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PM Prayut invokes S44 to protect religions against distortions of religious teachings


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PM invokes S44 to protect religions against distortions of religious teachings




BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha in his capacity as head of the NCPO on Monday invoked Section 44 of the interim charter to mete out measures to protect and support various religions in the country against distortions of the religious faiths in order to undermine the country’s peace and order.


In the order published in the Royal Gazette, the prime minister said that Thailand is in need of national unity, reconciliation and reforms so that it can move toward prosperity, peace and order. Religions, he said, play a pivotal role in the promotion of good morals.


However, he alleged that there are some elements in the society seeking to capitalize on differences which are normal in a society with cultural diversity to incite conflict among religious followers.


The measures call for governmental agencies concerned with religious affairs to make sure that religious education and the propagation of religious teachings are done in the right way of each religion in correspondence with the faith of the followers.


Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-invokes-s44-protect-religions-distortions-religious-teachings/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-08-23
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So he has appointed himself the Pope now.  Has he studied all religions to qualify himself to tell them how they teach.  Who the hell does this regime think they are to take control of all religions.  Government and religions should be totally separate.

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I would like Prayuth to declare his own religion. Personally, I believe that the Buddha would be against detaining and  jailing people for their opinions and for speaking the truth. Prayuth is jailing people for their opinions and for speaking the truth. Thai law and Prayuth both seem to go against Buddhist beliefs. I think he should clarify Thai Buddhist beliefs in this area to end the confusion.

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I honestly don't understand this, maybe the translation is coming out all wrong which would not be the first time but it sounds like -


Freedom to worship on my terms what ever way you want :blink:


I am wondering if he is targeting the rogue monks and temples we have seen exposed recently, all they need to do is introduce strict financial regulation and disclosure of accounts

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This man loves to meddle and has no idea what he is doing.  He is like a child playing with a grenade .  If the population was not kept dumb, perhaps they could make wise choices.  Poverty is just the ramifications of making bad choices.  This has been garnered from personal experience.

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36 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

This man loves to meddle and has no idea what he is doing.  He is like a child playing with a grenade .  If the population was not kept dumb, perhaps they could make wise choices.  Poverty is just the ramifications of making bad choices.  This has been garnered from personal experience.

It may not be valid to generalize from your own case to the millions who live in poverty. This sounds like the American actor who said on The Daily Show, "I've lived on food stamps, on welfare, nobody helped me out."

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In the Kalama Sutta, the Buddha discusses freedom and tolerance and says this:

'Do not accept anything based upon mere reports,

traditions or hearsay,
Nor upon the authority of religious texts,
Nor upon mere reasons and arguments,
Nor upon one's own inference,
Nor upon anything which appears to be true,
Nor upon one's own speculative opinion,
Nor upon another's seeming ability,
Nor upon the consideration: 'This is our Teacher.'
'But, when you know for yourselves the certain things are unwholesome and bad: tending to harm yourself of others, reject them.
'And when you know for yourselves that certain things are wholesome and good: conducive to the spiritual welfare of yourself as well as others, accept and follow them.'

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1 hour ago, smedly said:

I honestly don't understand this, maybe the translation is coming out all wrong which would not be the first time but it sounds like -


Freedom to worship on my terms what ever way you want :blink:


I am wondering if he is targeting the rogue monks and temples we have seen exposed recently, all they need to do is introduce strict financial regulation and disclosure of accounts

You come out with the ( it's the translation )excuse often when the PM/junta comes up with another brilliant example of how not to run a country.   And a government that wants to control religion is playing with fire and the lil general has now made it law for teaching worship ON HIS TERMS!!!    YA GET IT NOW?

Who in the PM's mind will decide just what is the correct way style of teaching religion? 

Buddhism is different all the world over, so which form and teaching will be accepted by the Lil general and his super powers of Section 44?

Christianity has many different forms and teachings the Catholic's and the Protestant kill each other for their religions. 

Then there's Islam also different forms and teachings, they kill each other for their religions and anyone that is not a Muslim.

The Spanish gave us the Inquisition,  The American's and English and Europe had the witch hunts. The Catholic's gave us the crusades, and Islam is still giving us Jihad.

So PM what ya gunna do now???   Quick lesson mate, engage brain  then open ya flap.


Note to the MOD'S and others, This is not an attack on religion but common fact.  Freedom of religion/faith /Philosophy is a fundamental right.




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So, there is no hiding it now!


Could it be that, after over 2 years of draconian and chaotic junta ideology, suppression, and propaganda, Prayut has finally revealed (what most TV posters have know from the outset) - that "...Thailand is in need of national unity, reconciliation and reforms..."?


Naturally, as always, there is no mention that this is due to the failure of the junta's so-called roadmap to move the country "...toward prosperity, peace and order...".  Instead, we are given the usual spiel that blame rests with "...some elements in the society seeking...to incite conflict..."!


