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Donald Trump: the rebellious Republican


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No question that Clinton is very flawed and not worthy but that is what makes Trump so unbelievably bad.  A three legged South American lesbian goat would have more chance of being elected than him.  I have always said there are no winners here, such is the sad state of America in 2016!

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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

No question that Clinton is very flawed and not worthy but that is what makes Trump so unbelievably bad.  A three legged South American lesbian goat would have more chance of being elected than him.  I have always said there are no winners here, such is the sad state of America in 2016!

That's where i am too mate. I am very Pro America and think they are some of the nicest people in the World despite what most non Americans feel about them.

i genuinely feel sorry for them as both sides are utterly repulsive right now.

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I have lots of American friends having had two businesses there over the years. I also have American friends in Thailand and Britain.  My friends are both republican and democrats but have one thing in common at the moment.  They ALL despair over this damn election and the future for the USA

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

True but irrelevant. I said Obama and Clinton PERMITTED it to rise. Back when Obama was saying ISIS was JV it could have been easily stopped. Now it can't be.


BTW Trump can't be "kicked out". He won the delegate count.

I misread. Sorry :thumbsup:

thanks for the info on Trump. it's something i have no clue about.

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Republicans are among a new list of foreign policy experts denouncing Trump


"Several Republicans are among a group of former cabinet officers, senior officials and career military officers who denounced Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday, calling his recent remarks on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Russia “disgraceful.”

"The open letter, released first to The Washington Post, takes issue with Trump statements that appear to question the alliance, encourage Russia to hack and release Hillary Clinton’s deleted State Department emails, and seem to recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea, which the United States considers illegitimate."

“These are disgraceful statements that betray our long-standing values and national interests embraced by presidents of both parties,” said the letter, signed by former secretary of state Madeleine Albright and former CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta."


See open letter here:


Reality, Trumpeteers. The real world. :D

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The unbearable stench of Trump’s B.S.

"A few days ago, I was asked on CNN to make sense of one more case in which Donald Trump had said something demonstrably false and then explained it away with a caustic tweet and an indignant interview." 


"I replied that there was a pattern here and a term for a person who did this kind of thing: a “bullshit artist.”


"I got cheers and boos for the comment from partisans on both sides, but I was not using that label casually, 

Trump is many things, some of them dark and dangerous, but at his core, he is a B.S. artist.


Edited by iReason
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39 minutes ago, iReason said:

The unbearable stench of Trump’s B.S.

"A few days ago, I was asked on CNN to make sense of one more case in which Donald Trump had said something demonstrably false and then explained it away with a caustic tweet and an indignant interview." 


"I replied that there was a pattern here and a term for a person who did this kind of thing: a “bullshit artist.”


"I got cheers and boos for the comment from partisans on both sides, but I was not using that label casually, 

Trump is many things, some of them dark and dangerous, but at his core, he is a B.S. artist.


They are both bad choices, but I'd rather Trump than the opponent. Less baggage.

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This hasn't come up anywhere that I've seen. 

Trump was sent away to a military academy.  In NYC, back in those days, there were a few military high schools where you went to school from home, returned home in the afternoon, just like any other high school.  There were even designated days when they didn't have to wear the uniform.  They were usually Catholic-run and respected for academic achievement, and you had to take tests to get into them. Trump did not go to one of these.

At that time boys were sent away to military academies because they had a tendency to get into trouble.  I had a cousin like this, got into a snowball fight that turned into a real fight and cousin, who was a bully, went a little too brutal on the other kid.  I don't know the legal details, but he was sent to a military academy in upstate NY for the rest of his school days.  (When he got out he joined NYPD). 

Of course this has nothing to do with kids being groomed for a military career, who would go on to West Point, Annapolis et al.  The sort of places I'm talking about, like the ones Trump and cousin went to, were known for 'bust your ass' discipline.  Sort of reform school for people who could afford to keep their kid out of reform school (like the one in the movie Sleepers).  I guess the equivalent of these for girls would have been convent schools.



Edited by bendejo
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18 hours ago, dexterm said:

Donald Trump’s days are numbered as the Republican knives come out
If he’d thrown away his phone and gone to a desert island for a fortnight after the Republican convention, he’d probably be ahead right now. Instead, his actions have led to Hillary Clinton being ahead by ten points in a Fox News poll


The irony is that Clinton has been the one with the political acumen to lay low since the convention, avoid the glare of the headlights, and just let Trump do his thing, which is to alienate everyone other than Trump himself.

