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Venturing to Mexico, Trump defends right to build huge wall 


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57 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

A rather sordid legacy as it turns out. :coffee1:

The Clinton Foundation is none other than a Racketeering Enterprise

.Go no further than here for the facts:  http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/tag/clinton-foundation/


Any credible reference? Any opinion from anyone with some legal knowledge of RICO and who is not a blindly partisan mouthpiece, like Giuliani?


Not one thing that you allege can be taken seriously while the only sources are partisan hit pieces. Benghazi - Clinton faces multiple inquiries and is cleared. Emails - Clinton faces investigation and no charges filed. Clinton Foundation - accusations of racketeering but where are the charges? Nowhere to be seen.


How many millions of people has the Foundation helped? How many have you?

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51 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Here’s Trump’s plan for combating illegal immigration, boiled down to its simplest elements:


1. Build the wall

2. End catch and release policy for undocumented immigrants and instead return them to their country of origin

3. Have zero tolerance for undocumented immigrants who have committed a crime. He will deport them.

4. Triple number of deportation officers at the department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

5. Repeal President Obama’s executive orders that temporarily protected undocumented immigrants from deportation and authorized them to receive work permit

6. Stop issuing visas to any country where “adequate screening cannot occur” that might endanger national security;.

7. Ensure foreign countries take back deported immigrants from the United States: Mr. Trump said 23 countries refuse to do so

8. Complete a biometric entry and exit visa tracking system under development. “It will be on land, it will be on sea, it will be in the air,” he said.

• A memorable passage from this speech: “Our message to the world will be this: You cannot obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country. Can’t do it. This declaration alone will stop the crisis of illegal crossing. You can’t just smuggle in, hunker down and wait to be legalized. Those days are over.”


Now, what on earth is wrong with those 8 very valid points we ask?  :facepalm:


Didn't Trump announce a 10 point plan? What happened to the other 2? Imploded from the sheer weight of implausibility, impracticality or just plain stupidity?


Immigration from Mexico to the US is declining. Why all this fuss and potential expense over a problem that doesn't exist. Maybe it's a job creation for right wing gun nuts, sorry pro 2A patriots, to be employed as border security? Kind of a sheltered workshop to put these weirdos in the desert out of harms way.

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15 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

So Trump bounded onto the stage at Phoenix to address the throng, let's not mention that the venue was half empty.  "On my first day in office I will deport 2 million immigrants.  I know I said 11 million but I was only joking about that!"


It's so embarrassing now but that just makes it so much funnier.


Thats the tough part about planning turn-out at Republican speeches. You have to hold it on weekends since Republicans are all at work during the weekdays. 


Those that did show up were obviously retirees. You know, the folks you love to hate...the people who worked hard for a living and took pride in contributing to America and did not live on hand-outs. 

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Well speaking as someone of retirement age who hasn't yet, I have the greatest respect for anyone who has worked hard and contributed to their countries development, whatever there colour or ethnicity.  The USA is a country made up of immigrants separated only by timeframes.  I don't however have any respect for the conmen who preach hatred trough lies and propaganda.  In other words politicians or wannabe politicians that erode the credibility of the country that they are supposed to be representing

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8 hours ago, keemapoot said:


There is a large menu of measures that can be done, some of which you have outlined. The wall is a stupid, unworkable idea, and no, it is not just a symbol, Trump used it to win the primaries with his constituency. I don't think his supporters consider it a symbol. They want this kind of action.  As far as RICO - :wacko:  And, yes, I understand RICO laws as well as anyone on this forum.

Yes, I too think it's stupid building a wall.... they oughta build TWO!


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9 hours ago, Chicog said:

It makes me laugh seeing all these idiots at Trump rallies cheering him on when he keeps talking about the bad Mexicans taking jobs and driving wages down.


Thank your stars the mexicans havent figured out a way to do your job. 

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Ha! Ha! A Hillary supporter.  Boy have you got that wrong.  Both candidates are a disaster.  I would sooner see a three legged lesbian goat as President than either of the current candidates.  Unfortunately there were no such goats available.  I have said before that with these two idiots the USA is up sh*t creek without a paddle.  I am not a leftie or a right wing nutjob.  I have no allegiance to any political party in the USA or in the UK come to that.  I vote for who I think will do the best job at the time. Thank goodness I don't have to vote in the US in November.  If there was ever a no-win election then this one surely is.


Why would I bash the angry old white guys, I am one myself! 

