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Donald Trump: the rebellious Republican


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5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I really enjoy watching you folks parsing up the minutiae of the shit either one of you are willing to eat.


Pretty much the intended design successfully executed eh?


But as you say it gives them something to do right?

Each side thinks they have a choice & their choice matters/is better than the other...


It is as intended....gives them something to cling too

Lets them " parse  up the minutiae of shit" thinking there is a chance of winning something here  :(

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Here's Donald Trump in New Hampshire today - anyone else think he sounds like the unhinged Charlie Sheen?


"I've always had a great temperament. And you know, I win. I have a winning temperament. We're going to win, we're going to start winning again", he said.


"But I've won. My whole life has been about winning. I win. She can't win. She's not a winner. She can't win."


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Harvard Republican Club Will Not Support Party Nominee Donald Trump


“Donald Trump is a threat to the survival of the Republic.”


Harvard University is hardly a bastion of conservativism, but the Harvard Republican Club, for the last 128 years, has always endorsed the Republican nominee for president. This year, the Harvard Republican Club broke with tradition and said it would not support Donald Trump, the GOP nominee.





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8 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I really enjoy watching you folks parsing up the minutiae of the shit either one of you are willing to eat.


That sure is a shitty way to look at things. :hit-the-fan:

Be that as it may, let the shit fly both ways.


This is less a discussion thread than one about which candidate smells the least.


Edited by slipperylobster
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What Donald Trump Learned From Joseph McCarthy’s Right-Hand Man


Then New York’s most feared lawyer, Mr. Cohn had a client list that ran the gamut from the disreputable to the quasi-reputable: Anthony (Fat Tony) Salerno, Claus von Bulow, George Steinbrenner.


But there was one client who occupied a special place in Roy Cohn’s famously cold heart: Donald J. Trump.



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20 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Real Republicans like former Presidents Bush, Governor Romney and Senator McCain need to come out in support of Johnson/Weld.  This would drive media attention to the ticket and increase their polling numbers.  Regrettably, my friends and I are not going to make a bit of difference in national polling numbers.


Anyway, back on topic.  Trump is a Republican in name only.  If he even voted in presidential elections over the last 20 years, I'd bet it was evenly split between republicans and democrats.

Sooooooo. You want war criminal Bush to come out and support someone. He is, IMO, the worst president in my lifetime. That you would even mention his name positively discredits you, IMO.

Romney ( deservedly ) and McCain got wiped out by Obama, so why would anyone take them seriously?

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You know, I've been really sceptical about Trump.  That he was going to shake things up and do things differently. But then this came along:

Trump’s economic advisers are also his biggest donors

After spending months scolding his rivals for being beholden to their financial backers, Donald Trump unveiled an economic advisory council this week — and filled it with some of his biggest donors.

Of the 13 men — and they were all men — that Trump touted as economic advisers for their “unparalleled experience and success,” five are major donors whose families combined to give Trump’s campaign and his joint fundraising account with the Republican Party more than $2 million. Two more have been pursued for campaign contributions.



I feel like such a fool for having doubted him.

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7 hours ago, Neurath said:

Here's Donald Trump in New Hampshire today - anyone else think he sounds like the unhinged Charlie Sheen?


"I've always had a great temperament. And you know, I win. I have a winning temperament. We're going to win, we're going to start winning again", he said.


"But I've won. My whole life has been about winning. I win. She can't win. She's not a winner. She can't win."


it's like something the local pub coke head says.

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That's basically it and that's why trump is way down in the polls now.

People have realized fully that he's INSANE.

His handlers will push him to act as sane as possible for the rest of the election and hope that branding doesn't stick.

Because the insane branding is about as bad as it gets in politics. 

Yes, horrifically, he can still win.

With the right set of news events (terrorism), Putin games, and yes those Wikileaks emails. 

However, if Hillary's poll lead is still solid in about two weeks, then it will take something massively significant for her to lose ... because that will then be proof it's the INSANITY branding that has got him down, and not a normal convention bounce. 

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Well, lookie here!

The Bloviator continues Flip-Flopping, by giving big time establishment donors special access.

The Bloviator's Wall St. cronies all bought their adviser positions on his economic "team" for about a half a million each.


Trump’s economic advisers are also his biggest donors

They’re also all men.


"After spending months scolding his rivals for being beholden to their financial backers, Donald Trump unveiled an economic advisory council this week — and filled it with some of his biggest donors."  :clap2:


"Of the 13 men — and they were all men — that Trump touted as economic advisers for their “unparalleled experience and success,” five are major donors whose families combined to give Trump’s campaign and his joint fundraising account with the Republican Party more than $2 million."