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True enough, but Hillary has mostly been avoiding interviews for months before this. The one she did a few days ago - Chris Wallace - got her branded a 4 Pinocchio's/ Pants on Fire Liar from the “Big Three” fact-checkers.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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3 hours ago, bendejo said:

This hasn't come up anywhere that I've seen. 

Trump was sent away to a military academy.  In NYC, back in those days, there were a few military high schools where you went to school from home, returned home in the afternoon, just like any other high school.  There were even designated days when they didn't have to wear the uniform.  They were usually Catholic-run and respected for academic achievement, and you had to take tests to get into them. Trump did not go to one of these.

At that time boys were sent away to military academies because they had a tendency to get into trouble.  I had a cousin like this, got into a snowball fight that turned into a real fight and cousin, who was a bully, went a little too brutal on the other kid.  I don't know the legal details, but he was sent to a military academy in upstate NY for the rest of his school days.  (When he got out he joined NYPD). 

Of course this has nothing to do with kids being groomed for a military career, who would go on to West Point, Annapolis et al.  The sort of places I'm talking about, like the ones Trump and cousin went to, were known for 'bust your ass' discipline.  Sort of reform school for people who could afford to keep their kid out of reform school (like the one in the movie Sleepers).  I guess the equivalent of these for girls would have been convent schools.



Besides Wikipedia you mean?


In 2015, he told a biographer that NYMA gave him "more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military". Oh, sure, Donald. You got signed off on a M60 then?

Edited by Freakin Musashi
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17 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Sorry if this sounds repetitive, but when I watched the Republican debates, I was aghast at what a bullying buffoon Trump was.  But that's not the most amazing part.  What was most amazing, to me, was that a majority of right wing Americans voted for him after viewing his bullying.  They made the choice!!!

......it was all under the Republican Party umbrella, so that's what Republicans get.  They created Trumpenstein, and now their creation has killed its creators, broken out of the lab and is terrorizing neighborhoods wherever he goes.   "Listen to me!  You must be terrified.  Vote for me.  That is the only way you will be free from being terrorized.  I am the only one who can save you.  Believe me!"

In many, many respects and on many, many issues Trump turned the dog whistle into a klaxon horn. Things thought privately, and spoken publicly only by innuendo and by fetid implication (and hence always publicly deniable) suddenly erupted and spewed forth like the mutating dogs in The Thing. The gratification of the Republican Party Id at this vast ejaculation was far too intense for them to realize that the satisfaction of our darkest impulses and desires (which, let's face it we all have) is seldom ever good public policy or a recipe for a happy private life. In essence, the entire Republican Party has now been caught masturbating in public. At this moment it's a snapshot of the whole party with dick in glory hole and pants at ankles, panicked look on face as the flash goes off. Donald of course will continue jacking off indefinitely - it's just the way he rolls. 

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Trump just announced a very impressive 13-member economic advisory team...very impressive in that they are all super rich guys (average couple hundred million net worth); impressive that they are 60% free trade supporters; and impressive that they are all wall street insiders.


Unfortunately, this group is not impressive in that there are no academic economists on the list, they are just ultra rich guys who make money for themselves and other rich guys; unimpressive in that they are completely opposite from what the "populist" Trump promised to Joe the Plumber; and unimpressive in that there are no notable experts in economic policy.


Another lie come to life. I like these guys.  Most Trump supporters won't, or should I say shouldn't because he's just betrayed them with his false promises.

Edited by keemapoot
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Well, Trump did it again. During a meeting with the New York Times editorial writers, he admitted that his supporters are so easily manipulated that if he senses they’re getting bored or zoning out, he can just throw out the old “We need to build a wall!” line and they’ll erupt into applause.

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/once-again-trump-admits-he-knows-his-supporters-are-easily-manipulated-sheep/

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7 hours ago, Neurath said:

In many, many respects and on many, many issues Trump turned the dog whistle into a klaxon horn. Things thought privately, and spoken publicly only by innuendo and by fetid implication (and hence always publicly deniable) suddenly erupted and spewed forth like the mutating dogs in The Thing. The gratification of the Republican Party Id at this vast ejaculation was far too intense for them to realize that the satisfaction of our darkest impulses and desires (which, let's face it we all have) is seldom ever good public policy or a recipe for a happy private life. In essence, the entire Republican Party has now been caught masturbating in public. At this moment it's a snapshot of the whole party with dick in glory hole and pants at ankles, panicked look on face as the flash goes off. Donald of course will continue jacking off indefinitely - it's just the way he rolls. 

