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Nurse stabbed to death by colleague at Bangkok hospital


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4 major hospitals in Huai Khwang (and some smaller clinics/centers)
Param 9



I know the nursing assistants (Pu-Chuay-Piyabaan) at Petcharavet wear pink but not sure about the others? 

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5 hours ago, monkey4u said:

Why do so many people find the need to carry guns and knives where ever they go

I was going to say Thai's but on reflection I know a few farang  that feel the need to do the same

So I guess my question is why do so many people feel so insecure here and at home  :facepalm:

RIP the poor victim


I guess historic unsecure society, none to trust...

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Just Sad.
Intervening in a knife fight is dangerous, unless you are a trained fighter.

It seems that many LoS women seem to think drawing a knife is helping to win an argument.
Three cases that I know of. Two couples are still together, I do not wonder who wears the pants there.

I'd prefer to be alone rather than fear for my life.

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7 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

According to the Thai press it wasn't just over being bumped into.

The two sparring nurses were seeing the same 'Somchai' and that's

what the feud was about. An innocent do-gooder died for nothing!


nope, according to thai teachings shes deserved it cause it was her karma.  the person who stabed her was only obeying karma.  she must have done something evil in her past life..  (makes sense right?) thats why people  die in thai hospitals.  DIED  IN A FREAKING HOSPITAL.  only in thailand. 


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5 hours ago, monkey4u said:

Why do so many people find the need to carry guns and knives where ever they go

I was going to say Thai's but on reflection I know a few farang  that feel the need to do the same

So I guess my question is why do so many people feel so insecure here and at home  :facepalm:

RIP the poor victim

That's a good question, so I'll answer from my POV...I really want to have a gun here in Thailand, but I am more concerned about the consequences if I am caught with an illegal weapon...instead, I carry a knife, pepper spray, and knuckles with me when I am out and about...the reason for me is simple...I assume that EVERYONE else is armed and dangerous...and I've seen enough fights here, as well as reported in the news, that I know that I must be able to defend myself at the drop of a hat...if there was any logic at all to this place, I'd feel more safe...but Thais are more than willing to kill a farang and pay the meager fine...I don't know what the stats are for Thailand, but in the Phillppines gun ownership is about 70% in the population...I can only assume that similar situation exists here...I live in a quiet area by choice because of the chance of violence...but still, I may get shot someday...lots of unemployed drunk Thai men everywhere in this country...but at least I'll be shot with a knife in my hand...

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1 minute ago, hdkane said:

That's a good question, so I'll answer from my POV...I really want to have a gun here in Thailand, but I am more concerned about the consequences if I am caught with an illegal weapon...instead, I carry a knife, pepper spray, and knuckles with me when I am out and about...the reason for me is simple...I assume that EVERYONE else is armed and dangerous...and I've seen enough fights here, as well as reported in the news, that I know that I must be able to defend myself at the drop of a hat...if there was any logic at all to this place, I'd feel more safe...but Thais are more than willing to kill a farang and pay the meager fine...I don't know what the stats are for Thailand, but in the Phillppines gun ownership is about 70% in the population...I can only assume that similar situation exists here...I live in a quiet area by choice because of the chance of violence...but still, I may get shot someday...lots of unemployed drunk Thai men everywhere in this country...but at least I'll be shot with a knife in my hand...

You may die in a car accident, but there is no real logic in driving a tank

Maybe as I get older I have mellowed out

So I don't criticise  just wonder where we are going in life

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'Kusuma told police that she bumped into Patimoh as they were leaving work and a fight developed ...' And she just happened to be carrying a knife?


'She was detained and charged with assault causing death to another person.' How serious does a killing need to be to justify it being called murder - or in this case, probably manslaughter?

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1 hour ago, KKr said:

Just Sad.
Intervening in a knife fight is dangerous, unless you are a trained fighter.

