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Priest says he was told to say prayers for abusing boys


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Priest says he was told to say prayers for abusing boys 




HAGATNA, Guam (AP) — A 95-year-old Catholic priest admitted to sexually abusing boys decades ago on Guam. He said he confessed his sins to other priests on the island at the time but none told him to specifically stop.


Instead, the Rev. Louis Brouillard said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press on Saturday morning that the other priests told him to "do better" along with regular penance, such as saying Hail Mary prayers.


Brouillard served in Guam from the 1940s through the 1970s, teaching at San Vicente and Father Duenas Memorial schools while he was a priest. He said he molested "a couple of boys" during that time.


However, when pressed on how many boys he might have abused, Brouillard said: "I have no idea. Maybe 20."


"At that time, when I was that age, I got the impression that kids liked it, so I went ahead. But now of course, I know it's wrong and I'm paying for it," Brouillard said.


Leo B. Tudela, 73, emotionally testified about what he said was abuse by Brouillard in the mid-1950s during a hearing this week in the Guam Legislature. Tudela urged senators to support legislation that would lift the statute of limitations for lawsuits against those who sexually abused children. It's now two years.


Brouillard said he didn't remember Tudela.


Brouillard's admissions come after three former altar boys and the mother of another filed a $2 million libel and slander lawsuit against former Guam Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron and the archdiocese, saying they were called liars when they raised allegations that Apuron sexually abused boys in the 1970s.


Apuron has denied the abuse and not been charged with any crime. The Vatican appointed Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai as a temporary administrator after the allegations surfaced.


After the allegations against Brouillard were first reported by the Pacific Daily News this week, Hon released a statement: "With the news that Father Louis Brouillard, a priest who served on Guam confessed to having abused altar boys on Guam in the 1950s, I convey my deepest apologies and that of the entire church to Mr. Leo Tudela and all other persons who were also victimized."


Hon also directed church investigators to speak with Tudela and others who have raised allegations of sexual abuse.


The Associated Press does not typically name people who say they are victims of sex abuse, but Tudela gave his testimony at a public hearing.

Brouillard said he hasn't been defrocked, and lives in Pine City, Minnesota, on a small pension from the church in Guam. He said he has volunteered with the local Meals on Wheels program for 30 years as atonement.


He said he never sought to silence his victims, and he offers daily prayers to the boys he molested.


"I regret with all my heart that I did anything wrong to them," he said. "I am praying for the boys and hope that they can forgive me and that God can."


-- © Associated Press 2016-08-06
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12 minutes ago, Scott said:

The prayers have been said and now it's time to pay the 30 pieces of silver.  



Seriously, what a joke, if I were a priest and another priest confessed this sort of thing, I'd break through the stall and flog him until he was black and blue.


Youd think people with a higher religious state of mind would be the least likely to do this sort of thing.........history has shown us that not to be true.


i hope there's a special place in hell for these grubs.

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1 hour ago, Scott said:

The prayers have been said and now it's time to pay the 30 pieces of silver.  


Not if they can help it. The linked story is Anglican not Catholic, but the attitude is the same, lots of words and crocodile tears, but forget any real punishment for allowing abuse to continue.


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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

"At that time, when I was that age, I got the impression that kids liked it, so I went ahead. But now of course, I know it's wrong and I'm paying for it," Brouillard said.

Really? How much?


1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

the other priests told him to "do better" along with regular penance, such as saying Hail Mary prayers.

During the abuse of course, since the effect would be so much greater.

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3 hours ago, neverdie said:



Seriously, what a joke, if I were a priest and another priest confessed this sort of thing, I'd break through the stall and flog him until he was black and blue.


Youd think people with a higher religious state of mind would be the least likely to do this sort of thing.........history has shown us that not to be true.


i hope there's a special place in hell for these grubs.

There’s NOT. There is no Hell, nor divine justice and obviously he knows that. Which is why we have human laws and punishments. He should be dealt with accordingly. 


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9 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

There’s NOT. There is no Hell, nor divine justice and obviously he knows that. Which is why we have human laws and punishments. He should be dealt with accordingly. 




Now that hat youve confirmed this for me, somehow, I would like to go back to my normal previous statements about grubs like him.


Hang him high by the goolies and set fire to the mongrel.

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12 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Yes it's abnormal and biologically wrong to demand celibacy from any species.

Where are you From? Pluto.....?        ,,,,,,,The Maggots Chose this so called calling,,,,,,,  Get Real  ,,,,,  Brain washing Bludgers,,,,,

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13 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Yes it's abnormal and biologically wrong to demand celibacy from any species.


There may be some truth in that but some species do expect celibacy, but in those species, the celibate ones are usually born that way.   A  few others, only allow the dominant male to mate.  


In this case, the guy seems to have been a pedophile and attracted to young boys.  If it celibacy wasn't an expectation, that attraction is abnormal.   He most likely sought out vulnerable boys and groomed them for sexual activity. 

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3 hours ago, Doc46 said:

Where are you From? Pluto.....?        ,,,,,,,The Maggots Chose this so called calling,,,,,,,  Get Real  ,,,,,  Brain washing Bludgers,,,,,

Ok...point being it's abnormal as a human to choose celibacy AND for an institution to require it. Celibacy is biologically abnormal for humans and seemingly leads to warped development. Human celibacy definitely seems to result in particular types of warped individuals, whom many possibly/probably wouldn't have resorted to child molestation had they had normal sex lives and not self-imposed, Church required biologically unattainable celibacy. Pretty sure we're on the same planet here...