"Two more have been pursued for campaign contributions."



Lemmings = Suckers. :cheesy:


Dunning Kruger



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24 minutes ago, iReason said:

Well, lookie here!

The Bloviator continues Flip-Flopping, by giving big time establishment donors special access.

The Bloviator's Wall St. cronies all bought their adviser positions on his economic "team" for about a half a million each.


Trump’s economic advisers are also his biggest donors

They’re also all men.


"After spending months scolding his rivals for being beholden to their financial backers, Donald Trump unveiled an economic advisory council this week — and filled it with some of his biggest donors."  :clap2:


"Of the 13 men — and they were all men — that Trump touted as economic advisers for their “unparalleled experience and success,” five are major donors whose families combined to give Trump’s campaign and his joint fundraising account with the Republican Party more than $2 million."


"Two more have been pursued for campaign contributions."



Lemmings = Suckers. :cheesy:


Dunning Kruger



Trump directs nearly one-fifth of his money to his own businesses.

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump has directed nearly one-fifth of his campaign cash to companies that are part of his vast business empire, new federal records show.


Trump, hurting for cash after he suddenly stopped self-funding his campaign last month, has mixed his public campaign and his private ventures for nearly the entire 2016 race. He has promoted Trump products at campaign events, publicly litigated a federal civil suit he's facing over Trump University on talk shows, and, this week, will bring the political press to Scotland for a tour of a Trump golf course.


Some of the money went to one of his son´s wineyard.



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7 hours ago, iReason said:

Well, lookie here!

The Bloviator continues Flip-Flopping, by giving big time establishment donors special access.

The Bloviator's Wall St. cronies all bought their adviser positions on his economic "team" for about a half a million each.


Trump’s economic advisers are also his biggest donors

They’re also all men.


"After spending months scolding his rivals for being beholden to their financial backers, Donald Trump unveiled an economic advisory council this week — and filled it with some of his biggest donors."  :clap2:


"Of the 13 men — and they were all men — that Trump touted as economic advisers for their “unparalleled experience and success,” five are major donors whose families combined to give Trump’s campaign and his joint fundraising account with the Republican Party more than $2 million."


"Two more have been pursued for campaign contributions."



Lemmings = Suckers. :cheesy:


Dunning Kruger



Oh my, that is rather damning. 

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Trump fans won't want to see this video (Young Turks), but anyone else who wants to know details of how massively Trump has failed at business, may enjoy it.


Alternatively, I've put together a comparison of Trump, compared to one of my heroes; Sir Edmund Hillary, the New Zealand who, along with Nepali Tenzig Norgay, was the first hominid to stand atop Mount Everest, May 1953.


Hillary: Humble

Trump:  "I'm very rich."  "I know more than the generals."  "I know lots of words."


Hillary:  Physically fit. 

Trump:  Hits a little white ball with a mallet, then walks 180 yards across a meadow.


Hillary:  Perseveres despite immense physical challenges.

Trump:  Avoids joining army because of non-existent bone spur on heel.  Afterwards, can't remember which foot it was.


Hillary:  Mentally tough.

Trump:  Skips out on political debate because questions are too tough to address.


Hillary:  Donates money to build schools in rural Nepal.

Trump:  Cheats on taxes. Cheats the NYC government. Channels money donated to his campaign to paying rents on his mansions in NY and Florida.


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Good to see all the liberals and Conservatives sniping away here but, after this last week there is only really one Real Questions: IS THE RACE ALREADY OVER? Has Trump inflicted so much damage on himself, that barring devil horns sprouting from Hilary’s forehead, it is over.

News this week is Hilarys Super Pac is scaling back ads in Colorado and Virginia. They believe they have insurmountable leads and are spending money elsewhere. Out west the Republican bastion of Barry Goldwater, Arizona is up for grabs. Not that nationally it would matter given how few electoral votes you get from it.


It’s Over

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"An analysis of Trump's tweets and discerned that the more haughty, critical ones come from an Android device, while the nice ones come from an iPhone."




"In essence, there's a suspicion that the Android tweets are written by Trump himself. The iPhone tweets might be penned by his campaign staff, desperate to create a sense of fairness and balance."


But then again, I wouldn't know as I would never follow his Twitter account. I am not giving him yet another count hit on his followers list. Plus I can't stand listening to anything he says. Makes me ill.

