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Are you happier & more relaxed since living in Thailand?


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59 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Do you believe someone is going to get on here and say they are not happy living in thailand, no they would not .

I happy yes to come and go , could never live here full time .

But if most man who move here are happy good on them .

Great place to come for a holiday and some fun , cheap to eat in restaurants and holiday  around thailand .

But if you want to live here remember one thing if not for your home country you would not be in thailand to day .

So the one's who want to knock there home country I have no time for them because they are  loses .


You never cease to amaze with your stupid posts.


What do you mean "Do you believe someone is going to get on here and say they are not happy living in thailand"


That's pretty much all many posters do

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No hate the place can't stand Thais come to that can't stand all these bloody foreigners here. Why can't they all go back to where they belong. Food is crap, women are ugly and bloody expensive. I have no idea why I came can't go am on overstay of 10 years can't afford bus fare to airport so I can try and blag a free ride back to where I came from. Passport was sold 11 years ago so I will just have to stay here and put up with it.


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18 minutes ago, nickmondo said:

sometimes happy, sometimes not, I am still weighing it all up.

Ok until you want something doing......then the trouble starts

Trying to survive on the roads on my Scooter (why do they call them motorcycles?)

Cant ride my bicycle due to regular dog attacks........I really dont want to keep a bloody great stick on my bike.

yes, the utilities are cheap, water cheap, accomodation cheap............but the girls drive me crazy at times.

I found out today that in their education system, they are not taught lateral thinking.........so this explains why i have to ask about ten questions to get an answer for a question that really is quite simple.......

glad i dont work here.......that would be impossible

lived in Spain for ten years before trying here.........been here a year and a half.........its fifty fifty at the moment for long term living........see how it goes after another year.....

Jj's alter ego???

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I take an afternoon nap most days at the local temple and for 100 baht there are lovely ladies who rub my feet for an hour... my worst days are far better than most of my friends good days back in the USA...


which of course means I really get no sympathy if I try and complain. 

Edited by kenk24
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33 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


You are at it again George, I don't like the last two sentences of your post, e.g. if it wasn't for our country (Australia) we wouldn't be here, sorry George, Australia has never been my country, it belongs to the indigenous people, the Aborigines, that is until Captain "bloody' Crook as my Greek/Cyprian father used to refer to him as, took it from them, yes history lesson George, yes we are Australian George, ok.


Australia got from me, and I got from from Australia, I am an Australian Citizen by birth, but do not think for one minute Australia has done me or others any favours, you have to work damn hard to survive in Australia. 


Australia has one of the highest tax rates in the world and is right up their when it comes to living expenses, no I am not referring to Melton in Melbourne, born and bred in Sydney from Greek/Cyprian parents George.


I suppose I better answer the question to the original post, YES I am much more happier and much more relaxed and less stressed in Thailand (Issan), because I don't have to put up with the draconian laws and bullshit back in Australia, I can relax by not wearing a seat belt, or picking up some speed without the fear of a red light/speed camera, radar, cop nabbing me, and the cost to raise a family in Sydney is ridiculous, unless you want to eat no names or no frills.


I recently sold a 3 bedroom 80 square metre (box) brick veneer villa in Bexley, 14 kilometres out of Sydney for $750,000, built a 6 bedroom 3 bathroom house of 300 plus square metres here of equal quality or better than in Australia for the price of one less ZERO at the end of the building cost in Australian dollars, e.g. 1.5m baht, we did very well, everything is so affordable here, it cost me to $400AUS to live here a week, try that in Sydney.


You have a different agenda George, travelling back and forth to Australia, and that's fine, Australia to me is done and dusted, any country, and Australia is about the only one that ditches its residence after 183 days with all there bullshit domicile test and makes them pay 32.5% cents in the $ tax if you earn an income from Australia, e.g. for not remaining in Australia, what the F is that, I should have the right to chose where I want to live without having to pay anything above what an Australian Citizen pays in tax, as long as I pay tax, and taking away my right to pay the Medicare Levy so that I can have access to Medicare, try getting health cover anywhere with per-existing conditions George, remember George, I am still an Australian Citizen, what the F does that mean, how does that benefit me, and I can kiss the old age pension OAP entitlements (conditional) by the way side, e.g unless I return for 2 years and prove that I intend to remain in Australia before being approved, it's plainly dishonest, we have all worked, we have all paid taxes, we are not unemployed or single mothers or have 4 wives (Sharia Law), 3 living in different addresses and getting benefits from Centrelink, and we had all been told that we would be getting a pension at 65, now 67, soon to be 70 no doubt, I didn't ask for it, but the carrot was dangled to us all, but the game plan has changed, cha-chin, more money back in the system for Centrelink ?