In this latest display of bemused homespun reckoning, the Prem-wannabe has resorted to the stock junta ruse (invoke S44) to once again push his "...promotion of good morals...". This time, the recipients of his displeasure are "...various religions in the country..."!


One has to question the real motives behind this when there is already sufficient scope within the new Constitution to address the issue under Section 31:


A person shall enjoy full liberty to profess a religion, and shall enjoy the liberty to observe or perform rites according to own religion, provided that it shall not be prejudicial to the duties of Thai people, be harmful to the security of the State, and be contrary to the public order or good morals of people.


The junta's standard sledge-hammer attitude towards minority groups again reveals the jingoistic tactics it uses to blatantly elicit support from the "happy" masses.


Instead of following a roadmap, Thai people are inexorably being led up a garden path!


garden path.jpg




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"A person shall enjoy full liberty to profess a religion, and shall enjoy the liberty to observe or perform rites according to own religion, provided that it shall not be prejudicial to the duties of Thai people, be harmful to the security of the State, and be contrary to the public order or good morals of people."


What's with the bolded bit (my bold, it was nicely buried in the original)


Duties of Thais? What?


Also, the final 'and' should be an 'or'. Thailands famed competence level extends to law drafting as well. Of course we all know the Constitution Court gets confused by 'ands' and 'ors', so perhaps it's more widespread than anyone thought. Thai education strikes again...



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21 minutes ago, waldroj said:

So, there is no hiding it now!


Could it be that, after over 2 years of draconian and chaotic junta ideology, suppression, and propaganda, Prayut has finally revealed (what most TV posters have know from the outset) - that "...Thailand is in need of national unity, reconciliation and reforms..."?


Naturally, as always, there is no mention that this is due to the failure of the junta's so-called roadmap to move the country "...toward prosperity, peace and order...".  Instead, we are given the usual spiel that blame rests with "...some elements in the society seeking...to incite conflict..."!


In this latest display of bemused homespun reckoning, the Prem-wannabe has resorted to the stock junta ruse (invoke S44) to once again push his "...promotion of good morals...". This time, the recipients of his displeasure are "...various religions in the country..."!


One has to question the real motives behind this when there is already sufficient scope within the new Constitution to address the issue under Section 31:


A person shall enjoy full liberty to profess a religion, and shall enjoy the liberty to observe or perform rites according to own religion, provided that it shall not be prejudicial to the duties of Thai people, be harmful to the security of the State, and be contrary to the public order or good morals of people.


The junta's standard sledge-hammer attitude towards minority groups again reveals the jingoistic tactics it uses to blatantly elicit support from the "happy" masses.


Instead of following a roadmap, Thai people are inexorably being led up a garden path!


garden path.jpg






Yep, and buoyed up by a minority vote victory in the 'referendum', it's going to get more blatant and more draconian. These are not good people... The more they push, the more likely a civil war becomes, and it's already in Thailands tea-leaves.




The fat lady is singing... and it's a jolly little tune. And someone's oiling the wheels on the tumbrils.



Edited by Winniedapu
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6 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:



Yep, and buoyed up by a minority vote victory in the 'referendum', it's going to get more blatant and more draconian. These are not good people... The more they push, the more likely a civil war becomes, and it's already in Thailands tea-leaves.




The fat lady is singing... and it's a jolly little tune. And someone's oiling the wheels on the tumbrils.



I got to hand it to you.  You must have figured out what he said.  Could you tell us cause after reading the OP a couple of times I have no idea what he is going to do.  

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The measures call for governmental agencies concerned with religious affairs to make sure that religious education and the propagation of religious teachings are done in the right way of each religion in correspondence with the faith of the followers. 



No prizes for guessing who gets to decide the "right way" to brainwash our kids with mystical mumbo-jumbo. The other day, my little daughter wasted (yet another) entire school day of her "education" being dragged around a Buddhist temple and indoctrinated by schoolteachers and monks.


Will it be a mosque, church or synogogue next week? At least this would balance a little balance to the bullshit with which our kids our brainwashed from their first day at school.


Until humanism, agnosticism and atheism become part of the official curriculum  I shall continue to regard it as a parental duty to point out the talternatives to enslavement by cruel and vengeful metaphysical gods and theirall-too-frequently corrupt and mendacious earthly proselytisers. 


If this, under the latest Article 44 edict, is "distortion", then I shall just have to risk some attitude adjustment. Who knows, I might even get to adjust theirs!



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7 hours ago, jerojero said:

To make sure religious teachings are done in the right way.  Huh?  And what exactly is the right or wrong way?  Anyone know what the hell he means? 

The religious bigots and inciters know exactly what this means. They know their intentions.


I very much appreciate what the PM is doing in this respect. I wish Prime Ministers and Presidents of other countries (France, Germany and others in Europe and US) would take similar steps against religious inciters, mostly in Mosques. This would be an effective step in fighting the IS and similar movements.

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