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Thailand's junta leader says elections in November 2017 

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Que sera sera. Whenever you are ready, Sir. You already have the Nation highest law stitched up nicely for military dominance and the next government will function at your pleasure and disposal for maybe next 5 years. Not sure about that too whether you allow the constitution to be re-written. As people say, promises are meant to be broken and you have been exemplary in that aspect.   

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16 hours ago, djjamie said:


A "... constitution that ensures the military’s control over the next government..."

...and what kind of "scenario" is this one, oh courtjester Jamie?


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14 hours ago, Denim said:

I think Prayuth is getting confused by his own constitution.


When he talks of elections he really means selections.

what a great call. best laugh i have had today. selections. do the third of the thai population who voted for this system really know what they voted for? future elections a thin veneer of democracy over a very thick layer of military dictatorship.

power would be returned to a civilian government.  thats the second funniest thing today.

Edited by williamgeorgeallen
laughing so hard i made a mistake
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34 minutes ago, waldroj said:

Maybe Prat yu should take note of the message in following video (that Thais are constantly try to instil into foreigners):


she forgot to add  "and often no one will help you even  if you do act polite" its a get out of jail card for them all

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"Let's count today as Day 1 on the roadmap schedule. If you follow the roadmap it would put us at November 2017 when the whole process is complete.''


Why is today "day 1"? I thought the roadmap started in 2014.:blink:


Ok, let's call today "Day 1" then: If the roadmap counts days that takes it to November it must clearly show these 450+ days...so can we see this roadmap now? It seems to have quite a lot of information and is more complex than I thought (Originally I thought Prayuth just sucked the roadmap out of his thumb and his arse :whistling:

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19 hours ago, Winniedapu said:

Of course there will be. 


Unless something comes up.




The Peter principle is ubiquitous, inevitable and infallible.Everyone rises to their own level of incompetence. Some levels are lower than others of course...


Oh rest assured the only thing that's 'come up' is that immediately after promising to keep out of politics, Prayuth is the nominee designate for PM. Who knew? :coffee1:

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20 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

A reporter asked Prayuth to comment on those points, which were raised by the international community.


"It's their own business. They can say what they want but we are not going to bother with a response because the referendum shows that we used international standards and we have spoken," Prayuth said.


He then scolded the reporter who had asked the question, asking if she worked for a foreign organization. Then he muttered, "She doesn't love her own country."


He also did not rule out becoming prime minister again if the Senate chooses him. "Why are you asking me? It's not up to me to decide this. Go and ask the political parties," he said.


Asked when he would lift a ban on political parties, he said: "When the country is peaceful. When new laws have been drafted in accordance with the new constitution we will see."


"It's their own business."


Indeed, he cannot control what is said outside Thailand, yet he clearly thinks he has carte blanche to do whatever he likes with the people of Thailand. Playground bullies generally haven't learned there's always someone out there who is bigger and better than you.


"They can say what they want but we are not going to bother with a response..."


Yet more DjPrayuth drivel. They can't help not sticking to their words, or wanting to be caught picking their nose at UN assemblies, or showing the Thai people how the outside world either hangs on their every word or is no match for them. To not put their foot in their mouth is an impossible feat.


"...because the referendum shows that we used international standards..."


No independent observers means he can fool nobody but some Thais. With one comment he rejects the outside world, with his next comment he uses the outside world for his twisted mandate. There is no integrity and no shame.


"...and we have spoken," Prayuth said."


One benefit of the referendum is that it's making them even more arrogant and entrenched. More talk like this will help hasten their destiny...


"He then scolded the reporter who had asked the question, asking if she worked for a foreign organization."


On the one hand, he tries to discredit the reporter by implying 'a real Thai would never question my government' but on the other he also belies the truth of the anti-foreigner sentiment he wants to promote.

Thai (his version) = good

Foreign = bad

There can be no denying the anti-foreign stance now.


"Then he muttered, "She doesn't love her own country."


What right has he to speak about her love for her country? Again we see how this meeting with the press, post-referendum, is a goldmine for loose-tongued junta-truths. This is a man who denies a person their citizenship based on whether he likes what they say or not. Thai people: friend or foe?


"He also did not rule out becoming prime minister again..."


Par for the course, of course. Need say no more.


"Asked when he would lift a ban on political parties, he said: "When the country is peaceful."


And yet deluded supporters of human rights abuse justify their despicable I'm-alright-Jack attitudes because the junta made Thailand peaceful when it hadn't been. So why is their tinpot poster-boy admitting there is no peace even after 2 years of old toad bullshit?









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21 hours ago, waldroj said:

A "... constitution that ensures the military’s control over the next government..."


20 hours ago, Denim said:

I think Prayuth is getting confused by his own constitution.


When he talks of elections he really means selections.


Don't think he is getting confused at all, just following the initial plan probably....


- Coup

- Push a silly constitution down the people throat threatening everybody and making sure they all vote for it; PROMISING elections will be held...