This could be why a lot of people remain Australian residents for tax purposes, I on the other hand (my choice) have gone the other way and have deiced to become a non resident for tax purposes, which means Australia gets nothing except 10% of any interest I earn from my current term deposits, and in less a year when they mature, Australia will get ZERO $ because the $ will be elsewhere with greater returns and no tax payable, its not a one street if you think outside the square George, imagine that, who is shafting who, chip on the old block, sure :) 


You should be directing your comments to all the scumbags on Centrelink, the dishonest ones who are fleecing it for what they can, (that is mine and other hard working peoples taxes) and the politicians who just keep wasting millions of $'s on refugees instead of taking care of their own, lets not forget their travel expense rorts, exorbitant dinners/lunches, pensions etc etc, seriously George, you should really think before you speak, don't take that as an insult, as non of the above is to be taken as a personal attack, I am just venting at your insensitivity, I owe Australia nothing, and Australia has snubbed me, because I chose to retire abroad, to have an affordable lifestyle, because it is none existent in Australia, put you million bucks in the bank George and live of the $540 a week, if you can.......please don't tell me that I shouldn't knock the country the country I was born in, last time I recall, there was a thing called freedom of speech ? 

i fully agree with you, 4myego, but i suspect the person you address here is beyond comprehending the content of your reply.

i, too, got dudded big time by the australian government...

and i have no time for uneducated bogans who made too much money digging holes in the ground!

i love my life in issan, i will never live in oz again.

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45 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


You are at it again George, I don't like the last two sentences of your post, e.g. if it wasn't for our country (Australia) we wouldn't be here, sorry George, Australia has never been my country, it belongs to the indigenous people, the Aborigines, that is until Captain "bloody' Crook as my Greek/Cyprian father used to refer to him as, took it from them, yes history lesson George, yes we are Australian George, ok.


Australia got from me, and I got from from Australia, I am an Australian Citizen by birth, but do not think for one minute Australia has done me or others any favours, you have to work damn hard to survive in Australia. 


Australia has one of the highest tax rates in the world and is right up their when it comes to living expenses, no I am not referring to Melton in Melbourne, born and bred in Sydney from Greek/Cyprian parents George.


I suppose I better answer the question to the original post, YES I am much more happier and much more relaxed and less stressed in Thailand (Issan), because I don't have to put up with the draconian laws and bullshit back in Australia, I can relax by not wearing a seat belt, or picking up some speed without the fear of a red light/speed camera, radar, cop nabbing me, and the cost to raise a family in Sydney is ridiculous, unless you want to eat no names or no frills.


I recently sold a 3 bedroom 80 square metre (box) brick veneer villa in Bexley, 14 kilometres out of Sydney for $750,000, built a 6 bedroom 3 bathroom house of 300 plus square metres here of equal quality or better than in Australia for the price of one less ZERO at the end of the building cost in Australian dollars, e.g. 1.5m baht, we did very well, everything is so affordable here, it cost me to $400AUS to live here a week, try that in Sydney.


You have a different agenda George, travelling back and forth to Australia, and that's fine, Australia to me is done and dusted, any country, and Australia is about the only one that ditches its residence after 183 days with all there bullshit domicile test and makes them pay 32.5% cents in the $ tax if you earn an income from Australia, e.g. for not remaining in Australia, what the F is that, I should have the right to chose where I want to live without having to pay anything above what an Australian Citizen pays in tax, as long as I pay tax, and taking away my right to pay the Medicare Levy so that I can have access to Medicare, try getting health cover anywhere with per-existing conditions George, remember George, I am still an Australian Citizen, what the F does that mean, how does that benefit me, and I can kiss the old age pension OAP entitlements (conditional) by the way side, e.g unless I return for 2 years and prove that I intend to remain in Australia before being approved, it's plainly dishonest, we have all worked, we have all paid taxes, we are not unemployed or single mothers or have 4 wives (Sharia Law), 3 living in different addresses and getting benefits from Centrelink, and we had all been told that we would be getting a pension at 65, now 67, soon to be 70 no doubt, I didn't ask for it, but the carrot was dangled to us all, but the game plan has changed, cha-chin, more money back in the system for Centrelink ?


