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In what year do you hit old age?


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Something I saw in another forum made me unsure of the answer.


How old does one have to be to be considered "Old"? At what age do we pass from "middle age" to old age"?



May as well ask at what age is one when enter they enter  "Middle Age"?


I have just turned 62...does that make me middle aged or old aged.?


Be kind folks..it'a valid question


Only nice replies please, and none of the "your as young as you feel crap" or" your only as young as the women you feel"



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when you let go of your dreams and ambitions, when you resign yourself to just being an old fart, when you forget what it was like to be young and stupid, when you think that taking care of your retirement finances is the most important thing, when you start talking to everyone around you about the state of your health, when your children's pubic hairs turn white, when you remember woodstock as something cool and not something you read about, when your wife went to school with janis joplin, when you go to bed at 19:30 and wake up at 08:00, only to be awake 6 hours in-between, pondering your life's shortcomings.

when you think you are old - you are. i think.

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I am about to hit 54, which is the age Dad was when he died from cancer.   Very very concerning.


These days, when I look in the mirror, I am haunted by the image of my father staring back at me.


Ummm.........what was the question again?

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I am about to hit 54, which is the age Dad was when he died from cancer.   Very very concerning.


These days, when I look in the mirror, I am haunted by the image of my father staring back at me.


Ummm.........what was the question again?

Does senility run in your family?
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42 minutes ago, partington said:

This isn't even a difficult question. It's age 60. At 60 you are old and that's all there is to it.  


(EDIT: I am 60)

I think that's about right.  In your fifties if you're in good shape/fitness, and especially if you work at it (gym/pool/diet etc) you can maintain the sense of not being past it, but by 60 the clock is definitely against you.  I've also read that testosterone levels in men dip sharply from 55 plus.  

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I have not yet hit old age - - but it has hit me often enough that I feel old sometimes [often]....


Much of it is relative. Most of my relatives back home get old after about an hour or so... but really, to a 30 year old 62 is pretty old... I don't think you can really expect to live to 124 so, I would not say it is middle age... but you are far from being elderly.... which officially starts when you grunt when you stand up...


ok - kidding aside, there is not much we can do to stop ageing on the calendar but maybe there are other adjustments that we can make to ease the transition and maybe slow the process... and maybe that is an interesting question too... of course, I mean things beyond the combover...



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As they love to say in Thailand:  "Up to you"

Everyone's different. 


When I was 40, I thought 50 was old. (ran a 100 miler at age 51, so that dis-proved that)

When I was 50, I figured 60 must be old.    (ran my last full marathon at 60)

Now, I'm 66 and know I'm getting slower, but can still run.  (still run the half-marathon every year at Laguna)
70 must be old. 

Maybe not. 



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May as well ask at what age is one when enter they enter  "Middle Age"?   Ans.. In the middle.


I have just turned 62...does that make me middle aged or old aged.?    Ans... You have been going from the middle and entering old age.


Be kind folks..it'a valid question.. Ans.. No silly question.


Only nice replies please, and none of the "your as young as you feel crap" or" your only as young as the women you feel"......Ans.. Your as young as feel and as young as the women you feel.

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54 minutes ago, TacoGuy said:

I think that's about right.  In your fifties if you're in good shape/fitness, and especially if you work at it (gym/pool/diet etc) you can maintain the sense of not being past it, but by 60 the clock is definitely against you.  I've also read that testosterone levels in men dip sharply from 55 plus.  


In your 50s you are old too. Men over 40 ....... nobody wants them. Not their wife, not their employer.

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1 hour ago, JJGreen said:

Does senility run in your family?


It runs in my family... When I was 60, I called my mother for a happy birthday... she was a few months from being 90... she told me 60 was no big deal cause she was 186.... At 90, my father thought that ageing was a reversible condition... you will hear people on this thread talk as if they can be younger through one or two activities or mental attitudes... but could they say that to my father at 90? Somehow or other it just does play out.... 

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When i reached 40 i was fine. But i hated reaching 50 and could not really understand why (still in good health). I even got a discount from the local (in UK) leisure centre at 50. So for me 50 is the start of old age, i sort of agree with MissAndry nobody is much interested in you (maybe not as early as 40 but certainly 50). One thing is for sure your kids in their teens and twenties see you as old beyond 50.

Edited by rogeroc
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24 minutes ago, rogeroc said:

When i reached 40 i was fine. But i hated reaching 50 and could not really understand why (still in good health). I even got a discount from the local (in UK) leisure centre at 50. So for me 50 is the start of old age, i sort of agree with MissAndry nobody is much interested in you (maybe not as early as 40 but certainly 50). One thing is for sure your kids in their teens and twenties see you as old beyond 50.


I think things are changing; I think fifty is becoming the new forty.


For example, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and George Clooney are all in their fifties and ooze charm, style and good looks. Plenty of other fifty year-olds out there are in equally good shape.


In one or two decades from now sixty will be the new "middle age".



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When you start to prefer a good steak, to go with a liberal amount of watermelon-wine, instead of slaving of a hot p*ssy.   OR:


If the blue tablets don't work like they used to and you start visiting clinics that administer testosterone -shots, that would be a good indication that you are getting old.

But Note: Every new born male-baby of today will face the same (a few years down the road).


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There can be a difference between when we consider ourselves old and when ‘society’ considers us old, but when your significant others, family, friends and close associates start regarding you as old, it is difficult not to fall in with their perceptions.

I started a thread about Thai perceptions of middle age and the implications earlier this year


I think that being ‘old’ is as much a state of mind as a given number. But what if your perceptions are radically different from those of most people around you, as it probably is if you are a Caucasian living in Thailand?

You might like to ask your Thai spouse and Thai friends what age they regard as “middle aged” and “old”. At what age does “middle age” start and finish and old age begin?

Among my Thai friends that I asked, the average start-finish stated for middle age is 25-45 years old. After 45 you are old already.

I read surveys that were conducted among 2,000 people in the UK and another much larger one conducted in the USA. In the USA the researchers said that most people think of middle age as beginning at 44 and ending at 60. And in the UK the average perceived start of middle age was put at 53!

By the way in both countries the beginning and end of middle age was regarded as being younger for women, which is sad but predictable.

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 I believe, we reach middle age at 40 and old age at 60. Officially a person can die of old age at 60.


They used to say life begins at 40 but it`s really downhill from there. I have never yet met a young person that want`s to be old or an old person that wouldn`t mind being 20 to 30 years younger.

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I felt that I was middle aged to about 68-69.  From then I feel like I am fighting a losing action.  I am in great shape for age 74; I don't drink or smoke, eat properly, bike 100 kms a week and weight training as well.  But it is just a holding action against the physical and mental deteriorations of old age. 

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