- Get that constitution approved.

- Make a new party

- Win elections with that party

- Get that party to nominate him PM after election (after-all, he did so much for the country already and the people love him at 67%)

- Becoming an officially "properly" :whistling: elected PM as a result of the elections...

- On for 7 year with him.


Beautifully planned and executed, bravo!!


Peachy and rosy and all... :blink:

Edited by CantSpell
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Election doesn't mean anythig as the second page of the questions of the referundum said that the senate will be able to appoint tthe next PM.


This is totally left out by the local media but picked up well by the international media.



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10 hours ago, kannot said:

she forgot to add  "and often no one will help you even  if you do act polite" its a get out of jail card for them all


You're right. Quite often, Thais seek to persuade you and themselves that they are superior or have more power and face than you do. So if you speak Thai to them they will laugh at you for not being able to speak the best language in the world like they do. Very likely they will pretend not to understand you, even if your Thai is perfect (mine isn't), then, when you've gone, they laugh like drains with their mates at the stupid farang who thinks he can speak the best language in the world without being one of the best people in the world. If you speak English to them, they will think you are lazy for coming to the best country in the world and not learning to speak the best language in the world with the best people in the world; and they will accuse you of speaking down to them because they have about the same education as a 9-year-old in the west, and causing them to lose face for not being able to speak the language that 50% of the world and 70% of educated people in the world speak.


If you get fed up with incompetence, broken promises and lies or bad service and a lack of co-operation  they will often refuse to help and refuse to talk sense and refuse to pass you on to their manager in case they lose face for looking like a clod, when they already know they're one of the best people in the world.


And when you get fed up with stupidity and incompetence and you get angry, then they'll refuse to give you service because you're angry and impolite. Control freakery and how to feel superior 101. If you get to this stage, you've lost - and it's always a competition with a Thai because they will always try to prove they're not inferior to you, whether you thought that in the first place or not. Contract law is no help, tort is no help, common sense doesn't apply and neither does professionalism, you're basically stuck with a teenager who acts like they're 12 years old and is mainly preoccupied with whether they've got enough friends on FaceBook or not. And their management will back them against a non-Thai 100% of the time.


It's basically a child thing. The only way to deal with them is to use the same psychology as you might use with a 12-year-old in the real world, who is still coming to terms with the fact that they are a part of a society.


Compliment them, admire them, say they are smart and apologise to them for not speaking their language because it is so complex and so much more advanced than English. And for goodness sake, don't try to be like them by using the words krab or ka like punctuation or as a yardie might say 'innit'. That'll only create the feeling that you're patronising them, and then you're stuffed.


Of course they know they are 3rd-world people but they get awfully offended if you suggest this. after all, they're the best people in the world if only the rest  of the world could understand that.


Or let your wife deal with them, that's what I do; basically because i often can't get my brain to regress far enough to get any sense out of most of them. Let me be clear, They resent you being in their country and that doesn't change, it's all a part of the propaganda that's been shoved down their throats since birth. They might pretend to smile and they might pretend to be civil but they aren't, they have a lot of masks they can wear.



Edited by Winniedapu
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Give Thailand another 3 years and they are back to the stone age. FIT investment is down by 90% and Thai companies are not going going to expand inside Thailand but moving overseas to the Indochina market.


How I see the system falling? The Jiratiwat family with is Central and Robinson are moving away from Thailand and expanding into Indochina. Bangkok Bank and CP Group are moving investments out of Thailand. 


Tourism from Europe is at a all time low. 2014 we had 400,000 farangs that come into Thailand this year we are happy we can hit 100,000. Thai Managers that have been with our Thai operation have been laid off and many farang managers decided to move ocerseas,


I have had no local project for the past 6 months after 28 years in Thailand but it is ok as Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar etc keeps me and my family ok. 


The 1997 constitution was co-written by Khun Anand and had all the check and balances in place but they never mentioned the military and the army was never mentioned once in the constitution for treason.


The Indonesian's got rid of the army but the Thai elite still think they can play the same games as they did from the 30's.


Sadly what goes around comes around one day and the 60+ million Thai's will suffer and all those cronies that aligned to the Junta will be gone one day.

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8 hours ago, dageurreotype said:


Oh rest assured the only thing that's 'come up' is that immediately after promising to keep out of politics, Prayuth is the nominee designate for PM. Who knew? :coffee1:


Did he propose himself?


Perhaps or perhaps not.


The person proposing that, does not yet have a political party, no real power, no authority other than what is in his own mind.


There is a long way to go yet and it may be that the idea will not come to fruition.

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47 minutes ago, MobileContent said:

Give Thailand another 3 years and they are back to the stone age. FIT investment is down by 90% and Thai companies are not going going to expand inside Thailand but moving overseas to the Indochina market.


How I see the system falling? The Jiratiwat family with is Central and Robinson are moving away from Thailand and expanding into Indochina. Bangkok Bank and CP Group are moving investments out of Thailand. 


