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The "Great" things our Wives/GF's do


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I thought I would start a thread( per JJ's comment in another thread) as to the "Great" things your Wife/GF do for you here in Thailand. We always hear of the bad things and how men get scammed here but what about us guys that have an outstanding life here  (Please exclude your sexcapades or that she can cook. I mean what else does she do for you)


For me the list is actually quite long but here are a few


1) Without ever having to ask she absolutely always insures I am comfortable and have what I need. She makes sure I have the food I like and always keeps it balanced and healthy.


2) She spends a lot of time always trying to save a few baht when she absolutely doesn't have to. When I mention don't worry about it, its only a few baht, she looks at me and says "Always respect money and mind it well, anything can change". She is a master of finding a deal and actually saves a lot of money where I wouldn't spend any time. Now I am to the point when I want something I just ask her and she goes and finds it and has always saved money, in some cases a lot. 


3) Her thoughtfulness. She does things for me because I do things for her. She never feels she has to do them, she does them because she wants to. Example, I like fish but never eat it because I hate picking through it for bones. She will order fish and pass to me only meat with no bones. I do not ask her to, she just does it.


Post up the Great things your missus does.



Edited by JAFO
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Nice positive one. Very odd the lack of response thus far.


1. Mrs thinks she's a doctor whenever I get bit by mosquitos. Applies ointments.

2. Mrs insists on clipping my nails twice a month.

3. Mrs will stand in freezing cold shower and wash me when I would rather get in and get out ASAP. Need to fix shower asap!

4. Mrs will always check a food bill before we pay ( awkward sometimes)

5. Mrs is overly prudent where monies concerned. 

6. Mrs is just downright bloody good at most thing she turns her hand to and is continually solving everyday problems one at a time.






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It's likely because it's a positive post. I have started a few others over my years with same results because they are nice threads.  Like the news. It sells when people can enjoy others misery.  


Anyway to your points, my list matches yours. Sometimes I sit back and just smile.  Life is nice.


Another one my wife does she will coordinate all trips.  Travel plans and accommodations .  She sees that I had a long week at work and says " Let's go some where?". I say OK. Good Idea. She says. Good. I already set it up.  



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7 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

Nice positive one. Very odd the lack of response thus far.


1. Mrs thinks she's a doctor whenever I get bit by mosquitos. Applies ointments.

2. Mrs insists on clipping my nails twice a month.

3. Mrs will stand in freezing cold shower and wash me when I would rather get in and get out ASAP. Need to fix shower asap!

4. Mrs will always check a food bill before we pay ( awkward sometimes)

5. Mrs is overly prudent where monies concerned. 

6. Mrs is just downright bloody good at most thing she turns her hand to and is continually solving everyday problems one at a time.






Yes I can agree with the Doctor, clipping my nails, checking the food bill and likes watching the Baht.

Even though I was not used to these qualities, it nice. 

My partner always like to make sure I am comfortable and relaxed on an evening.


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1 hour ago, JAFO said:


It's likely because it's a positive post. I have started a few others over my years with same results because they are nice threads.  Like the news. It sells when people can enjoy others misery.  


Anyway to your points, my list matches yours. Sometimes I sit back and just smile.  Life is nice.


Another one my wife does she will coordinate all trips.  Travel plans and accommodations .  She sees that I had a long week at work and says " Let's go some where?". I say OK. Good Idea. She says. Good. I already set it up.  




'Moving home, 2 years' is a current live positive Post that has had a lot of response. 

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I am always pleased to read about someone who is happy and contended.


This is not intended to take the thread into negative territory (just a different point of view) but when I read the OP I wasn't sure if he was describing a wife, a nurse or a tame pet!


My missus is a whole lot more challenging - but she did teach me how to remove fish meat from the bones on my own.

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Here is an excerpt from a topic of mine.  I think it fits here in 'great things our wives do.'


"I have a really great life but I am nevertheless not enjoying the aging process and birthdays in particular. My wife seems to sense my trepidation this time of year so she planned a special day for me.

We drove nearly 60 kilometers to the Meridien Hotel in Chiang Rai. My wife checked us in and we headed to the room. There I found a large bouquet of flowers on the bed and a small birthday cake with my name on it.
We changed clothes and headed to the gym for a workout followed by a sunset swim in their beautiful riverside pool. After getting cleaned up we had a romantic dinner for two at Favola Restaurant topped off by another birthday cake and the staff singing happy birthday.
After a romantic night in the hotel we got up late, had a leisurely and delicious breakfast before another brief workout and checking out at noon.
It was planned by my wife without my knowledge and I didn’t have to do anything but relax and enjoy myself with my favorite person. I am feeling pretty darn lucky to have such a caring partner, even after 19 years together."
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1 hour ago, Caps said:

Even though I was not used to these qualities, it nice. 


