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Philippine president regrets 'son of a bitch' remark 


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Philippine president regrets 'son of a bitch' remark 
VIJAY JOSHI, Associated Press


VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte expressed regret Tuesday over his "son of a bitch" remark while referring to President Barack Obama, in a rare display of contrition by a politician whose wide arc of profanities has unabashedly targeted world figures including the pope and the U.N. chief.


In a statement read out by his spokesman, Duterte said that while his "strong comments" in response to questions by a reporter "elicited concern and distress, we also regret it came across as a personal attack on the U.S. president."


Duterte had made the intemperate remarks Monday before flying to Laos, where he is attending a regional summit. He had been scheduled to meet Obama separately in Laos, but Obama indicated he had second thoughts, and the White House announced that the meeting had been canceled.


The Philippines did not comment publicly on the cancellation until about nine hours later, when Duterte's statement said that both sides had "mutually agreed to postpone" the meeting.


Even though Duterte's latest comment does not amount to an apology, the expression of regret is unusual for the tough-talking former mayor, who is unapologetic about his manner of speech and liberally peppers casual statements with profanities such as "son of a bitch" and "son of a whore."


But perhaps Duterte's aides realized it would be unwise to take on the most powerful official in the world, and that there would be a price to pay for insulting the president of the United States.


The U.S. is one of the Philippines' largest trading partners and a key security ally in its fight against terrorism in the country's south. Manila also needs Washington's help in dealing with a more assertive China in the disputed South China Sea. The U.S. also provides hundreds of millions of dollars in annual financial assistance to the Philippine military.


Duterte likely had realized his folly by the time he arrived in the Laotian capital of Vientiane on Monday night.


Speaking to reporters here, he said, "I do not want to quarrel with the most powerful country on the planet," but immediately took his typical combative approach by saying: "Washington has been so liberal about criticizing human rights, human rights and human rights. How about you? I have so many questions also about human rights to ask you. So ... people who live in glass houses should not" throw stones at others.


He said if the White House had problems with him, it could have sent him a diplomatic note and let him respond. "There's a protocol for that," Duterte said. "You just cannot shoot a statement against the president of any country."


But by Tuesday, he had done a complete U-turn in the tone of his statement.


"We look forward to ironing out differences arising out of national priorities and perceptions, and working in mutually responsible ways for both countries," the statement said.


The flap over Duterte's remarks started when a reporter asked him how he intends to explain the extrajudicial killings of drug dealers to Obama. More than 2,000 suspected drug dealers and users have been killed since Duterte launched a war on drugs after taking office on June 30.


In his typical foul-mouthed style, Duterte responded: "I am a president of a sovereign state and we have long ceased to be a colony. I do not have any master except the Filipino people, nobody but nobody. You must be respectful. Do not just throw questions. Putang ina, I will swear at you in that forum," he said, using the Tagalog phrase for "son of a bitch."


Duterte has previously cursed Pope Francis and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.


"Who is he (Obama) to confront me?" Duterte said, adding that the Philippines had not received an apology from the United States for misdeeds committed during its colonization of the country.


He pointed to the killing of Muslim Moros more than a century ago during a U.S. pacification campaign in the southern Philippines, blaming the wounds of the past as "the reason why (the south) continues to boil" with separatist insurgencies.


Last week, Duterte said he was ready to defend his bloody crackdown on illegal drugs, which has sparked concern from the U.S. and other countries.


Duterte said he would demand that Obama allow him to first explain the context of his crackdown before engaging the U.S. president in a discussion about the deaths.


Duterte has had a troublesome relation with the United States, questioning its inability to stop genocidal killings in the Middle East and Africa, and citing U.S. police shootings of black Americans that have set off protests.


He has also taken on a more conciliatory position with U.S. rival China. Philippines-China ties were strained under Duterte's predecessors due to territorial conflicts in the South China Sea. Duterte proclaimed early in his presidency that he would pursue a foreign policy not dependent on the United States.


Former Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario, under whose watch U.S.-Philippine relations blossomed, expressed disappointment over the aborted meeting with the U.S.