This could be why a lot of people remain Australian residents for tax purposes, I on the other hand (my choice) have gone the other way and have deiced to become a non resident for tax purposes, which means Australia gets nothing except 10% of any interest I earn from my current term deposits, and in less a year when they mature, Australia will get ZERO $ because the $ will be elsewhere with greater returns and no tax payable, its not a one street if you think outside the square George, imagine that, who is shafting who, chip on the old block, sure :) 


You should be directing your comments to all the scumbags on Centrelink, the dishonest ones who are fleecing it for what they can, (that is mine and other hard working peoples taxes) and the politicians who just keep wasting millions of $'s on refugees instead of taking care of their own, lets not forget their travel expense rorts, exorbitant dinners/lunches, pensions etc etc, seriously George, you should really think before you speak, don't take that as an insult, as non of the above is to be taken as a personal attack, I am just venting at your insensitivity, I owe Australia nothing, and Australia has snubbed me, because I chose to retire abroad, to have an affordable lifestyle, because it is none existent in Australia, put you million bucks in the bank George and live of the $540 a week, if you can.......please don't tell me that I shouldn't knock the country the country I was born in, last time I recall, there was a thing called freedom of speech ? 

Read it did I say Australia , no you did .

your happy in thailand up to you did I say anything bad about thailand no I did not , but if I start on about you and why you are in thailand the bs will start again ok .


Your not  happy about Australia up to you is that you , you wanted to follow me on here in TV to be a smart you no what .

Go away ok if I give it to you about why you are in thailand you will report me and start crying like a baby.

I told you some weeks ago never ever tell people why you come to thailand and you did now I have on on you .


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28 minutes ago, manfredtillmann said:

i fully agree with you, 4myego, but i suspect the person you address here is beyond comprehending the content of your reply.

i, too, got dudded big time by the australian government...

and i have no time for uneducated bogans who made too much money digging holes in the ground!

i love my life in issan, i will never live in oz again.

you love issan life haha are you joking me .

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For me it's a bit of yes and no. In the States I lived in a very relaxing city in probably the most relaxing state in the entire Eastern US. I was a bar manager there at a large Thai restaurant and my life was pretty easy, without much stress, but I wanted something different. So I moved to Thailand and changed career paths, and it was hard for the first couple of years, spent some savings while learning the ropes, and that was stressful at times. For now my job means that I have to be based in Bangkok, which in general is a far, far more stressful place than where I lived in the States. But life is an adventure, whereas in the States it was boring. I travel around the country frequently for work and often consider moving somewhere more relaxing -- maybe Ubon, Ko Phangan, Kanchanaburi, Ko Chang, Chanthaburi or Nan -- so many great options. In any case I do need a solid 2 to 6 week break from Thailand every year, keeps me centered. It's good for the most part, but things still get under my skin occasionally, especially a lot of stereotypes associated with farang that sometimes manifest in the ways some Thais treat me. That's more annoying than stressful though. The political demonstrations in Bangkok were pretty stressful, mainly b/c it had strong negative consequences on my girlfriend's business (tourism related).

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1 hour ago, manfredtillmann said:

i fully agree with you, 4myego, but i suspect the person you address here is beyond comprehending the content of your reply.

i, too, got dudded big time by the australian government...

and i have no time for uneducated bogans who made too much money digging holes in the ground!

i love my life in issan, i will never live in oz again.


Thanks for the support manfredtillmann, I suspect you could quite possibly be correct.


Makes 2 of us, would only go back to visit my 19 year old daughter from a previous, to a Greek Princess who couldn't comprehend that there is more to life than money, mum and friends.



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1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

Read it did I say Australia , no you did .

your happy in thailand up to you did I say anything bad about thailand no I did not , but if I start on about you and why you are in thailand the bs will start again ok .


Your not  happy about Australia up to you is that you , you wanted to follow me on here in TV to be a smart you no what .

Go away ok if I give it to you about why you are in thailand you will report me and start crying like a baby.

I told you some weeks ago never ever tell people why you come to thailand and you did now I have on on you .


No you did not say Australia George, but the fact of the matter is, you are from Australia, hence the reason for my response to your insensitive comment.


I am happy in Thailand, no you did not say anything bad about Thailand, please do start about why I am here in Thailand George, what BS would you be referring too ?


I am here because I chose to be here, Australia had nothing to do with me being here, I could have been from Germany, America, etc etc, nothing to do with Australia.


I follow a few people of interest on TV George, please don't feel threatened, consider yourself a person of interest :)


Please do elaborate as to your version of why I am here in Thailand, could it be that I like my cake and eat it too ? why note, why are you here George and what keeps bringing you back here ?


George, you can tell me whatever you want too, however in a democratic society, we all have the right to chose what we want to say, without others telling us otherwise, if you feel that you have something on me, let me give you the heads up, "knock yourself out"



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1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

you love issan life haha are you joking me .


Each to their own George, I too LOVE the life here in Issan, they say if you have money and you live somewhere that is affordable, you can create all the comforts you want, with little or know interaction with falangs, some more negative than others, who couldn't possibly understand that there is life in the country, Issan is the core of Thailand.


