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Stockpile food and water in case of attack, Germans set to be told


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Stockpile food and water in case of attack, Germans set to be told




BERLIN: -- It is a measure that has not been seen since the end of the Cold War. People in Germany are set to be told to stockpile food and water, in case there is an attack or catastrophe in the country.


The interior ministry has not commented on the plans – which were revealed by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper – but says a civil defence strategy is due to be discussed on Wednesday.


The article quoted the government document as saying that everyone will need a 10-day supply of food and five-days worth of water.


Germany’s currently on hight alert after two Islamist attacks and a shooting rampage.


The newspaper said a parliamentary committee had originally commissioned the civil defence strategy in 2012.


Social media response

The proposed precautions have got a comical response on social media – with some likening the stockpiling of supplies to that of hamsters filling their cheeks.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-23
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 This is not some random warning. Specific information is known to the German intelligence agencies, and there is no way to prevent the attack from occurring. The only variable is the "when". It is most likely that the storage of water and food for a 10 day period pertains specifically to the imminent use of what we call a "dirty bomb". A certain segment of the population have been trying for years to get their grubby hands on just such a device, and the cancellation of the same population segments security cards from certain nuclear installations gives me the 1 + 1 that is needed to reach the answer (2). Good luck Jerrys, and stay safe.

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Sounds ominous 


Maybe not terrorists , two suns, Planet X, governments holding back on that for sure




Being seen all over the world

Edited by bartender100
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56 minutes ago, jaidam said:

 This is not some random warning. Specific information is known to the German intelligence agencies, and there is no way to prevent the attack from occurring. The only variable is the "when". It is most likely that the storage of water and food for a 10 day period pertains specifically to the imminent use of what we call a "dirty bomb". A certain segment of the population have been trying for years to get their grubby hands on just such a device, and the cancellation of the same population segments security cards from certain nuclear installations gives me the 1 + 1 that is needed to reach the answer (2). Good luck Jerrys, and stay safe.




If this report is accurate. A warning to store up to 10 days emergency supplies is coming hard on the heels of very specific Intel.

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1 minute ago, Class C said:

.... and if attacked, offer food and water to the assailant


Also try to keep the assailants calm, while phoning for medical assistance.


They are just misunderstood mental health patients who have escaped from the nearest Psycho Unit, they do not really mean anyone any harm :whistling::whistling:

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1 hour ago, jaidam said:

 This is not some random warning. Specific information is known to the German intelligence agencies, and there is no way to prevent the attack from occurring. The only variable is the "when". It is most likely that the storage of water and food for a 10 day period pertains specifically to the imminent use of what we call a "dirty bomb". A certain segment of the population have been trying for years to get their grubby hands on just such a device, and the cancellation of the same population segments security cards from certain nuclear installations gives me the 1 + 1 that is needed to reach the answer (2). Good luck Jerrys, and stay safe.


Do you even know what a "dirty bomb" is ? other than using the buzzword....the material required doesn't need  to come from a "nuclear installation"

and is very easy to construct without needing "security cards" and getting into nuclear installations....your 1 +1 gives you a spy novel plot, not the reality


All your need is conventional explosives and something which is commonly  and quite freely available in most industrialized countries

so stop scare mongering about dirty bombs etc, if somebody set off a C-137 dirty bomb for example , you will need more than 10 days supplies....promise.. 









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21 minutes ago, Witblitz said:


Do you even know what a "dirty bomb" is ? other than using the buzzword....the material required doesn't need  to come from a "nuclear installation"

and is very easy to construct without needing "security cards" and getting into nuclear installations....your 1 +1 gives you a spy novel plot, not the reality


All your need is conventional explosives and something which is commonly  and quite freely available in most industrialized countries

so stop scare mongering about dirty bombs etc, if somebody set off a C-137 dirty bomb for example , you will need more than 10 days supplies....promise.. 










The ongoing attack against classical civilization relies heavily on drama. ISIS agents in Europe could of course blow up an old x-ray machine. But the snag there is it just would not generate sufficient news headlines, and those it did generate would just be mental outpatient blabla. No. What ISIS intend to do would be something very dramatic and aimed at causing the maximum fear amongst Europids. That would IMO be the detonation of nuclear material stolen from the "stupid infidels". Something that can certainly not be excused away as some lone-wolf or mentally unstable person nonsense.


Edited by jaidam
messed up quotes
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I am glad that I do not live in Germany or France or anywhere in Europe that have had all of the refugees stay in their countries and make the situation even worse than it was two years ago.   Do you think that the German, Nazi and skin head types are the only people to be afraid of? 