The Earthling

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2 hours ago, Scott said:


There may be some truth in that but some species do expect celibacy, but in those species, the celibate ones are usually born that way.   A  few others, only allow the dominant male to mate.  


In this case, the guy seems to have been a pedophile and attracted to young boys.  If it celibacy wasn't an expectation, that attraction is abnormal.   He most likely sought out vulnerable boys and groomed them for sexual activity. 

Agreed...mostly. In those species where only the dominant male is permitted to mate, many of the inferiors still attempt to "get some" on the sly or try to attain dominance. They are biologically instinctively motivated. 


All these mere human priests have the same desires, but they've unnatural self-imposed and church/society required expectations upon them that possibly leads to warped development. Especially with the huge numbers in the Catholic Church alone. Other churches with similar requirements have similar problems. 


The sheer number of pedophile clergy worldwide seems to beg the question...WHY? Probably not prudent to assume that all these men became  priests with pedophilia as their motivation. Something is causing this warped behavior and celibacy seems to have at least something to do with it.


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Of course not all priests or clergy are pedophiles, but people often chose a profession that brings them into contact with the object of their desire.   For those inclined toward pedophilia the priesthood is a good option.  


Although pedophilia and sexual orientation are not related, I suspect that in the past the reason for many gay priests was that it was a good occupation if you were not going to marry and have children.  Since the stigma of being gay is being ameliorated, there are probably fewer gays entering the priesthood.


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15 minutes ago, Scott said:

Of course not all priests or clergy are pedophiles, but people often chose a profession that brings them into contact with the object of their desire.   For those inclined toward pedophilia the priesthood is a good option.  


Although pedophilia and sexual orientation are not related, I suspect that in the past the reason for many gay priests was that it was a good occupation if you were not going to marry and have children.  Since the stigma of being gay is being ameliorated, there are probably fewer gays entering the priesthood.


I'd agree with your post if it wasn't centred around being gay.  (Edit -- and no, I'm not gay)


Far more likely to be religious pedophiles that were attracted to being celibate - until (the few) realise that their preferred target were easily available - as they were such a respected member of the community....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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I think this sort of thing has been going on for hundreds of years, with thousands of priests sexually abusing tens- or hundreds-of-thousands of children. And I bet it still continues somewhere. This makes a mockery of the Catholic Church.

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8 minutes ago, HerbalEd said:

I think this sort of thing has been going on for hundreds of years, with thousands of priests sexually abusing tens- or hundreds-of-thousands of children. And I bet it still continues somewhere. This makes a mockery of the Catholic Church.

To be fair, many other christian 'movements' have used the same excuse, leading to various shortcomings - un-recognised by the 'bretheren' who thought the leaders were 'god's voice'.....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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23 hours ago, neverdie said:



Seriously, what a joke, if I were a priest and another priest confessed this sort of thing, I'd break through the stall and flog him until he was black and blue.


Youd think people with a higher religious state of mind would be the least likely to do this sort of thing.........history has shown us that not to be true.


i hope there's a special place in hell for these grubs.


That lot believe that you can do anything as long as you say a few prayers, hail Mary's or whatever. No wonder it attracts perverted old dregs who want to fiddle with kiddies, usually of the same sex, and sadistic old bags who want to abuse girls and babies.


Somehow, I get the feeling we're seeing the tip of the iceberg. Wonder how long these attitudes and cover ups have been going on - probably as long as that organization has existed. I bet they're so pleased with the increased media these days.

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4 hours ago, HerbalEd said:

I think this sort of thing has been going on for hundreds of years, with thousands of priests sexually abusing tens- or hundreds-of-thousands of children. And I bet it still continues somewhere. This makes a mockery of the Catholic Church.

This makes a Criminal Institution and Pedophilia and Child Abuse Coverup Organization out of the Catholic Church...NOT a mockery. Even recent and probably most or all Popes have been complicit. :redcard1:


The Catholic Church should be shut down. It has been proven to aid, abet and cover-up this behavior. Not gonna happen because almost anything goes under the guise of superstition. At least the membership has been plummeting due to this horror that all governments and many people turn a blind eye to. :redcard1:

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7 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

This makes a Criminal Institution and Pedophilia and Child Abuse Coverup Organization out of the Catholic Church...NOT a mockery. Even recent and probably most or all Popes have been complicit. :redcard1:


The Catholic Church should be shut down. It has been proven to aid, abet and cover-up this behavior. Not gonna happen because almost anything goes under the guise of superstition. At least the membership has been plummeting due to this horror that all governments and many people turn a blind eye to. :redcard1:

" membership has been plummeting"   Really? where?

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On 8/7/2016 at 1:32 PM, dick dasterdly said:

To be fair, many other christian 'movements' have used the same excuse, leading to various shortcomings - un-recognised by the 'bretheren' who thought the leaders were 'god's voice'.....


And there are countries where locally it's common and accepted and not hidden for  9, 10 year old boys are the sex playthings of older men who are often married.


Hideous but it still happens.

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On 2016-08-06 at 10:09 AM, neverdie said:



Seriously, what a joke, if I were a priest and another priest confessed this sort of thing, I'd break through the stall and flog him until he was black and blue.


Youd think people with a higher religious state of mind would be the least likely to do this sort of thing.........history has shown us that not to be true.


i hope there's a special place in hell for these grubs.

The pedofiles flocked to the catolic church to become priest. All this kids and free sex, asholes. Two blocks of stones should fix the problem permanently.

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