Tourism from Europe is at a all time low. 2014 we had 400,000 farangs that come into Thailand this year we are happy we can hit 100,000. Thai Managers that have been with our Thai operation have been laid off and many farang managers decided to move ocerseas,


I have had no local project for the past 6 months after 28 years in Thailand but it is ok as Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar etc keeps me and my family ok. 


The 1997 constitution was co-written by Khun Anand and had all the check and balances in place but they never mentioned the military and the army was never mentioned once in the constitution for treason.


The Indonesian's got rid of the army but the Thai elite still think they can play the same games as they did from the 30's.


Sadly what goes around comes around one day and the 60+ million Thai's will suffer and all those cronies that aligned to the Junta will be gone one day.


"How I see the system falling? The Jiratiwat family with is Central and Robinson are moving away from Thailand and expanding into Indochina. Bangkok Bank and CP Group are moving investments out of Thailand. "


I saw that but assumed they were expanding outwards rather than moving. If they are moving then it's seriously bad news for Thailand (especially CP with it's connections).



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5 hours ago, CantSpell said:



Don't think he is getting confused at all, just following the initial plan probably....


- Coup

- Push a silly constitution down the people throat threatening everybody and making sure they all vote for it; PROMISING elections will be held...

- Get that constitution approved.

- Make a new party

- Win elections with that party

- Get that party to nominate him PM after election (after-all, he did so much for the country already and the people love him at 67%)

- Becoming an officially "properly" :whistling: elected PM as a result of the elections...

- On for 7 year with him.


Beautifully planned and executed, bravo!!


Peachy and rosy and all... :blink:

Just a slight but important correction to your sequence after "get that constution approved":

- appoint 250 senate members (who will apoint him :))

- create a new party and get only 126 MPs

- get appointed by 250 senators and 126 MPs

- becoming officially PM

- no problem with so-called independant organisations and the judicial as he or his allies have appointed most of them...

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2 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


You're right. Quite often, Thais seek to persuade you and themselves that they are superior or have more power and face than you do. So if you speak Thai to them they will laugh at you for not being able to speak the best language in the world like they do. Very likely they will pretend not to understand you, even if your Thai is perfect (mine isn't), then, when you've gone, they laugh like drains with their mates at the stupid farang who thinks he can speak the best language in the world without being one of the best people in the world. If you speak English to them, they will think you are lazy for coming to the best country in the world and not learning to speak the best language in the world with the best people in the world; and they will accuse you of speaking down to them because they have about the same education as a 9-year-old in the west, and causing them to lose face for not being able to speak the language that 50% of the world and 70% of educated people in the world speak.


If you get fed up with incompetence, broken promises and lies or bad service and a lack of co-operation  they will often refuse to help and refuse to talk sense and refuse to pass you on to their manager in case they lose face for looking like a clod, when they already know they're one of the best people in the world.


And when you get fed up with stupidity and incompetence and you get angry, then they'll refuse to give you service because you're angry and impolite. Control freakery and how to feel superior 101. If you get to this stage, you've lost - and it's always a competition with a Thai because they will always try to prove they're not inferior to you, whether you thought that in the first place or not. Contract law is no help, tort is no help, common sense doesn't apply and neither does professionalism, you're basically stuck with a teenager who acts like they're 12 years old and is mainly preoccupied with whether they've got enough friends on FaceBook or not. And their management will back them against a non-Thai 100% of the time.


It's basically a child thing. The only way to deal with them is to use the same psychology as you might use with a 12-year-old in the real world, who is still coming to terms with the fact that they are a part of a society.


Compliment them, admire them, say they are smart and apologise to them for not speaking their language because it is so complex and so much more advanced than English. And for goodness sake, don't try to be like them by using the words krab or ka like punctuation or as a yardie might say 'innit'. That'll only create the feeling that you're patronising them, and then you're stuffed.


Of course they know they are 3rd-world people but they get awfully offended if you suggest this. after all, they're the best people in the world if only the rest  of the world could understand that.


Or let your wife deal with them, that's what I do; basically because i often can't get my brain to regress far enough to get any sense out of most of them. Let me be clear, They resent you being in their country and that doesn't change, it's all a part of the propaganda that's been shoved down their throats since birth. They might pretend to smile and they might pretend to be civil but they aren't, they have a lot of masks they can wear.



And what does this have to do with the topic at hand? Just couldn't resist another chance at Thai bashing could you? Maybe Thais resent the arrogant attitude you have that you are superior than them. I for sure would not be polite with someone with an attitude like that.

Edited by Throatwobbler
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16 hours ago, Farang99 said:

It will parallel the situation in Myanmar, as the whole of the senate and a proportion of the lower house will be appointed by the military. Doesn't leave much to vote about.


Exactly.  We're witnessing the Burmatization of Thailand, even as Burma (Myanmar) itself moves in the opposite direction.

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