  I would think that ISIL moles may also be people to fear!  France looks like the Middle east in

some of its cities. I wonder if Germany and other countries will look like that as well, when the Muslims in their countries get enough population and Mosques built for their needs.



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11 minutes ago, jaidam said:



 ISIS agents in Europe could of course blow up an old x-ray machine




Well then the ISIS agents are just as dumb as the person who wrote this comment...X-ray machines get their "radiation" from a beam of electrons shot between and anode and cathode, which needs to be plugged into a power supply to work, ergo blowing up an old X-ray machine....well that's it it they would would have blown up and old piece of equipment....there is no radiation "fallout" or nuclear winter   

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1 hour ago, bartender100 said:

Sounds ominous 


Maybe not terrorists , two suns, Planet X, governments holding back on that for sure




Being seen all over the world


Loolll, you are joking right? I really hope you are joking for your own intellects sake..

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39 minutes ago, Witblitz said:

All your need is conventional explosives and something which is commonly  and quite freely available in most industrialized countries

so stop scare mongering about dirty bombs etc, if somebody set off a C-137 dirty bomb for example , you will need more than 10 days supplies....promise.. 


The 10 day figure would suggest that the dirty bomb (if that is indeed what the threat is) will be using a shorter lived isotope.  Iodine-131 would be my guess, given its widespread medical and industrial uses.  Half life of around 8 days.


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That would IMO be the detonation of nuclear material stolen


Which stolen nuclear material ?.....lets go with your spy novel conspiracy,


Suppose Jihaddi John and a few of his mad mullah mates mange to get their hands on a a few renta cops ID badges for one of Germany's NPS, that maybe gets them past ACP#1 (Access control point #1) where do they get their second ID badge to get into the Nuclear bit of the facility ?...how do they get past the Health physics guys at the air lock before entering containment, who typically would know every person who goes in and out by sight.


let suppose they manage to get past ACP#2 ( into the nuclear bit) what nuclear material are they going to nick to ensure detonation of nuclear material ? the U-235 control rods from the reactor and smuggle them out under their dish dash ?...problem is U-235 is typically only 6% enriched and cant detonate with a critical mass  


Further how will they explain the scuba gear which they would need to to swim int the fuel pool to nick said fuel rods, assuming of course they have superhuman strength to lift them  ?...and besides the fact chances are they would be dead from the neutron radiation exposure 





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16 minutes ago, Witblitz said:

That would IMO be the detonation of nuclear material stolen


Which stolen nuclear material ?.....lets go with your spy novel conspiracy,


Suppose Jihaddi John and a few of his mad mullah mates mange to get their hands on a a few renta cops ID badges for one of Germany's NPS, that maybe gets them past ACP#1 (Access control point #1) where do they get their second ID badge to get into the Nuclear bit of the facility ?...how do they get past the Health physics guys at the air lock before entering containment, who typically would know every person who goes in and out by sight.


let suppose they manage to get past ACP#2 ( into the nuclear bit) what nuclear material are they going to nick to ensure detonation of nuclear material ? the U-235 control rods from the reactor and smuggle them out under their dish dash ?...problem is U-235 is typically only 6% enriched and cant detonate with a critical mass  


Further how will they explain the scuba gear which they would need to to swim int the fuel pool to nick said fuel rods, assuming of course they have superhuman strength to lift them  ?...and besides the fact chances are they would be dead from the neutron radiation exposure 





I am not going to get into speculation, but many posters may remember that some time ago, a number of workers at nuclear power plants had their credentials removed.   IIRC, some of these had links to terrorist organizations.


Without more information, much of what is being posted is speculation, but it is speculation that falls within the realm of possibility.  


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4 minutes ago, Scott said:

I am not going to get into speculation, but many posters may remember that some time ago, a number of workers at nuclear power plants had their credentials removed.   IIRC, some of these had links to terrorist organizations.


Without more information, much of what is being posted is speculation, but it is speculation that falls within the realm of possibility.  



