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How to snare a large thai lizard ?


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A huge bang this morning against the glass sliding front door. Got up to see what on earth happened, about a 1.5m lizard trying to get in and did not understand the concept of glass

Ran off to the side of the house, and slipped under the house. Hear from the home help it uses 2 exits

How to set a trap / snare to catch them. What do they eat ? Assume meat ?

Feel like Steve Irwin now

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Yes, they love cats.  To eat.  I stayed on an island in Malaysia that had lots of these things.   The lady who ran the bungalows told me about it.  A few of her larger cats had scars from fighting them off.  I saw them in action.  Once I saw one nab a kitten and the mama cat stayed back and watched, and when the thing walked off with it mama followed it from a distance, but the mama cat didn't have her back up for a fight.  (I tried to chase it off, throwing rocks etc but it didn't phase the beast.)  The cats didn't realize they were being preyed upon, and the mama cat followed it, I guessed to see where the lizard was taking her kitty.


Supposedly these things are starting to show up in Florida.



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3 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:

Free protein! Not bad.


What would be the best economical way to cook it though?

Just leave nature alone why do we have to cook and stuff things? Must be man's nature to attack and destroy. Mother nature is slowly becoming imbalanced thanks to our desire to devour it. My doctor after a urine exam said my body was producing tooo much protein. Eat more vegetables. 

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Saw the one below on the road the other day.  I have a smaller one that lives in the foliage outside my shower window.  I love'em.  Doesn't hassle me and no doubt eliminates all sorts of undesirables.  I put a water dish out during dry spells for him.


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In Koh Phangnan 30 years ago while in bungalow a young Thai was there and gave me the Shish sign. He pulled back his slingshot and went into the jungle as fast as a Gazelle. Came back with a huge lizard. Best part when my wife tried to touch he snapped it's neck. Will never forget the look on her face

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I had iguanas in my back yard in Mexico, and boy were they fast.  I was surprised to see how close the guy was in the video to the lizard and how long the lizard stayed there.  Are they not fast like iguanas?

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if you get one of these monsters cornered, and it's spooked, and it comes at you...


which is very likely, as their natural reaction is to run up the nearest tree


You are going to be that tree!!!


Immediately throw yourself flat to the floor, and don't even attempt to run away


If it climbs you, the tree - your face will be ripped apart


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