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TRUMP Eyes Using Seized Assets from Drug Cartels to Pay for GREAT BORDER WALL


What a great idea or what? :)


"Advocates of the “make the cartels pay” plan believe it has the added benefit of punishing the “worst of the worst who bring violence to our streets and prey on innocent Mexicans and Americans,” while giving political cover to both leaders to accomplish their objectives. Sources close to both the Mexican government and the Trump campaign have confirmed that this proposal exists, but wish to remain anonymous given the preliminary nature of the discussion"



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TRUMP Eyes Using Seized Assets from Drug Cartels to Pay for GREAT BORDER WALL


What a great idea or what? [emoji4]


"Advocates of the “make the cartels pay” plan believe it has the added benefit of punishing the “worst of the worst who bring violence to our streets and prey on innocent Mexicans and Americans,” while giving political cover to both leaders to accomplish their objectives. Sources close to both the Mexican government and the Trump campaign have confirmed that this proposal exists, but wish to remain anonymous given the preliminary nature of the discussion"



They already seize assets. Let us know when he actually comes up with an original thought.
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Have they focused these assets towards building this most necessary wall? :whistling:

After seizure the money goes into the government pot. Impossible to say that it is then only spent on certain government programmes. It will be used to help pay for various things just like income tax is. Tweeting that Mexico is going to pay for the wall 100% then saying asset seizure will pay for it are two completely different things. The asset seizure money will be taken from use on other programmes so effectively the American tax payer will be paying for the wall.
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Just now, alanrchase said:

. The asset seizure money will be taken from use on other programmes so effectively the American tax payer will be paying for the wall.



Negative.  The Drug Cartels are the ultimate source of the funds.

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Negative.  The Drug Cartels are the ultimate source of the funds.

Yes, but as they already seize assets those funds are already part of financing the country. If you now divert them to building the wall there will be less money to finance the rest of the country. Make some cuts in expenditure, Americans suffer. Raise tax to make up the loss, Americans suffer. Raise the national debt, Americans suffer. The American tax payer will suffer to build the Wall, Mexican drug cartels will be in the same boat they are in now.
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5 minutes ago, alanrchase said:



Yes, but as they already seize assets those funds are already part of financing the country. If you now divert them to building the wall there will be less money to finance the rest of the country. Make some cuts in expenditure, Americans suffer. Raise tax to make up the loss, Americans suffer. Raise the national debt, Americans suffer. The American tax payer will suffer to build the Wall, Mexican drug cartels will be in the same boat they are in now.



The 'American Taxpayer' is sick & fed up with Criminal Illegal Aliens slaughtering them in the streets whether by vehicle or firearm.  It's time to use that seized money for a worthwhile cause other than to fund some far-left 'study' on why cities such as Detroit etc are a slum or why with the most restrictive gun laws on the books, Chicago's death spiral is at a 20 year high. :thumbsup:

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The 'American Taxpayer' is sick & fed up with Criminal Illegal Aliens slaughtering them in the streets whether by vehicle or firearm.  It's time to use that seized money for a worthwhile cause other than to fund some far-left 'study' on why cities such as Detroit etc are a slum or why with the most restrictive gun laws on the books, Chicago's death spiral is at a 20 year high. :thumbsup:

Thank you for at last agreeing that the American tax payer will be paying for the wall.
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On 9/1/2016 at 6:52 AM, keemapoot said:


His favorite (and just about only) charity is himself. This publicity stunt was all part of his TV reality star, unpredictable, deal-maker persona that he hopes to capitalize on post-election loss. Look for him at a TV network near you soon. Nieto is suffering in popularity and wanted to show his electorate that he will call Trump on the carpet to stop saying nasty things about his country and people.

I am very interested to see if there will be a "Trump Network" after the election...with 40 million avowed supporters, it would be a viable venue for him to continue to be in the spotlight...

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19 minutes ago, hdkane said:

I am very interested to see if there will be a "Trump Network" after the election...with 40 million avowed supporters, it would be a viable venue for him to continue to be in the spotlight...


I'm sure he would do it as long as somebody else pays for it. OPM (other people's money) is the motto of this trustfunder turned billionaire.

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3 hours ago, alanrchase said:


Thank you for at last agreeing that the American tax payer will be paying for the wall.


Au contraire there bud, I'm not agreeing with you at all.

And, according to Crooked Hillary, paraphrasing now - taking that seized drug money and assets will be for the 'Common Good.'  And there's nothing better in terms of good than building a wall to keep these Criminal Illegal Aliens swarming across the country.


Hillary in 2004: “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good”



Sounds a little Commie doesn't it?  :whistling:



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Au contraire there bud, I'm not agreeing with you at all.

And, according to Crooked Hillary, paraphrasing now - taking that seized drug money and assets will be for the 'Common Good.'  And there's nothing better in terms of good than building a wall to keep these Criminal Illegal Aliens swarming across the country.


Hillary in 2004: “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good”



Sounds a little Commie doesn't it?  :whistling:



So you are still agreeing that America is paying for the wall and that asset seizure is not an original idea.
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On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 6:46 PM, ClutchClark said:

What the heck?


Trump traveled to Mexico simply because he was invited?


That boy has so much to learn. A trip like that would never be made by the Clintons until several million dollars (not pesos) were "contributed" to the Clinton Foundation.


Hillarys time is going to cost you more than a dime!




We gave Obama 8 years of OJT (which obviously didn't take).   Trump doesn't have nearly as much to learn...


What the heck has a cartel-ridden failed state riddled with mass graves like Mexico got to say about the U.S. wanting to build a wall?!   12 million illegals and counting...



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