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Trump accuses Obama of being the 'founder of ISIS'


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Well, Trump does have a point ! A day after o,bama sends a highly suspicious huge cash payment to Iran ISIS declares a sudden influx of cash :)  Obviously o,bama is a muslim, and as such is dedicated to their cause, and how this flake ever got to be voted in as potus completely baffles me !

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Truly the problem with politics and trump and the Republicans and the Democrats is the blatant lies they tell. They know this and that are completely untrue but why not say it. Oh yeah, Fox news as well. A disgusting group of dicks. A few women in there as well.

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7 hours ago, Rancid said:

Another anti-American rant, obviously he is a Russian spy under mind control by Putin.


I had a hunch from the start that Trump was implanted into the republican side by Hillary Clinton.


He's making one stupid statement after the other, I think Hillary's plan works perfect.

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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

Well, Trump does have a point ! A day after o,bama sends a highly suspicious huge cash payment to Iran ISIS declares a sudden influx of cash :)  Obviously o,bama is a muslim, and as such is dedicated to their cause, and how this flake ever got to be voted in as potus completely baffles me !


Yes, because the Iranian Shi'a are almost certainly going to give money to their sworn Sunni enemy.

No wonder Trump "loves the poorly educated".



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There is certainly no question that at the US MIddle-East policy has facilitated the creation of ISIS, but Obama has just widened the gash and made it easier for something that was started years ago to happen. He followed the orders given to him.


He is definitely a fraud! He bamboozled the US voters into believing that he would fix a terrible (and intentionally created) MIddle-East mess but he and Ms. Clinton only poured gas on the fire, even sacrificing one of their own ambassadors. 

Edited by Inn Between
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2 minutes ago, Inn Between said:

There is certainly no question that the US MIddle-East policy has facilitated the creation of ISIS, but Obama has just widened the gash and made it easier for something that was started years ago to happen -- he followed the orders given to him.


He is definitely a fraud! He bamboozled the US voters into believing that he would fix a terrible (and intentionally created) MIddle-East mess but he and Ms. Clinton only poured gas on the fire, even sacrificing one of their own ambassadors. 


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3 hours ago, Buzzz said:

Trump is a poster boy for terrorist recruiters.


i say his language about Muslims and generally being a vulgar pretentious a**hole loudmouth conceited jagoff will increase attacks on Americans. 


So you're saying westerners bring terrorist attacks on themselves because of their language and demeanour?


One only has to look at what jihadists do to other muslims who don't share the same ideology to know it doesn't make a difference. They want to exterminate any non-believers.


Part of the reason things have gotten so out of control with radical Islam is the PC crowd trying to police language. And it's also why Trump has become so popular. 

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America is doomed. it's obvious that Trump has fooled the lot of you, self-destructing at exactly the planned time to allow Hilary to triumph.

He got his moment of fame and if there had been a real leader of his party, of course Hilary wouldn't have won.

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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is not anti-American. He just thinks that Obama's policies have been disastrous and a lot of Americans agree with him


I have to give you credit for your undying defence of the indefensible.  Most of the other Trumpsters . have been ominously quiet lately but you are still here defending your man no matter what rubbish he spouts.  Well done for keeping the circus going

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


Yes, because the Iranian Shi'a are almost certainly going to give money to their sworn Sunni enemy.

No wonder Trump "loves the poorly educated".




5555...This is actually another example of the hypocrite Trump.  If he was truly anti-PC, he wouldn't have said "I love the uneducated."  He would have said what he really thought, which is "I love stupid people!  If not for stupid people, I wouldn't have any support!"

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3 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

Love him or hate him.

He does speak the truth.

Obama and Clinton could not lie straight in bed.


If you think trump speaks the truth, than you are still waiting for Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny!

But than, you are a real trumpeteer, btw, did you buy his special card yet?

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So Trump says Obama is the founder of ISIS, and Clinton is the co-founder. Even I am astounded by the increasing crap spewing out of his mouth as his numbers plunge. He has been written off by much of the world press already and the analysis is increasingly turning to just how historic the loss by Trump might be, and what will be the follow-on effects for the GOP. 


Just before and after the GOP convention, he looked like he had Clinton on the ropes, and now she is pulling away and looks unbeatable with the way Trump is going all nutty every day. Loony tunes.

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For the usual suspects (Commonwealth nationals,  redneck Obama-haters, America-bashers), try reading this extensive analysis of how the Middle East fell apart. The U.S. didn't help, but Arabs are responsible for their own behavior.


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It is becoming more and more obvious that Trump doesn't really want to win......his statements are becoming  more bizarre and desperate. Whomever is leading his campaign seems to be making no attempt to reel him in, and it almost seems they are letting him self destruct. As for him speaking the truth....just watch the comparison videos which show him contradicting what he has said in the past....repeatedly. This election is over, it will probably be 60 percent to 40 percent Clinton winning. Then all the Trumpette uninformed/uneducated will go back to their #%+€{ lives. I guess if he really believes Obama and Clinton created ISIS he will bomb the White House.....idiot.

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is not anti-American. He just thinks that Obama's policies have been disastrous and a lot of Americans agree with him.


Trump is singing to the redneck choir.  He already has that 13%.  They'll stick with him no matter what idiocy spurts from his mouth.  He needs to try to appeal to the 87% of Americans (many of whom are Republicans) who are thoroughly turned off to his buffoonery.   He won't, but that's fine with folks like me.   Keep spouting off Trump.  We love it.   Too bad it paints Americans as dingbats (in foreigners' view), but you got to admit, it's great entertainment.  Trump should use this song for his theme song:  "Killing Me Softly (With His Words)"  dedicated to the GOP.

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41 minutes ago, Dustdevil said:

For the usual suspects (Commonwealth nationals,  redneck Obama-haters, America-bashers), try reading this extensive analysis of how the Middle East fell apart. The U.S. didn't help, but Arabs are responsible for their own behavior.



I didn't read the article, but I fully agree with your (and the articles'?) closing thought:  Arabs are indeed responsible (directly and indirectly) for their misery.  Dune countries would be screwed whether the US and its allies interfered and showered money on them, or not.   It's quite likely Dune countries would be worse off without western interference & money.


I used to be in favor of trying to help Dune countries as much as reasonably possible.  Now I'm more in favor of letting them stewing in their own juices.  It will be tough to watch the incessant misery (and certainly tougher for Arab women and children who are in the thick of it) but sometimes you gotta pull back and let screw-ups be screw-ups.   It's like standing by while five dogs are fighting.  You can try breaking it up, but you're likely to get injured in the process, and the dogs will keep fighting nevertheless.

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3 hours ago, Chicog said:


Yes, because the Iranian Shi'a are almost certainly going to give money to their sworn Sunni enemy.

No wonder Trump "loves the poorly educated".




I was about to press "Like" to phantomfiddler's post because it was so over the top that I presumed it must obviously be tongue in cheek humor. Then I noticed all the rednecks thought he was actually being serious. Bizarro world..they walk among us.

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5 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Well, Trump does have a point ! A day after o,bama sends a highly suspicious huge cash payment to Iran ISIS declares a sudden influx of cash :)  Obviously o,bama is a muslim, and as such is dedicated to their cause, and how this flake ever got to be voted in as potus completely baffles me !

Dumb Americans voted for him NOT once, but twice.  Hillary, in essence, will be a third consecutive vote for Obama.

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