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In what year do you hit old age?


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4 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:


How are you supposed to feel at 67?

It is interesting that the people on here that are active and 'fit' assume that they are not old. But how fit are they compared to a young, fit person. I played touch football until 50 but for each of the last 5 years I was losing a yard of pace each year. Could have played on but could not really compete with the 40 yos. So 50 was not old but it was not young either. Would not be able to keep up with the 50 yos now.

Let me recommend golf to you, a unique sport in that it can be played competitively most of your life.

I still occasionally enjoy the look on the face of some young buck who has been outdriving me by 80 -100 yards when we add up our scores at the end of the round. Course management skills and craft around the greens compensates for my lack of length.

I suppose that could be said of my sex life as well......;)

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12 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:


How are you supposed to feel at 67?

It is interesting that the people on here that are active and 'fit' assume that they are not old. But how fit are they compared to a young, fit person. I played touch football until 50 but for each of the last 5 years I was losing a yard of pace each year. Could have played on but could not really compete with the 40 yos. So 50 was not old but it was not young either. Would not be able to keep up with the 50 yos now.

but how many 'young and fit' people are there, really? 3 in 10? or less (australia).


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Just now, transam said:

You say young lady yet she ain't that young in her thirties...So you have a problem with ladies that want to retain their gray hair in their thirties, same as me.....You quote you look younger, post a photo, you will get an honest opinion from me.....BUT, l don't give a flying feeeerk how old a person looks if they are no problem....


I look like my avatar. She looked 70.

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30 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


Just came back from the Philippines, got into a conversation with some 'bar girls', their average age seemed to be early 20s,  (18-23) when I told them men in Thailand where chasing girls in their mid 30s they were absolutely amazed. What's wrong with those men, they asked. If you need to feel younger, Thailand isn't the place to be.



 How can you call them girls in their mid 30s? I'm a young man with 56 then. 

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2 minutes ago, lostinisaan said:

How can you call them girls in their mid 30s? I'm a young man with 56 then. 


Any woman younger than me (see left) is a girl, any man older than me is an old man..

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10 minutes ago, bazza40 said:

Let me recommend golf to you, a unique sport in that it can be played competitively most of your life.

I still occasionally enjoy the look on the face of some young buck who has been outdriving me by 80 -100 yards when we add up our scores at the end of the round. Course management skills and craft around the greens compensates for my lack of length.

I suppose that could be said of my sex life as well......;)


Gave up golf at 60 when moved to Darwin. Choice of barramundi fishing or playing golf in 36C heat. But when I played i thought you blokes must have had a boring game hitting it down the middle all of the time. I explored golf courses with a slice and a hook at any time.

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20 hours ago, TacoGuy said:

I think that's about right.  In your fifties if you're in good shape/fitness, and especially if you work at it (gym/pool/diet etc) you can maintain the sense of not being past it, but by 60 the clock is definitely against you.  I've also read that testosterone levels in men dip sharply from 55 plus.  


My testosterone didn't dip at 55 or way beyond, but Peyronies took care of that issue.  Still works, and works well, but only once a night and not 4+ as it once did, even at 55+, but I must add, not every night.


I'm a fair bit above 55 now, still in the gym three/four days a week, fit as a trout, blood pressure 120/75, told by doctors I have the cadiovascular system of a 30 yo, but all that comes at a price, two hip and one knee replacement from years of running, and surgery on both shoulders from damage caused by lifting weights.  But as they say, it's better to wear out than rust out.


I don't consider myself old yet.

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54 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:


How are you supposed to feel at 67?

It is interesting that the people on here that are active and 'fit' assume that they are not old. But how fit are they compared to a young, fit person. I played touch football until 50 but for each of the last 5 years I was losing a yard of pace each year. Could have played on but could not really compete with the 40 yos. So 50 was not old but it was not young either. Would not be able to keep up with the 50 yos now.

Got your point – but believe there's a difference between "feel" and actual performance.

Fauja Singh ran London Maraton 2012 in 7 hour and 49 minutes, which is not near any young persons time, but he was also 101 years old; he only started running long distance after his wife's death, when he moved from India to London in 1992. In my optic, Fauja Singh is unique – presume (only presume) he don't feel like he's 101 years old – it's not the time, but the performance, that matters; by the way, the young folks called him "The Turbaned Tornado".

I've had the sense of "feeling young" little closer from my own dad, who played tennis till he was 104 – his old tennis pals, who were all younger than my dad, had given up, so he instead played with their sons that were in their 40'ies.

Just hope that I can also keep in some degree of fair shape, long time ahead...:rolleyes:

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32 minutes ago, transam said:

Rolox............My dad passed on in his sleep at 88, my mum at 85 was ferrying folk around for hospital stuff in her 80's.........She had a stroke and it took 11 days to starve her to death because of brain damage....I watched that stuff...........

I my mother plays golf 3 times a week at 75, my gran died a couple  of years ago aged 99.

My granda died aged 61 and the other one at 35.


