-Trump—and as he seems to hope it will re-emerge post-Trump."



There is no defense for the ignorant Bloviator. :thumbsup:

The Albatross.

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A Trump win could cost investors $1.3 trillion



Macroeconomic Advisers, a St. Louis forecasting firm, recently analyzed the impact of a Donald Trump versus a Hillary Clinton win in November on the overall stock market. There was a stark difference. A Clinton win, the firm says, would produce a 4% rally in the stock market. But a Trump victory would send stocks sliding by a steep 7%.


Investors will absorb a gut punch if the fake businessman wins the Presidency. I think I remember reading in 2012 how a similar study showed the market would rise nicely if Romney were elected.  Real vs. fake.



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An interesting theory has arisen as to why Trump stood for president in the first place. At a journalist's dinner in 2011 Obama humiliated Trump. I saw that clip and it was offensive for a president to attack someone in the room and humiliate them like that.

I can believe that Trump sought to become president just to remove every trace of Obama's legacy.




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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

An interesting theory has arisen as to why Trump stood for president in the first place. At a journalist's dinner in 2011 Obama humiliated Trump. I saw that clip and it was offensive for a president to attack someone in the room and humiliate them like that.

I can believe that Trump sought to become president just to remove every trace of Obama's legacy.




By mocking him at the White House Correspondent's Dinner over his Birther nonsense? The whole event is a comedy show. Trump was deservedly a punch line with his birther nonsense. If that's his motivation for running for President it's further evidence - not that any more is needed - that he is absolutely unfit for the office. What a thin skinned baby. Like the Radiohead song "you did it to yourself, you did, and that's why it really hurts..."

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If that's Trump's motivation for running for President, I suppose another motivation might be to prosecute, persecute and eliminate the editors of Vanity Fair who, following the lead of Spy Magazine so many years ago, continue to mock him as a "short fingered vulgarian". Check out the pictures...yep, they're tiny:



Perhaps he would be unable to press the nuclear button????

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1 hour ago, Neurath said:

By mocking him at the White House Correspondent's Dinner over his Birther nonsense? The whole event is a comedy show. Trump was deservedly a punch line with his birther nonsense. If that's his motivation for running for President it's further evidence - not that any more is needed - that he is absolutely unfit for the office. What a thin skinned baby. Like the Radiohead song "you did it to yourself, you did, and that's why it really hurts..."



Trump probably doesn't know the difference when someone is "just kidding" around. Heck, Trump doesn't even know when he himself is "just kidding" around.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

An interesting theory has arisen as to why Trump stood for president in the first place. At a journalist's dinner in 2011 Obama humiliated Trump. I saw that clip and it was offensive for a president to attack someone in the room and humiliate them like that.

I can believe that Trump sought to become president just to remove every trace of Obama's legacy.





Dollars will get you donuts HRC gets to carry forward the Obama legacy. And simultaneously to establish her own presidency and over time her own legacy.


Trump and the Republican party meanwhile will starting in January swear this fiasco never happened....


David Frum: “The Trump candidacy succeeded because of a massive revolt among rank-and-file Republicans against their leaders. Should the Trump candidacy fail, as now seems likely, those leaders stand ready to deny that the revolt ever happened. Instead, they’ll have a story of a more or less normal Republican undone only because (as Pence said last night) ‘he’s not a polished politician.’ The solution for 2020? Bring back the professionals—and return to business as usual.”

“It’s unlikely to work. But you can understand why it’s an attractive message to a party elite that discovered to its horror that it had lost its base and lost its way.” 


Lost its way indeed, beginning back 30 years ago with the moron moral majority et al.

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Per The Atlantic magazine, Trump is spectacularly unfit for office.


Against Donald Trump

For the third time since The Atlantic’s founding, the editors endorse a candidate for president. The case for Hillary Clinton.



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that's quite a brutal takedown by the atlantic. the only two previous times they've endorsed a candidate were lincoln on the anti-slavery ticket and LBJ against the racist goldwater in '64. good company to keep that donald.

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Trump is nosediving among the general electorate. His campaign peaked late the week before last and now he has nothing left.


Romney won white voters by 17% but he still lost the 2012 election. Trump is ahead in white voters by 13%. Trump to equal Romney's losing vote needs to get 22.5% of the white vote due to its diminished numbers in this election. Moreover, Trump is tanking across the board of the general electorate.


Stated in another way....


Harry Enten: “Donald Trump’s strategy in this campaign has been fairly clear from the beginning: Drive up Republican support among white voters in order to compensate for the GOP’s shrinking share among the growing nonwhite portion of the electorate. And Trump has succeeded in overperforming among a certain slice of white voters, those without a college degree.”


“But overall, the strategy isn’t working. Trump has a smaller lead among white voters than Mitt Romney did in 2012, and Trump’s margin seems to be falling from where it was when the general election began.”


You can see the impact of this change in the improved Swing-o-Matic.


For Donald Trump it was always the matter of Lose-o-Matic.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

An interesting theory has arisen as to why Trump stood for president in the first place. At a journalist's dinner in 2011 Obama humiliated Trump. I saw that clip and it was offensive for a president to attack someone in the room and humiliate them like that.

I can believe that Trump sought to become president just to remove every trace of Obama's legacy.



Is that why he went on SNL?


Because they ripped the piss out of him.

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^@ pub: I agree most analysts are now saying it's Clinton's race to lose and she may have it wrapped in in the next few weeks in electoral college alone.


We must give credit though as many of us were worried this freak represented a large enough majority of Americans to elect him, which would have had tremendous negative effects. And when he was running even with Clinton it looked very possible he might be able to pull it off. It ain't over til it's over, but most experts are sayin it's over, and I expect down ticket Republicans to be bailing on him soon, getting as much distance from him as they can to try to hold on.

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Dangerous donald!


A President Trump could destroy the world economy


U.S. leadership of the global trading system has helped stabilize an area of international life that had bred conflict, even war, for centuries. To abdicate in favor of Mr. Trump’s zero-sum mind-set not only would undo the work of generations and lower the United States’ standing among the nations; it also would license other nations to conduct themselves just as selfishly. The disruption to market confidence could breed economic damage in excess of any transitory benefits. His approach would be a historic error, which, as president, he would be free to commit.



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