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PM wants media to act as 'mouth, eyes and ears' of Thailand


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2 minutes ago, Plutojames88 said:

Recently a Thai academic wrote to the United States Ambassador in Bangkok accusing theirs and other Embassies of wanting those bombings that occurred .
The rationale much the same as yours was they had warned their citizens prior to the events leading up to it to exercise caution. ( referendum )


Observing potential dangers and manifesting them or wanting them are not the same thing.


War is sometimes justified - but that is a matter for the Thai people.
I advocate only westerners maybe consider it is likely at some point civil unrest will occur.

This is part opinion ( on a forum and legal in context of it being an opinion ) not under junta law from Australia..
I neither wish or take delight in events that might be required.
But nor do I shun away from the reasons or justifications.

Junta fan boys have a role to play much the same as court jesters or devils advocates.Opinions are a democratic process on forums and elsewhere.
But embracing the junta censorship and mistaking a viewpoint with national security another.
We are only observers.
If you want peace so much perhaps the juntas demise will herald that in for you.

Meantime wishing them away peacefully the Thais are learning is not going to work.
So the more practical solution may just well entail pitch folks on mass.
Who knows.
Lighten up sunshine .


Your a war monger and I have seen you do it.. so join the Thais in their fight take a bullet for them or shut up. Your the type that loves violence and disruptions and wants others to sacrifice themselves for your fun. I remember your posts in the bombing topics.


There will be an election, and then the Thais can vote an masse for a new government if they are united they can stand up then to the army. I think that is far better than preaching war. Less entertaining for someone like you of-course.  I will bet you the Thais wont unite and wont all vote for one party and remain divided. 

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:


Your a war monger and I have seen you do it.. so join the Thais in their fight take a bullet for them or shut up. Your the type that loves violence and disruptions and wants others to sacrifice themselves for your fun. I remember your posts in the bombing topics.


There will be an election, and then the Thais can vote an masse for a new government if they are united they can stand up then to the army. I think that is far better than preaching war. Less entertaining for someone like you of-course.  I will bet you the Thais wont unite and wont all vote for one party and remain divided. 

He really is a very gullible little fellow this boy.

Name calling and supporting an election held by a junta that basically stacks the decks?

You as I said previously have a right ( as unpopular as it is or ignorant) but I am not going to shut up .

You even emulate junta tactics demand others do.


As for me hoping the Thais overthrow the junta ...

That is your point of view.

Sometimes there is no other way.


And it's morally justified if an evil is removed.

Your problem is you don't see their oppression as evil .

This says more about you then me.


Your in a minority .

Must people here see the reality of the situation.

You have a tiny portion of the picture and like to suck up to essentially the oppressors .

Pathetic as that is and offensive to most .

The difference between us is I defend your rights to do so.

While you reflect a junta line of censorship 

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46 minutes ago, The stuttering parrot said:

It's 2016 and people still support this type of behaviour or at the very least try and defend it.

Shame on all of you.

It's astonishing I agree.

But a percentage of people are wired differently.

its safe to say he is one.

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The PM and the  rest of the junta have nothing but contempt for the media. Watch and/or listen to his daily news conferences. They are nothing short of scandalous. He blatantly attempts to intimidate the journalists and is condescending in the extreme. The slippery slope of censorship goes hand-in-hand with the fall into a dictatorship. Which is essentially what currently exists. Albeit a 'marshmallow' one at the moment unless of course you are one of the many (who knows how many) who are being held, without charge, in re-education camps. His most recent message to journalists - translated - keep  your heads down and your mouths shut until I tell you to do otherwise.

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33 minutes ago, Plutojames88 said:

He really is a very gullible little fellow this boy.

Name calling and supporting an election held by a junta that basically stacks the decks?

You as I said previously have a right ( as unpopular as it is or ignorant) but I am not going to shut up .

You even emulate junta tactics demand others do.


As for me hoping the Thais overthrow the junta ...

That is your point of view.

Sometimes there is no other way.


And it's morally justified if an evil is removed.

Your problem is you don't see their oppression as evil .

This says more about you then me.


Your in a minority .

Must people here see the reality of the situation.

You have a tiny portion of the picture and like to suck up to essentially the oppressors .

Pathetic as that is and offensive to most .

The difference between us is I defend your rights to do so.

While you reflect a junta line of censorship 

Nothing wrong with overthrowing the junta.. but you are constantly wanting to do so with bloodshed.. so be the first in line or are you a coward.. someone who just wants to see others bleed for his fun. Sounds a lot like it.


There will be an election and if the Thais vote united they can oust the junta.. With a large enough vote there is nothing the junta can do. So it can be done without bloodshed.. but that is not fun for you.


You want blood because there is no united majority against the junta.. if there was then there is no need to rise up just vote them away. 


I just like to stand up to coward warmongers like you who send people to their dead when its not needed. You are really a fruitcake. 

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censorship at its best! interestingly a suspicious package was taken care of in PKK yesterday its caused a fair bit of conversation around here, I guess the jungle drums are harder to censor


oops what  did i say!:coffee1::facepalm:

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38 minutes ago, robblok said:

Nothing wrong with overthrowing the junta.. but you are constantly wanting to do so with bloodshed.. so be the first in line or are you a coward.. someone who just wants to see others bleed for his fun. Sounds a lot like it.