Yes, I think that has taken me some time to get used to. In the west I seldom experienced that kind of care or attention. Being I was single for 5 years prior to remarrying I was fully self sufficient. Its been strange letting go of some of that but I sure like it.





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50 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

I am always pleased to read about someone who is happy and contended.


This is not intended to take the thread into negative territory (just a different point of view) but when I read the OP I wasn't sure if he was describing a wife, a nurse or a tame pet!


My missus is a whole lot more challenging - but she did teach me how to remove fish meat from the bones on my own.


Your point of view is quite fair and I was not offended. Interesting my wife has a medical degree and has worked at hospitals since her mid 20's. Probably a lot of why she is the way she is. 


As for the bones and fish, Well I refuse to eat them( Love catching them though and am an avid fisherman just always did catch and release).  Anyway she asked why,  I said "I don't want to mess around getting the bones out to eat it. to much work.  I never mentioned it again and she just takes care of it. Its those simple things that make a huge difference.

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12 minutes ago, JAFO said:


Yes, I think that has taken me some time to get used to. In the west I seldom experienced that kind of care or attention. Being I was single for 5 years prior to remarrying I was fully self sufficient. Its been strange letting go of some of that but I sure like it.





Yes I hear you....very different to Western Women.

Even though my partner works if I say my back, legs etc ache then she offers to massage me and make me comfortable no matter how tired she is...I found it a bit strange at first..just the little things like wanting to get up and fill my glass/mug up as soon as its empty, washing the dishes as soon as we have finished etc.  

But I am a great believer in a 50/50 relationship and that what we have, from cleaning to cooking to money, very happy

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2 hours ago, Caps said:

Yes I hear you....very different to Western Women.

Even though my partner works if I say my back, legs etc ache then she offers to massage me and make me comfortable no matter how tired she is...I found it a bit strange at first..just the little things like wanting to get up and fill my glass/mug up as soon as its empty, washing the dishes as soon as we have finished etc.  

But I am a great believer in a 50/50 relationship and that what we have, from cleaning to cooking to money, very happy


I am absolutely the same way.  I do not feel comfortable without it being 50/50. Our deal is I take care of the outside, all house repair, car,  tractor stuff . She does the inside and all the other things she just does.  Works out excellent.



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5 hours ago, transam said:

Heeeeey, I'm still finking..........:facepalm:.................:lol:


So am l   :facepalm:when my wife is busy l stay out of the way. :D


We'll a bit like passing ships in the night most times because the wife works and l don't. :D

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11 hours ago, JAFO said:


It's likely because it's a positive post. I have started a few others over my years with same results because they are nice threads.  Like the news. It sells when people can enjoy others misery.  


Anyway to your points, my list matches yours. Sometimes I sit back and just smile.  Life is nice.


Another one my wife does she will coordinate all trips.  Travel plans and accommodations .  She sees that I had a long week at work and says " Let's go some where?". I say OK. Good Idea. She says. Good. I already set it 

I have to admit I'm a control freak where trips are concerned but I'm a bit more experienced than better half so I know what to avoid. Last year I took mrs to koh libong for her birthday was beautiful if a little primitive  (Internet scarce, no ATM, no pork:-( ) had a lovely time just wasting days on an empty beach. We moved from bkk to NE this year so have not had many breaks to be honest the comparison of the two makes me feel we are on a break, very peaceful and fresh air. I like the caring nature of the Mrs but I have to sometimes remind her I can fend for myself and not to worry so much. 

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4 hours ago, Kwasaki said:


So am l   :facepalm:when my wife is busy l stay out of the way. :D


We'll a bit like passing ships in the night most times because the wife works and l don't. :D



I think that, for a relationship to be successful, it is as much about managing time apart as it is the time spent together.

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5 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



I think that, for a relationship to be successful, it is as much about managing time apart as it is the time spent together.


Yeah you have got it IMHO every relationship that works is there on many aspects on relationships and how they, we work it out is a minefield it's not a JJ Green virus infection. :lol:

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Not wanting to rain on someones parade but:

- The nail clipping & fish bone business: This is expected of a Thai Lady by Thai Males. = Nothing special.

