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Private lives are exposed as WikiLeaks spills its secrets


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Emails released by Wikileaks show that Hillary Clinton looked into a drug used to treat sleepiness and Parkinson’s disease after she apparently began suffering from “decision fatigue” back in 2011.




Could Putin Leak Incriminating Hillary Clinton Emails As An October Surprise?


Edited by Scotwight
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10 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Emails released by Wikileaks show that Hillary Clinton looked into a drug used to treat sleepiness and Parkinson’s disease after she apparently began suffering from “decision fatigue” back in 2011.




Could Putin Leak Incriminating Hillary Clinton Emails As An October Surprise?


I simply cannot believe that as an adult you are posting that link concerning her 'suffering from Decision Fatigue'. It just reinforces the entire argument that Trump fans are nut jobs.

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On 23 August 2016 at 7:34 PM, Class C said:

What about the UN panel ruling a few months ago that Mr Assange should be allowed to walk free and be compensated for his "deprivation of liberty" ?



The UN panel you refer to comprised a group of people, non of whom have any training, education or experience in international law. Their findings have not been endorsed by the UN.


They were essentially a knitting circle.

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18 hours ago, HerbalEd said:

Just to be clear and accurate. There is no rape charge against Assange in Sweden, or any other place. He's wanted for questioning, but he has been "charged" with nothing.



All the more reson for him to cooperate and clear his name.


Meanwhile the Ecudorian Embassy are, I hope, regarding Assange as a possible risk to their female staff and complying with the duty of care they have to them as employees.

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On 8/23/2016 at 7:24 PM, Usernames said:


Remember, wikileaks used to be good.  But now that it's exposing Hillary Clinton and the DNC, it's a terror operation that must close down and its operator taken out and killed.


Exactly. Can't touch the Clintons now!

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6 minutes ago, mesterm said:


Exactly. Can't touch the Clintons now!





According to an exclusive The Daily Caller report, a former senior law enforcement official said the FBI has started multiple probes into alleged corruption linked to The Clinton Foundation. The person said investigators are zeroing in on the main offices in New York City. They’ll be helped by various U.S. attorneys, including Preet Bharara, who is stationed out of the Southern District of New York.


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On 8/23/2016 at 7:31 AM, JHolmesJr said:


we have to view wikileaks through the prism of the greater good….boohoo if a gay saudi got rumbled…..he should move to pattaya or maybe hillary will take him in….. 


The two males were RAPED. Do you understand what rape is? Who are you to pass judgement and to blame a RAPE victim? Perhaps, one day you too will be the victim of an assault that leaves you with broken legs and then maybe you will appreciate what an ignorant, vile, nasty, act  it is to ridicule the victims of sexual assault.


Perhaps one day your medical files will be released and everyone can have a good laugh about your medical condition. Maybe the information can be used to cancel your health insurance or to discriminate against you. If you have family, or neighbors, maybe they will see your private medical information. 


Assange and Wikileaks are criminals who have violated the privacy of people who  have the right to be left alone and to personal privacy. What if someone  on Thai Visa stated   your identity and where you lived? They  could even label you a pedophile.  What's that you say ? You are not a pedophile? Well, it's all in good fun right? After all you labeled those two teenage rape victims as "gay". BY your logic, anything goes.

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5 minutes ago, mesterm said:



Clinton got some bad news from a federal judge Monday, who gave the State Department until September 23 to determine a plan on how to release nearly 15,000 documents the FBI had obtained as part of its investigation into her private email server -- possibly creating a timeline where thousands of emails could be made public right before Election Day.


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8 minutes ago, mesterm said:

Seems this was looked into a year ago.  I'm not a fan of zerohedge, but interesting comments:




The Department of Justice had looked into allegations surrounding the foundation a year earlier after the release of the controversial book "Clinton Cash," but found them to be unsubstantiated and there was insufficient evidence to open a case.



DOJ officials pushed back against opening a case during the meeting earlier this year.


Some also expressed concern the request seemed more political than substantive, especially given the timing of it coinciding with the investigation into the private email server and Clinton's presidential campaign.



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Assange seems to think all the information that comes his way is borne of secrets.  A few weeks ago he tried to embarrass Bill Maher (a liberal satirist) with info that he donated a million US dollars to Obama's 2012 campaign.  Well, it was no secret, Maher has mentioned it a few too many times on his show and in interviews he's given to others over the past four years; perhaps "bragged" is a more appropriate word.  Do your homework, Juli.

The more I read about Assange the less likable he comes off, IMO.  As John Oliver said, even Benedict Cumberbatch couldn't make him come off as sympathetic -- "he's un-Cumberbatchable!"