OK so some had their credentials removed because they had connections to terrorist organisations, this is part of your typical periodic security screening for working at nuclear facilities, and it not just "terror connections" which can get your clearance revoked


Just because some people had their clearance revoked, it a very big jump to suggest these people if they were inclined could even steal "nuclear material" from a power plant....my comments above although taking a rather tongue in cheek approach are very have their foundation in fact  and are not speculation, based in the realms of reality....the possibility of  an individual or individuals stealing "nuclear material" from say a nuclear power station, getting it outside the plant and then being able to "set it off" squarely sits on the pages of a Tom Clancy novel, who did a great job with "the sum of all fears"....but still a very highly unlikely possibility






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14 minutes ago, Credo said:

Chemical or biological agents would also be another possibility.   These might require people to stay in or be quarantined for a time.   

and they would most likely be a lot easier and a bigger likelihood  over "detonating nuclear material"


lets take worst case, the Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago, and there was the possibility of "lots" of undocumented nuclear material "floating" around  that part of the world for sale, didn't need to be stolen just needed to be paid for...


So in the last 25 years with all the cashed up terrorists groups running around...why hasn't there been a dirty bomb gone off somewhere in the world ?  



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28 minutes ago, Credo said:

Chemical or biological agents would also be another possibility.   These might require people to stay in or be quarantined for a time.   


Certainly a chemical or biological attack is more feasible, if less instantly spectacular, than any form of device involving radioactivity.


Either way, the Germans are fairly hard headed. 5 - 10 days stocks would at least give them time to mobilise the resources to evacuate and quarantine the population in the affected area.

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The topic talks to a Germany government review and update of national emergency responses from planning in 1995. If the media outlet has access to the review document why only mention a relatively minor aspect of overall planning, comes across as fear mongering for media purposes, especially when considering the newspapers prior reputation of stirring up anti immigration / Islamic sentiment.


BTW... Facts on Dirty Bombs



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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I am glad that I do not live in Germany or France or anywhere in Europe that have had all of the refugees stay in their countries and make the situation even worse than it was two years ago.   Do you think that the German, Nazi and skin head types are the only people to be afraid of? 

  I would think that ISIL moles may also be people to fear!  France looks like the Middle east in

some of its cities. I wonder if Germany and other countries will look like that as well, when the Muslims in their countries get enough population and Mosques built for their needs.



I have some thai friends who told me some part of their country look like "farang land" with all those sexpats, lost souls, old retired people, backpackers, and drunk...I guess it depends on which side of the fence you look at, right?


Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Fact is the German Government is redoing the recommendations for people completely and also lowering them from 14 days of food and water to 10 days! So far they did recommend you always have basic stuff at home for 14 days and the old rules did go into effect in February 1989 and pretty much everybody did forget that ! And it is not for war or such but mostly in case of some flooding, cold winter, storm or such. But it makes such good news ignoring they are lowering their recommendation and make it sound like its new and linked to the immigrants ! But in real it has nothing to do with that and the report now coming out with new recommendations was ordered in 2012 after some floodings ! 


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2 minutes ago, inaktive said:

Fact is the German Government is redoing the recommendations for people completely and also lowering them from 14 days of food and water to 10 days! So far they did recommend you always have basic stuff at home for 14 days and the old rules did go into effect in February 1989 and pretty much everybody did forget that ! And it is not for war or such but mostly in case of some flooding, cold winter, storm or such. But it makes such good news ignoring they are lowering their recommendation and make it sound like its new and linked to the immigrants ! But in real it has nothing to do with that and the report now coming out with new recommendations was ordered in 2012 after some floodings ! 


Thanks for this 


This OP to this thread  is a perfect example of not letting the facts get in way of a good conspiracy theory and the tin foil hatters going into over drive...


so we have gone from " the mad mullahs stealing nuclear material & 1 +1 = imminent dirty bomb in Germany"  to the reality/truth which is a change in "civil defense" recommendations for food and water storage in times of bad weather and they have even reduced the number of days recommended to keep on hand... :D


Scaremongering I think ?


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4 hours ago, jaidam said:

 This is not some random warning. Specific information is known to the German intelligence agencies, and there is no way to prevent the attack from occurring. The only variable is the "when". It is most likely that the storage of water and food for a 10 day period pertains specifically to the imminent use of what we call a "dirty bomb". A certain segment of the population have been trying for years to get their grubby hands on just such a device, and the cancellation of the same population segments security cards from certain nuclear installations gives me the 1 + 1 that is needed to reach the answer (2). Good luck Jerrys, and stay safe.


What "specific information" would that be? No conspiracy theory links, if possible.

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27 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

It looks like it is some sort of advisory message being given out in the unlikely event of an attack or natural disaster. 




That is not what the article says.  The use of the word "unlikely" is in the context "an attack on German territory, requiring conventional defence of the nation, is unlikely".  In other words, the authorities aren't expecting a repeat of World War II any time soon.  It does not say that a terrorist attack is unlikely, and Germany is currently on a high state of alert for further such attacks.

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