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A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


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3 minutes ago, PTC said:


Credible sources only please. Hit pieces need not be posted. Waste of bandwidth.


You seem to blame the Clinton's entirely for the culture of influence that pervades the US political system. This system has even been endorsed by the Supreme Court. Don't blame HRC for being more successful at manipulating this system that others.

" A staggering 85 of the 154 private citizens who managed to meet or speak with her by phone donated money to the Clinton Foundation. That looks improper — as if the secretary used her position to raise money for her family foundation"


That's not quite kosher now is it?  :facepalm:

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4 minutes ago, PTC said:


Credible sources only please. Hit pieces need not be posted. Waste of bandwidth.


You seem to blame the Clinton's entirely for the culture of influence that pervades the US political system. This system has even been endorsed by the Supreme Court. Don't blame HRC for being more successful at manipulating this system that others.


Let me see if I got this right PTC, (1) Hillary is not responsible for her corruption (2) The Supreme Court endorses Hillary's scandals and (3) you most like her for being more successful at manipulating the system than others.


I just hope the f... your not an American otherwise our country may well be lost.

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2 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

" A staggering 85 of the 154 private citizens who managed to meet or speak with her by phone donated money to the Clinton Foundation. That looks improper — as if the secretary used her position to raise money for her family foundation"


That's not quite kosher now is it?  :facepalm:


Kosher or not, Citizens United endorsed the long standing principle of monied politics in the US system. Like I said, you are just blaming HRC for being better at it than anyone else. Sour grapes really.

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"The author of the book, Peter Schweizer, worked as a foreign policy adviser to Sarah Palin. He was a fellow at the Koch-funded Hoover Institute, a former speechwriting consultant for George W. Bush, and he has a history of botched hyper-partisan reporting." And yea, somebody with more than one working brain cell would believe any of the hogwash this guy wrote with those credentials? Yea right.


And no, I despise all the Clintons but I despise the fascist Trump even more. Neither will get my vote and no Hillary should have never received the "nomination". The US has sunk to a new and perhaps unbeatable low, naw, the Empire is crumbling and will take all its citizens with it. I vote Jill Stein, Bernie turned out to be chickenshit when push really came to shove.

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^^Like I said, you are just blaming HRC for being better at it than anyone else. Sour grapes really.


You leftest are so distorted on right and wrong, legally or ethically.  Corruption is always a problem that will continue forever and needs continued monitoring...forever.


That folk brag about their candidates scamming abilities is worrisome....to say the least.

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It's clear that even those that hate Trump on TV can't find anything good to say about HRC as they only attack Trump. If I ask them to explain why HRC is worth voting for they either ignore me, or come up with some really pointless reasons.

In the end, I think it is going to depend on who is hated the most as to whom wins.

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4 minutes ago, bassman said:

^^Like I said, you are just blaming HRC for being better at it than anyone else. Sour grapes really.


You leftest are so distorted on right and wrong, legally or ethically.  Corruption is always a problem that will continue forever and needs continued monitoring...forever.


That folk brag about their candidates scamming abilities is worrisome....to say the least.


The self-righteousness of the pitchfork mob. Hurling accusations of corruption against one side only. Something almost Thai about this.


Intellectual dishonesty is defined as not applying the same standards to yourself as you do to others. But then of course most of your posts would then be officially dishonest with their wild accusations against HRC, Democrats and with your latest pearl, the entirety of left-wing thinkers.


Being lectured on ethics by a partisan lackey. Please.

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7 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

"The author of the book, Peter Schweizer, worked as a foreign policy adviser to Sarah Palin. He was a fellow at the Koch-funded Hoover Institute, a former speechwriting consultant for George W. Bush, and he has a history of botched hyper-partisan reporting." And yea, somebody with more than one working brain cell would believe any of the hogwash this guy wrote with those credentials? Yea right.


And no, I despise all the Clintons but I despise the fascist Trump even more. Neither will get my vote and no Hillary should have never received the "nomination". The US has sunk to a new and perhaps unbeatable low, naw, the Empire is crumbling and will take all its citizens with it. I vote Jill Stein, Bernie turned out to be chickenshit when push really came to shove.

Yeah, Bernie folded like a wet paper napkin when it came to it.

I can't see a real Bernie supporter voting for the 1% HRC though.

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1 minute ago, PTC said:


The self-righteousness of the pitchfork mob. Hurling accusations of corruption against one side only. Something almost Thai about this.


Intellectual dishonesty is defined as not applying the same standards to yourself as you do to others. But then of course most of your posts would then be officially dishonest with their wild accusations against HRC, Democrats and with your latest pearl, the entirety of left-wing thinkers.


Being lectured on ethics by a partisan lackey. Please.


OK...what is your point on the subject?  Or do all you have is insults at me personally?

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And the Donald is honest, oh give me a break. He is a sociopathic liar. And yes, the Republican's baby, Citizens United has backfired on them. How high's the water mama, 10 foot high and rising. The US while having sunk to a new low is still sink and stinking. No matter who wins, the US and the world will be worse off. Both are evil,  just in different ways and shouldn't be elected dawg catcher in a one dog town.