"An invaluable occasion to have our leaders meet for the purpose of discussing how to strengthen our comprehensive areas of cooperation would have been a golden opportunity," del Rosario said.


Associated Press writer Jim Gomez contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-06
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Funny how they always get a "spokesman" to do the retraction/apologies.  Coward.

Yes, let's bring up a century-old thorn (during the days when empire-expansion/imperialism was the admired model) to settle a 21st century problem.   Throwing :hit-the-fan: always cleans things up, doesn't it?  

As is Trump, Duterte is a real poster-boy for "political suaveness."   Future candidate for U.N. Secretary, anyone?  :whistling:


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Just read in the BP that Obama canceled his meeting with Duterte.  Good.  Regardless of the content of the message, you expect a certain level of civility at that level.  He should have done the same in China over the calculated snub he received there.

Edited by ChidlomDweller
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Duterte : " “I will ask the Navy to bring me to the nearest point in South China Sea that is tolerable to them and I will ride a jet ski‎. I will carry a flag and when I reach Spratlys, I will erect the Filipino flag. I wil tell them (Chinese), Suntukan o barilan"



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8 minutes ago, Opl said:

Duterte : " “I will ask the Navy to bring me to the nearest point in South China Sea that is tolerable to them and I will ride a jet ski‎. I will carry a flag and when I reach Spratlys, I will erect the Filipino flag. I wil tell them (Chinese), Suntukan o barilan"



He needs to pair up with macho Putin (shirtless, of course) on his horse.  Maybe Putin & horse could pull Duterte & skis through a mud puddle for a photo op before the big Spratly show?   

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21 minutes ago, Michael8511 said:

The world better get ready when Trunp take over the White House, can't wait to that day and see these 2 clowns work together and try to solve the crisis in the South China Sea. 

The clowns in power before (in the Philippines) and the current US president haven't achieved anything in that area at all. They can't do any worse. Besides, one would hardly call it a crisis as few world leaders are discussing it. It's a topic that no one wants to bring up in case they upset China.

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Duterte is a goon, a goombah, a street thug, a punk, a man who appears to have no education, no dignity, no class, no elegance, definitely no statesmanship, and a mouth that he cannot control. He is not doing his people proud. His pride, and man child behavior reminds me a bit of Chavez, or Castro the elder (la cucaracha). Some of the things he says makes the world cringe, and I am sure his people are finding him a bit embarrassing at the moment. The US has a long term relationship with the PI, and his grandstanding is simply meant for domestic public consumption, by a small percentage of the people who like this kind of stuff. He reminds me alot of Trump, except he is smart enough to keep the profanity out of it, so far at least. 


In a statement read out by his spokesman, Duterte said that while his "strong comments" in response to questions by a reporter "elicited concern and distress, we also regret it came across as a personal attack on the U.S. president."


I say that is the mark of a coward. He pretends to be so tough. He pretends to be so unforgiving, and so brutal. Yet, he does not even have enough guts and courage to read this statement himself? 

Edited by spidermike007
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1 hour ago, Fookhaht said:

Funny how they always get a "spokesman" to do the retraction/apologies.  Coward.

Yes, let's bring up a century-old thorn (during the days when empire-expansion/imperialism was the admired model) to settle a 21st century problem.   Throwing :hit-the-fan: always cleans things up, doesn't it?  

As is Trump, Duterte is a real poster-boy for "political suaveness."   Future candidate for U.N. Secretary, anyone?  :whistling:


Trump never Apologies !

And the guy only regrets saying it.

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Asia in general seem to be the only countries to speak their mind about the USA's continued interference in this region. 

Thailand also done it with the American Ambassador, who was preaching to the country. If they were to tone down the rhetoric, perhaps the Americans might find Asian countries more receptive. 

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this Duterte is not only a fascist killer but also a foul mouthed b..ch

and he has no balls to say it in English but his local language to get some more votes which is also disgusting.

but if he said this in English, i was respecting him right now on this for having balls to say such words to the president of USA.


i mean, i cannot believe citizens of Philippines for selecting such a lowly guy as their president. Filipino friends i talk are ashamed to the point that when you say Duterte, they want to hide under the table!


ad then after all these, he basically eat what he sh...t which means this guy has no honor as well.

