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Local Police Home Checks


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2 hours ago, Lamkyong said:

how do you mean attached ??? please tell  like  helping them solve crime maybe

Naah - they help get him home after a night on the town/village/pub.....

It's a working relationship....

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Most people in my village including the police know that I'm married and live in the village full-time.  We got a check after the Erawan bombing and we had another visit (twice) about three weeks ago.
My guess is that the 'powers to be' in the government are on a 'tree killing' expedition, i.e., somewhere in the chain of command some puyai wants to generate a few thousand boxes of additional paperwork for archival.  Bureaucracy: it takes on a life of it's own.  I consider it a 'Mai bpen rai' moment and a welcome break in the daily routine, and it gives the dogs some realistic 'growling practice.' 
Us:  "Come on in fellas, the dogs don't bite...we think..." :)
Them: "Mai bpen rai, mai bpen rai." :ermm:
Us: "Bye bye...see you (next paperwork shuffle / next year / next bombing) or whatever comes first."  :D

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3 hours ago, Rod Gold said:

It might be a dark conspiracy.  When the world goes to war, foreigners may be rounded-up and placed in interment camps like the US did the Japanese during WWII.  Be sure and let your GF know where you hide your gold!


No, more like what Burma did - seize land and deport the foreign owners. This also happened in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cuba and pretty much anywhere else there was a nationalist (military) government. It's happening right now in South Africa. With all the turmoil in the world, with the middle east falling into a giant war, with terrorist attacks in Brussels, Munich, Paris, Orlando, Cairo, Hua Hin, do you really think anyone is going to miss the rural expats of Thailand as they're collected and sent on their way (for their own safety of course)? You're going to die alone in an NHS care home in Brixton, wondering what the hell happened to that great life you had.

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6 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

You will be leaving soon then bye


He will not be the first and certainly not the last either. 


I am English and visit here regularly but I am sorry to say, the reasons to visit and stay are really are running out. 

Can the person left turn off the lights. ttfn

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now immigration police are being strict on farangs that are in other province with retirement visa, charity work, monk/religious visa. farangs are target unless you have perfect document that proves that your legit. its kind of messed up but spouse of farangs are usually normal thai citizens and police knows about this too. normal thai citizens become very frustrated with police or lawsuit.


you should ask directly to the officer what kind of additional paper does he want? also buy some food and drink from the store with envelope and give it to him when he swings by..tell him thank you for swinging by...you can ask me personally for further help ????

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3 minutes ago, squid master said:

now immigration police are being strict on farangs that are in other province with retirement visa, charity work, monk/religious visa. farangs are target unless you have perfect document that proves that your legit. its kind of messed up but spouse of farangs are usually normal thai citizens and police knows about this too. normal thai citizens become very frustrated with police or lawsuit.


you should ask directly to the officer what kind of additional paper does he want? also buy some food and drink from the store with envelope and give it to him when he swings by..tell him thank you for swinging by...you can ask me personally for further help ????


So they are just being strict on white Westerners? Or did you mean foreigners?

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57 minutes ago, muzmurray said:
57 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


So they are just being strict on white Westerners? Or did you mean foreigners?

just westerners in general...

sometimes small payment can be given in thai system but in developed country, those kind of system does not work or tolerated..if your living here, they should at least follow system here

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7 hours ago, squid master said:

now immigration police are being strict on farangs that are in other province with retirement visa, charity work, monk/religious visa. farangs are target unless you have perfect document that proves that your legit. its kind of messed up but spouse of farangs are usually normal thai citizens and police knows about this too. normal thai citizens become very frustrated with police or lawsuit.


you should ask directly to the officer what kind of additional paper does he want? also buy some food and drink from the store with envelope and give it to him when he swings by..tell him thank you for swinging by...you can ask me personally for further help ????