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2 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

And the Donald is honest, oh give me a break. He is a sociopathic liar. And yes, the Republican's baby, Citizens United has backfired on them. How high's the water mama, 10 foot high and rising. The US while having sunk to a new low is still sink and stinking. No matter who wins, the US and the world will be worse off. Both are evil,  just in different ways and shouldn't be elected dawg catcher in a one dog town.


Just where do you suggest we  go?  Your a wise man and I really want to know your short thoughts on this. 



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9 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Mee shy

Nothing to do with a so-called 'Republican Attack Machine'  Everything to do with:

1.  Benghazi

2.  Clinton Foundation

3.  Bathroom computer server containing classified material.

4.  Whitewater

5.  Do we need to go on?  :whistling:

If I hear Benghazi , one more time, she's Untouchable, Get over it..,

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Why do some American people support Hillary????

If she is elected President not only the US but the whole western world will be f.....

Nonsense, Trumpanzees are on the Loose, with Wishy Washy Trump, what is he gonna do in his administration, Flip Flop and go on Vacation

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This is just another in a long list on Right Wing Nut conspiracies to denigrate the first woman to become President, following the first black-man to become the US President.   Knowing what we now know about the Obama administration and H. Clinton's past behavior, what could possibly go wrong? 

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9 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

I suspect the only thing that can deny her the White House is if Julian Assange releases the goods and they are as advertised. Of course, even if the emails explicitly show Hillary armed ISIS, there will be a strong contingent of her worshipers who will insist it means nothing. I suspect Hillary talking to the low information voters via her interview with (whomever had her open the jar, I can't remember) about her boring emails is a preemptive effort to get people to not care if it is shown she armed the most savage terrorist organization on the planet. Or perhaps they'll simply blame George W. Bush.


I think the bottom line is that unless Trump drops out of the race, Hillary will be elected. She's by far the lesser of two evils by way of Trump being completely incompetent and more dangerous to boot.

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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

The Republican Attack Machine is getting some of their desired results.  If they repeat lies and attacks often and forcefully enough, some of it will stick.


And if they repeat the truth often and forcefully enough, some Democrats will wake up and see the light.    default_tongue.png

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Lots of different posts about various poll results.  Probably best to look at Poll of Polls data which show recent various polls results.  When looking at numerous polls Hillary has around a 5% lead which is BIG at this point in the ball game as most people have already decided who they will vote for barring some new scandal/negative (and truthful) info coming to light which would cause people to change their vote.   Heck, even a 30 Aug FoxNews poll shows Hillary with a 6 point lead.  Donald has a big hill to climb to avoid this election being a landslide for Hillary electoral vote wise....whoever gets to 270 electoral votes become Prez.





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2 hours ago, bumpkin said:

It is very likely that a proportion  of the support she has,  is really a vote against DT.  And some of it is a vote for old Bill C. Not a vote for HC.


Who would be an American voter this time around ?  

I agree voting the lesser of two evil is mostly what's driving this election. I don't believe Bill Clinton is a significant factor. 

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13 hours ago, useronthenet said:

......for anyone who had a belief that the Clintons were the classic law abiding, squeaky clean Americans.


Who expects the Clintons or anyone else to be "classic law abiding, squeaky clean Americans."  Are you squeaky clean?  Is your family?   Your pastor?    Your senator or congresswoman?   Who is "classic law abiding, and squeaky clean?"   Trump?   ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....chortle, ha.  


6 hours ago, colinneil said:

Why do some American people support Hillary????

If she is elected President not only the US but the whole western world will be f.....


Colin, let me guess, you're from that little island north of Europe where people eat spotted dick.  That's fine.  It's good that non-Americans show interest in what's going on in US politics.  However, you should get better informed.  It sounds like you're getting your info from highly biased mean-spirited hard-righters.  They eat paranoia for breakfast and poop fear loaves in the afternoon.   Come on over the the bright side.  Listen to Bill Clinton's speech at the DNC and you'll get an idea of what HRC is really about from the person who knows her best.   She's had a long career of actively helping people in need.  She's been quite effective since before she got out of college, in tangibly improving peoples' lives, particularly women, kids and the disadvantaged.  Look at her track record instead of listening to fearful hate-monger like Gingrich who say, "You people should be terrified!!!"


6 hours ago, bassman said:

Boomer, give it up trying to defend the crooked Demo candidate, looks like your alone today in trying to defend her 35 years of criminal activity.  Just to name some of the silly scandals of the Clinton's would show their sickness to push the envelope between unethical and illegal such as: cleaning out $200,000 of government property when they left the White House; renting the Lincoln bedroom out for donations; and now we know from the latest leaks, that they were selling seats to State Dept. luncheons and dinners, with biggest donors getting the best seating. Go on  and show us all your wisdom.


Bassman, you want me to give up because too much truth hurts Trump fans.  Sunlight is a good disinfectant.  If the things you mentioned are the worst HRC did in her 40 years of public life, then that's rather paltry.  I know you and other Trump fans would rather have some really bad shit to stick to her, but there's nothing of consequence. Sorry.  Trump does more harm to Americans in any given week than HRC has done in her entire career.  Just one of dozens of examples:  Trump continues to string out court appearances with the 3,500+ court cases against him, most of which are regular workers and contractors suing to get paid what Trump Inc. promised them.

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