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Beach bans on the burkini in France sparks widespread debate


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On 27 August 2016 at 6:25 AM, Steely Dan said:

Correct, but let's pander to the wishes of those who would like Islam to give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's one day. Here is a Muslim I find myself agreeing with quite often, especially on this topic.



Interesting piece

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5 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:


Well if you are basing your views on the opinions from your several French friends who you admit are Racist and Bigoted, we might conclude the views you have expressed are blinded by racism and bigotry.


Questions to ask might include:


What part are politicians playing in stirring hatred and mistrust? To what end? Cui Bono will seldom let you down.


What is the real story of integration or lack thereof?


Are the broad brush views and assumptions of people representative of any truth or are they blinding us to a different view?




Maybe these honest and formerly hard working French retirees consider these terrorists to also be racist and bigoted. Maybe Islamic behaviour and their acts of terrorism generates racism and bigotry especially when they've come to France to carry out these barbarous activities and bitten the hand that feeds them. Few French Muslims work.


These Frenchies don't say that they hate the Baque people but they don't cause the French any problems nor go round murdering French people. Spain is a different matter but we are discussing France.


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45 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Maybe these honest and formerly hard working French retirees consider these terrorists to also be racist and bigoted. Maybe Islamic behaviour and their acts of terrorism generates racism and bigotry especially when they've come to France to carry out these barbarous activities and bitten the hand that feeds them. Few French Muslims work.


These Frenchies don't say that they hate the Baque people but they don't cause the French any problems nor go round murdering French people. Spain is a different matter but we are discussing France.


"Few French Muslims work."  Really?  You got some evidence for that?

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As much evidence as this poster has that

10 hours ago, greenchair said:

The Muslims want to create a separate state within the french state. 

The French are using peaceable means to achieve integration. 

The Muslim are using veiled threats and bombs to achieve recognised separation.. 

 That is, none at all.

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15 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

"Few French Muslims work."  Really?  You got some evidence for that?


What are they doing loafing about all day not just in Paris and Marseilles but in many other European cities.


I suppose you'll now want video footage or claim that they're all night workers who work in old folks homes wiping old Monsieur Dupont's arse when he's shit the bed!

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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:


What are they doing loafing about all day not just in Paris and Marseilles but in many other European cities.



First off asylum seekers are usually not permitted to gain employment.


In France the government no longer reports on employment rates in the Muslim heritage community, but private industry reports, including from OECD,  do indicate excessive discrimination related to job offers. As I currently live in Oz it's worth mentioning a study was used using exactly the same CV content, those with a Muslim name were rarely contacted for interview, my understanding active employment discrimination against Muslims is prevalent in a number of Western societies. Although somewhat out of date some interesting stats out of France below, one can reasonable assume the situation is a lot worse for Muslim heritage people these days with the rise of extreme generalised negative rhetoric targeted against all Muslims.





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On August 26, 2559 BE at 7:58 PM, farcanell said:


Yep... Checked today.. No update.... That said, the high courts may make a decision, but who knows when it will be published.


 I read it was being discussed by the French high court, not human rights court... And.... I believe that regardless of any human rights decision, it will all come down to what the French high court decides (which, undoubtedly, will include consideration of human rights issues)


i expect that this will be sorted, one way or the other, before NEXT beach season... Until then, it is what it is. (Unfortunately)


disturbingly, a lot of "experts" predict that a continuation of the ban, will push more Muslims towards extremism... Compounding the problem for everyone, because fashion police, modesty, burkinis, enjoying the beach, or whatever aside.... One thing I do know, is that more people tending towards extremism, is not a good outcome.


so.... With interest... We wait and watch... And hope France doesn't shoot herself in the foot


On August 27, 2559 BE at 7:00 AM, greenchair said:

You counter your own defenses with the reason why it was banned in the first place. They want all the privileges of being in France, monetary benefits, jobs, education, freedom for woman, right to be whichever religion they choose, whilst demanding the french bow down to the Muslim customs and idealolgy. The consequences of not making them"special " is a bomb or a bullet. Now it's going to be no pork in schools, head scarfs in schools, more moscs , more immigrants rights. All based on the high Court ruling. Give em an inch, they'll take a mile. 


With respect, having been in the wind for three days, could you please explain your first sentence a little better, as I'm unsure of what your trying to say.


in the post you referenced, I didn't really state anything about why the ban was first put in place.... Nor did I try to defend anything, as you seem to believe


i did state that I had read "expert" opinions, and that if they were right, it could push more Muslims to extremism, which would be a bad thing... But that is neither defense or foil, as I simply concurred with those experts (and no... I won't dredge up those articles... Find them yourself, if needs be)


Further, the main part of your post is simply islamophobic, and only valid if you believe a burkini is such a threatening item of swimwear, as to give children nightmares ( the topic is not  about terrorists, but freedom of choice in swimwear on French beaches, under the mandate of French secularism)


And finally, your last sentence..... A tired and rusted phrase.... So something to think on, and perhaps argue about, (once you have clarified your first sentence please, as I would like to know from whence that attack came from) .... is that if the errant French mayors, had not stole an inch of freedom from the burkini clad women, the French high court would not have had to intervene, and regift that inch of human rights, which may indeed open the gates for a mile to be taken.


simplistically... For clarity... Don't blame the Muslims, if they take a mile... Blame the mayors who tried to steal the inch in the first place... Bad mayors!

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