It seems that many LoS women seem to think drawing a knife is helping to win an argument.
Three cases that I know of. Two couples are still together, I do not wonder who wears the pants there.

I'd prefer to be alone rather than fear for my life.

Hardly a knife fight if only one of the participants actually has a knife.

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It seems everyone in this country is carrying some sort of weapon, mostly knives. I'm not one to walk away from a fight but Expat Rule No:1 Never engage the local. Obviously this case is different but even the girls are packing here. It seems to be getting worse here. Sad really because Social Media has really made this, and every other Country accountable and world can really see the 'Land of Smiles' is just a Marketing terms and nothing else, shame really.

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7 hours ago, seahorse said:


And why isn't the fight between the two women and the bloke?


I think Thai soap has a lot to do with it, this girl flew into rage as many Thai women do when loosing face, I picked up a pack of beer in 7/11 which fell apart and a bottle smashed on the floor, the checkout girl flew into rage when I did not pay for it, instead of apologising and replacing it she wanted me to pay, she went ballistic and told me never come back.

She is only an employee and I felt at the time it was dangerous  if a bystander stepped in, I stayed calm and walked away.

Rage from Thais over face is very bad , you have to beware when driving everyday as you might get shot if you react to their atrocious driving.

This ia very sad ending to a stuipid fit of jealousy fueled by the stupid ideology of face saving and the obsessive watching of violent garbage from Thai soaps.

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10 hours ago, ClutchClark said:




Why was a nurse even carrying a knife and why did she pull it? 

She pulled it out to stab and cut. 


This behavior is just amazing.


And now an innocent 3rd party is dead.


Thai TV soaps may be more responsible for this trend of carrying a weapon "Just in case".

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15 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

According to the Thai press it wasn't just over being bumped into.

The two sparring nurses were seeing the same 'Somchai' and that's

what the feud was about. An innocent do-gooder died for nothing!


 Thanks for the newsflash but the article already states that in the second paragraph. 


 Why is the hospital unnamed? 

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15 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Jesus Christ! 


Okay, you get jealous. Okay, you might have an argument away from the paying customers in the hospital. But to use a knife? What did she think was the best possible outcome of doing that? 




 She took out the knife because she was losing the fight. Face.

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14 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

Dead calm to uncontrollable rage in 10 seconds, no thought of consequences and carrying a weapon to defend ones honor. Sounds like most of the attacks we see on the news.


 10 seconds? Give me a <deleted> break. They were fighting it out and the stabber was losing badly - that's when the knife appeared. 

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13 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

With so much of this going on in Thailand it is obvious the Thai'so have absolutely no control over their emotions.

Exactly, time to get out of Dodge before they stab us for no reason.



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8 hours ago, hdkane said:

That's a good question, so I'll answer from my POV...I really want to have a gun here in Thailand, but I am more concerned about the consequences if I am caught with an illegal weapon...instead, I carry a knife, pepper spray, and knuckles with me when I am out and about...the reason for me is simple...I assume that EVERYONE else is armed and dangerous...and I've seen enough fights here, as well as reported in the news, that I know that I must be able to defend myself at the drop of a hat...if there was any logic at all to this place, I'd feel more safe...but Thais are more than willing to kill a farang and pay the meager fine...I don't know what the stats are for Thailand, but in the Phillppines gun ownership is about 70% in the population...I can only assume that similar situation exists here...I live in a quiet area by choice because of the chance of violence...but still, I may get shot someday...lots of unemployed drunk Thai men everywhere in this country...but at least I'll be shot with a knife in my hand...

An expat can purchase a gun legally. It's not easy but can be done.  

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7 hours ago, kiwikeith said:


I think Thai soap has a lot to do with it, this girl flew into rage as many Thai women do when loosing face, I picked up a pack of beer in 7/11 which fell apart and a bottle smashed on the floor, the checkout girl flew into rage when I did not pay for it, instead of apologising and replacing it she wanted me to pay, she went ballistic and told me never come back.

