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SURVEY: Should Marijuana be legalized?


SURVEY: Do you believe that Marijuana should be legalized in Thailand?  

413 members have voted

  1. 1. SURVEY: Do you believe that Marijuana should be legalized in Thailand:

    • Yes, but only for those with medical conditions for which it is suspected or known for being effective.
    • Yes, I believe it should be legalized for both medical and recreational use.
    • No, I do not believe that legalizing Marijuana is a good idea.

This poll is closed to new votes

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9 hours ago, robblok said:



9 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Britain as well as other countries has seen it's standards drop and its society has been on a downward spiral ever since marijuana was introduced and has been more or less accepted. All drugs should be outlawed like they used to be when we lived in a world based on morals, decency and the possession of a work ethic. Much more severe sentencing should be introduced to discourage the use of any drugs.


We've always had drunken violence but not the lazy, shiftless behaviour exhibited by those that inhabit the dream world associated with marijuana. And it DOES often lead the user on to harder drugs which often prove to be impossible to get off of and leads those who partake into a life of crime that inflicts misery upon the victims and themselves.

what planet are you from ??? Uranus ??


OK  you asked me explain    You blame the downward spiral of Britian on marijuana,,  a baselss conclusion ,,, you then say a more severe sentencing will discourage drug use also a baseless conclusion that has been disproven over and over again,, yiu seem to thik that drunken violence ( which i presume you have been involved in ) is better than being relaxed,, and as far as drug use leading to harder drugs its because its illegal and most street dealers also deal in other drugs so the introduction to those drugs is based on the illigality of marijuana, and more crime deaths and ruined lives can be attributed to booze drinking twits with their heads in Uranus  like you

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10 hours ago, robblok said:



10 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Britain as well as other countries has seen it's standards drop and its society has been on a downward spiral ever since marijuana was introduced and has been more or less accepted. All drugs should be outlawed like they used to be when we lived in a world based on morals, decency and the possession of a work ethic. Much more severe sentencing should be introduced to discourage the use of any drugs.


We've always had drunken violence but not the lazy, shiftless behaviour exhibited by those that inhabit the dream world associated with marijuana. And it DOES often lead the user on to harder drugs which often prove to be impossible to get off of and leads those who partake into a life of crime that inflicts misery upon the victims and themselves.

what planet are you from ??? Uranus ??


OK  you asked me to explain    You blame the downward spiral of Britian on marijuana,,  a baselss conclusion ,,, you then say a more severe sentencing will discourage drug use also a baseless conclusion that has been disproven over and over again,, you seem to think that drunken violence ( which i presume you have been involved in ) is better than being relaxed,, and as far as drug use leading to harder drugs its because its illegal and most street dealers also deal into other drugs so the introduction to those drugs is based on the illegality of marijuana, and more crime deaths and ruined lives can be attributed to booze drinking twits with their heads in Uranus  like you

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54 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Are you as misinformed on every issue?


Would you care to expand on your assertion and say why.


Otherwise your accusation of my being misinformed means nothing. It remains just an assertion that lacks any evidence or proof to back it up.

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37 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

I never saw him smoke cigarettes  - but he could have earlier on, like myself, I quit 35 years ago...........so I have to blame it on his marijuana useage.

Again, that Ministry spokesperson was referring to Cannabis as being an "addictive" behavior altering drug, not the long-term health effects to cardio-pulmonary system. :whistling:


The Nicotine addiction is the most powerful substance addiction in human history. Thus, the tobacco industry has a guaranteed "cash-crop" market. In addition the governments of the world have a guaranteed "cash-cow" tax-base. Now, hopefully you can figure-out "the rest of the story", on your own! Cheers!

Edited by NativeSon360
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2 minutes ago, MANFROMBOCA said:


what planet are you from ??? Uranus ??


OK  you asked me to explain    You blame the downward spiral of Britian on marijuana,,  a baselss conclusion ,,, you then say a more severe sentencing will discourage drug use also a baseless conclusion that has been disproven over and over again,, you seem to think that drunken violence ( which i presume you have been involved in ) is better than being relaxed,, and as far as drug use leading to harder drugs its because its illegal and most street dealers also deal into other drugs so the introduction to those drugs is based on the illegality of marijuana, and more crime deaths and ruined lives can be attributed to booze drinking twits with their heads in Uranus  like you


There's really no need to start being personal!


