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Is it safe to walk around Pattaya wearing a Jewish skullcap, star of David, etc.?


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There are some 613 Mitzvoths (commandments) in the Thorah. One of them is is I think Mitzvah #195  : "It is forbidden to have relations with an unmarried woman who is promiscuous, unless one marries her; both him and her transgress."




That's I think the main reason why you won't see many persons with a kippah between Jomtien and Pattaya.



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As I understand it all one needs to do is to cover ones head, I assume any hat or even a hanky will do.


I believe the smaller the pin badge the greater it's significance. 


I have no time for anyone overdoing it on religion, probably the real problem that starts religious wars is down to people try to convert others.


Put away the loud symbols of ones faith.  

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I've lived there for 3 years and have never seen ethnic clashes other than an Italian flip out on a guy who wouldn't let him sit at his table in a full restaurant. He wanted to know why Americans had to be so ignorant. It was amusing because I knew the guy sitting was Danish. 

I think we may at times be too sensitive about these things. Most of the agitating is done by a few professionals in politics, advocacy organizations or the media. We are in asia where brutal wars between China-Korea vs Japan are still in people's memory. How about Shia vs Sunni? The Persians and Arabs in South Pattaya get along it seems. 

This reminded me of a baht bus trip into Pattaya from Jomtien about 3 years ago. A couple of guys in there 70's got on, one with a pronounced nose. A couple of Iranians on board already started apologizing  to them for their governments behavior to Israel.  They said that is the religious government  not the people that bring those policies. Neither group's English was very good and it took to the flyover before things sorted out to the fact  he was an Italian from Rome.

i get taken as an American all the time (Kind of irritating as my family was in New England for 150 years before the domestic terrorists took their land and  forced them to Canada)  but have never had any trouble while  getting my hair cut on Soi16. I've been going to the same arab shop since I started coming here 8 years ago and nobody every bothers me.  

So in answer to your question I think no one would give you a second thought if you identified yourself as Jewish Pattaya.


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You can walk around Pattaya in a mankini and nobody would care. This is about as inane is the Pattaya secret thread. So the implication is that the Arab or muslim visitors would lynch you for it? 


I will go out on a limb and say JT is better off wearing his "skull cap" in Pattaya than Tuscon or Florida. What an utterly neurotic post designed only to bring out the worst comments from people. 


Next time I go to Pattaya I will test it out and have the star and a skull cap. 



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Earlier this week at Tukcom I saw a small cluster (5 or 6) of middle-aged guys with yarmulke walking around shopping and nobody seemed to take any notice (besides me, perhaps).  I did wonder if there would be any display of hostility if they encountered a similar sized group of Arab fellows, but decided not to follow the Jewish guys to find out.

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Jeezz, it must be low season Jingting.

However you dress up, nobody cares (openly) unless you're wearing a Golden suit and riding a Golden bike or as an ultimate provocation: run around naked. 


All the other expressions of religion, belief, gender, status, in-saneness are ignored or neglected. In that respect the rest of the World should see this as a bright example that Pattaya is showing.

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Why do it?  Is it important that you express to others your beliefs?  Shouldn't it be a personal matter?  On the practical side, why try and stand out at all?  In this day and age, you might become a target.  Being scaredy cat?  no.  Just seems like a simple basic thing that is most likely safer to not do.

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I do not believe it would be an issue in the slightest to any locals and 95% of the tourists.

There is a possibility you would come across a few boozed up Palestinians or other Arabs who may decide to have a go at you. That could also happen in London! They are not known for self control.....

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12 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

Why do it?  Is it important that you express to others your beliefs?  Shouldn't it be a personal matter?  On the practical side, why try and stand out at all?  In this day and age, you might become a target.  Being scaredy cat?  no.  Just seems like a simple basic thing that is most likely safer to not do.


Your question reminds me of an old joke..."how do you know someone is a vegetarian/vegan ?"....They will tell you

So the answer to your question is similar, seems to me there are certain types who just can help themselves, be it based on nationality or religious leanings


They crave the attention 



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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You're just trolling now. If your aim is to get this thread closed, keep it up.