We had a snake in the house today, now that's something you don't get back in Australia, opened the door and he made his merry way out, too bad the car didn't see him when he was crossing the road.

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No, I'm not. I'm depressed as hell. If it wasn't for the sex, cheap fags and booze I'd be on the plane home.
No, only joking, seriously I'm living the dream, living the dream. Love the place and its people to bits, be sad to leave. The longer you stay the more addicted to Los you get. I'm totally hooked. Love it.

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4 hours ago, returnofthailand said:

when you compare I can live with 300$ in Thailand, I have calculated in the USA for same life style I will need 3000$.

in the #1 country when you lose your job you are in the big dodo with no much safetynet. your savings in the USA will be gone in a few weeks resulting in a high stress level. you will probably finished by borrowing money and become a debt slave. this is what they want. let be honest, we are milk cows for the Rothschild and other bastards who run the big banks.

here in Thailand, one month work cover me for 1 year unemployed life style (room, scooter, food) . pretty much if your work 5 years in Thailand and make good money you can take your retirement, of course in the USA they don't want you to have a good life, they want you to pay and pay until you drop dead.



Ok what about if you run out of money here? What about your safety net then?

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4 hours ago, Winkburn said:

Well clearly yes. If I wasn't I would catch a plane back to Australia and not complain complain complain like others who still live here. Whinging poms come to mind

You haven't been on TV long enough... Just wait the complainers will be coming, they always do.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

No you did not say Australia George, but the fact of the matter is, you are from Australia, hence the reason for my response to your insensitive comment.


I am happy in Thailand, no you did not say anything bad about Thailand, please do start about why I am here in Thailand George, what BS would you be referring too ?


I am here because I chose to be here, Australia had nothing to do with me being here, I could have been from Germany, America, etc etc, nothing to do with Australia.


I follow a few people of interest on TV George, please don't feel threatened, consider yourself a person of interest :)


Please do elaborate as to your version of why I am here in Thailand, could it be that I like my cake and eat it too ? why note, why are you here George and what keeps bringing you back here ?


George, you can tell me whatever you want too, however in a democratic society, we all have the right to chose what we want to say, without others telling us otherwise, if you feel that you have something on me, let me give you the heads up, "knock yourself out"



You make me laugh all the time .

You are so unhappy in thailand that is why you get on here and give out your BS ok .

Like trying to tell me it cost $1,000 a week to live in Australia that is just BS .

Like you come to thailand because you like thailand not that you got suck in by the haire Losso is it .

And trying to say you have a house in thailand when western man can't own land can they.

The bs that come out of your mouth tells me all about you .

in Melbourne, born and bred in Sydney from Greek/Cyprian parents .

my dad told me about them when I was younger CYPRIAN GREEKS but I could not say on here I will get  banned forever .

That just tells me about your  personality 

your back ground.


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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

No you did not say Australia George, but the fact of the matter is, you are from Australia, hence the reason for my response to your insensitive comment.


I am happy in Thailand, no you did not say anything bad about Thailand, please do start about why I am here in Thailand George, what BS would you be referring too ?


I am here because I chose to be here, Australia had nothing to do with me being here, I could have been from Germany, America, etc etc, nothing to do with Australia.


I follow a few people of interest on TV George, please don't feel threatened, consider yourself a person of interest :)


Please do elaborate as to your version of why I am here in Thailand, could it be that I like my cake and eat it too ? why note, why are you here George and what keeps bringing you back here ?


George, you can tell me whatever you want too, however in a democratic society, we all have the right to chose what we want to say, without others telling us otherwise, if you feel that you have something on me, let me give you the heads up, "knock yourself out"



We're do you get this George from that is not my name ok ,you have that so wrong . 

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ABSOLUTELY on all fronts. Personally, socially, health, relationship etc. Additionally I work and hold a similar position that I had in the US and I can do it with virtually no stress and BS. I am more productive, work less hours and sleep well.



What he said.

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I love Thailand.  I retired from California at the ripe old age of 50 years and 20 days old, exactly.  The very next day, I was in Chiang Mai; literally the next day because I called in sick my last day of work.  After working 22 years on the graveyard shift, I got the hell out of Silicon Valley and the "rat race."  I love the sweet people and smiling faces.  The "dog eat dog" mentality was replaced my an innocence and childlike mentality.  How refreshing.  No one worries here.  Unfortunately, I had some problems with girls; I was too much of a "butterfly."  Lastly, I contracted Dengue Fever.  It really kicked my "derriere."  Although I consider Chiang Mai my home, I'm not there right now; I'm at 8,000 ft. high in the Andes of South America.  But "I shall return," and that's why I am on this website...    

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