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28 minutes ago, Galactus said:

this Duterte is not only a fascist killer but also a foul mouthed b..ch

and he has no balls to say it in English but his local language to get some more votes which is also disgusting.

but if he said this in English, i was respecting him right now on this for having balls to say such words to the president of USA.


i mean, i cannot believe citizens of Philippines for selecting such a lowly guy as their president. Filipino friends i talk are ashamed to the point that when you say Duterte, they want to hide under the table!


ad then after all these, he basically eat what he sh...t which means this guy has no honor as well.

After he called the Pope the "son of a whore" to his 82% Catholic  constituency, I suspect he lost a couple of staunch Catholic Filipino supporters, albeit still not enough to lose the election.  

How reckless can a guy be?  

I have family who are Trump supporters, and after a while, they cheer him with their fingers in their ears, because they can't stomach his language, insults, or lies.  I suppose there's a parallel to the Duterte electorate there as well.  

Small consolation:   Now Obama at least  has something in common with the Pope.   I understand that "bitch" and "whore" are pretty interchangeable in Tagalog. 

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14 minutes ago, Merylhighground said:

While he may be a nut job, he is one of the few/the only regional leaders unafraid to highlight some members of his country's elite to be directly involved in the regional drugs trade. Beats putting a bullet into lowly mules...

I've spent time in Duterte's home town (Davao) and he's worshipped there, mostly for his ability to cut through the "crap" and get things done, and to Hades with anyone who is an obstructionist.   Have to hand it to a guy who can do that in overly-bureaucratic and crony-esque Asian governments, whether they be at the local or national level.  At the same time, I personally don't condone extra-judicial actions by any politician as a means to accomplish their objectives.  

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29 minutes ago, Merylhighground said:

While he may be a nut job, he is one of the few/the only regional leaders unafraid to highlight some members of his country's elite to be directly involved in the regional drugs trade. Beats putting a bullet into lowly mules...


yeah but then those elites are in our out of country living happily still and they receive no problems as sure they are always get informed ahead by their birds

and it is poor drug dealers or users forced on drugs getting killed extrajudicial way.

so a classic example of classic asian leadership. kill some poor guys for show and votes claiming that you are eliminating the drug problem. This policy get soften and elites and drug use will be in rise again.

same as Thailand as an example. They had a similar approach here as well a decade and more ago and does it prevent drug use? no, drug use is on rise.


dont get fooled by the populist policies and words of such fascists!

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3 hours ago, Opl said:

Duterte : " “I will ask the Navy to bring me to the nearest point in South China Sea that is tolerable to them and I will ride a jet ski‎. I will carry a flag and when I reach Spratlys, I will erect the Filipino flag. I wil tell them (Chinese), Suntukan o barilan"



He has a sense of humour that most foreigners can't grasp. Did you miss the way he joked about China wanting all of the South China Sea. He suggested they should try to get the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean too.

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It is not the first time for Obama.  He just does not want to be called this name in front of cameras where it will be broadcast around the world.  He has his "Lilly-white" image to protect.  Obama and his peanut-gallery are a minority group.  Many world leaders agree with the PI President IMHO.

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"The U.S. also provides hundreds of millions of dollars in annual financial assistance to the Philippine military. "


Maybe the US should just apologise for the colonial era - might be cheaper......


By the way - does anyone know where this money actually goes?

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1 hour ago, bangon04 said:

"The U.S. also provides hundreds of millions of dollars in annual financial assistance to the Philippine military. "


Maybe the US should just apologise for the colonial era - might be cheaper......


By the way - does anyone know where this money actually goes?

It's not unheard of for countries to apologize for old injustices. In 2008 the Australian government apologized to the "stolen generation" which started 100 years earlier.


I don't see why the US government can't apologize for atrocities they committed 100 years ago in the colonized Philippines. That would be the civilized thing to do.

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2 minutes ago, nausea said:

I'll bet he does. You call the American president the son of a whore and you're not insulting one man (where I think he was coming from) but a whole country.

I'm sure plenty of people have called him worse. He doesn't seem particularly popular right now. You should be hoping for a stronger leader.



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