This topic posed a sincere question.


Yes there are black Jews. I'm not sure how much people know about them though, so in the context of this thread (PLEASE keep it there, OK?) I would say if the particular black person appeared to be wearing it in way of identification with being a Jew rather than fashion, it would be relevant. But it would be more ambiguous than if the symbols were worn by people with more typical Jewish ethnicity appearances. 


Now really if any man was wearing an identifiable Jewish skullcap (any ethnicity) then that would be different. That would be self identifying religiously to Judaism unless the person was being ironic or on the way to a fancy dress party.

I think you should expand your question as the whole. How safe is it for Jews to openly identify themselves as Jews, anywhere these days?


Even if these Jews are not Israelis, those who identify themselves as Jews will still be perceived as being Israel supporters and therefore can be targeted by those considered to be the enemies of Israel, as was the case last year when Jews were specifically targeted by terrorists in France, simply for being Jews.


I would say in Thailand Jews are safe because Thailand and Thais have never been anti Semitic nor anti Israeli as far as I know, but in areas like Pattaya that has a large population of foreigners and foreign visitors,  never knowing what are their political affiliations, I would say treat with caution, although no one should be suppressed and discriminated against for their religious beliefs, race or sexual orientation, this is the way things have progressed, sorry to say.

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When I first read your post I thought to myself..."Why not"?..... If anything, Pattaya,/Thailand always struck me as a place where prejudice doesn't exist (always the exception of course for the benefit of those who wish to jump down my neck for that statement). When I lived in Soi 53 Noen Plub Wan and elsewhere, I bought my food from Thai/Muslim restaurants many's a time (big Muslim area), nobody batted an eyelid........ I see people around town driving motorbikes wearing Natzi helmets.

   But after reading some posts on here (those answering your question, not the one's telling me where Jews come from) I have come to the conclusion that prejudice is in the eye of the beholder (which of course it is).

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Doubt you will have a problem. Some ladyboys might grab it to hold you off for some time, but that should be as bad as it gets. 


I don't have any exact figures but like any good statistic, i'll just make some up and can tell you that 95% of the condo developers in Pattaya, are all jewish. 


Matrix Group and so on... 

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but I've felt for a long time that it would not be safe to walk around Pattaya either wearing a skullcap, star of David, etc.


You have answered your own dilemma / question.


If you personally, do not feel it would be safe, then do not do it.


It will never happen to me, until it does :wai:

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15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Thanks for sharing that but that really wasn't the question.

If you DID walk around identifying as a Jewish person (not all are Israeli BTW) what public reactions, IF ANY, would you expect? Do you think it would be safe?

The silliest (baiting?) question I've seen on TV this month (by far).


But just in case you're serious:

(1) It does not depend on your headgear, it depends on your mindgear.

(2) If you find it so important, take a walk around Pattaya, change headgear along the way, the way and measure the response of people. 


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Some folk might think you're a bit stupid identifying yourself as a Jew in a town where there are so many Muslims. London has become so flooded with Muslims that Jews no longer feel safe in the city and many have moved out. Just another example of the failure of multiculturalism that even Angela Merkel herself acknowledged in 2010.

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I think it's fine, too, and really don't think there'd be a problem with either one.  Muslims have no problem walking around in garb that clearly identifies them as Muslims, and it's not the least bit unusual to see someone wearing a cross; I really don't think a Star of David or a yarmulke would be any problem unless you go out of your way to make it one.  I'm not sure most Thais would even know what either one is.  (Yes, Jt, I'd feel perfectly comfortable, certainly as comfortable as wearing any of the other gear I've mentioned.)

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Multiple off topic and troll posts have been removed, the topic is not about Islam or Israel look at the topic tile. Please stay on topic or risk being the reason the topic gets closed

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I say the same as Nike. " Just Do It ".

If you get shot in the head and die;  you will know it was smart ! Oh wait, you will not know.

Don't worry, all the Thai Visa members will write about it.

Bulls Eye, who cares.

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