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Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'


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Just now, Shawn0000 said:

It is asinine to generalize the practices of a religion as diverse as Islam on the actions of a minority. 


I'll judge the religion by the actions and words of it's prophet. Looks pretty asinine right from the source.

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Just now, Chicog said:


Bizarrely, when I first came to the Middle East, on one of the many forms I had to fill out, they asked for Religion and I put ''none''. I was told that they simply wouldn't understand that, and to stick down "Christian" to avoid any complications (which I did).


None of the Muslims I work with get the atheist thing. They can understand Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, etc., but they simply cannot get their head around "atheist".


Doesn't bother them, doesn't affect the way they treat me, they just don't understand it.




Yeah, adds up.



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1 minute ago, mesterm said:


I'll judge the religion by the actions and words of it's prophet. Looks pretty asinine right from the source.

Why judge at all. 

More civilized nations have freedom of religion and religious expression as long as that expression is legal.

Surely going out to eat isn't crossing any lines. 

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Islam is not a race, but as usual, people are being labeled as racist for their disdain of Islam.

For my part, I have disdain for all religion, they are nothing more than a collection of mythical beliefs, most being benign, with Islam being the most evil 

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1 hour ago, alocacoc said:

The mood turned against muslims in Europe. This is no surprise. Read local news of German, Swedish, France..... newspapers and you see how they act. Robbery, molester, raping childrens and elders, beating innocents and so on. Every single day. Muslims do nothing to try to improve their image. It is what it is.


It's up to the restaurant who it will accept or not.


They also eat children and elders after they rape them, and hold occult ceremonies where they drink the blood of Virgins after sacrificing them to Satan. 

Edited by Calach
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4 hours ago, Caps said:

I thought restaurants and bars etc had the right not to serve anyone they choose.  He said he doesn't want them in his place.  Is that not his choice? 

People might call it racist but at the end of the day if the person who owns the business doest want you there then tough.

Or are we going to start forcing people to take business just because it suits a certain group



This is absolutely correct. Restaurants have the right to refuse to serve patrons, for whatever reasons they want. It is the Muslims that are being thin skinned, and sensitive about this. Take it like a man. The people of your religion are blowing up women and children. Can you not see why a veil or habbib is considered a symbol of that mayhem? Instead of complaining, get out there into the streets, and start protesting against the extremist elements trying to hijack your faith. Do something productive. 


The veils are OK in Saudi, or in Pakistan, places associated with backwards, middle age beliefs. But, in the west they should be banned entirely. It is up to the Muslim men to adapt, and to allow their women to expose their faces in public. Veils are atrocious. They symbolize everything that is wrong with contemporary Islam. 

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1 minute ago, stander said:

Islam is not a race, but as usual, people are being labeled as racist for their disdain of Islam.

For my part, I have disdain for all religion, they are nothing more than a collection of mythical beliefs, most being benign, with Islam being the most evil 


Yes, as the UN would label them, perhaps it time you got with the times.

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:

Not really, not unless you take them out of context.

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. 


But sure, over a hundred verses can be taken out of context, and the book can claim to be the infallible, uneditable word of God.


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Just now, mesterm said:

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. 


But sure, over a hundred verses can be taken out of context, and the book can claim to be the infallible, uneditable word of God.



Yes, it is out of context if you disregard the opening statement that states that it is only acceptable to kill non-believers when under attack and instead use these versus speaking of what is acceptable during war on their own in a lame attempt to smear Islam as being some sort of religion of war.

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:

Yes, it is out of context if you disregard the opening statement that states that it is only acceptable to kill non-believers when under attack and instead use these versus speaking of what is acceptable during war on their own in a lame attempt to smear Islam as being some sort of religion of war.


Did the Islamic prophet kill non-believers when only under attack? No, he was a conqueror who waged war. The same prophet who allowed his soldiers to rape the women they captured and take them as slaves.


Pretty lame attempts yourself.



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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Why judge at all. 

More civilized nations have freedom of religion and religious expression as long as that expression is legal.

Surely going out to eat isn't crossing any lines. 


Sorry, I think it's fine to have critical opinions of certain belief systems. Thankfully many Muslims themselves are doing this: http://ex-muslim.org.uk/


But I agree, what this restaurant did was wrong and stupid.

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1 minute ago, mesterm said:


Did the Islamic prophet kill non-believers when only under attack? No, he was a conqueror who waged war. The same prophet who allowed his soldiers to rape the women they captured and take them as slaves.


Pretty lame attempts yourself.