That said, the Swedish rape charges sounded dodgy from day one: the two women involved met up a few days later and after a discussion decided that their encounters with Assange qualified as rape.  Well, that was what the story was when all this began.  I think charges like this play down the incidents of real rape, the sort where there is no ambiguity of whether rape was committed or not.  Shame on you, girls!

The amount of attention that UK law enforcement has been giving the Ecuadorian embassy betrays that there is much more going on with this than the Swedish arrest warrant, and I have little doubt that once he emerges form the embassy, under any scenario, that he will end up in US custody.  I could even see them try something like they did when they tried to catch Snowden on a private Bolivian flight.



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On 8/25/2016 at 7:17 AM, GuestHouse said:



All the more reson for him to cooperate and clear his name.


Meanwhile the Ecudorian Embassy are, I hope, regarding Assange as a possible risk to their female staff and complying with the duty of care they have to them as employees.


OK, he hasn't actually been charged (my bad).

"A Stockholm district court has upheld an arrest warrant against Julian Assange, saying there is still “probable cause for suspicion” against the WikiLeaks founder.

Assange is wanted in Sweden over allegations of rape dating from 2010, which he denies, but he has not been charged."

" On 18 November 2010, Marianne Ny ordered the detention of Julian Assange on suspicion of rape, three cases of sexual molestation and unlawful coercion. The Stockholm District Court acceded to the order and issued a European Arrest Warrant to execute it. The warrant was appealed to the Svea Court of Appeal which upheld it but lowered it to suspicion of rape of a lesser degree, unlawful coercion and two cases of sexual molestation rather than three "

("In Sweden, charging someone comes much later in the process of a criminal investigation than it does in many other countries.")


"Swedish Prosecution Authority spokeswoman Karin Rosander said Sweden handed over a formal request to interview Assange in January, and a reminder in June, and received Ecuador’s reply on Tuesday."

So who is playing games with who ? 

The coercion and molestation charges have been dropped due to the statue of limitations. The rape charges won't expire until 2020.


I was surprised that he hasn't been interviewed before this until I checked a bit more. Seems that if you think you are special, you can dictate when and where the police need to go in order to interview you. That sounds about right, doesn't it ? Think about it if this was you. If the police in your country are investigating you for a serious crime, you should be able to tell them "No problem, just fly over here and arrange an appointment with my secretary for an interview" ? Yeah, right.

They'd issue a warrant, the locals would arrest you, put you on a plane and send you back to face the music. (As we've seen done numerous times over the years here in Thailand.)


The reason the Swedes haven't interviewed him in the UK is because they believe he should be brought to Sweden, where the alleged offences occurred, as would happen with pretty much any other person accused of similar offences. A judge decided that because time is winding down they would take the steps to go to the UK instead. So they submitted a formal request to the Ecuadorian embassy, which it seems was ignored for nearly 8 months


But the interview will be pointless anyways. It won't matter because Assange isn't going to go "Oh, OK, I've changed my mind and will return to Sweden with you". If he has even the slightest inkling that he will actually be charged, he will just sit out the statue of limitations anyways. (4 more years in the Embassy compared to however many years he might face in a Swedish prison ? Might be better off in the prison actually.)


Now here is the kicker. What does he do then ? He still faces being arrested in the UK for violating the conditions set when they let him out on bail (before he ran off to the embassy). Not only that but THINK about it. Let's say Sweden finally gives up and drops all charges (or they expire) and the UK decides to let the bail violations go as well.


Then what does he do ? He will have NO excuses or places to hide. He claimed he would be arrested, sent to the US and charged for treason ! I mentioned in a previous article that he can't be charged with treason as he isn't a US citizen (he's Australian). Sheesh, seriously. Bradley Manning didn't even get charged with treason and he was a serving member of the US military at the time he committed his crimes !!!

Assange also claims he'd face the death penalty in the States which, considering they didn't even try to use that with one of their own citizens, makes it a total joke for Assange to claim. There is the possibility that they could charge him with espionage just as they'd do for any spy that basically did the exact same thing. Why should he get a free pass when pretty much every other country in the world would do the exact same thing (charge someone that acquired their state secrets and made them public). The difference between a spy and Assange ? One does it for their country and one did it to make money. Guess which is which. 


If you helped someone steal a mass of secret government data (from pretty much any government on the planet) and then you made all that data public, do you honestly think that no one should be upset ? That you wouldn't be subject to espionage charges ? Think again. Why should Assange be any different ? Because most of what he released was harmful to the US ? That makes him some kind of hero ? Bull****. If he'd done the same thing to the UK, Germany, Russia or China you don't think they'd be after him with a vengeance (or a sniper rifle) ?