When someone resorts to personal insults it's a sure sign that they're angry and frustrated and are incapable of expressing what they're trying to say.


Give it some thought, take your time and try harder. Use some of your big words if you have to. If I don't understand them I'll look them up in the dictionary!

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Back in the UK,i was a single parent with a daughter from the age of 6 until 18.her mother was a shit bag and i was given sole custody,care and control.As she grew up into a beautiful girl, i had to become a dad of modern times.i knew the parties that she went to would involve some boozing and drug use.I always used to tell her,that i would rather her be at a party where people were puffing than at a party where every one was pissed up on whiskey and speed or coke.

She turned into a wonderful sensible woman,who joined the fire brigade,drives the big red engine,can sign to people that are deaf and dumb to the 3rd level and is fluent in French. Not bad for a kid whose  councilors told me that she would be a basket case by 12,because of her mother.And the icing on the cake is,she has just presented me with my first grandson.

For a boy from the East end,i cant have done much better.i say,that i think a J is less harmful.

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50 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:


I had a good friend, a long term resident of Thailand, that died from Emphasyma due too chronic Marijuana use - so  the 'experts here' can't tell me its not harmful in the long run..........just look at Willie Nelson, 67 & looks like 100.:coffee1:   as with alcohol, moderation is the key .

I had a friend who died from chronic  fried food consumption:P. as with everything , moderation is the key

even moderation needs to be used in moderation:P

As for Willie Nelson I am sure that there are chronic marijuana users who look younger than they are, but I would not go as far as to suggest it is due to their marijuana use. In fact it is possible that if Willie Nelson did not smoke , he would look like 110 years old:lol:

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1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:


I had a good friend, a long term resident of Thailand, that died from Emphasyma due too chronic Marijuana use - so  the 'experts here' can't tell me its not harmful in the long run..........just look at Willie Nelson, 67 & looks like 100.:coffee1:   as with alcohol, moderation is the key .


TR, Willie Nelson is 83!


You gave me a bit of a shock there!

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1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:


I had a good friend, a long term resident of Thailand, that died from Emphasyma due too chronic Marijuana use - so  the 'experts here' can't tell me its not harmful in the long run..........just look at Willie Nelson, 67 & looks like 100.:coffee1:   as with alcohol, moderation is the key .


Your friend who died from lung disease might have died sooner from depression, if not for the joy he experienced while smoking pot for many years.   Let me guess; he probably smoked tobacco also.  And did he drink fermented sugar drinks?   I know a guy who chewed on toothpicks and died at 53. Did toothpicks do him in?  Maybe he died of Dutch Elm disease.


Drinking alcoholic drinks will decimate a body and mind a lot more thoroughly than daily pot use.  I've known thousands of pot smokers and thousands of drinkers, so I have some experience on the topic.   Eating red meat, ingesting sugar, MSG, trans-fats, and hundreds of other things can debilitate a person also.  Pharma drugs kill and debilitate more people than all illegal drugs combined. 


I just went on a 3 hour rock climbing jaunt with several youngsters in their 20s and 30s.   I'm in my 60s.   I had to often stop and slow down, because they couldn't keep up with me.   How does that relate to fitness?   I don't know, but saying someone died of pot smoking is a stretch.  

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It may just be my own personal impression but reading the responses to this thread it seems that the debate has moved more to supporting the use of Marijuana than it would have been here on TVF as recently as say 5 years ago. 



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1 minute ago, Deepinthailand said:

I find it funny that so many say taking drugs is ok yet the same people are the first to jump up and down when a drunk driver kills someone. Dual standards I belive. Or do you really think drugs won't affect your judgment.!!!!!! Ps I drink tiger shitthater


I wouldn't find that funny, though I might find it a dual standard. 


But is anyone here suggesting its acceptable to take drugs and drive (including alcohol)?


I ask because maybe I missed that. 