- The saving money business: Every Bht spent by the Farang externally, is a Bht not spent on her.

For people with a longer term perspective: Every bath not spent externally, will benefit the Lady (inheritance), once the Farang has gone to heaven.

It's not a question of is this "good or bad", it just reflects completely normal "Thai thinking".

It could not hurt, if Farangs would familiarize themselves with certain "Thai Ways", that have been in practice, long before the first Tourist arrived in Thailand.




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56 minutes ago, swissie said:

Not wanting to rain on someones parade but:

- The nail clipping & fish bone business: This is expected of a Thai Lady by Thai Males. = Nothing special.

- The saving money business: Every Bht spent by the Farang externally, is a Bht not spent on her.

For people with a longer term perspective: Every bath not spent externally, will benefit the Lady (inheritance), once the Farang has gone to heaven.

It's not a question of is this "good or bad", it just reflects completely normal "Thai thinking".

It could not hurt, if Farangs would familiarize themselves with certain "Thai Ways", that have been in practice, long before the first Tourist arrived in Thailand.




No one's questioning the uniqueness of the niceties in fact if you read through the posts there are similarities with most. What I do question is your need to state the obvious. I appreciate my situation as do some of these chaps hence when the opportunity presented itself I spoke. I could say a lot more but I'll just whatever happens in future I'll always find the positive no matter what. 

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1 hour ago, swissie said:

Not wanting to rain on someones parade but:

- The nail clipping & fish bone business: This is expected of a Thai Lady by Thai Males. = Nothing special.

- The saving money business: Every Bht spent by the Farang externally, is a Bht not spent on her.

For people with a longer term perspective: Every bath not spent externally, will benefit the Lady (inheritance), once the Farang has gone to heaven.

It's not a question of is this "good or bad", it just reflects completely normal "Thai thinking".

It could not hurt, if Farangs would familiarize themselves with certain "Thai Ways", that have been in practice, long before the first Tourist arrived in Thailand.





Interesting post swissie.  I clip my own nails.  LOL. Certain things should remain our own.

As for your money point of view, I have to disagree. My wife doesn't need to save baht.  She does it because she respects it and coming from the west it has been a good thing for me to learn to appreciate as well.. She spends very little on herself and spends way more on me. Again every one is different. I suppose there are some that think like that and can't wait for the man to die. My wife laughs a lot when I pass on buying something, she says you can't take it with you so why save it for others to enjoy. 

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54 minutes ago, nikmar said:

Tolerates my moodiness.


To your point Nikmar. While I am not moody as much, I am relentless when I want to do something or buy something. I can be very impatient most of the time and she manages it that well. I have learned if I mention it, it will likely happen. Seldom do I ever have to ask.

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On 9/4/2016 at 8:18 AM, Jip99 said:

I am always pleased to read about someone who is happy and contended.


This is not intended to take the thread into negative territory (just a different point of view) but when I read the OP I wasn't sure if he was describing a wife, a nurse or a tame pet!


My missus is a whole lot more challenging - but she did teach me how to remove fish meat from the bones on my own.

i don't need to be taught or shown a lot of things my wife does for me and perhaps some i can even do better, but i very much appreciate her selfless attitude in devoting her time and efforts to me.

making me feel good, comfortable and happy seems to be on top of the list of all things she wants to do.


i REALLY, REALLY love that in her after the two selfish bitches i have wasted my time with for some 30 years.

thank you, JAFO, for starting this conversation.

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1 minute ago, manfredtillmann said:

i don't need to be taught or shown a lot of things my wife does for me and perhaps some i can even do better, but i very much appreciate her selfless attitude in devoting her time and efforts to me.

making me feel good, comfortable and happy seems to be on top of the list of all things she wants to do.


i REALLY, REALLY love that in her after the two selfish bitches i have wasted my time with for some 30 years.

thank you, JAFO, for starting this conversation.


To your point Manfred, I found your last paragraph to really hit home.  I have known many friends that were dealing with extremely selfish inconsiderate women. This is why I appreciate my wife so much.  Who knows what the next 10 years holds but for now I am enjoying sharing as it is reciprocated. 

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Had one GF who was great in bed but other than that a total waste of space and a drain of cash. Current GF of over two years cooks great (I taught her:), is kind, does all the wash and ironing, cleans the house, does 90% of the dishes, goes to university, seldom asks for money, the list goes on and on .... I am a lucky man I guess ! The only problem is that she thinks I am the most handsome man in the world and can sometimes be very jealous. Oh what a lucky man he is :)

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