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Selling Lottery tickets at Temple


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I don’t go to temple too much…only with the GF of the time..but i dont remember this..

Today i noticed there were numerous Lottery sellers.. situated in a prominent position near one of the shrines …Opposite them were a couple more.

Popular to buy at temple because they are extra lucky?

I don’t know a lot about Buddhism but I don’t generally think of religion and Lotteries going hand in hand

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If you knew a little more about the Thai temples you would know that some of the "monks" sell the underground lottery numbers.  It's more surprising that they allow vendors selling the real thing to cut into their business.


I am a novice on the ways of the temple. Can u explain more what u mean and how it works?
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Hello there, I think 'Kensisaket' meant to say that the monks will give you a certain number (supposed to be winning number-because they were blessed by his special power), when you received this number you donated some cash to this monk. Well, you go to him to ask for a number.

So if these vendors for lottery hang around his temple there will be less people going to him for his special numbers, don't forget villagers and farmers have limited money to spend on these tickets. They buy either one not both.

Once people started saying this monk special number strike first prize that's it- everybody will be going to him and he became sort of a celebrity. And he may in his ignorance believes that Buddha had blessed him. He walks around smiling because his bank account is swelling. Monks are not supposed to have a bank account but there again this is Thailand, did you not see the advertisement, "Amazing Thailand" now you understand? You sure you do?

I once heard someone said, " if only tourism has not destroyed Thailand, Thailand would be really beautiful", e.g. you don't hear broken english spoken, you don't see people fighting over a 50 Baht overcharge, Thais will be singing in their rice fields- or making love there perhaps. Monks and everybody will not become greedy. Sort of like "Bhutan" today. The wise King of Bhutan prevented all these from happening successfully, I admire him.

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2 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

I'm not Buddhist

Always keep an open mind. Explore new ideas ask questions. Thats how I survived to the age of 78. At 78 let me advice you be ready to change paths and directions as the need arises. Life has more downs than ups grab the edge of the hole and pull yourself out. Anything else I can help you with? just shout.

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Always keep an open mind. Explore new ideas ask questions. Thats how I survived to the age of 78. At 78 let me advice you be ready to change paths and directions as the need arises. Life has more downs than ups grab the edge of the hole and pull yourself out. Anything else I can help you with? just shout.

Some good advice there
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Many temples will also sell coca cola, hot dogs and ice cream... none of which is connected to Buddhist practices. The largest temple in my nearby city, they have meeting rooms, yoga classes, massage, sewing factory, a school, and a few vendors with food carts... a passing truck with fruit might stop by... 


Our local village temple hosts a market on Saturdays... 


It is not unusual for any place that hosts bus tours to have lottery sellers too... I don't think my wife would consider it any luckier to buy a ticket at a temple as she is likely to purchase by lucky number, not lucky place of purchase...


I personally have great luck with the lottery - that's because I don't waste my money on buying a ticket.. 

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Monks and numbers... one friend, a monk, used to tell people funny things when asked for the numbers... "the three legged elephant was born on Tuesday" - I think he enjoyed just jerking everyone around... 


Another forest monk once said to me, "A lady came and asked me for lottery numbers. How am I supposed to know? I am a monk." 

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Monks and numbers... one friend, a monk, used to tell people funny things when asked for the numbers... "the three legged elephant was born on Tuesday" - I think he enjoyed just jerking everyone around... 


Another forest monk once said to me, "A lady came and asked me for lottery numbers. How am I supposed to know? I am a monk." 

I like it...keep it mysterious
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Quite simple really if you had done your homework before posting OP. You would know selling Lottery tickets at a buddist temple is not a trade of against religion as Buddhism is not a religion more of a following. 

This topic is my research.

Why is Buddhism not a religion?
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8 hours ago, JJGreen said:

Why is Buddhism not a religion?



By definition, a religion requires belief in a superhuman controlling power such as a god or gods.  There is no god in Buddhism to believe in or worship, making Buddhism a philosophy, rather than a religion.

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On 10/09/2016 at 8:11 AM, JJGreen said:


This topic is my research.

Why is Buddhism not a religion?

JJ Green, If you really, really interested in Buddhism you should one day visit the Buddhist University library in Bangkok (it's next to a very old big temple, i think called wat mahathat or Wat Po, can't remember now.)

I am not sure if they allow outsider to use the library now , about 30 years ago when I went there it was ok, I could read the books there and it was free. I spent everyday about 4 hours in the library for about a week. When hungry I went down the street near the temple to eat and back again to the temple to read. A lot of the books are out of print because they are old books so you don't get them in book shops.

Even though buddhism is not a religion but it is very much misunderstood  by the Thai buddhists themselves. From what the Thai are doing I gather that they think Buddha is a God, so they pray to him asking for wealth, for good health then after praying they drove their cars in a very irresponsible manners got into serious accidents, killed someone or themselves. Yes, this is what happened, don't have to discuss or argue about it. This happens throughout the whole of the Kingdom of Thailand.

Thai government should put signboards on highways that read , "Ignorance Kills, don't be stupid enough to get killed on the highways- did Buddha tell you to ignore highways rules and get into accidents? Buddha cannot prevent accidents, you can."

Yes, this signboard will help about 30 percent of the population whose IQ is a little above the average. The rest will die in accidents. You see the accident rate yet Mr JJ Green? It's not accident , It's manslaughter in legal term.


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JJ Green, If you really, really interested in Buddhism you should one day visit the Buddhist University library in Bangkok (it's next to a very old big temple, i think called wat mahathat or Wat Po, can't remember now.)

I am not sure if they allow outsider to use the library now , about 30 years ago when I went there it was ok, I could read the books there and it was free. I spent everyday about 4 hours in the library for about a week. When hungry I went down the street near the temple to eat and back again to the temple to read. A lot of the books are out of print because they are old books so you don't get them in book shops.

Even though buddhism is not a religion but it is very much misunderstood  by the Thai buddhists themselves. From what the Thai are doing I gather that they think Buddha is a God, so they pray to him asking for wealth, for good health then after praying they drove their cars in a very irresponsible manners got into serious accidents, killed someone or themselves. Yes, this is what happened, don't have to discuss or argue about it. This happens throughout the whole of the Kingdom of Thailand.

Thai government should put signboards on highways that read , "Ignorance Kills, don't be stupid enough to get killed on the highways- did Buddha tell you to ignore highways rules and get into accidents? Buddha cannot prevent accidents, you can."

Yes, this signboard will help about 30 percent of the population whose IQ is a little above the average. The rest will die in accidents. You see the accident rate yet Mr JJ Green? It's not accident , It's manslaughter in legal term.


From lottery tickets to vehicle accident rate...its a big leap
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