Ask my friends said I'd be dead before 30. Every day is a bonus. 

I have an attitude of gratitude. Some higher being is looking out for me or just call me very lucky to still be here.


When that goes, out isn't worth living.

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Wow, I never thought this thread would prove so popular!


There have been a great deal of good replies as well as some stupid ones.


What I have garnered from the response is...I am in my dotage...but I don't feel like I am. Sure I don't really live a healthy lifestyle, but my parents are still around at 86 , so maybe there are some family genes to fall back on?


Wish I could bike around and do squat thrusts, but I am not into that, in fact I got a big thumbs up today from Thai guy as I was carrying a massive bag of dog food over my shoulder to my car which was a good hundred yards from the shop!!


Sex could be better, but that's down to my type 2 diebetis, and meds for prostrate problems, but that'something my wife of 12 years accepts, she remembers when the sex was great...none of us are getting any younger that's for sure, and I can only admire the guys in their 70's and 80's who are still managing it all the time....but I wonder if some of it is bullshit, problem is on an open forum like this...people are prone to "big themselves up" and not tell the truth. I don't know of any of my close friends that are having great sex on a regular basis.


Anyway thanks to everyone for your imput



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On 23/08/2016 at 7:12 PM, partington said:

This isn't even a difficult question. It's age 60. At 60 you are old and that's all there is to it.  


(EDIT: I am 60)


You may be , most 60 year olds are not.

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On 8/23/2016 at 8:52 AM, MissAndry said:


In your 50s you are old too. Men over 40 ....... nobody wants them. Not their wife, not their employer.

I beg your pardon; in Thailand girls love me.  I'm 54; I have a fat wallet.

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On 23/08/2016 at 7:12 PM, partington said:

This isn't even a difficult question. It's age 60. At 60 you are old and that's all there is to it.  


(EDIT: I am 60)

I know its not rocket science is it, but a lot of the old codgers will swear blue in the face that they are fitter, faster and better than most of the young blokes running round. Yes some are in better shape than others but your still old. When you have more yesterdays than tomorrows your old. Using average life expectancy as a baseline ( which I guess is what? @80 for the average western male) Then guess what 40 is middle aged, like it or not. As you honestly 60 isold

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1 hour ago, manfredtillmann said:

mine only made it a few years longer but i was in oz when she died in germany. i always think of her when i see your avatar. thank you.

be good



     My sister wanted her to quit smoking, her doctor gave her medicine she should never have taken after a stroke.


      But neither did the doctor know that who gave her a free sample of a company, nor did my sister think further.


        Zyban killed her causing a heart attack, many other younger people committed suicide.


     I was obviously the only one who read the warnings abut this drug. Please see: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-24267/Smokers-die-taking-Zyban-cure.html


Not just that she suffered of a heart attack, an East German ambulance driver didn't know the streets of our city and didn't find our house, only a minute away from the hospital. Emergency doctor following him for about 65 minutes.


   Even a cab driver needs to pass a test to make sure how to get from A to B. I did my best for 65 minutes, but there's no way to get her back.


   Sorry, for a little off topic. You're old when people in a subway stand up and offer you their seat.


        I got your message. You weren't there when "it" happened.  Smiling and sex keeps you young. 

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Your as old as your brain says you are,and as young as the woman you sleep with,well my brain says I am still quite young my wife us 45 God knows who the old guy she is having an affair with, I keep seeing him in the mirror in our house ,but do you think I can catch the bugger,can I hell every time I turn around he is gone

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I didn't hit old age at any age - guess you could say it hit me one day earlier this year....

Have always been active..... Could/can outrun my 9 & 15 y/o in sprints....Played volleyball & basketball with them as well as tossing the frisbee around on the run.....

Also played ball & vball with the younger & college based guys....Not with all the tools as before but enough to compete & lead the team in hitting.....Would also BP a couple of times a week taking 100-128+ rounds of swings - a good full body & core workout.......


Then, earlier this year at a local mineral spa the steps were steep & slick with no rail + mineral water = down I went.....


Thought I'd whacked out my back & right groin muscle (like aftershock earthquakes of pain at any time - tremors - never knew when + like a right side sciatica).....Slow healing so got checked out.....Torn hip labrum.....Have some prepaid trips planned so can't do much until after.....


But very limiting - down to cycling now for non impact exercises - can't BP because it flexes the hip.....First real long term pain experience.....


Was a healty vital 68 up until that moment & probably will get there again - but for the moment feeling "older" for the first time ever.....And don't like it....


Mom made it to a pretty vibrant 89 before she took a fall & most made it to their 90's....Step Dad to 84 but he had Alzheimer's in his family line - none in mine....


So hopefully still a long bit of mischievous years await once I get this thing taken care of.....


But, actually am pretty fortunate so far - had/have  been able to do anything I wanted.....And just stubborn enough to do it again....

So - for me more of a event than an age, but no doubt the life of sports activities helped get this far.....But with the wear & tear sometimes you wonder whether you're actually building it up - or tearing it down.....

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