Oh, so now you are referencing the inclusions of the Torah, the very same set of rules that are found in the Old Testament but childishly only applying them to Islam, lame would be the word.


And the many years of persecution at the hands of the Meccans are just disregarded and you start history with Muhammad "attacking" rather that as it actually was, defending his people from persecution.  You might try learning just the very basis of this history before making a fool of yourself again.

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1 hour ago, Hawk said:

Hotels, bars, restaurants, nightclubs etc have the right to refuse service to anybody


3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

someone apparently violated the law in refusing to serve these women


1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

The french guy was well within his right to tell the muzzlim women he did not want to serve them


31 minutes ago, Chicog said:

I don't think French (or for that matter, EU) anti-discrimination laws prevent them serving someone based on their religion


23 minutes ago, Chicog said:

I'd summon my best, although limited, French and call him the racist ar$ehole that he is.

It's bigotry, not racism. default_rolleyes.gif


10 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Restaurants have the right to refuse to serve patrons, for whatever reasons


So we're all agreed then?   default_tongue.png

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:


Oh, so now you are referencing the inclusions of the Torah, the very same set of rules that are found in the Old Testament but childishly only applying them to Islam, lame would be the word.


And the many years of persecution at the hands of the Meccans are just disregarded and you start history with Muhammad "attacking" rather that as it actually was, defending his people from persecution.  You might try learning just the very basis of this history before making a fool of yourself again.


Can't be as foolish as someone who chooses to blindly believe in Islam, but nice try :) 

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16 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Yes, as the UN would label them, perhaps it time you got with the times.

The UN treats Islam preferentially to appease violent Muslims, thereby violating everyone’s human rights and breeds even more resentment.

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2 minutes ago, stander said:

The UN treats Islam preferentially to appease violent Muslims, thereby violating everyone’s human rights and breeds even more resentment.


What possible relevance could your lie have to my statement about generalizing on Islam?

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2 minutes ago, mesterm said:


Can't be as foolish as someone who chooses to blindly believe in Islam, but nice try :) 


"blindly believing" in a philosophical religion?  That isn't something many Mullahs welcome, they welcome allegorical readings and discussion.

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:

"blindly believing" in a philosophical religion?  That isn't something many Mullahs welcome, they welcome allegorical readings and discussion.


Sure. So in your "allegorical reading" did Muhammad fly up to heaven on a winged horse? Or maybe it was a UFO?

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38 minutes ago, Chicog said:

I live in what you ignorantly call "Arabia" and I do not "act like Arabs". I eat bacon. I drink alcohol. I dress in western garb. I do all of these in places in which Muslims are permitted. They can choose if they want to go or not.


Not that you would, but try walking down one of their souks with a can of beer in your hand and see what happens to you. The point is, everyone needs to keep their own culture a bit in check when they're sharing the space of the resident culture….it's not just good manners, it's vital for self preservation.

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He might have gotten away with not serving them, but his remarks were WAY out of line.  


When I lived in the ME, women did not eat with anyone in a restaurant except for their father/brother.   They were also seated in a different section of the restaurant from single men.

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I among many would not allow any person into my establishment if they were wearing any apparel that concealed their identity :)  Must say I often wondered how they ate food with their faces covered over, must be spaghetti sauce all over the shop ! I also must comment on the numerous people who seem to think there is nothing wrong with walking around with nothing to show if they are male or female or anything else. I seriously believe your heads are where the sun never shines :)

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:

No, of course not! The Buraq Muhammad rode is a metaphor for intelligence.


That's odd, since it's hard to find signs of intelligence in his teachings. Mostly just borrowed garbage from past Abrahamic religions combined with his own ego, sexism and bigotry.

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1 minute ago, mesterm said:


That's odd, since it's hard to find signs of intelligence in his teachings. Mostly just borrowed garbage from past Abrahamic religions combined with his own ego, sexism and bigotry.


You are the blind follower, you haven't read a thing.

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7 hours ago, PremiumLane said:


Yet most terrorism is caused by white right wing groups, but I guess they are not sitting on oil :) 


ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, PLO,  all right wing fascists eh? Well that's a new one.


Just can't recall seeing any white right wing groups producing videos beheading people, burning people alive, getting children to commit murder, raping people, forcing people to become sex slaves and wantonly destroying historical cultural objects to promote their own blasphemy and wicked evil ideology.


Can you give is the links and/or research to support your claim?

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1 minute ago, mesterm said:


Sorry, not interested in re-reading nonsense :)


Not that it would be anything but the first time for you, though,but never mind, keep blindly repeating other bigots nonsense that embarrass you with public displays of sheer ignorance.

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