Very enjoyable satirical prose style. :thumbsup: You're not Mike Moore are you?

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32 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Well, Trump did it again. During a meeting with the New York Times editorial writers, he admitted that his supporters are so easily manipulated that if he senses they’re getting bored or zoning out, he can just throw out the old “We need to build a wall!” line and they’ll erupt into applause.

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/once-again-trump-admits-he-knows-his-supporters-are-easily-manipulated-sheep/

Excellent link. Thanks.

The author describes Trump supporters as something akin to a cult. Like any guru, in their eyes he can literally do no wrong.


"If he does something vile, they make excuses for him. If he blatantly lies, they believe him over anything else. To many of his supporters the only “truth” is what comes out of his mouth – even if almost nothing truthful ever comes out of it."

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21 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Excellent link. Thanks.

The author describes Trump supporters as something akin to a cult. Like any guru, in their eyes he can literally do no wrong.


"If he does something vile, they make excuses for him. If he blatantly lies, they believe him over anything else. To many of his supporters the only “truth” is what comes out of his mouth – even if almost nothing truthful ever comes out of it."


Trump can do no wrong because his ignorance is what his low info fan boys like. 





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25 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump’s train wreck: how the Donald is derailing his own campaign

He won the Republican nomination by insulting the Republicans; now he can’t stop



Thanks. Excellent thorough article (covers all the bases), which concludes with an interesting point that was raised months ago on this forum.


Mark Singer, the New Yorker writer and author of Trump and Me, says, ‘Donald Trump is a compulsive liar. The biggest lie of all is that he wants to be president.... He has a bare-bones campaign organisation, insufficient funds, and an unwillingness to restrain himself from picking ugly, gratuitous fights.’


 Trump's original aim was to finish second in the primaries. Resulting in massive publicity and kudos for him and his business enterprises. And he could have turned around later and said: "If only you had chosen me."


Now he is the nomination and its all gone horribly wrong. 

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18 hours ago, Franky Bear said:

Does anyone think Trump will pull out the race or be kicked out be his party?


There is zero chance that he will be kicked out by the Republican Party, even if it were possible, which it is probably not.  A party claiming to represent democratic values cannot flout the results of its own primary elections.


However, I have always thought there is a good chance that Trump would drop out either before the election, or even in the unlikely event that he were to win before taking office.  Trump is not actually interested being the president.  He has shown no interest at all in policy, other than the standard GOP tax policy to lower taxes on the rich.  He has never acted like someone who wants to be president to the point of needlessly alienating important segments of voters, such as women.  The thought of losing may drive him to quit, but actually losing may just as well drive him to challenge the legitimacy of the election, which he has already warned would be "rigged."  Trump, a true psychopath, has contempt for everything and everyone, but himself.  He is capable of anything.



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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

Well, Trump did it again. During a meeting with the New York Times editorial writers, he admitted that his supporters are so easily manipulated that if he senses they’re getting bored or zoning out, he can just throw out the old “We need to build a wall!” line and they’ll erupt into applause.

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/once-again-trump-admits-he-knows-his-supporters-are-easily-manipulated-sheep/

Reminds me of cartoon character Marge Simpson's campaign for mayor


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18 hours ago, dunroaming said:



I understand your hatred for Clinton but you would rather have Trump?  Really?

Absolutely. He will do the job of POTUS just like he builds things. He will get the best people he can and let them do it while making the final decision. He knows that he doesn't know enough about everything to do it himself. Clinton will, IMO, try to do it all.

I am not an American, but we all need America to go and kill every ISIS thug. Clinton will never do that- she proved that as Sec. State. Trump may not be able to, but I give him a better chance than I do Clinton.


I watched Clinton's speech last night, and apart from being appalled by the softball questions, I was very impressed by her speech. If I didn't know the person behind the facade I'd be voting for her, but I do, and she is not someone I trust ( along with millions of Americans ). Trump is a bombastic clown, but he gets things done.

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