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4 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

I find it funny that so many say taking drugs is ok yet the same people are the first to jump up and down when a drunk driver kills someone. Dual standards I belive. Or do you really think drugs won't affect your judgment.!!!!!! Ps I drink tiger shitthater

 Marijuana is one drug,I don't think anyone said that taking drugs is OK.

 further more I dont think anyone has suggested that taking any drugs ,(marijuana is one , alcohol is an other, there are many), is ok while driving a vehicle or engaging in any activity that would endanger them selves and others.

I cant believe you would think we would jump up and down when a drunk driver kills someone but we would give a pass to some one high and driving who kills someone. Have you ever seen or hear of  this happening?

Anyone under the influence , of anything should be held accountable for his/hers actions.

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:


There's really no need to start being personal!


When someone resorts to personal insults it's a sure sign that they're angry and frustrated and are incapable of expressing what they're trying to say.


Give it some thought, take your time and try harder. Use some of your big words if you have to. If I don't understand them I'll look them up in the dictionary!

OK , why dont you try and answering the response to your ridiculous claims    and it was you who first got personal  and im not the angry drunk SIR  im the one on weed ,,,, and your personal attack and then your accusing others of the same and then answering with a snide remark just shows your true colors,, and what does big words or small words matter its best to get a point across using whatever words work best,,,,,


but of course you want to be right regardless of the facts so you divert using Fox news tactics which i guess is where you get your info from so to quote you ( which im amazed anyone would do )  "Give it some thought, take your time and try harder" and take a kinder road if you want a kinder response

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2 hours ago, NativeSon360 said:

Again, that Ministry spokesperson was referring to Cannabis as being an "addictive" behavior altering drug, not the long-term health effects to cardio-pulmonary system. :whistling:


The Nicotine addiction is the most powerful substance addiction in human history. Thus, the tobacco industry has a guaranteed "cash-crop" market. In addition the governments of the world have a guaranteed "cash-cow" tax-base. Now, hopefully you can figure-out "the rest of the story", on your own! Cheers!


Sorry. Nicotine is not addictive at all. That's just propaganda, and you've swallowed it hook, line and sinker.



The big fraud in the tobacco issue was none other than the publication of the 1988 Surgeon General Report entitled “Nicotine Addiction’’. This fraud is incomprehensible unless one sees the link with the launch of the nicotine gum. The major premise of the Report seems to be a syllogism that states: “Tobacco products cause a powerful addiction’’ The minor premise is: “Tobacco contains a neurotropic poison - nicotine’’. Hence follows the conclusion: “Therefore nicotine is responsible for the addictiveness of tobacco’’. But there is no evidence that allows us to draw such a conclusion. A host of other assumptions are possible, and there are even major arguments to oppose it, such as the fact that no cases of nicotine dependence have ever been documented when this substance was used in isolation, as was already established long before the “Medication Enterprises” began marketing nicotine as a form of medication. This duplicity is more than amazing when you consider how common it is for addicts to experiment with the purified extracts of their plants of choice. Since no formal evidence of dependence to pure nicotine has yet to be produced, the conclusion that nicotine alone is addictive is not a syllogism, but rather, pure sophistry.

And yet, against all scientific rigor, this fallacy was implanted through repetition, hammered in as an unassailable truth, all with the support of health authorities and politicians. Thus the famous Fagerström test in the AFSSAPS good practice recommendations, continues to be called ‘’test for nicotine dependence’’. Yet not one of its 6 items even refers to it. This is simply a test for cigarette dependence and we would have no objection if it were referred to as such. Is this a minor detail? No, it is clearly an intentional mistake, extremely serious in its consequences both intellectually and scientifically. Because having arbitrarily decided that nicotine alone explains tobacco dependence and having it ingrained in the minds of doctors, the authorities and the public, any research on the other possible factors of this dependency is now excluded in advance and a vast new market is made available for commercial exploitation by the pharmaceutical industry.


Professor Robert Molimard




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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


There's really no need to start being personal!


When someone resorts to personal insults it's a sure sign that they're angry and frustrated and are incapable of expressing what they're trying to say.


Give it some thought, take your time and try harder. Use some of your big words if you have to. If I don't understand them I'll look them up in the dictionary!