The Americans wouldn't need to make up some sham story about unprotected sex in Sweden in order to have Assange arrested. That's just plain BS.


Once the Swedish charges go away I doubt he can keep staying the Embassy. He steps one foot outside and he's busted (by the UK cops). If the US had an actual warrant out for him they'd have a better chance of extraditing him from the UK than Sweden anyways. If they don't have a warrant for his arrest he pretty much would still have to run and find a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty (or friendly relations) with the US in the event that somewhere down the road they do decide to go after him. (And as we saw in the Bout case in Thailand, they can be pretty devious when it comes to getting someone they really want). 


He tried to convince France that they had to give him asylum as though they had some kind of obligation to do so. That didn't work out. He could try the Snowden route and try to get to Russia (I wonder what do state secrets go for these days ?) 


As for his alleged crimes in Sweden "not holding ground" in the UK. Remember that the UK obviously thought otherwise, which is why they arrested Assange initially, and when he appealed the extradition order the UK Supreme Court determined that his appeal was without merit and dismissed it on 30 May 2012 (or so it says at the bottom of page 117 of the Judgement - https://www.supremecourt.uk/decided-cases/docs/UKSC_2011_0264_Judgment.pdf). (I have no idea why he wasn't immediately detained after that ruling. You'd think that would have been automatic.)


Assange went to the Ecuadorian Embassy on 19 June and has been there ever since. Note that he didn't appeal the extradition on the grounds of some imagined plot by the US, he appealed it because his legal team didn't think the person who ordered the extradition had the authority to do so (which the Supreme Court decided otherwise). At no time between the first leaks of material supplied by Manning (Feb 2010) and his entering the embassy in mid-2013 did the US try to have him arrested (which would have been headline news of course). The UK had detained him in 2010 and released him on bail ! What better time could the US have had to grab him than when he was in British custody !!!! 


You'd think that if the US had some secret plan to have him arrested and deported they could have done so, easily, in the almost 3 years between when Sweden issued the arrest warrant and him stepping into the Ecuadorian Embassy, including the time that he was actually in British custody ! 

The conspiracy nuts want people to believe that the US arranged for Sweden (Sweden of all places - that hotbed of red-necked, neo-American conservatives) to somehow convince 2 former WikiLeaks volunteers to make up false charges so that Assange could be arrested in the UK and extradited to Sweden where the US would then have him transported to the US and sentence him to death, but somehow the US hasn't been able, in all that time, to say "Hey, here is our Arrest Warrant, give him to us" ? Not to mention that, if you believe the conspiracy nuts, the US also controls the Swedish Justice system right up to their Supreme Court ! Amazing !!


Because all that makes so much more sense than "he had unprotected sex with 2 women against their wishes and doesn't want to go to jail for it". 


Now that he's released all those details about all those people's private lives it wouldn't surprise me if he gets hit string of lawsuits and criminal charges in a variety of countries. " WikiLeaks' mass publication of personal data is at odds with the site's claim to have championed privacy " followed by " But the AP found that WikiLeaks also routinely publishes identity records, phone numbers and other information easily exploited by criminals.

I wouldn't doubt there's a squad of lawyers right now trying to figure out how to capitalize from this latest incident.



And of course, Irony has to rear it's head.

Just yesterday I spent hours and hours researching and writing a response to an article (elsewhere) about the findings of a UN study into gas attacks allegedly carried out by Assad and ISIS back in 2014/15. I listed the UN Resolutions and the Treaties Assad had agreed to after an alleged gas attack in 2013 that was almost the trigger for the US to start air strikes directly against Assad and his forces (like they did in Libya). I noted the articles stating that Assad's chemical weapons had been turned over in 2014, how the last of those weapons had been destroyed in Jan 2016 and how the Organization responsible (the OPCW - Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) had inspected 21 of the 23 sites Assad had declared (the other 2 being under rebel control but the organization had been "remotely assured" that those sites were empty), and that they were still monitoring Syria despite there not (supposedly) being any weapons left. I noted that the only ones who would benefit from carrying out an attack (at any time after 2013) was the rebels who were trying to drag the US and NATO into the war directly.


What does that have to do with Assad ?