She is only an employee and I felt at the time it was dangerous  if a bystander stepped in, I stayed calm and walked away.

Rage from Thais over face is very bad , you have to beware when driving everyday as you might get shot if you react to their atrocious driving.

This ia very sad ending to a stuipid fit of jealousy fueled by the stupid ideology of face saving and the obsessive watching of violent garbage from Thai soaps.

The girl got upset because now that you didnt pay she will have to pay. Thailand is not like the west, something gets broken on the store somebody is paying for it and it's not the store.  I have never seen anyone get shot in Thailand due to driving issues, dont be so paranoid. 

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14 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

With so much of this going on in Thailand it is obvious the Thai'so have absolutely no control over their emotions.


:coffee1: With a statement like that it's obvious that farang have absolutely no control over sweeping generalizations. 

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12 hours ago, smew said:

nurses aid most likely and hence an IQ of under 82( Thai average).. 


Time to give up your sick Jihad against Thai culture & people.  Time for you to <deleted> off and go back to wherever you came from. 

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I come from NYC where blades drawn in a catfight is no big shit. 


But there's one thing for certain. A thread like this is sure to draw out of the woodwork all the rabid Thai haters, foaming at the mouth and spewing their poisonous venom. Thinking they know all about Thai people and culture from what they read in the newspapers.  Deluded, really, because out of 100,000 incidents that happened every day the newspaper will pick out the one violent act and print it.  The more outrageous the better. If it bleeds it leads. After a steady diet of this over years, the weak minded will have a sudden revelation:  the Thai people are: childish, low IQ, have no control over their emotions, are "violent buddhists", &etc. 


It's time for you haters to man up and crawl back to wherever you came from.  Quit giving Thai ex-pats a black eye. Some of us actually admire and respect Thai culture. We love that it's very different from our own – that's one of the main reasons we came here. Adios nanny state, hello wild West. 


These Thai hating threads are mind deadingly tedious. It's the same <deleted> thing every time. The same lame observations. If you're going to hate at least be original about it.  I'm always up for a good chuckle 


Now I know for a fact that there are many ex-posters here who have thrown In the towel and just said screw the whole <deleted> thing. Me too. I've needen a hiatus many a time. It gets to be too much after a while. All the hate.  But then again maybe it's not just this forum, maybe it's social media in general.  Haters gonna hate and there's not much you can do about it. To be sure you're gonna need an oversized raincoat when the haters start pissing their golden showers far & wide. Ah &lt;deleted&gt; it.

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23 hours ago, hdkane said:

That's a good question, so I'll answer from my POV...I really want to have a gun here in Thailand, but I am more concerned about the consequences if I am caught with an illegal weapon...instead, I carry a knife, pepper spray, and knuckles with me when I am out and about...the reason for me is simple...I assume that EVERYONE else is armed and dangerous...and I've seen enough fights here, as well as reported in the news, that I know that I must be able to defend myself at the drop of a hat...if there was any logic at all to this place, I'd feel more safe...but Thais are more than willing to kill a farang and pay the meager fine...I don't know what the stats are for Thailand, but in the Phillppines gun ownership is about 70% in the population...I can only assume that similar situation exists here...I live in a quiet area by choice because of the chance of violence...but still, I may get shot someday...lots of unemployed drunk Thai men everywhere in this country...but at least I'll be shot with a knife in my hand...


Or shot because there's a knife in your hand?


Tips: Get in shape for running. Dump the sandals and wear running shoes when out. Prepare to feign unconsciousness if you cannot escape by foot. Try to be aware of anything near you that could be used in your defense. Avoid confrontations and do not attempt to break up a fight unless your life depends upon it and/or you have the training, ability and authority to do so.


You really don't want to get caught with weapons. I was once searched near Kaosan Road by a couple of RTP's who seemed to be looking for drugs. I routinely see them stopping taxis near Asok and performing roadside searches.

Edited by MaxYakov
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