12 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Britain as well as other countries has seen it's standards drop and its society has been on a downward spiral ever since marijuana was introduced and has been more or less accepted. All drugs should be outlawed like they used to be when we lived in a world based on morals, decency and the possession of a work ethic. Much more severe sentencing should be introduced to discourage the use of any drugs.


We've always had drunken violence but not the lazy, shiftless behaviour exhibited by those that inhabit the dream world associated with marijuana. And it DOES often lead the user on to harder drugs which often prove to be impossible to get off of and leads those who partake into a life of crime that inflicts misery upon the victims and themselves.


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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


There's really no need to start being personal!


When someone resorts to personal insults it's a sure sign that they're angry and frustrated and are incapable of expressing what they're trying to say.


Give it some thought, take your time and try harder. Use some of your big words if you have to. If I don't understand them I'll look them up in the dictionary!

12 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Britain as well as other countries has seen it's standards drop and its society has been on a downward spiral ever since marijuana was introduced and has been more or less accepted. All drugs should be outlawed like they used to be when we lived in a world based on morals, decency and the possession of a work ethic. Much more severe sentencing should be introduced to discourage the use of any drugs.


We've always had drunken violence but not the lazy, shiftless behaviour exhibited by those that inhabit the dream world associated with marijuana. And it DOES often lead the user on to harder drugs which often prove to be impossible to get off of and leads those who partake into a life of crime that inflicts misery upon the victims and themselves.

just so your remember what you wrote

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Fascinating topic and interesting set of responses.

Personally I would prefer it were legal as an alternative to alcohol, which is responsible for thousands of direct and indirect deaths through disease, accidents, and violence.


I would also prefer it were legal as an alternative to cigarettes, which are far more addictive and have quantifiable health risks.

The arguments about people laying around all day smoking weed are as tenuous as they are for people laying around all day drinking beer, smoking, watching TV or playing computer games - it's called personal responsibility.


That's why most people have a skinful at the weekend but take Sunday night off before they're back to work.


That doesn't mean there aren't some caveats; one of them that hasn't been mentioned here is edibles: They are even making things like gummy bears with THC, and this has lead to an uptick of kids visiting the ER because they can't tell the difference. But in that respect, you should surely treat it the same as toilet blocks and drain cleaner, which still, for some reason, come in colourful packaging that can be attractive to young children.

Any parent should protect their children against poisons around the house, and that includes alcohol and marijuana.



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Fascinating topic and interesting set of responses.

Personally I would prefer it were legal as an alternative to alcohol, which is responsible for thousands of direct and indirect deaths through disease, accidents, and violence.


I would also prefer it were legal as an alternative to cigarettes, which are far more addictive and have quantifiable health risks.

The arguments about people laying around all day smoking weed are as tenuous as they are for people laying around all day drinking beer, smoking, watching TV or playing computer games - it's called personal responsibility.


That's why most people have a skinful at the weekend but take Sunday night off before they're back to work.


That doesn't mean there aren't some caveats; one of them that hasn't been mentioned here is edibles: They are even making things like gummy bears with THC, and this has lead to an uptick of kids visiting the ER because they can't tell the difference. But in that respect, you should surely treat it the same as toilet blocks and drain cleaner, which still, for some reason, come in colourful packaging that can be attractive to young children.

Any parent should protect their children against poisons around the house, and that includes alcohol and marijuana.



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1 hour ago, GuestHouse said:

It may just be my own personal impression but reading the responses to this thread it seems that the debate has moved more to supporting the use of Marijuana than it would have been here on TVF as recently as say 5 years ago. 



Yeah, do you think the recent immigration crackdown has gotten rid of that low-life anti-cannabis crowd?

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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Would you care to expand on your assertion and say why.


Otherwise your accusation of my being misinformed means nothing. It remains just an assertion that lacks any evidence or proof to back it up.

My question is more related to your unsupported statements.

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22 hours ago, robblok said:

Never did i Imagine that so many on this site were so liberal. I am shocked that only 2 voted against it. 

Maybe we are conservatives and don't want the government in our private lives. Being dependent on the government and having them tell you what to do is a liberal leftist ideology and stupid for that matter.

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