Unfortunately, your suggestion would just encourage them to keep returning for additional food and envelops.  <_< 
Now, if the cops want to join me and other locals down at one of the moobaan's mom & pop stores for some beer and Thai whiskey on a Friday after work?  No problemo.  :thumbsup:  Come to my home uninvited?  Talk to the dogs.  <grrrr>  :ermm: 

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7 hours ago, transam said:

Mrs.Trans did ask why we were getting loads of visits, do you have a problem with Trans...?


They said NOOOOOOOO, we know he is OK.... BUT... Those up high are telling us to do this....

"They said NOOOOOOOO, we know he is OK.... BUT... Those up high are telling us to do this...."

Exactly! :thumbsup:  And considering that the foot soldier's are only doing their jobs, no reason to shoot the messengers.  The silliest is coming from the upper level bureaucrats.

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21 hours ago, BudRight said:


No, more like what Burma did - seize land and deport the foreign owners. This also happened in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cuba and pretty much anywhere else there was a nationalist (military) government. It's happening right now in South Africa. With all the turmoil in the world, with the middle east falling into a giant war, with terrorist attacks in Brussels, Munich, Paris, Orlando, Cairo, Hua Hin, do you really think anyone is going to miss the rural expats of Thailand as they're collected and sent on their way (for their own safety of course)? You're going to die alone in an NHS care home in Brixton, wondering what the hell happened to that great life you had.


"seize land and deport the foreign owners"


Luckily, in the area of Thailand where I live, foreigners aren't able to own land anyway, so they can't ever seize my land ! ;)


Although my country-of-origin does seem to be working-up to expelling some foreigners, following Brexit, and if they can get their act together to decide who & when.


But if asked to spend less time here, I will never go back to live in the UK, a few weeks a year to care for my elderly mother is more-than-enough to remind me of why I left.



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4 hours ago, Ricardo said:


Luckily, in the area of Thailand where I live, foreigners aren't able to own land anyway, so they can't ever seize my land ! ;)


There have been numerous threads over the years about crackdowns on foreign ownership through proxy (companies, a spouse, etc.). While some would point to the ineffectiveness of these crackdowns, it reveals both an awareness of the issue and hostility to it. Remember that there were many phony crackdowns on visa runners until the most recent, most strict one. 

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On 8/21/2016 at 10:59 PM, isanbirder said:

I have no objection at all to these checks.  We all know that numerous foreigners are overstaying their visas, and committing other breaches of immigration law..... and quite frankly, I'm glad to see the back of them.  These are the people who make things worse for the rest of us, and who are the reason for police visits, immigration office checks and so on.


I have no idea why the checks occur but I do not think it can be the reason you mention about overstay types.


I mean they are getting your address from where? I would assume Immigration

If so they also know what your expiration date is & also if you are up to date with your 90's check in's etc.


I guess it could be a dbl check to see if one is at the location they listed at Imm

But even that is pretty dang strict if your otherwise up to date at Imm eh?


Maybe a nice cash cow though for those who did not file a change of address TM28/30 form


We just left last month after 5 years there & I have to say I miss it a lot except things like these.

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Since "overstay types" do not give their address to immigration then they must already know that the people they're checking are in the country legally. Hence that is not what they are looking for or they do not distinguish "types of farang" in their minds.

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23 hours ago, transam said:

Mrs.Trans did ask why we were getting loads of visits, do you have a problem with Trans...?


They said NOOOOOOOO, we know he is OK.... BUT... Those up high are telling us to do this....


Reading through some of the posters who have been visited and some of the silly ones l'm really fed up, l'm going to police station today to complain that all these Thaivisa posters have been visited and checked up on and you never bother coming to check me.  :rolleyes:  

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

Fink they come to my place to hear me sing....:giggle:

I would think they wouldn't need to.....Sound carries a LONG way here.....

Or maybe they're coming to see why all the dogs are howling.....


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1 minute ago, blackcab said:

I wonder if they ever check people with B (working) visas/extension of stay/work permit?

Probably can be verified through the workplace....Probably don't give a rip where you live.....

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people seem to take the police doing there jobs way to serious, it isn't personal. Been hearing that old lament "they donot want us here" for years but they keep issueing the paper work for extensions by the thousands

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