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Clinton: 'Deplorables' comment was "grossly generalistic"


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So stupid to say something like that out loud no matter how true it is.  There are some things that should be kept to yourself when you are standing for public office.  Bit like calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, even if you think it is true, you could never say it out loud in public!

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15 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

The real Hillary finally emerges. What a deplorable person.


The truth hurts doesn't it? I find it refreshing that she has pointed out that the malicious purveyors of innuendo  and lies (e.g. "birthers") and the bigots/racists (e.g. David Duke the white supremacist) who support Trump are deplorable. They certainly are not admirable.



15 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Yet another lie!


I call it restraint. She could have been more explicit and used terms such as ignorant, racist, malicious, arrogant, selfish, hateful etc.


15 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

She regrets but doesn't apologize. 


no need to apologize as she was honest.  trump can set the example and walk back the  long list of bigoted pandering spiteful comments he has made since he started the charade.


14 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

This "Deplorables" is Clinton's 47% remark that will resonate throughout the rest of the election.


Not at all. Those who are supporting anyone but the organge coloured man with the bad comb-over,  agree.  


I find it odd that we now have all this sighing and finger pointing from supporters of a philandering crook called Trump. He calls everyone else a crook but has gamed the system  exploiting bankruptcy laws and screwing people for decades. And yet the suckers don't want to accept that they have been swindled by a  disgusting guttersnipe.


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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I am not a fan of Trump myself, but they are. I have 3 living in my building and they are not in the same family. He has plenty of non-white supporters, but the media do their best to ignore it.


Also not a fan of Hillary my self, never thought I would be voting for her.

I a founding member of United we stand worked against NAFTA, only to be defeated by the Clintons, with the foreseen results, then worked with Tsongas , Rudman , at the  Concord coalition, only to be rendered ineffective in  accomplishing the necessary bipartisanship partly by the Clintons, and yet,,,,  

 I will have to hold my nose, and vote for her. It took a Trump for that to happen and you can all thank him for it.

Trump took legitimate concerns that a segment of American society has , many of which I agree with, and turned them in to opportunistic trash.So instead of talking about these real, and important  issues we are knee deep in garbage.. I dont like Hillary and what the DNC did to Sanders, and dont tell me she did not know.,

But we are where we are and I am not about to cut my nose to spite my face.

Four years of Hillary will not ruin the country, just some more of the status quo,and then we have an other go at it. But a Trump presidency would certainly be disastrous in US policy, and reputation. 





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Clinton was right: Trump HAS lifted up the deplorable


"It is deplorable to undermine the credibility of a federal judge based on his Mexican heritage."

"It is deplorable for a candidate for president of a major party to kick off his campaign by labeling most Mexicans as rapists and murderers."
"It is deplorable when the Justice Department feels it has to sue you a second time for racial discrimination because you didn't get the hint the first time."
The Bloviator and The Deplorables.
The Gang of Hate.
Edited by iReason
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This statement is indicative of the whole problem with politics in America today.  The left sees their causes as having the moral high ground. Their views are all that count. Everyone else is seen by them to be uneducated fools who are bigoted, racist, etc. Why is it so difficult to believe that a man like Trump (who has everything) might want to help build the nation where everyone has an opportunity to rise to his or her potential?  There is no doubt that Trump is the most politically incorrect person ever to run for president, but does that really make him a racist and a bigot?  I think not.  The left is completely unable to see things in real terms and wants to believe in a fantasy world where everyone is equal and basically good.  I think those supporting Trump see things as they are and want to give people opportunity to reach their potential by creating economic conditions that might make that work.  The left only wants more programs, more handouts, and more political correctness which have only ever worked as a temporary stop gap measure.  They have now become permanent programs with millions of people now dependent on them. The left has never figured out that it's following the laws of the land and the economic engine that make America work. 

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11 minutes ago, iReason said:

Clinton was right: Trump HAS lifted up the deplorable


"It is deplorable to undermine the credibility of a federal judge based on his Mexican heritage."

"It is deplorable for a candidate for president of a major party to kick off his campaign by labeling most Mexicans as rapists and murderers."
"It is deplorable when the Justice Department feels it has to sue you a second time for racial discrimination because you didn't get the hint the first time."
The Bloviator and The Deplorables.
The Gang of Hate.


I have never found more "hate-filled" posts on TVF than yours. 


Just an observation. 

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When it comes to, "Deplorable" HRC would seem to have cornered the market.

She is a Deplorable, Loose-lipped, liar. Everything from her false claims of "coming under sniper fire" to what she did in the Benghazi fiasco and the cover-up, through to her Expunged Emails.


Not that "Trumpeter" is much better, just an ASS looking like an Elephant ! 

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16 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Big difference between "Regret" and "Apologize".

She cannot escape the label of an 'elitist' who basically looks down on anyone who doesn't share her 'world view'

Never mind Clinton; when has Trump ever shown that HE is not an elitist who looks down on anyone who doesn't share HIS worldview. 


And when is Trump going to apologize or even express  "regret" for

1) accusing Obama of lying about his birthplace, something (according to Rudy Giuliani) he knows is false

2) generalizing about Mexican migrants by calling them rapists

3) repeatedly retweeting messages from neo-Nazis and the white supremacists.

4) inviting the Russian government to spy on the US.