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1 hour ago, LomSak27 said:

Good to see all the liberals and Conservatives sniping away here but, after this last week there is only really one Real Questions: IS THE RACE ALREADY OVER? Has Trump inflicted so much damage on himself, that barring devil horns sprouting from Hilary’s forehead, it is over.

News this week is Hilarys Super Pac is scaling back ads in Colorado and Virginia. They believe they have insurmountable leads and are spending money elsewhere. Out west the Republican bastion of Barry Goldwater, Arizona is up for grabs. Not that nationally it would matter given how few electoral votes you get from it.


It’s Over

Arizona might matter. 11 electoral votes is a moderate amount. One electoral vote can matter. Ask Al Gore.  

I agree the question now is whether trump is too damaged now to have any realistic path to the presidency.

Unfortunately, I don't think so.

Terror events plus wikileaks ... nobody knows for sure.

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33 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Trump Exposes Trump



Thank you for posting this video. It's showing the lying donald like he is.

I hope to read some reactions from the trumpeteers about this video, because I need a big laugh.

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4 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

Thank you for posting this video. It's showing the lying donald like he is.

I hope to read some reactions from the trumpeteers about this video, because I need a big laugh.


Don't you realize this is all part of Trump's "Just Kidding" campaign. Some of the time he is "just kidding". It is up to the individual to tell when.


Oh Donald, your such the kidder.

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Back off Crooked Hillary, right?  After all, she has the Ultimate Media Privilege, correct?


Ultimate Media Privilege: Hillary’s Crimes Versus Trump’s Mouth



A mainstream media tsunami of contempt is inundating Donald Trump, its two-story wave combining innuendoes of treason with deserved scorn for Trump’s stupid attempt to debate grieving father and Democratic National Convention speaker Khizr Khan.

Wait…Treason innuendoes directed at Trump? What pretzel of Joe McCarthy spin is this, Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook, given Hillary’s negligent disregard for laws protecting classified national security information—a fact supported by FBI investigation?"


Crooked Hillary hasn't been Crowned yet and the rate she's going, hopefully she'll take that long-awaited - postponed trip to the Federal Greybar Hotel.

We hear that the Fed has good medical facilities! :)




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They won't address it.

They never do. Let alone watch it.

It's due to their mental deficiency.

Their myopic minds can't cope.


They got nothin'.

Because there is no defense of the Crazy Bloviator.


The Trumpeteers instead, prefer one or two lines of deflections and obfuscations on a different post.

While ignoring reality.

Basically: Trolling. :thumbsup:


Then, off to another thread to do the same...


They got nothin'.

But hate and vitriol.



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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump fans won't want to see this video (Young Turks), but anyone else who wants to know details of how massively Trump has failed at business, may enjoy it.


Alternatively, I've put together a comparison of Trump, compared to one of my heroes; Sir Edmund Hillary, the New Zealand who, along with Nepali Tenzig Norgay, was the first hominid to stand atop Mount Everest, May 1953.


Hillary: Humble

Trump:  "I'm very rich."  "I know more than the generals."  "I know lots of words."


Hillary:  Physically fit.

Trump:  Hits a little white ball with a mallet, then walks 180 yards across a meadow.


Hillary:  Perseveres despite immense physical challenges.

Trump:  Avoids joining army because of non-existent bone spur on heel.  Afterwards, can't remember which foot it was.


Hillary:  Mentally tough.

Trump:  Skips out on political debate because questions are too tough to address.


Hillary:  Donates money to build schools in rural Nepal.

Trump:  Cheats on taxes. Cheats the NYC government. Channels money donated to his campaign to paying rents on his mansions in NY and Florida.


You still don't get it. Trump is where he is because so many Americans hate the political class and congress. It doesn't make any difference what Clinton does or does not do. Trump will get fans and votes because he ISN'T a politician and isn't PC ( they hate PC as well as politicians ).

Clinton is a professional politician and paid up member of the 1%. They hate her just for that, and building schools in Nepal is irrelevant as is the rest of your list. Trump supporters just don't care about stuff like that.

You are just preaching to the choir. No one else is listening.

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11 minutes ago, Franky Bear said:

I can't stop laughing at this. 


That was pretty funny. Thanks for posting it.


Maybe Trump is more of a politician than we give him credit for.


Whats the saying?


How do you know if a politician is lying? 

Their lips are moving.


But I am still voting for the GOP even if it means voting for this guy.

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