There will be an election and if the Thais vote united they can oust the junta.. With a large enough vote there is nothing the junta can do. So it can be done without bloodshed.. but that is not fun for you.


You want blood because there is no united majority against the junta.. if there was then there is no need to rise up just vote them away. 


I just like to stand up to coward warmongers like you who send people to their dead when its not needed. You are really a fruitcake. 

I should Not argue with people who go from premise to conclusion without any logic.


There are youths starving themselves on hunger strikes in prison for standing up to this Junta.

Are they cowards  too?


The real cowards are seem to be the pathetic westerners here that grovel to the oppressors and only offer elections ( rigged ) as a solution.


its idiotic to suggest westerners who don't themselves fight for the cause are cowards.


This is a Thai matter .

I no longer live in Thailand in any case .

But I do see the potential for this civil conflict to occur.


Your using a very simplistic Thai junta angle that observing or justifying Thais taking up arms is somehow against their beliefs .

Ironically it's their arms ( the military ) that seized power.


Why is that ok?

But response not?


i believed in war against Hitler decades before my time based on evidence.

Passive objectors the minority.

But your passification  of those pro over throw is ridiculous .

It's morally justified .

Even if a thousand die.

You can't wheel out I an inciting war in Thailand 

Thats childish .

Or by not flying in at the chosen hour means your a coward.


If you hate war why do you pander to a military that's inciting one ?


It's plain who the weak are around here 


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40 minutes ago, DM07 said:

The eyes, that only see, what they are allowed to see.

The ears, that only hear, what they are allowed to hear.

And the mouth, that only speaks, what it is told to say!

That's basically correct ....according to these people.


And the election won't offer any changes to status Quo .


Sanctions should be brought up soon .

This is getting very very dark

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Ah you dont live in Thailand anymore but you want to see the country erupt in violence. I know enough what kind of idiot you are. You like to see violence while your safe away form Thailand. I bet you were glued to your TV when they invaded Irak. 


You really lost all respect just now by telling me you don't even live here.. now I understand why you promote violence.


About those who are in hunger-strike.. no cowards.. their good right at least they act.. unlike you

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2 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Good grief man, there has been plenty of censoring! Several journalists have been taken for attitude adjustments already. The media is cowering in fear of this utter buffoon.


He is different ....( robbok) ...You know?


 A petticoat junta boy fan .....

Attempts to portray an all is well ...go to ballot box approach ( knowing its rigged now)

Throws out all the wore defective Junta logic .


WAR with junta is bad ...

Junta equals love and peace etc.

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Slightly off topic, but just how many suea phraratchathan shirts or jackets -  such as the snazzy little number in the picture accompanying the story - does the General actually own?


He seems to be clad a different outfit almost every time he is featured in the media - which is not infrequently,  as we all know courtesy of the dutiful mouth, eyes and ears of the nation.


The sartorially-elegant PM's eye-catching suea yeuts come in all the colours of the rainbow (my particular favourite is a fetching little primrose number) and are clearly of a quality appropriate for someone of this lofty status and substantial means.


From my random observations, I reckon he has a collection running at least into dozens that must be worth a small fortune.


One can't help wondering if they are a perk of his job and who actually runs them up -  a talented, dutiful wife on a home sewing machine? Or one of those "Indian" tailors on the Sukumvit - in which case, I am sure many fashion-conscious falangs as well as Thais would appreciate a name and address).


One final intriguing thought: Does the general, who is known to seek spiritual guidance in pursuing his official duties, have particular, auspicious shirts for special occasions? Or, like we ordinary mortals, does he simply reach into what must be a cavernous wardrobe and grab the first item which comes to hand?


Time for an enterprising "lifestyle" reporter to get on the case!

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The main problem facing Thailand is this man and the gang he represents.


We see the problem clearly as he threatens journalists who report anything but goon propaganda.




Unless they release their many millions of hostages the international community should withdraw cooperation.

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Well his foot is usually in his mouth, his ears dont listen to anyone and his eyes cant see beyond his own bulldust. A brilliant man in his own mind, dreams and reflection. Ashame the rest of us are not blinded by his same fantasy.

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I believe what the PM is asking for is happening already, at least through the Thai Visa News.


Those TVN forum members commenting on this topic alone demonstrates they have seen and heard what is going on in Thailand and now mouthing back to him what they think of him and his government.


That is all the PM is asking for or is it just that he doesn't read TVN or appreciate our advice? He could always become a forum member and share in our discussions and that way he would learn heaps from a wide range of worldly observers.

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So he can threaten and intimidate some members of the Thai media into silence but this is the 21st century and there are foreign press people wandering around all over the place plus most ordinary people have a phone with a camera these days and are happy to post those little videos on facebook or youtube, etc.


Therefore his thuggish approach to force self censorship upon Thais will not stop others from posting comments, news and videos on the internet for the world to see, he may want to isolate the country but that is impossible,  he may try to hide his actions but that is also impossible. We are all watching him and his mob of thugs, nothing goes unnoticed these days, that makes us all potential media because we are all the eyes, ears and mouth of the world.

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6 hours ago, Thailand said:

Do as I say or else!

Yes it is the old carrot and stick approach in a rather rambling manner.  Quote The media, he said, should be well aware of the problems facing the country and the problems are complicated so they should not quickly jump into conclusions but should wait until the truths reveal themselves. unquote Wait till the truths reveal themselves?? If I come up with some information do I get to share in the reward?

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