Well in 2013 Assange started the WikiLeaks political party in Australia. In December 2013 that party sent a delegation to meet with Assad in Syria. Just before the meeting this came out: "In a statement issued shortly before the visit, the Wikileaks Party stated that it opposed outside intervention in the war, supported a negotiated peace process, and described reports of the Ghouta chemical attack by forces loyal to al-Assad in August 2013 as being "unsubstantiated" and comparable to the concerns which were raised over the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction program prior to the Iraq War. "


Wow. I personally never claimed that the reports of the gas attack in 2013 were similar to the Iraqi WMD reports (prior to the invasion of Iraq), but I did have my doubts that the attacks had been conducted by Assad's forces. Now I see that WikiLeaks also thought that those reports were unsubstantiated. (Keep in mind that after those attacks in 2013, the US was ready to send in the bombers but supposedly Russia showed them evidence that the attack hadn't been carried out by Assad's forces at all and suddenly Obama's "Line in the Sand" got blown over. Like most lines drawn in sand tend to do.)


Feels almost queasy to find that WikiLeaks people were thinking the same thing I was. Also makes me wonder what information they may have had to reach those conclusions and why they didn't make that public. Maybe they realized that some secrets are "worth" keeping ? 


Edited by Kerryd
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He still has to watch his back, even whilst in the Embassy



All it takes are some Agents from you-know-where, to plant some undetectable poison into the Embassy's regular food shipment, and if all people in the Embassy are taken out,

 - collateral damage


Same goes, I am sure Julian's clothes brought in/bought for him will need to be closely scrutinised.

(remember the poisoned microfibre that took out a Russian who had to be silenced... )

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8 hours ago, tifino said:

He still has to watch his back, even whilst in the Embassy



All it takes are some Agents from you-know-where, to plant some undetectable poison into the Embassy's regular food shipment, and if all people in the Embassy are taken out,

 - collateral damage


Same goes, I am sure Julian's clothes brought in/bought for him will need to be closely scrutinised.

(remember the poisoned microfibre that took out a Russian who had to be silenced... )

Get real.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Report: Wikileaks' Syria Docs Exclude Email On $2B Transfer To Russian Bank


Wikileaks in 2012 published emails from Syrian government officials obtained by hackers, but the website did not include an email noting that the Syrian regime transferred more than $2 billion to a state-owned Russian bank, according to a Daily Dot report published on Friday.

Wikileaks denied that it purposefully excluded the record from the trove of emails it published, and the transparency group threatened retribution against reporters at the Daily Dot if they continued to report on the document.


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Oh boy!

Assange: Up to 100,000 pages of Clinton documents to come


WikiLeaks could release as many as 100,000 pages of new material related to Hillary Clinton before the election, Julian Assange said Thursday, thanks in part to new sources who stepped forward after the organization leaked internal emails from the Democratic National Committee.



We wonder if there's more details re these "Deplorables" Crooked H. is talking about? :whistling:

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Oh boy!

Assange: Up to 100,000 pages of Clinton documents to come


WikiLeaks could release as many as 100,000 pages of new material related to Hillary Clinton before the election, Julian Assange said Thursday, thanks in part to new sources who stepped forward after the organization leaked internal emails from the Democratic National Committee.



We wonder if there's more details re these "Deplorables" Crooked H. is talking about? :whistling:

I understand some like these disclosures, but this is pretty bad.  I'm no fan of Clinton, but this is pure illegal BS.  He's a criminal.

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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


Not criminal at all.  Simply exposing the corruption, lies and malfeasance that is part & parcel of the Clinton Crime Organization. :thumbsup:

So there are no laws being broken by Assange?

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


They are both riffraff, but if Assange exposes Hillary's crimes, he deserves some mercy, like any other criminal informant.

Who's to determine if all are related to crimes?  With regards to criminal informants, they don't publish their info in the press.  It's given to the authorities in private.  Typically.


He exposed private details of thousands of women in Turkey.  A criminal activity.  No mercy, sorry.


I can guarantee, if he had actionable info, every press outlet in the world would be paying him for that into.

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On 23/08/2016 at 7:03 PM, craigt3365 said:

You obviously don't understand Americans.  Our country was founded on freedom of religion and freedom of speech.  But, we value our privacy.  I'm guessing whatever country you come from has dirty little secrets also???

Have you mentioned your privacy concerns to all the alphabet agencies that are spying on you? They even have people posting on blogs to sway public opinion. From my perspective Wikileaks publishing a few dirty secrets of government pales in comparison, and yes, I know my country is just as guilty. Makes Orwell seem very prophetic.






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24 minutes ago, Rancid said:

Have you mentioned your privacy concerns to all the alphabet agencies that are spying on you? They even have people posting on blogs to sway public opinion. From my perspective Wikileaks publishing a few dirty secrets of government pales in comparison, and yes, I know my country is just as guilty. Makes Orwell seem very prophetic.

I'm not concerned.  I've got nothing to hide.  Sadly, every major country in the world spies.  And has a propaganda department.  But liking Assange for the few good things he's done, IMHO, is not right.  He's committed many crimes and needs to stand accountable for this.  As everybody else does.

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