5) cheating thousands out of their money with Trump "University"

6) leaving all the contractors and small businesses holding unpaid bills when he declared bankruptcy of his mismanaged hotels and casinos in Atlantic city. Many of these businesses failed because of what Trump did to them.

7) accusing Ted Cruz's father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination.

8) implying no one would vote for Carly Fiorina because she has an ugly face (jeez, has he looked in the mirror lately?)

9) discriminating against black people applying to become tenants in his buildings

10) saying that John McCain was a fake hero because he got captured.


there is a much longer list but he could make a start with these.

I have friends who say they support Trump but I cannot understand how so many people cannot recognize Trump for the elitist, the  fraud,  the liar, the racist, the ignoramus, and the general a$$hole that he so clearly is.



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Trump Adviser, Son Post Image of Trump's 'Deplorables' Featuring White Nationalist Symbol

A white nationalist symbol has made its way into the latest back and forth in the 2016 presidential campaign. (sub-title)


"Amid the flurry of statements about Hillary Clinton calling "half" of Donald Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables," a reference to some of the Republican nominee's supporters who ascribe to views popular among the white nationalist-linked alt-right movement, informal Trump adviser and confidante Roger Stone tweeted a picture of the poster from the movie "The Expendables" altered as "The Deplorables."

"Donald Trump, Jr., one of Trump's sons, posted the same image on Instagram."

"The Photoshopped faces in the picture include Trump, running mate Gov. Mike Pence, Gov. Chris Christie, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Ben Carson, both of Trump's eldest sons, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, alt-right icon Milo Yiannopoulos, and Stone himself"



The Fascists and the ignorant bigots continue to climb out from under thier rocks and expose themselves.

Just like all of the Deplorable Lemmings.  :thumbsup:

Lovin' it.

The Bloviator and his equally racist spawn on display. 

The gift that keeps on giving. :lol:


P.S. At your leisure, look into the Scumbag Roger Stone.

(The "informal" Trump advisor.)  :cheesy:


Dunning Kruger.

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More of these self claimed "non-deplorable" Trump supports doing deplorable things to a protester. 


Trump Supporter Strikes Protester as Trump Decries 'Deplorables' Comment




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On 9/12/2016 at 10:11 AM, Ulysses G. said:


The whole thing is an obvious joke and the supposed "symbol" is a cartoon of a frog. Man are the lefties getting desperate! :cheesy:

Pepe the frog is a major symbol of the alt-right movement.

The alt-right movement is indeed deplorable.

It's all those things HRC was talking about.

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Hillary was right!


It's funny, right wingers, racists, and fascists think it's cool to be politically incorrect but interesting they get fake outraged and can't take when it's directing at them.



Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters were prejudiced. If anything, her numbers are too low.



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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


It's called The Biatch Factor.


Talk about your double standard. When a women says a strong comment, she is called a "biatch" (or worse). When a man says a strong comment he is "telling it like it is".


Yeah, too bad that a women would stand up and say such things. Doesn't she know her place! Gosh darn it!


Did she hurt those poor hateful men's feelings for "telling it like it is". Aw, too f*@#ing bad!

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Donald and the Deplorables. Hillary certainly nailed it. And now the ads come out whining about this and claiming millions of hard working Americans have been insulted.


Hard working eh.


Just look at all those white faces. Deplorable.



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1 hour ago, Silurian said:

When a women says a strong comment, she is called a "biatch" (or worse). When a man says a strong comment he is "telling it like it is".


Nothing wrong with stating views, no matter how harshly….Mr Trump has a penchant for this…he likes to cut to the chase.


Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, hardened, cynical, opportunistic career politician who acts all goody two shoes in public but reserves her dirty tricks for behind the scenes or sub contracts them to her staff….she slipped up this time.


Big time.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


Nothing wrong with stating views, no matter how harshly….Mr Trump has a penchant for this…he likes to cut to the chase.


Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, hardened, cynical, opportunistic career politician who acts all goody two shoes in public but reserves her dirty tricks for behind the scenes or sub contracts them to her staff….she slipped up this time.



Cool. Thanks for validating my point that strong men are okay to state things in public but strong women are best to stay quiet and compliant or be thought poorly of otherwise. 

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23 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Cool. Thanks for validating my point that strong men are okay to state things in public but strong women are best to stay quiet and compliant or be thought poorly of otherwise. 

Exactly. So many trump supporters are hard core misogynists and yes women can be misogynists too. 

Deplorable? Indeed. 

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The comment was not deplorable.

The segment of trump supporters that meet her description in the speech are deplorable.

Yes, trump is trying to spin this and say she was talking about all his supporters.

But that's a big lie ... as usual he thinks the voters are stupid.




Calling out the deplorables: After this election, bigots must go back to the political wilderness

But behind the political gamesmanship of the moment is a big question that’s been haunting the campaign for months: Exactly how much respect or deference do the rest of us owe to the extremists flocking to the Trump campaign, who have already signaled their willingness to tear down the vital institutions of democracy, including tolerance itself?




My answer -- NO RESPECT. 


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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Pepe the frog is a major symbol of the alt-right movement.

The alt-right movement is indeed deplorable.


You know a lot more about them than I do and I am conservative. It is almost like Hillary made them up to have a bogeyman for her attacks. 

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