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Thais furious as 'farang' woman parades in her undies at Phuket temple

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ohmybuddha, if you look closely, you can see her blue undies!!!!


Here's one of the things which really burn my biscuit re; Thai temples:


Besides gambling monks, monks buying expensive cars and not paying taxes, monks coercing young boys and girls for sex, .......




It's loud. It's repetitive.  It can be heard throughout a 5 sq.Km radius from temple (thousands of people are compelled to listen).  Regarding a newly built temple near my house near Chiang Rai:  there's an 18 second tape loop blasted loudly ASKING FOR DONATIONS (and recommending various baht amounts).   2,000 times per hour, sometimes running 9 hours per day, that nearly 20,000 very loud repetitions begging for money each day, every day.   THAT'S  THE SORT OF THING WHICH SHOULD OFFEND BUDDHIST THAIS. .....not some farang chick wearing a thin dress.


So some good Buddhists took pictures to send to the authorities to call for action, while some watched them secretly at home when wife went shopping.


       It could have been worse in form of a 279 kg American "girl'.....

1 hour ago, Gracas said:

Is she a Politician ? They are always tell you how they will provide transparency.

 Gracas , nice one but this might be wrong kind of transparency. 


This is such a non story. She should have been told, end of issue. Thai people do far worse things against their religion every day. But here we are in a forum suggesting she be put in a cell overnight..... farang bashers with too much time on their hands. A close Thai friend was a monk for 2 years and the stories of indiscretions he can tell makes the Catholic Church look positively holy


all visitors to these wats are required to be suitably attired. how did this one escape the safety net?

it does show disrespect to the culture of the country.

1 hour ago, English 1 said:

Oh come on and get real do you really think that anyone would be TRULY furious about this!?  NO is the answer.



Sure, I know my wife would be.

1 hour ago, Thaijack2014 said:

True bars and nightclubs are in great numbers, but that doesn't mean that temples should be a showcase of stupid farangs who don't know how to behave OUTSIDE a bar.... and if not all of these farangs are aware of their behaviour, I think Thai authorities should point it out with a night in a cell or a hefty fine...

Gone native, have you?


Of course sometimes people, while visiting another country make mistakes.


But if you think yourself better as some of us living in or visiting this country and visiting bars, go ahead, feel superior.


But, don't forget, most of us living in Thailand and trying to adapt to different values and a very different culture, think your negative, "hate ourselves" reaction, is not only very politically correct but most of all very stupid.






1 hour ago, cumgranosalum said:

it would be nice if they worried as much about how their country was run as they do about other people's underwear.


You're welcome to go back to your home if you arent happy with the Thai's jailed for speaking out against the governement


They really don't need an extra whiny farang discrediting them.


I still don't understand why the modding team allows nothing negative on this forum, unless its Thai bashing.


They could have politely taken her aside and told her that her attire wasn't acceptable, but no, they had to get 'outraged' and send pictures to somebody else to deal with it.


To all those "disgusted of Thailand" 

Could someone then kindly explain why you have these coyote dancers jiggling their bits and waggling their underwear at Temple fairs.

Its a sundress over a bikini for goodness sake, not the end of the world ! And certainly not "parading around in her underwear" a fair bit of artistic license there methinks

A touch of hypocrisy springs to mind here

But then again what do i know i would never go to a temple apart from to watch the coyote dancers


Hypocrisy at it's very best...


The whole thing with women and Buddhist monks arose from the fact that long ago., it was noticed that immodestly dressed women, or women touching monks made said monks all upstanding and randy rather than all spiritual and meditating. Gotta preserve the myth.


Of course Thais don't need to learn history unless it's nationalistic claptrap or can be tweaked to make Thais look all brave and all-conquering and stuff.


The reality is a bit different.




Ok...that's cute and disrespectful.  Why didn't the temple staff ask her to leave or rent a sarong?  I see this problem even at a local watt near Hua Hin.  Thai girls wearing short-shorts and halter tops.  If they have rules, enforce them.  

2 minutes ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

Ok...that's cute and disrespectful.  Why didn't the temple staff ask her to leave or rent a sarong?  I see this problem even at a local watt near Hua Hin.  Thai girls wearing short-shorts and halter tops.  If they have rules, enforce them.  



If people can't control their sexual urges, then they should stay clear of temples until they can. Nothing disrespectful about it. The human body is not a mystery like it was 600 years ago. Thais should wake up and smell the coffee instead of hiding in a comfort blanket of humbug.



2 hours ago, kalbo123 said:

I haven been to several Thai Temple party's.

The Thai "sexy girls" dancing and singing there were dressed way more inappropriate, just saying before the farang bashing begins.


Yes been to a few alcohol being sold and drank to excess Thai dancing girls wearing very little clothing but these are Buddhist festivals so that's OK

3 hours ago, jonclark said:

The Thais behind her don't look very furious??



They didnt notice,, probably to busy playing pokemon

1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:


Why wouldn't she?

 Does anyone think that she would try to enter a cathedral in her own country or in any western country dressed like that?

OK Bluespunk  :)

Do you understand this one better?

Does anyone think that she would try to enter a mosque dressed like that?



Buddha himself would consider the concept of a temple and Buddha images as complete rubbish and an insult to his teachings, and he would be deeply offended by the image of people prostrating in front of those images.


Obviously it was insensitive on the part of the woman. But done knowingly, unlikely. Done unknowingly, more than likely.


But more to the point, at some point, you have to wonder whether the continuing stream of these kinds of articles claiming locals' outrage over tourists'  behavior is part of an orchestrated xenophobia campaign.


It's pretty hypocritical for whatever supposed people to get outraged over this kind of small episode when the same society dishonors their religion (law flouting, jet-setting monks), their morals (human trafficking, domestic abuse), their laws (cop killing heirs, murderers running free), their environment (litter, pollution)  etc. in much much bigger ways on regular basis.

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