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Merkel calls Brexit a 'deep break' in EU integration


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Merkel calls Brexit a 'deep break' in EU integration


Alasdair Sandford




Angela Merkel has described Brexit as a “deep break” in the European Union’s history of integration.


She warned that it was important to find a careful answer to Britain’s eventual departure, and that people would only choose the EU if it helped them to prosper.


The German chancellor was in Warsaw meeting leaders of Central European states from the Visegrad group – Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It was part of her diplomatic tour ahead of next month’s summit in the Slovakian capital on the future of the union.


“I am very happy that Bratislava will be the host city of our forthcoming European summit because our tradition of meeting in Brussels results in a lack of opportunities to see people’s real lives and sometimes we are out of touch with what Europe is really about,” Merkel told a joint news conference in Warsaw.


The Bratislava meeting of 27 EU member states – without Britain’s presence – will be a major test for EU unity. Merkel said it should be the beginning of a new listening process.


While some countries want further integration after the Brexit vote, newer members in the east say more power should be devolved to national capitals.


The Warsaw meeting also heard calls for a new European army. Hungary’s prime minister said he wanted security to be a priority for the EU.


“Our first proposal is to maintain the current European economic policy based on rigour, stability, structural reform. What we would like to treat as a priority is defence. We should start building a European army,” Viktor Orban said.


Orban, whose call was backed by his Czech counterpart, has said Hungary will build a new even bigger fence on its southern border to prevent a further influx of migrants.


Merkel was due to fly to Berlin to meet northern European leaders from Denmark, Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands. On Saturday she is scheduled to end the ‘Brexit tour’ by seeing leaders from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-27
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yeh form up a euarmy with junker and tusk at the helm and invade the UK - they already tried it using the stealthy approach pulling more and more power to central Europe - they just didn't know when enough is enough but now they do


who's going to bail out Italy.....the whole thing is a joke

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23 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

Merkel said it should be the beginning of a new listening process.




Maybe, just maybe, if you had listened to Cameron at the start of the year, instead of sending him skulking back to the UK with his tail between his legs, you might not be in this position.


29 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

Our first proposal is to maintain the current European economic policy based on rigour, stability, structural reform. What we would like to treat as a priority is defence. We should start building a European army,” Viktor Orban said.


Of course it is Viktor



Breakdown of Hungary’s finances with the EU in 2014: 

  • Total EU spending in Hungary – € 6.620 billion
  • Total Hungarian contribution to the EU budget – € 0.890 billion




Wouldn't want to stop that money rolling in now, would we.

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27 minutes ago, smedly said:

yeh form up a euarmy with junker and tusk at the helm and invade the UK - they already tried it using the stealthy approach pulling more and more power to central Europe - they just didn't know when enough is enough but now they do


who's going to bail out Italy.....the whole thing is a joke


 More pesos for Greece////

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42 minutes ago, lostinisaan said:

Once the Euroarmy has taken down the UK and reeducated them, other countries will follow, was Dr. Merkel's final statement. :w00t:

The Euro-army thing was mentioned in the run-up to the Referendum. Remainers said that  it was rubbish to suggest this/it would never happen.


Also would it conflict with NATO? As we saw in former-Yugoslavia, the real military-alliance in post-war Europe.

Edited by Andrew65
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Wouldn't want to stop that money rolling in now, would we.

In today's daily mail, according to David Cameron's biographer, Merkel quite fancied our Dave and therefore went out of her way to give him a favorable deal.

Would hate to see the deal he got if she hated him.
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4 minutes ago, BaldPlumber said:


In today's daily mail, according to David Cameron's biographer, Merkel quite fancied our Dave and therefore went out of her way to give him a favorable deal.

Would hate to see the deal he got if she hated him.




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2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

She warned that it was important to find a careful answer to Britain’s eventual departure, and that people would only choose the EU if it helped them to prosper.




Orban, whose call was backed by his Czech counterpart, has said Hungary will build a new even bigger fence on its southern border to prevent a further influx of migrants.


Isn't there a slight dichotomy of views here?



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The world was going to end just a few short month or two ago...


The world economy was going to dive in to the deep blue sea......


But here we are.....still alive and kicking......


You should realise people actually make money on all of this shit.....

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9 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

The Euro-army thing was mentioned in the run-up to the Referendum. Remainers said that  it was rubbish to suggest this/it would never happen.


Also would it conflict with NATO? As we saw in former-Yugoslavia, the real military-alliance in post-war Europe.


The German Foreign Minister was wetting herself with excitement about this prospect after Brexit. She announced that now the blocking Brits were leaving the EU could speed this project up.


An EU Army, loyal to and controlled by a German dominated EU Commission. What could possibly go wrong?

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17 hours ago, BaldPlumber said:


In today's daily mail, according to David Cameron's biographer, Merkel quite fancied our Dave and therefore went out of her way to give him a favorable deal.

Would hate to see the deal he got if she hated him.


The thought of Dave & Angie "in congress" has just made me feel quite queasy!!:w00t::giggle:

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